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The Big Bang Theory IGNEOUS ROCKS
 Early part of the 1900s Ignis= Fire. 2 TYPES
 This theory have maintained that, between 13 billion 1. INTRUSIVE/PLUTONIC
and 15 billion years ago, all the matter found in the  Granite
universe today was found in a small space, a tiny  Gabbro- Black Granite
contact point. 2. EXTRUSIVE/VOLCANIC
 According to this theory, matter and energy were the  Basalt- dark colored, hard, fine grained and
same back then. w high specific gravity.
 Seconds after the explosion, the fireball that  Obsidian- Dark colored but glossy, No
emerged ejected matter/energy at high velocities, Crystals, Used for weapons and Tools.
which approached the speed of light.  Pumice- Light Colored, Small air holes, Light
 The supposition of this movement came in 1929 weight.
when the astronomer Edwin Hubble.  Scoria- Dark Colored, Big Air holes, heavy.
 He announced that all of the galaxies that he was
studying are moving further and further away from SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
us, at speeds that amount of several thousand miles
per second. Weathering Process. 3 MAIN TYPES
The Steady State Theory 2. CHEMICAL
 Arose in the 1940s.  CONGLOMERATE- Made of pebbles, pieces of gravel
 The scientist who proposed this hypothesis was Fred cemented together, Formed along beaches and at the foot of
Hoyle the mountain.
 Who believed the universe was governed by two  SANDSTONES- Made of sand grains, Composed mainly of
principles: the cosmological principle and the mineral quartz. Medium weight and appear shiny and
perfect cosmological principle. FRED HOYLE. generally rough.
 Under this theory, stars and galaxies change, but the  SHALE- Made up of layers of mud and chemical mixed with
universe remains the same as a whole. fine sand, organic matter, iron oxide and other impurities.
 Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, but only  LIMESTONE- Made mostly of calcium carbonate came from
transformed into new forms- such as energy or as a dead organisms. Gray in color and heavy.
different form of matter.
 This theory, however, fails in one significant way: the METAMORPHIC ROCKS
average age of stars should be approximately the Pressure. Meta(Change), Morph(Form) 2 types
same if matter is continuously created everywhere. 1. NON-FOLIATED- Formed from igneous intrusive when
the rocks are heated by intrusion it results in
The Earth’s Internal recrystallization of the minerals withing the rock.
 MARBLE- Fr. Limestone (Parent Rock)
 The size of the earth is about 12,750 kilometers Considered as the most beautiful rock.
in diameter.  QUARTZITE- Fr. Sandstone Very hard and
 This was known by the Ancient Greeks. Durable.
 The 20th century that scientists were able to be 2. Foliated- Formed Within Earth’s interior under extremely
sure that the planet is made up of three layers: high Temperature and unequal pressure.
the crust, the mantle, and the core.  SLATE- Fr. Shale Fine Grained, frequently gray in
 SERPUNTINE- Fr. Basalt light or dark green.
 GNEISS- Fr. Conglomerate often contains
feldspar or quartz. Coarse grained
I. Key Characteristics of the Earth’s The Atmosphere
 Divided into 6 layers according to altitude
a. Origin and Structure of the
 Exosphere: (500 km above the eath), this is where
the atmosphere merges with space.
II. The Subsystems of the Earth
 Thermosphere: (90 km above the earth), this is
a. The Atmosphere
where the space shuttles orbit.
b. The Geosphere
 Mesosphere: (50-90 km above the eath), this is
III. Formation of the Universe and Solar
where meteors burn.
 Stratosphere: (12-50 km above the earth), this is
IV. The Big Bang Theory
where the air is stable and is good for planes and
V. The Steady State Theory
jets to fly in.
VI. The Earth’s Internal Structure
 Tropopause: (11-12 km above the earth).
KEY CHRACTERISTICS OF  Troposphere (0-11 km above the eath), the is the
“mixing layer,” all the weather is limited to this layer.
 There are two magnetic fields in the earth which
repels solar wind and protects the earth from solar
radiation The Geosphere
 The atmosphere of the earth is stratified, which
 The crust is the outermost “skin” of the earth and
means that it is made up of mainly nitrogen and
has various thicknesses. The thickest is under the
mountain ranges, and the thinnest is under the mid-
 The eath is made up of a variety of minerals, melts, ocean ridges.
fluids, gases, and volatiles, which were all left behind
 There are two types of crust: the continental crust
after the solar system was created.
and the oceanic crust
 The earth has layers: a crust, a mantle, and a metallic
 Oxygen is the most abundant element in the crust
 The mantle is a solid rock layer between the core
 The earth can be divided into an outer lithosphere
and the crust
Origin and Structure of the  The flow in the outer core creates the earth’s
magnetic field.
 The creation of the earth is thought to be directly  The inner core is made of solid nickel, iron alloy
linked with the creation of the sun. It has a radius of 1,220 km.
 In the beginning the center of the earth was
composed of iron and silicates, along with materials Formation of the Universe and Solar
that were radioactive. System
 iron is heavier, it sank towards the center. This  Formed about 4.6 billion years ago.
became the core. the sun was formed:
1. There was a spinning disk in space.
The Subsystems of the 2. As gas collected in the center of this spinning
 The earth has subsystems that consist of the disk, a “protosun” was created.
geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and 3. Molecules in the protosun collided with each
biosphere. other, which caused heat to form.
 The biosphere is made up of living organisms, such 4. The heat and violent clashes between
as plants and animals. molecules allowed the creation of nuclear
 The geosphere or also called the lithosphere, is made reactions, which turned the protosun into a
up of the physical earth, such as rocks, magma, and star.
 The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds the
eath. It protects the earth from solar rays.
 The hydrosphere, on the other hand, is made up of
all the water held on earth.

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