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CA Question Bank(2mark questions)

1. Define computer organization.

2. What is binary code ?mention its types.
3. Explain steps to convert decimal integer to binary, octal with example.
4. Define bit and byte.
5. Give binary addition rule.
6. Mention the steps to do addition in 2’s complement method.
7. What are the types of binary codes?
8. What is weighted and non-weighted code? Give example
9. Give the steps to convert gray code on to binary code.
10. Write a note on binary, octal, hexa number system.
11. Write the advantages of binary code.
12. 10. Define computer architecture. Mention its types.
13. Define multiprocessor and multicomputer.
14. What is logic gate?
15. Give the symbol of NOT gate and truth table.
16. Give the symbol of OR gate and truth table.
17. Give the symbol of AND gate and truth table.
18. State De Morgan’s theorem.
19. What are universal gates?
20. What is SOP explain with an example.
21. What is POS explain with an example.
22. What is K-map?
23. Write truth table and circuit diagram for NOR gate.
24. Write truth table and circuit diagram for NAND gate.
25. Write truth table and circuit diagram for XOR gate.
26. Draw the general k-map for 2 variable inputs A and B.
27. Draw the general k-map for 3 variable inputs X, Y and Z.
28. State and prove involution law.
29. State the principals of Duality theorem.
30. Mention the basic registers in computer.
31. Define Bus in computer.
32. 28. What is flip-flop? Mention the types of flip-flop.
33. 29. Differentiate between sequential and combinational circuit.
34. What is shift registers.
35. Mention the type of shift register.
36. What is the purpose of program counter?
37. Compare encoder and decoder.
38. Define Mux and Demux.
39. What is an instruction code?
40. Define Operation code and operand.
41. Define Addressing mode and mention its types.
42. What is the purpose of program counter?
43. Mention the registers of basic computer.
44. Distinguish between hardwired control and micro programmed control.
45. write any four micro-operations.
46. write down the symbol and micro operation for logical AND, OR, NOT.
47. 42. What is primary and secondary memory? Give example.
48. Define auxiliary memory. Name few auxiliary devices.
49. s41. What is computer memory?
50. 42. What is cache memory?
51. 43. Define Hit ratio.
52. Abbreviate RISC and CISC.
53. Describe logical shift left and logical shift right.
54. Define Bus and mention its types.
55. Define secondary storage

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