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Project proposal form

TITLE: Password manager

Team members-
Student 1 – Chakshu [2820411]
Student 2 – Asmit Mishra [2820425]

Please describe the type of system being developed.

Password manager:
A password manager is a specialized software application designed to securely store, manage, and
retrieve passwords and other sensitive login information. Its primary purpose is to enhance security
and user convenience by generating strong, unique passwords for various online accounts and
providing a secure repository for storing them. Password manager systems typically include the
following key features:

Password Storage: The system securely stores usernames, passwords, and associated account
information for a user's various online accounts, such as email, social media, banking, and more.

Password Generation: It can generate complex, random, and strong passwords for users, reducing
the risk of weak or reused passwords.

Password Encryption: To ensure security, passwords are encrypted and protected with robust
encryption algorithms. Only the user with the master password can access the stored credentials.

Auto-fill and Auto-login: Password managers often offer browser extensions or integration with
apps to automatically fill in login credentials when users visit websites or launch applications.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Many password managers are available on multiple platforms,

including desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux), mobile (iOS, Android), and browser extensions.

Password Auditing: Some password managers include features to analyze the strength and security
of existing passwords, prompting users to update weak or compromised ones.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Support: They may support 2FA, adding an extra layer of
security when accessing the password manager itself.
Password Sharing: Advanced password managers allow secure sharing of passwords with trusted
individuals or team members, often with customizable permissions.

Backup and Sync: They provide options to back up password data securely and sync it across
devices to ensure accessibility and data recovery.

Security Features: Password manager systems employ security best practices, like encryption,
secure key storage, and measures to protect against brute force attacks.

User-friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface simplifies the process of adding, managing, and
accessing passwords, making it easy for users to adopt secure practices.

In summary, a password manager system is a critical tool for individuals and organizations to
enhance cybersecurity by securely managing and protecting the multitude of passwords required in
today's digital world. It balances security and convenience, helping users create and maintain strong,
unique passwords while minimizing the risk of data breaches due to weak or compromised

Who is system being developed for?

The password manager system is being developed for individuals and organizations seeking a secure
and convenient solution to manage their login credentials and enhance online security

Why is such a system required?

The password manager system is being developed for individuals and organizations who want to
securely manage and store their login credentials for various online accounts and services.

What will be the main challenge in building the system?

The main challenge in building a password manager system lies in ensuring the highest level of
security for stored credentials. This involves implementing strong encryption, safeguarding against
potential vulnerabilities, and protecting against unauthorized access, as any breach in security could
compromise users' sensitive information. Additionally, designing a user-friendly interface while
maintaining robust security is a balancing act that developers must carefully navigate.

What functionalities we will cover in project? (mention as core,

enhanced and special functionalities).
In password manager project, we can categorize functionalities into core, enhanced, and special
functionalities as follows:

Core Functionalities:

Password Storage: Securely store login credentials for various accounts.

Password Encryption: Encrypt stored passwords to ensure data security.

Password Retrieval: Easily retrieve passwords when needed.

Password Generation: Generate strong, unique passwords for users.

User Authentication: Implement a secure login mechanism with a master password.

Cross-Platform Support: Ensure compatibility across different devices and platforms.

Enhanced Functionalities:

Auto-fill and Auto-login: Automatically populate login forms and login users when visiting websites.

Password Auditing: Assess the strength of stored passwords and suggest improvements.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Support: Add an extra layer of security for accessing the password

Backup and Sync: Provide secure backup options and synchronization across devices.

Password Sharing: Allow secure sharing of passwords with trusted contacts.

Password Organization: Enable users to categorize and label stored credentials for easy

Special Functionalities:

Biometric Authentication: Implement biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint or face recognition)

for added convenience.

Emergency Access: Create a mechanism for users to grant access to trusted individuals in case of

Password History: Maintain a history of password changes to facilitate recovery.

Password Expiry Reminders: Notify users to update passwords at regular intervals.

Secure Notes: Allow users to store additional secure notes or sensitive information.

Password Import/Export: Enable users to import existing passwords and export data for backup.

Dark Web Monitoring: Offer a feature to monitor whether stored credentials appear on the dark

Security Alerts: Notify users of potential security breaches or vulnerabilities related to their stored

These functionalities collectively provide users with a comprehensive password management

solution that balances security, convenience, and user-friendly features

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