Hero's Villians HA - 1

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For many generations there lived a bountiful Kingdom far in the valleys of north .

Brimming with
the essence of life as seas of people cover each and every corner of the kingdom . Filled with
gracious smiles and joyful laughter could be seen throughout heaven. Such a magnificent place
could only be none other than the holy lands of the Kingdom Of Essempi.

The Holy lands was a gift from the heavenly gods . It was a land rich with never ending
resources and prosperous soil .

A land so fine that it just blooms all year round…But this was just a saying . It was passed down
by the ancestors to ancestors of the land over time . An old myth. No one knows if it's true or
not . Either way no one could oppose the fact that the land was Indeed milk and honey .

In this Kingdom, they have held 4 most precious treasures . An attraction one might say . They
are the 4 pillars of pride of the Kingdom and all its glory.

First was their mountains upon mountains of the richest. They had plentiful gems , jewelry ,gold
and exquisite items you could ever find.

Secondly, their delicate styles of clothing. All uniquely embroidered with the finest thread made
by the land . Distinctive outfits all unique within their own clans.

Thirdly , Music . The Kingdom of Essempi had always been a lively Kingdom. With many
performances on the streets either in broad daylight or the depths of night . Shows or busking
could be found in almost every corner .

And lastly , their most upstanding treasure– Martial Heroes . Martial heroes are outstanding
beings who would ward evil away or in this story villains . Martial heroes were treated like gods
among the people , most of them inhuman , possessing holy powers granted by the heaven's.

With the Martial heroes being praised highly and loved by all . Many supporters would build
small shrines or temples to their most devoted heroes .Praying to them for long life and good
health .Treating them as gods. Even the royals would sometimes visit them out of respect and
gratitude from the Kingdom .

Depending on the wealth of the land and the devotion the greater the shrine or temples are built
. Big detailed sculptures of the heroes are placed in the very center of the room with beautiful
illustrations decorating the four walls. A long prayer table is placed in front of the sculpture , with
offerings as well as incense sticks on the table.

With evil always lurking in the darkness no matter the time or date . Walking through the path of
demonic cultivation, causing havoc to those around them . Frights and screams could be often
heard by neighbours nearby almost every day. It usually occurs in the night too . Therefore ,
martial heroes are always on guard , no matter the situation. Also serving as a totem of warning
to the villains who reside in the area.

Luckily it just never really got uncontrollable with the daily routine . Besides a few wounded,here
and there, there were rarely any lethal injuries or deaths inflicted upon the residents and villains.

It's truly a wonder on how villians in the kingdom were able to keep being so civilized.
Statistically speaking, The Kingdom of Essempi has had the highest crime rate for about a
decade now .With the streak continuing for several years , the Kingdom has earned a truly
wonderful nickname . It was the Qi Guai Kingdom. Qi Guai means weird Kingdom, with its
bizarre myths and crazy legends the name truly suits the Kingdom .

Tommy , a young blonde hair student. Iris the color of baby blue. Wearing a white uppergarmet
with a crimson red skirt that just barely touches the floor . Small decorative braids shaped like
flowers hung on his aged wine colored sash. Hair tied neatly into a topknot with some
distinctive bangs covering his forehead and a small little sliver allium flower pendant wrapped
around his neck .

Tommy walked through a giant glamorous arch doorway with gold flakes design on the outer
rim. "Dream's office" was written in big neat calligraphy at the very top .

As he entered the room , his eyes focused on the floor as he panted slightly. He rushed here
after being called upon.

The room was filled with many art displays on the walls and various golden figures all arranged
neatly on the shelf .Bookshelves that've been collecting dust sitting in the corner of the room . A
small lamp on a desk emitting a fiery glow accompanied by the sunset hue from the windows
behind .

“Shi Fu Dream , sorry for coming late ! There were some errands I had to do for my family - at
the village below … Then I had bumped into some trouble with the stupid villagers . I hope you
can excuse my lateness this time."

Tommy stood in front of Dream looking apologetic while ranting with a hand on the hilt of his
sword , beads of sweat rolled down his upper chin to his neck . Bowing in front of Dream.

he gulped down , hopefully he doesn't get another one of those awful lectures or punishment .

Dream , a man that goes by many names . Dirty blonde hair , slender face with a sharp jawline .
Iris is the same color as acid green, almost piercing through your soul if you look at it long
enough .
Long straight hair tied into a topknot tied with a simple ribbon and a complex metal piece with
the word meng on it . He put down his brush and ink to the side as he looked up at the young

"Tommy, you're 20 minutes late. What happens if it's an emergency? It could cause a life ! You
need to take this more seriously Tommy , I've said this many times … I don't even want to know
what troubles you brought up with the commoners this time. '' Dream said in defeat.

Fingers massaging the bridge of his nose as he tries to be patient with the kid. He is his
apprentice after all .

