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Table of Contents
I. Introduction 3

II. Project lifecycle 4

III. What is project management plan ? 5

IV. Research methods and strategies 8

V. Data collection

VI. Work breakdown structure 12

VII. Conclusion 13

VIII. Reference list 14

I. Introduction
In this contemporary society, it can be said that the blooming of severe Covid-19
largely impacts our lives. There is no doubt that the pandemic almost petrified the
global economy, so to overcome unforeseen circumstances, a myriad of businesses set
up innovation not only in product, service but also in the working environment for
employees, thereby paving the way for workplace transformation.
Workplace transformation is re-organizing flexible work structure to adapt with
unintended consequences, events like the presence of Covid 19.
As an assistant in the professional development of Perfect Media Hanoi, I am
responsible for a small-scale project which disset the topic about “ workplace
transformation in the period of Covid-19. At the outset, this report consists of needed
components for developing a project effectively and their theories such as project
lifecycle, literature review, and so on. Most importantly, my report is all around the
main issue:
“ How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the workplace transformation ? “

II. Project Lifecycle
First of all, the report demonstrates theories about the project lifecycle. A project life cycle
provides information on how a project can be constituted and developed.
The project lifecycle plays a paramount place in making a quality project. Firstly, it
absolutely does wonders for structuring projects by dividing them into small pieces, thereby
making it easier to understand. As a result, employees can keep track of processes and better
manage projects while the outcome can be ensured to be done successfully.
Besides, many researchers have brought out to find out what perks are with a good structure,
tasks, schedule, approach can be clearly presented, which helps in higher performance and
work quality because employees know what to do and how to do in such an effective way. It
is also a chance for managers to supervising and motivating staff thanks to
As well as that, a tool for strategizing work can exert a positive impact on dealing with risks
and ensuring the best outcome, so expenses can be controlled, even in unintended
It undergoes a series of steps from conceptualization to termination.
● Conceptualization : It is the process of negotiating with key stakeholders about
identifying goals and technical specifications. ( importance to success )
● Planning : This step demonstrates how the project is actualized through putting
forward plans, schedules.
● Execution : Project handlers start processing and implementing given strategies, plans
and so on.
● Termination: Project, after being passed to the client, is completed. Moreover,
resources must be reallocated.

● Conceptualization : Project managers in this stage sign with key stakeholders like top
management to have acceptance and comprehending goals about investigating
workplace transformation that they desire to get.
● Planning : Project managers are in charge of systemizing tasks required to complete
the project from selecting organizations to how to set up questionnaires about
workplace changes to survey effectively.
● Execution: Project handlers start open interviews and surveys using questionnaires to
collect data from chosen business participants.
● Termination : Finally, the project would be transferred and presented to top
management. It also means that the project is officially closed.

III. What is project management plan ?
A Project Management Plan (PMP) is a document that specifies how a project will be
carried out. (Nediger, 2020)
To develop an effective Project Management Plan, researchers need to take revelants
factors into consideration. First and foremost, an impeccable component for a PMP consists
of aim, objectives, scope, and so on. As a result, this report delves into each factor,
➢ Aim : What is to be achieved
➢ Goal : Desired results
➢ Objectives : How to accomplish the aims through detailed work division

Aim Dissect “ How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the workplace
transformation ? “

Goal The business researches at least 5 large organizations which have significant
changes in revenues, profit, influence, and so on in Covid 19. These factors
partly embody how the workplace changed to adapt the condition of Covid-19.

Objective 1. Gather and identify large companies

2. Data collection and analysis about changes through public information
like revenues
3. Set up negotiations to top management to require a group of employees
as participants
4. Open surveys and interviews

Moreover, we need to direct special attention to project scope which includes deliverables
and work. At the outset, project scope is a detailed outline of all project features, including all
relevant work , timelines, quality, resources, cost, communication, risk, and deliverables.
Effective project scope management indicates a clear picture of the project's time, resource
and other elements. It aids in distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant requirements for
the project's completion leading to more remarkable performance. In project management,
scope also creates the project's control to clarify and overcome variables that may change
over the project's life cycle. Moreover, building a project scope provides managers the chance
to meet deadlines on time.
➢ Project deliverables : Projects create deliverables. A deliverable is a component of
output produced as part of a project scope. It is the product of objective-focused work
completed during the project process.
➢ Project work : total amount of work that needs to be implemented to produce
Apart from that, a set of project management plans is equally important to the project. These
consist of :

