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Todd Michael Jones

Curriculum Vitae
Postdoctoral Fellow, Migratory Bird Center, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute,
Smithsonian Institution
Research Affiliate, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2021 PhD, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Michael Ward
Dissertation: Age specific mortality, pre- to post-fledging carryover effects, and
the timing of fledging in altricial songbirds

2016 MSc, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Advisors: Drs. Michael Ward and Jeffrey Brawn
Thesis: Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects and the post-fledging ecology of
the Dickcissel

2009 BS, Zoology with research distinction

The Ohio State University
Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Honors Advisor: Dr. Amanda Rodewald
Honors Thesis: Variation in coloration of Northern Cardinals in urbanizing

09/2022-Present Postdoctoral Fellow
Migratory Bird Center
Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC

05/2021-Present Research Affiliate

Illinois Natural History Survey
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

09/2021-08/2022 Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Life Sciences
Texas A&M University-San Antonio

09/2013-05/2021 Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

01/2010-07/2013 Research Assistant/Technician

Various government organizations, non-profits, and academic institutions.
Field Work in the United States, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, and South
America. See research experience for details.

01/2007-04/2009 Undergraduate Research Assistant

Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
The Ohio State University

09/2022-Present Postdoctoral Fellow, Migratory Bird Center, Smithsonian’s National Zoo
and Conservation Biology Institute
Collaborating on avian research at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest;
studying the post-fledging ecology and life history trade-offs in the Black-
throated Blue Warbler and Ovenbird.

05/2021-Present Research Affiliate, Illinois Natural History Survey

Assisting with wildlife research projects on migratory songbirds and Saw-whet

09/2021-08/2022 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Assisted with collection and analysis of field data on avian responses to sensory
pollution (e.g., artificial light at night, anthropogenic noises) in core- and edge-
urban habitats of San Antonio, Texas. Assisted with collection of field data on
Black-capped Vireos at Government State Canyon Natural Area, San Antonio,

09/2013-05/2021 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Field work on the nesting and post-fledging ecology of songbirds in east-central
Illinois; Assisting on a long term banding station at Phillip’s Tract; Assisted on a
variety of research projects on owls, Ring-necked Pheasants, and songbirds.

05/2013-07/2013 Field Technician, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Monitoring of Prothonotary Warbler nest boxes in the bottomland swamps of
southern Illinois, PI: Dr. Jeff Hoover

03/2013-5/2013 Banding Assistant, University of Southern Mississippi

Primary bander for long term migratory banding station in Johnson Bayou, LA.

11/2012-04/2013 Data Technician, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Processing sound recording data for the Normandeau project and transcribing
nest videos for the Hubbard Brook Research Group.

08/2012-10/2012 Bander in Charge, University of Southern Mississippi

Primary bander for long term Fort Morgan fall migration banding site, AL.

05/2012-07/2012 Banding Technician, University of Montana

Bander for long term breeding bird study in Arizona, PI: Dr. Tom Martin.

03/2012-05/2012 Banding Assistant, University of Southern Mississippi

Primary bander for long term migratory banding station in Johnson Bayou, LA.
02/2012-03/2012 Tropical Field Assistant, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Assisted with bird banding, insect sampling, and vegetation surveys for a study
on the wintering ecology of Prairie Warblers in coastal scrub and mangroves of
San Salvador Island, Bahamas.

08/2011-12/2011 Volunteer Field Assistant, University of Florida

Bander for a PhD study on white sand forest endemics in the Amazon Rainforest
of north-eastern Peru.

05/2011-8/2011 Field Technician, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Nest searcher on the second year in a three year study of nesting success,
predation, and parasitism of breeding birds in the bottomland swamps of the
Cache River watershed, PI: Dr. Jeff Hoover.

03/2011-05/2011 Volunteer Field Biologist, Long Point Bird Observatory

Bander on long term migratory bird monitoring project along the northern shore
of Lake Erie.

02/2011-03/2011 Banding Intern, Costa Rica Bird Observatory

Bander on long-term bird monitoring project in Costa Rica.

08/2010-11/2010 Banding Intern, College of William and Mary

Bander on fall migratory banding project on songbirds and Saw-whet Owls on
the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge

05/2010-08/2010 Field Assistant, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Nest searcher and insect sampler on long term Black-throated Blue Warbler
breeding demographic study in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

02/2010-05/2010 Tropical Field Assistant, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

General field assistant on a PhD study by Herlitz Davis focusing on migratory
and resident birds in coffee farms of Jamaica along an elevation and rainfall
gradient, PI: Dr. Peter Marra.

