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Team Quality Review (Calls)

Main Goal:

The quality of a call is a fundamental pillar in customer service and is crucial to ensure a positive
experience for the client. Determining if a call is good involves evaluating various aspects
ranging from clarity in communication to efficiency in problem-solving. A quality call is
characterized by fluid communication, informed responses, active listening, and a professional
and friendly attitude from the representative. It is essential that, during the call, the agent follows
established protocols and makes use of the tools at their disposal to offer appropriate and
effective solutions to the client. To reflect, using numbers or concise data, the quality of each
agent in relation to call handling.

Secondary Objective: Improve call quality and taking a step forward in customer service,
thereby increasing the overall quality of the work and pushing towards higher standards.

Benefits of a Quality Call:

• Truly understand the techniques and methods used by each agent during calls.
• Identify gaps in technical knowledge and communication skills.
• Determine the agent’s customer service skills.
• Use metrics as feedback and provide training or reinforce knowledge as needed.
• Reflect the good work done by the team in calls.
• Motivate agents to improve or maintain the quality with which they handle calls.

What do we want to measure in a Quality Call?

• The aim is to measure the quality of each agent in call handling. The idea is to
evaluate the quality with which each agent handles their calls. This is to reflect in the monthly
metrics not only the number of calls handled but also the quality of attention, either to reinforce
the good work being done or to receive feedback.

Specific criteria for a quality call might include aspects such as: proper greeting, clarity in
communication, active listening, effective problem resolution, proper farewell, among others.

For the measurement process, a designated "auditor" will conduct a monthly review by sampling
approximately 25% of each agent's cases. This percentage is determined based on the total
number of closed cases for each agent. An alternative way is using the following formula.

The formula for finite population sample calculation

• N is the total number of cases
• Zα= 1.96 squared (95% confidence level)
• p = expected proportion (in this case 5% = 0.05)
• q is 1 – p (in this case 1-0.05 = 0.95)
• d = precision (set at 5%).

This formula must be adapted to the number of calls per agent to obtain the sample, said
sample will be random and will include cases by phone. The idea is to obtain 3 calls by
agent, and this will be giving us the 25% of the agent’s calls. It will be measured using the
following items.

Aspect Score
Case Management
Technical Knowledge

Call Management Excellence:

This refers to how the call will be handled. The agent follows the correct procedures, depending
on the type of problem. The technical knowledge of each agent will be considered.

▪ This table will be used for each case and the score of every aspect will be depending on
the aspect the auditor is reviewing.
▪ Every aspect has a score.
▪ Some points will be found in different aspects, which means, they apply in several
aspects, understanding the importance of each one.
▪ The total points per call are added and then the total points of the entire sample or
percentage obtained are added.
▪ The initial idea is that each agent exceeds the final score of 85, giving a sense that meets
the quality expectations that we seek as a team. It could be considered that he did not pass
it but with a rating close to 85.
▪ If the agent does not pass the qualification, it will be made known to him and an
investigation will also be opened to find out what the reason is that the agent perceives.
Either lack of technical knowledge, or problems with understanding the case or handling

Call Management

The following aspects will be assessed in call management:

I. Greeting

A good greeting in a call sets the tone for the entire conversation. It is the initial
point of contact that establishes a positive and professional atmosphere. Such a
greeting is clear, courteous, and tailored to the context of the call. It often includes a
warm welcome, identification of oneself or the company, and an inquiry about the
caller’s needs or concerns. An effective greeting ensures the caller feels
acknowledged, valued, and eager to proceed with the conversation.


❖ If we do not provide CRS name to the customer. (-1 point)

❖ If we fail to greet or using an inappropriate tone of voice. (-1 point)
❖ If we do not offer assistance to the customer. (-1point)
❖ If do not thank them for call. (-1point)

II. Correct Case Classification

It is very important to classify the case into the appropriate category or type in our system. This is
going to help us in the future to identify the situation if the customer called to get and updated about.


❖ Classify the case into an incorrect category or type. (-1 point)

III. Gather Caller Information

When we maintain a conversation with the user, it will be qualified that the line of
communication is correct, that the correct information is requested, and that the
notifications or resolutions are correct. The agent should ask relevant questions to
understand the client’s issue or need better.

Important and basic information to gather:

• Obtain current phone number in case of disconnect.
• Obtain email address or verify it.
• Understand caller issue to determinate type of call.


❖ If we do not ask relevant information to understand the problem depending on the type of
situation. (-1point)
❖ If we do not

IV. Clarity in Communication

The agent should speak clearly, at an appropriate pace, communicates clearly and
ensure the message was understood from both parties. There should not be any
ambiguous or confusion.

❖ If we lack empathy (-1point)

❖ If we lack engagement with the customers issue (-1point)
❖ If we not

V. Proper Farewell (Closing)

1) Provide a resolution or an updated


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