Crisis For Hackathon

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You have been running your company for 5 years.

company is in the growth stage and is a well established
company in the industry. As of 2019, the corporation had 46%
of the Indian market, 30% in Sri Lanka, and 25% in
Bangladesh. It has a wide network around 2000 locations
spread across the cities of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, and other nearby nations. Additionally, it shipped
goods to the US and Europe's largest global marketplaces.
Diversification is one of the strongest reasons for international
expansion. Even though we all suffer from cross-border
economic slowdowns since we live in a global economy,
different nations are at various levels of economic growth.
Other favourable conditions like competitive rates, an
abundance of labour, and great quality, the company decided
to expand its outlets either to ease manufacturing facilities or
service provision outside of India, resulting in a significant
increase in orders from the international market.
Due to COVID-19, India went into a state of lockdown on
March 23, 2020, and it lasted till May 30, 2020. The lockout
was a big disaster which led to the halt of all economic
activity. As a result, the world economy has been badly
impacted. India's GDP growth rate decreased to 23.9 percent
in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2020–21 as a result of the
effects of the epidemic. Particularly those industries that are
focused on exports, such as leather, textiles, and garments, are
negatively impacted by this epidemic. Customers were
cancelling purchases because they did not want to purchase
the merchandise because of the COVID-19 shutdown.
Employees had no employment, and businesses were out of
order. The sector is not only experiencing a crisis on the
demand side, but also on the supply side due to its heavy
reliance on foreign country (approximately 30–40%) for raw
material imports. The supply chain dried up as a result of the
virus's breakout in a significant provider of components and
raw materials. The disruption of China's production processes
and factory closures in the supply chain have raised prices for
all of the products.
The requirement of working capital is must for any company
to run its business operations. But your company is suffering a
major problem now. Due to lack of funds in your company,
i.e. insufficient working capital, you are not able to pay
salaries to your employees properly and the employees are
also expecting the rewards for their efficiency and the yearly
increments. Employees’ being fed up are unable to work
because of lack of satisfaction towards the company's
treatment of employees. The resultant is increased employee
turnover rate which has decreased the efficiency of your
organisation because of increased dependency on employees
as the organization has become more man power oriented and
not system oriented because of less funds. And you are not
able to meet your productivity.

Due to anticipated discounts brought on by the companies'

propensity to convert the sparse foot traffic to support their
cash flows while disposing of their inventory, there has been a
little reduction in the average selling price (ASP) to clear
unsold goods. The availability of raw hides in these
businesses has caused a further decline in sales. Despite
having enough orders in hand, raw material exporters are at
risk of delaying shipments to foreign customers due to a lack
of sea containers and a staffing shortage. There is a lack of
staff since they fled to their homes out of concern about
contracting the illness.
When the lockdown was released towards the end of 2020,
sales were gradually rising. However, one of the company's
key customers was going through an economic crisis. The
corporation that had a significant unit in that country was
permanently shuttered, which caused the company to lose
market share. During the crisis, it also lost a significant
investment from that country.
A war that broke out in one of the nations that supplies the
raw materials led to the SWIFT payment restriction. This had
an influence on the production process since there were
insufficient raw materials to meet the increased demand for
the product.
The dollar rate was inflated after Federal interest rate hikes.
Before you were getting Rs.70 per dollar in exchange but now
you are getting Rs. 80 per dollar. As the fed reserve has
increased the rate, the normal demand for the product
decreases because the money which had to be spent on the
purchase of the product would be used to pay the interest of
the loans which they have taken. Due to higher prices for
imported goods, a country that imports a lot of goods may
experience higher inflation rates. This could prompt the
central bank to increase interest rates to combat inflation,
support the currency, and prevent a sharp decline in its value.
A strong currency, on the other hand, results in lower inflation
and a drag on the economy that is equivalent to restrictive
monetary policy. In reaction, a country's central bank may
decide to maintain low-interest rates or further lower them in
order to prevent the native currency from becoming overly

Resolve the above crisis with different solutions.

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