05/2009-09/2009 Banding Intern, Klamath Bird Observatory

Bander on long-term landbird monitoring program in southern Oregon

03/2007-04/2009 Undergraduate Researcher, The Ohio State University

Undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Amanda Rodewald, assisting with study
on breeding ecology of riparian birds in central Ohio.

Interests: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, Ornithology, Conservation Biology, Life History
Theory, Urbanization and Climate-induced Environmental Change
My research focuses on associations among parameters of fitness and variation of animal life histories,
using birds as model species. More specifically, I'm interested in the causes and consequences of post-
fledging survival of fledgling birds. Overall, however, my interests in avian ecology are relatively broad. I
have more general interests in avian breeding ecology and conservation, and in avian responses to
urbanization and climate-induced environmental change. My past and current research has examined
variation in coloration and condition across and urban-to-rural gradient, how avian morphologies vary
with urban-associated sensory pollution, prevalence and costs of blood parasites in small songbirds, host-
brood parasite interactions, fledging behavior, functional ecology of juvenile wings, and pre- to post-
fledging carryover effects (with a focus on life history evolution).

24 publications in 20 peer-reviewed journals including PNAS, Ecology, and Global Change Biology:
24. Jones, T. M., A. P. Llamas, and J. N. Phillips. In press. Phenotypic signatures of urbanization?
Resident, but not migratory, songbird eye size varies with urban-associated light pollution levels.
Global Change Biology.

23. Jones, T. M., L. J. Kearns, and A. D. Rodewald. In press. Anthropogenic light pollution is associated
with diel patterns of fledging in an urban adapted songbird. Urban Ecosystems.

22. Jones, T. M., S. J. Chiavacci, T. J. Benson, and M. P. Ward. In press. Nesting and post-fledging
predation risk influence diel patterns of songbird fledging. Ibis.

21. Jones, T. M., A. J. Di Giovanni, M. E. Hauber, and M. P. Ward. 2023. Ontogenetic effects of brood
parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird on host offspring. Ecology 104: e3925.

20. Di Giovanni, A. J., M. J. Miller, T. M. Jones, T. J. Benson, and M. P. Ward. 2023. Hatching failure is
greater in altricial bird species with cavity nests and large clutches. Ornithology 140: 1-15.

19. Jones, T. M., T. J. Benson, M. E. Hauber, and M. P. Ward. 2022. Host-community wide patterns of
post-fledging behavior and survival of obligate brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds.
Oecologia 198: 981-993.

18. Jones, T. M., and M. P. Ward. 2022. Post-fledging behavioral ecology of migratory songbirds: how
do fledgling activity rates vary across species? Behavioral Ecology 33: 336-342.

17. Merrill, L., T. M. Jones, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2021. Early-life patterns of growth are linked
to levels of phenotypic trait covariance and postfledging mortality across avian species. Ecology
and Evolution 11: 15695-15707.

16. Jones, T. M., and M. P. Ward. 2021. Parasitic cowbird development up to fledging and subsequent
post-fledging survival reflect life history variation found across host species. Behavioral Ecology
and Sociobiology 75: 133.

15. Jones, T. M., T. J. Benson, and M. P. Ward. 2020. Terrapene carolina carolina (Eastern Box Turtle)
Diet. Herpetological Review 51: 839.

14. Jones, T. M., J. D. Brawn, I. J. Ausprey, A. C. Vitz, A. D. Rodewald, D. W. Raybuck, T. J. Boves, C.

J. Fiss, D. J. McNeil, S. H. Stoleson, J. L. Larking, W. A. Cox, A. C. Schwarzer, N. P. Horsley,
E. M. Trumbo, and M. P. Ward. 2020. Parental benefits and offspring costs reflect parent-
offspring conflict over the age of fledging among songbirds. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA 117: 30539-30546.

13. Jones, T. M., and M. P. Ward. 2020. Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects and the adaptive
significance of variation in wing development for juvenile songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology
89: 2235-2245.
12. Pollock, H. S., T. M. Jones, C. E. Tarwater, E. T. Nishikawa, and J. D. Brawn. 2020. Rapid
colonization of a large treefall gap in a lowland tropical forest. Journal of Field Ornithology 91:

11. Jones, T. M., T. J. Benson, and M. P. Ward. 2020. Does the size and developmental stage of traits at
fledging reflect juvenile flight ability among songbirds? Functional Ecology 34: 799-810.

10. Pollock, H. S., J. A. Savidge, M. Kastner, T. F. Seibert, and T. M. Jones. 2019. Pervasive impacts of
invasive brown treesnakes drive low fledgling survival in endangered Micronesian Starlings
(Aplonis opaca) on Guam. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 121: 1-11.