As his Shi fu, he would have to carry the burden of responsibility and discipline of the youth
even if it wasn't what he asked for at first .

Dream was 25 years old , older than the kid by 5 years, so the differences in knowledge and
skill set was in fact very far .Even more so since Dream is one of the top famous martial heroes
by far , making up one of the members of the most prominent clan, the Meng Clan .

At first, he took Tommy in as an apprentice since he was brought up at a request by Tommy's

brother, his rival. Techno. Tommy was apparently a really big supporter when he was younger.
Though this topic was awkward to bring up now because of Tommy's egotistical personality . It
was fun to tease about it from time to time .

He had agreed to take him under his wing since Tommy did also show a lot of potential which to
be fair piqued Dream's interest. It was only afterwards he discovered Tommy's bombastic
personality, cursing like a sailor at such a fine age .

Without prior thinking he accepted Tommy as his apprentice. Now he just realized how much of
a pain it was. More effort was needed than he'd like, especially with his already bustling
schedule .

Tommy was definitely a handful to take care of , but at least his determination never failed to
impress. He was like a gem in the dirt . But the gem had rough edges, never having the place to
properly learn .

Dream quickly dispersed the flash back and brought his attention back to Tommy who was still
looking like a messy wreck.

"Tommy, stand up . We are going for a trip to visit the south east mountain village .

Karl from the soldier department just informed me that there are some villains who are causing a
ruckus there." Dream said , then picking his long wooden brush up and continued writing his
daily report .
" Also go take a shower first , you look like you're in shambles right now" Dream spoke in a hush
mellow tone under his breath and looked back up to a scoffing Tommy rolling his eyes only back
down continuing his work.

"Alright alright, I'll go take a soak and be right back" Tommy spoke back with an imitating tone .

After getting dismissed from the office , Tommy went towards his chambers and took a short
bath . Cleaning his face and putting on some cleaner robes . Brushing his tangled hair to make
it presentable , combing the loose strands .

He then grabbed his red jaded sword and a pocket knife strap on his leg for insurance. After he
was all set, he checked in front of the full body mirror numerous times before he left the room
without a word .

Walking towards Dream's office through the hallways . Left and right and right again . Having to
memorise the way to Dream's office from before. Since Dream's house was like a maze,
making Tommy's head spin while getting lost most of the time .

It took him months to find his way around the estate when he first joined as Dream's apprentice ,
still asking directions from time to time from the servants .


Upon reaching the giant golden door once more , Tommy knocked on it a few times . Waiting for
a response from Dream but it was never delivered as the room fell silent .

He decided to ignore his manners and pushed open the door instead , but to his surprise no one
was in the room in the first place .

The candle lit lamp has been distinguished and the long emerald green curtains untied ,
covering the mountain views behind leaving the room deserted with barely any light.

Tommy scratches his head in confusion . Was he supposed to go somewhere else to meet up?
Or maybe this is another one of those awful tests ! Tommy scrunch up his nose as he grumbles
at the thought .

Throughout the time of being Dream's apprentice, he would be given tasks or tests to

Some are more noticeable than others . Right now he felt lost , clueless to know if it's an actual
test or a genuine problem . Frustration slowly creeps into his mind , he paces around the room
back and forth. Emitting stomping noise from the room with a hand at a thinking position. Maybe
there is more than meets the eyes.
Tommy began to search for the scrolls or some sort of clue indicating where he went . Maybe a
note left behind.

Not long past, the slight light that travels through the holes of the closed curtain is now
completely gone, leaving the room to be covered with the cold darkness. Not bothered by the
lack of light, Tommy sighs .

Nothing…. he couldn't find anything, as he stomps around like a childish child . What a pain in
the ass, he thought .

Only if he had just opened his mouth to ask the time of departure and meet up maybe he would
have known the reason for Dream not being here .

Nevermind that, he didn't even know what most of the scrolls were written , it seems to be some
kind of old ancestry dialect or another language. Not interested in its scribble for words or
learning what it says ,he just arranged it back to its original place without searching any further .

Afraid the next time Dream enters the room to only be met with stack upon stacks of paper
scrolls everywhere on the ground and desk. That surely will be a problem.

Tommy soon put his train of thought down and decided to take a rest, eyes wandered at the
very comfy looking wooden chair behind the desk. As he raises one of his eyebrows.

Without a single thought in his mind , he strolls behind the chair to only plot himself down on it.
Legs wide open ,placed on the table with both arms on either side of the arm rest .

Feeling very comfortable.

Him doing this was probably not advisable or mannered of him at all .But did Tommy care for
such mannerisms? Yes, he actually did but the kid just went with the flow of his body as it lays
limp .

The wooden chair was sculpted heavily with many very fine details from head to toe . With a
small cushion accompanying, giving support to the sitter. The chair was no doubtely made by a
prestigious wood craftsman . It just exploded rich all over it . Not only this particular chair but the
whole estate screams rich .