1. Plan project time management : is a tool and technique applied for managing time.
Excellent time planning definitely goes through 2 main steps: planning and defining
activities meticulously. Planning schedule concerns how to create, develop, track and
manage project schedules. Next, project managers should characterize activities
including sequence activities and activity durations which helps in developing a certain
and definite project schedule.
Example: Gantt chart

2. Plan cost management : is a tool of producing financial planning, policies, rules of a

budget. It directly impacts on the operation of the project due to the fact that inadequate
budget assigning jeopardizes the implementability, even the work output. Undeniably,
it takes full advantage of tracking and controlling the budget division, thereby ensuring
effectiveness of the project’s finance.
No Scope of work Description of cost Estimated cost

1 Surveying Cost for gathering participants campaign 5.000.000 VND

3. Quality Plan Management: ensures that the deliverables satisfy the requirement and
project objectives of assigned parties. Moreover, work efficiency plays an
indispensable role in quality planning.
No Deliverables Quality Planning

1 Performance Invited respondents need to revise and critically think

before answering. Moreover, taking notes is suggested.

4. Plan resource management: We need to assign needed resources for each activity
such as equipment, budgets, etc in order to accomplish the best output.
No Deliverables Resource used Description

1 Sampling Business staff, managers, Sampling process requires a

equipment, questionnaires, etc certain amount of business
staff and managers. Equipment
such as computers can be
applied in the collecting data
process. Researcher in survey
or interview need to use
questionnaire to access to
quality information as well as
make it easier to respondents
to follow.

5. Plan communication management: Communication plans are about what types of
information you will convey, who will get it, which way to communicate, and the
timing of its transfer.
No Description Who When Why How

1 Invitations Selected 10th Sent an Email

businesses February to invitation to
10th April top
to get their

6. Plan risk management :

Project risk can be said to be an intended and unpredictable occurrence or circumstance
that if it happens, it has impact on project objectives like budget cuts. Project risk during
operation is usually inevitable, so plan risk management is a method to deal with these
Plan risk management experiences a process from planning, identifying to solving in the
final. Plan risk management is a step of creating a risk controlling plan for a project.
Subsequently, every possible risk which may affect the operation of the project will be
taken into consideration and analyzed. Lastly, most necessarily, we need to put forward
solutions to alleviate and deal with threats to project objectives.
No Type of risk Description How it can Impact How to
of risk happen potential control

1 Quality risk A large Unintended High Plan a

amount of events occurs number of
respondents back-up
can not take respondents
part in

IV. Research methods and strategies
1. Literature review
Literature review is an overview of published information specialized in the topic area. It
provides you easier access to gather and do an autopsy on available theories, methods in both
current and previous research.
Its importance to project management can be undeniable on the following grounds:
- It keeps you up-to-date with existing theories.
- It sets an excellent basis for your research : summarizes information, thereby giving
you a better overview when research
- It helps in cutting time when your conducting time is limited
- It sheds light on collected information by presenting merits, demerits, standpoints and
so on which take full advantage for your further research and revising available areas.
The literature review undergoes four steps:
1. Choose a topic
2. Search for the literature
3. Dissect the literature
4. Write an overview ( evaluate )

2. Research strategies
Research strategy is a step-by-step plan that provides guidelines allowing a researcher to
implement research systematically and on schedule to reach quality outcomes and detailed
reporting. (Jenny, 2014)
Research strategies consist of :
- Experiment : investigate the possibility of variables making a change.
- Survey : is an ubiquitous tool of gathering, sampling, analyzing, and interpreting data
from a group of people through questionnaires.
Case study : an in-depth investigation of a single case
- Action Research : is the process of producing solutions and recommendations to
practical business cases.
- Interview : is the most common method for collecting and sampling quality data.

