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Ilona Yevtushenko, 41 EnCh group


 The structure of the work. The work consists of the introduction, two chapters with
conclusions to each of them, the general conclusion, references and appendices.
In the first chapter we describe the concept of phraseology and idiom, its classification;
also we gave some theoretical aspects connected with the concept of media.
In the second chapter we show how and where the idioms can be used in the media: as
titles of films and TV shows, in advertisement. And also illustrate the idioms connected
with Internet.

 The topicality of the research is determined by the increased interest to the learning
idioms which is an actual problem of modern linguistics. As the phraseology of science
emerged only in the early twentieth century, even today there are many unresolved issues
in this area. The questions of phraseology were considered by A. Seshe, O. Potebnya, and
I. Wolfius, N.M. Raevskaya, N.M. Kazakova, O. V. Kunin, V.V. Vinogradov, I.A.
Baudouin de Courtenay.

 The aim of this work is to identify different variants in the field of phraseological units
of modern English; to identify the frequency of use of English idioms in the media, their
functions and diversity.

The set aim included the following tasks:

-to explore the use and transformation of idiomatic expressions through the prism of
the media;

-to take into account the theoretical aspects of the research topic;

-to describe the main types of media where idiomatic expressions are usually used;

- to analyze the features of specified idioms.

The object of this work is phraseology which people can meet and use in different
kinds of media.
The subject of the research is the set expressions which usually appear in the media.
 The majority of linguists adhere едхір to the broad definition of the term
“phraseology” they said that it is:
1) a part of linguistics which studies phraseological structure of language.
2) the study of phraseological units (a set of expressions, phraseological units,
idioms (in foreign linguistics).
3) a set of phraseological units of a certain language;
English and British lexicographers call such units “idioms”.

 Idiom - (from the Greek idíoma - feature, originality) a combination of linguistic units,
the meaning of which is not matches the value of its constituent elements.

It is a persistent expression, the meaning of which differs from the literal meaning of
those included in its components.

They have a wide variety of structures and combinations, mostly unchangeable and
often illogical, and may not obey the main the rules of grammar.

They can be quite clear (in general; come out; at first; the root of all evil) or pretty
unclear (on end; pack it in; high and low; hard cash).

Some idioms have proper names in them (a Jack of all trades; Uncle Sam); some other
idioms are comparisons (as clear as a bell; as the crow flies).

Proverbs and sayings may also have idiomatic character (every cloud has a silver
lining; still waters run deep).

Some idioms have names for their own (handyman; Uncle Sam); some other idioms
are similes (voiced as bell; the shortest way).

 Idioms as film and TV’s shows titles.

“La La Land”. This is the name of Los Angeles, as well as too dreamy a person prone
to fantasizing фентесайзін .

“Silver Linings”. It means optimism.

“Straw Dogs” it`s something unnecessary, unimportant.

“Groundhog Day”. it means a situation that is constantly repeated.

“The shoe is on the other foot“. This idiom means that a situation has changed.
Especially when one person has been in not a very good or even bad situation and that
has changed.

“Off the hook“. (informal) Used to say that someone is no longer in trouble or a
difficult situation. That they’ve managed to avoid it. And on the other hand “To be on
the hook” means to be held responsible for something or to be obligated to do

 Idioms in advertisements. It can be:

Good Old Days Goodness: it means a time in the past when you believe life was better.
Blow your Mind Away: the original meaning of this idiom that to overwhelm someone
and to excite.
Flag a Dead Horse: to insist on talking about something that no one is interested in, or
that has already been discussed.
Think Small: means that one should have big hopes, dreams and plans for the future.
To Make a Hash of it: means reworking or restatement of already known material.
Get your Hands on: means to have, get and own something.

 Internet idioms.
Hot spot - a place in a public building where there is a computer system with an access
point, which allows people in the building with a wireless computer or Bluetooth
mobile phone to connect to a service such as the Internet.
Down time – the time a person needs to relax and recoup after hard work.
Eye candy – someone or something that is attractive to look at, but is not serious or
To unplug - to disconnect; relax by disengaging дісегейджін from normal activities.
To multitask – to do many things at the same time.
 Features of phraseology are as follows:

- they are known to most people, so informational and advertising texts containing
phraseology unit are easily perceived by speakers;

- imagery of phraseological units, their metaphorical nature has a sufficient influence on

the addressee of the message;

- transformation or modification of known phraseology necessarily attracts the attention

of the reader or listener of the message.

Research has shown that phraseology is widely used in all parts of the modern media
text: in headlines, in advertising and information blocks.

Media plays an important role in our lives, that is why the study of idioms through the
prism of the media is a very relevant topic, and due to the constant changes in both
language and media space, this topic remains unexplored to the end.

 Idioms can be found everywhere: in movies, TV shows, newspapers, advertisements, in

connection with the development of the Internet, Internet idioms began to appear. First of
all, phraseology is used to get as close as possible to the simple life of people and their
everyday speech. Idioms have great influence, as titles for movies, shows, articles, or as
the main phrases of ads. They attract attention, it's interesting, sometimes has a humorous
To summarize, phraseology is a relatively young field of linguistics, which has only
relatively recently established itself as an independent linguistic discipline. Phraseology
is common in all language areas.

It is paid a lot of time and attention. It is not just a unit of linguistics, but also an integral
part of people's lives. And only few people do not use idiomatic expressions in their
speech. Idioms include the history, lifestyle, culture of a certain nation.

 English has a long history. It is clear that during this time there were appeared a large
number of constant expressions that people use in different situations. Accordingly,
science can not pass by such a widely used and interesting phenomenon, so a special
layer of the language, called phraseology, appeared.

At present, English has reached the world level of communication and is studied and
used in many countries, including Ukraine. This encourages us to get acquainted and
delve deeper into the culture of this country through the language.

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