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Helpful Observations - 1

1 Remainder when a number 'N' is divided by another number 'x', can be found using the divisibility rule for 'x'.

e.g. If N = 7096, remainders when 'N' is divided by various numbers can be found as follows:
Group - 1 (2, 4, & 8):
(7096) 6
• Rem = Rem(unit digit is divided by 2) = Rem = 0
2 2
(7096) 96
• Rem = Rem(last 2 digits is divided by 4) = Rem =0
4 4
(7096) 096
• Rem = Rem(last 3 digits is divided by 8) = Rem =0
8 8
Group - 2 (3 & 9):
7096 7+0+9+6
• Rem ( ) = Rem (sum of its digits is divided by 3) = Rem ( ) = 1.
3 3
7096 7+0+9+6
• Rem ( ) = Rem (sum of its digits is divided by 9) = Rem ( ) = 4.
9 9
Group - 3 (5 & 10):
7096 6
• Rem ( ) = Rem (when its units digit is divided by 5 ) = Rem ( ) = 1.
5 5 Note
7096 6 • For 6 & 11, the above rules NOT applied
• Rem ( ) = Rem (when its units digit is divided by 10 ) = Rem ( ) = 6.
10 10

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Helpful Observations - 2

2 Any integer ≥ 0 can be represented in terms of any divisor > 0 in the form of a remainder equation.

• 136
o 136 = 5 × 27 + 1. 5 as a divisor
o 136 = 6 × 22 + 4. 6 as a divisor
• 273
o 273 = 5 × 54 + 3 5 as a divisor
o 273 = 6 × 45 + 3 6 as a divisor

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Helpful Observations - 3
3 Sum of 'n' consecutive numbers is divisible by 'n' only if 'n' is odd, where 'n' is a positive integer.

• Sum of 3 consecutive numbers = 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 (Divisible by 3)
• Sum of 4 consecutive numbers = 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 = 42 (NOT divisible by 4)

• Numbers should start from 1 only : NOT important.
• If 'n' = even, the sum of 'n' consecutive numbers is never divisible by 'n'.

4 Product of 'n' consecutive numbers is always divisible by n!, where n! = n ×(n-1)×...1 & n is a positive integer.

• If n = 3,
o n! = 3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6.
• Product of 3 consecutive numbers 3 × 4 × 5 (Divisible by 6)
• Product of 3 consecutive numbers 16 × 17 × 18 (Divisible by 6)
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