3. Research methods:
Qualitative methods and quantitative methods are the most prevalent methods in researching.

Factor Qualitative methods Quantitative methods Mixed methods

Meaning This technique is It involves the collection It is a combination of

commonly used when to of primary or secondary both qualitative and
comprehend and analyze data which is in numerical quantitative methods.
the perspective of the form.
people on certain facts or a

Purpose Provide information Test and revise existing Increased
chiefly from respondents’ research and theories understanding,
experiences triangulation, and

Methods Open ended questions, Close ended questions, Mixed methods from
interviews, etc questionnaires, polls, etc both approaches

Analysis Set focus on credibility, Validity, reliability, and Practices from both
authenticity and generalisability of finding qualitative and
trustworthiness is the most important quantitative methods
component to dissect

V. Data collection
1. Types of data
Primary data Secondary data

Definition Primary data is a collection of Secondary data is existing data

information recorded by the gathered by previous research

Purpose Present a current research problem Can present both previous and
current research problem

Data Real-time data Previous data

Source physical testing, experiments, government publications, books,

questionnaires, surveys, etc records, etc

Characteristic 1. Long process 1. Quick and easy process

2. More practical and accurate 2. Less accurate
because it links more to 3. Economical-efficiency
current research
3. Expensive cost

2. Sampling
Whether to survey every participant in a group to collect data can be considered to have no
practical and implementability. Therefore, sampling is an approach that provides researchers
a chance to collect data from a subset of the population instead of the whole, which is
conducive to access quality information and reduce the workload. (QuestionPro, n.d.)
● Sampling approach :

- Probability sampling : is a sampling technique allowing a researcher to set a
comprehensive sampling frame and select subsets of a population randomly. All the
members have an equal chance to be chosen. (QuestionPro, n.d.)
- Non-probability sampling : In non-probability sampling, no proposed sampling frame
means that there is almost no chance for the population to be chosen while the
researcher randomly selects members.

VI. Work breakdown structure
1. Work breakdown structure
Definition : The WBS is a tool visualizing all the required work then dividing them into small
deliverables, which enables them to keep track of work as well as ensure the work
Role :
1. Clarify project objectives
2. Creates a project organization plan.
3. Develops reasoning for tracking costs, timelines, and performance standards.
4. Communicates project status
5. Improves project communication
6. Displays control structure

2. Gantt chart
Definition : a commonly time-phased depiction of a project. It is a horizontal diagram that
demonstrates work activities operated against time from start date to finish date. (Michael G,
Role :
1. Simple to understand
2. Determine the basic network schedule
3. Allow for control and updating
4. Determine resource requirements
5. Simple to make

VII. Conclusion
In recapitulation, I am convinced that every factor and requirement from scope to work
breakdown structure play an indispensable role in creating an effective project management
plan. Numerous experts, as well as myself, believe that our report clearly present theories
about project lifecycle, factors and methods required to compile a project as well as their
application in our real case which is “ workplace transformation in Covid-19 “

VIII. Reference list
GRANT, M., 2021. Gantt Chart. [online] Investopedia. Available at:
<> [Accessed 10 April 2022].

Jenny, 2014. Phase #2: Clearly Define Your Research Strategy - MacKenzie Corporation.
[online] MacKenzie Corporation. Available at: <
%20results%20and%20detailed%20reporting.> [Accessed 9 April 2022].

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2020. Literature Reviews –
The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 April 2022]. n.d. Methods of sampling from a population | Health Knowledge.

[online] Available at: <
methods/1a-epidemiology/methods-of-sampling-population> [Accessed 8 April 2022].
Nediger, M., 2020. How to Write a Project Management Plan [+ Examples] - Venngage.
[online] Venngage. Available at: <>
[Accessed 8 April 2022].

QuestionPro. n.d. Types of Sampling: Sampling Methods with Examples | QuestionPro.

[online] Available at: <
research/> [Accessed 10 April 2022].

Understanding different research perspectives. n.d. Understanding different research

perspectives. [online] Available at:
perspectives/content-section-6> [Accessed 8 April 2022].

The Royal Literary Fund. 2021. What is a literature review?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 8 April 2022].

QuestionPro. n.d. What is Research - Definition, Types, Methods & Examples. [online]
Available at: <> [Accessed 9 April 2022].

projectmanagers. n.d. Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS). [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 8 April


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