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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Your Excellencies the committee,

The honorable jury,
Dear my friends who participates in this speech contest,
And my loving brothers and sisters.

Hello friends, how are you today?

Are you ready to listen to my speech today?
Are you ready?

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praises be to Allah SWT, who has given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith
and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the
darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness, in the other word “Minazzhulumaati

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today i’d like to deliver my speech entitled: “Madrasah Education as a Way to

Manifest Peaceful Islam”. Madrasah is a term that refers to Islamic educational institutions that
provide formal and non-formal education based on Islamic values and principles. Madrasah
education has a long and rich history in Indonesia, since 15th century when Islam first arrived in
this archipelago.

Madrasah education has played a significant role in shaping the character, identity, and
culture of Indonesian Muslims. Madrasah education has also contributed to the development of
various fields of knowledge, such as theology, law, philosophy, literature, arts, and sciences.
Madrasah education has produced many prominent figures who have influenced the history and
society of Indonesia, such as scholars, leaders, reformers, activists, and artists.

Madrasah education is not only about imparting religious knowledge and skills, but also
about nurturing moral values and ethical behavior. Madrasah education aims to develop students
who are not only pious and devout, but also honest, brave, independent, creative, and respectful.
Madrasah education strives to instill students the spirit of tolerance, diversity, and harmony
among different faiths and cultures. Madrasah education seeks to foster in students the sense of
responsibility, solidarity, and compassion for humanity and nature.

Madrasah education is therefore a way to manifest peaceful Islam, which is the essence of
the Islamic teachings. Peaceful Islam means promotes peace within oneself, with others, and with

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let's look at one of the verses of the Qur'an in Surah Al – Anbiya: 107

“I did not send you Muhammad except to be a mercy to all the worlds”

The verse above is our inspiration, that madrasah education should be an

education that is not only a source of pride for Muslims, but also a source of inspiration
for all Indonesians who appreciate the richness and diversity of our cultural heritage.
Madrasah education is not only a challenge for Muslims, but also an opportunity for all
people in the world who want to contribute to the advancement of our civilization.

Therefore, I invite you all to support madrasah education as a way to manifest

peaceful Islam in Indonesia. To appreciate madrasah education as a way to enrich our
culture and national identity. To participate in madrasah education as a way to increase
our human resources and potential and to celebrate madrasah education as a way to
manifest our vision and mission as a nation. Say together I Love Islam, I love Madrasah, I
love Indonesia. Before closing this speech i’d like to quote from Ki hajar dewantara.
“Everywhere is a school, everyone is a teacher.

Finally ladies and gentlemen That’s all my speech , might be the time is over and i must
go from this spectacular place. I hope we’ve all learned something new from it. but before i go i
apologize for all kinds of my mistakes because nobody’s perfect. Thank for your kind

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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