Dream sure was a rich bastard , even Tommy couldn't help but to look up at Dream in disgust
sometimes . But was always reminded that he was a genuine good person he adores so very
much . A martial hero who'd saved days and people's lives with a smile .

Sometimes in the estate, Tommy would be staring at certains luxury items, mostly those covered
in gold, only because he couldn't help but to stare.
It was a little habit of his . Most people will think that maybe Tommy was planning to steal it
unless they knew him personally . Giving people mixed signals causing trouble .

Whenever in trouble , Dream would always have to back him up . Sadly even though people
trust the Martial Hero very much they never believed his apprentice one .

Some shameless rumors even spread like wildfire around him . Though mostly untrue , it could
really hurt one status . Luckily the bright boy mischievous never seems to falter, always carrying
a bring grin anywhere . So the rumours didn't really bother him .

From that point on , Tommy was like the walking target on the villagers back , always getting
picked on . No one dare ti picked on the guy more than a few swears tho .

Suddenly , light footsteps could be heard from the otherside of the door . The door was then
abruptly pushed open with a loud creaking sound. A person who seemed high status appeared
at the door, wearing emerald green outer garments with gold vambraces on his wrist and arms
,the robe was embroidered with gold leaves and a signature smile too. Long golden chains
attach with a white small pouch hanging from his sash that chimes whenever he walks. Body
properly straight as an arm placed behind his back holding a white smiley mask in hand and the
other holding a fan . It was Dream !

Tommy's entire body freezes, swiftly standing up and patting down his dress , as he smiles
awkwardly . Facing Dream's motionless face who'd leaned against the doorway with his lanky
body .

"I'm gonna be honest , I never expected for you to be ready in an hour, you normally took your
sweet time when we do outings " Dream said as he raised an eyebrow chuckling to himself .

"Why the sudden change in behaviour hmm?"

He walked in the room, standing next to Tommy as he inspected his desk that was looking fairly
normal. Expression still motionless or unaffected by Tommy's odd behaviour. A smile suddenly
appeared on Dream's face, it felt heartwarming like a parent happy to have seen their child after
only so long , longing for them.

A sudden weight was suddenly placed on his shoulder. Tommy would be lying if he said he
didn't jerk away from the touch at first . His mind only registered Dream being the only person in
the room with him . Though out of character for him , Tommy didn't think much about it .
Brushing it off.

"Let's go now , our ride is waiting for us." Dream said with a smile , leading Tommy the way out
of his office, locking the imperial door with a click .
Not long after , the air that surrounded them thickened. Dream's kind heartwarming smile
turned to something eerie .

"Tommy, you're forbidden from going behind the desk from now on. I hope you won't do so
again and please refrain from getting handsy with the scrolls" a scratchy hush tone was heard.
A fake smile was now plastered on Dream's face .

The room around them also seems to have dropped in temperature. Sending chills down
Tommy's body , he could practically hear his thumping heart loudly from his ears. The hand on
his shoulder had been long gone but somehow he could feel a tight grip on his shoulder still.

"Don't think I didn't see through you Tommy , I'm very familiar with your patterns and behaviour "
He said in a hush tone again .

Walking along the dim lighted halls. Tommy stayed a few steps behind Dream, feeling shaken
up by the earlier accusation.

How did Dream know I touched his scrolls? Was his instinct that on point ? Did I give it away
that bad? These questions kept on repeating in his mind over and over . But the one question
that stood out the most was that…. Why did he specifically tell him to get away from the scrolls?

Is Dream hiding something? Tommy's curiosity only grew and grew . He couldn't wait to get
back from the expedition to begin investigating now .

After an incense time( an incense time is around 5-10mins ), the air around them was less
suffocating. Reaching the outside meeting the night blue sky, the star seems to be hiding
leaving the sky a void .

In front of them was an impressive golden carriage and six steeds pulling it, they were all set
upon request by Dream's attendance.

Callahan , a man adorning heavy leather shoulder pads and some chest armor .Black robes
with some red white highlights and a cobalt blue sash with some silver vambraces . Reins in
hand .Ready to go . Callahan was one of Dream's most trusted servants. He was also one of
Dream's childhood friends from when he was really little .

He is very quiet though almost mute , most of the time he would just nod or tilt his head
whenever someone tries to start a conversation with him .

Dream stepped on the carriage and pulled out a white mask that only covered his eyes ,
wearing it . The mask had some gold sparkles and neon green sparkles with the most
noticeable smiling face on it . It was a disguise so that no one would be able to recognise him
whenever out saving the day .
All Martial heroes keep their identity hidden so they could still have a normal life even after
retiring. They would wear something to hide their face or at least change their features to
something else less noticeable, they even planted code names for themselves . As For
Dream's code name is "Smiles", matching his disguise, pretty ironic isn't it .Tommy was just
perplexed, why a smile ? It's such a basic regular thing how boring. He doesn't know honestly.

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