9. Jones, T. M., L. Merrill, S. E. Zachar, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2019. Haemosporidian parasite
infections in the Dickcissel (Spiza americana): prevalence and costs. Journal of Parasitology 105:

8. Jones, T. M., J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2018. Development of activity rates in fledgling
songbirds: when do young birds begin to behave like adults? Behaviour 155: 337-350.

7. Jones, T. M., J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2017. Post-fledging habitat use in the Dickcissel. The
Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 497-504.

6. Jones, T. M., M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, and J. D. Brawn. 2017. Variation in nestling body condition
and wing development predict cause-specific mortality in fledgling dickcissels. Journal of Avian
Biology 48: 439-447.

5. Watts, B. D., F. M. Smith, C. Poli, N. Banfield, and T. M. Jones. 2015. Bell’s Vireo captured on
lower Delmarva Peninsula. The Raven 86: 11-12.

4. Zenzal Jr., T. J., A. C. Fish, T. M. Jones, E. A. Ospina, and F. R. Moore. 2013. Observations of
mortality and anti-predator behavior of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilocus colubris)
during migratory stopover. Southeastern Naturalist 12: N21-N25.

3. Jones, T. M., M. E. Akresh, and D. I. King. 2013. Recent sightings of Kirtland’s Warblers on San
Salvador Island, The Bahamas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 637-643.

2. Rodewald, A. D., D. P. Shustack, and T. M. Jones. 2011. Dynamic selective environments and
evolutionary traps in a human dominated landscape. Ecology 92: 1781-1788.

1. Jones, T. M., A. D. Rodewald, and D. P. Shustack. 2010. Variation in plumage coloration of Northern
Cardinals in urbanizing landscapes. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 326-333.

In Revision/Review/Prep
a. Di Giovanni, A. J., T. M. Jones, T. J. Benson, and M. P. Ward. In review. Factors affecting embryonic
heart rate across altricial bird species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B

b. Jones, T. M., N. W. Cooper, H. Haradon, A. R. Brunner, B. C. Dossman, M. P. Ward, T. S. S. Sillett,

and S. A. Kaiser. In review. Considerations for radio-transmitter specifications on songbirds: color
and antenna length matter too. Journal of Field Ornithology.
c. Rudzki, E. N., N. D. Antonson, T. M. Jones, W. M. Schelsky, B. K. Trevelline, M. E. Hauber, and K.
D. Kohl. In review. Host avian species and environmental conditions influence the microbial ecology
of brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird nestlings: What rules the roost? Molecular Ecology.

d. Phillips, J. N., T. M. Jones, and C. D. Francis. In prep. Nesting near noise and light-filled nights: The
fitness consequences of enduring combined sensory pollution.

e. Jones, T. M., T. S. S. Sillett, and S. A. Kaiser. In prep. Post-fledging ecology across the altricial-
precocial spectrum: what do we know and where do we go from here?


22 peer-reviews for 12 journals:
Avian Conservation & Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Ecology and Evolution, Functional Ecology, Ibis,
Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Urban Ecology, Ornithology,
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Waterbirds, Zoologia


Awarded $228,306 in competitive funds (fellowships: $166,300; grants: $61,660; travel award: $346):
2022 Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship, Migratory Bird Center, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and
Conservation Biology Institute ($118,000)
2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Texas A&M University-San Antonio ($45,000)
2008 Undergraduate Schwab Associate Fellowship ($3300)

2023 Resilience of migratory songbirds to changes in green season length in the northern forest.
Smithsonian Institution Pathfinder Grant. Co-PIs: T. Scott Sillett, Todd M. Jones, Sara A. Kaiser
2019 North American Bluebird Society Research Grant ($1000)
2018 American Ornithological Society Hildegard Hesse Award ($2500)
2018 Illinois Ornithological Society Research Grant ($1000)
2015 Paul Stewart Inland Bird Banding Association Avian Research Grant ($1000)
2015 American Ornithologists Union Research Award ($2500)
2015 Wilson Ornithological Society Research Grant ($1500)
2015 Association of Field Ornithologists’ E. Alexander Bergstrom Memorial Research Award ($1000)
2015 Illinois Ornithological Society Research Grant ($1000)
2006 The Ohio State University Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund ($300)

2023 American Ornithological Society Travel Award ($346)
2020 Honorable Mention, American Ornithological Society Student Presentation Award

Presented 6 invited research seminars, 14 scientific presentations (11 oral, 3 posters, includes presentations as
a co-author):
20. A. P. Llamas, T. M., Jones, and J. N. Phillips. 2023. How does sensory pollution and urban
vegetation affect avian diversity and nesting success? American Ornithological Society.
19. Hutchison, J., T. M. Jones, E. Woernley, and S. A. Kaiser. 2023. Post-fledging movements, survival,
and habitat use of juvenile black-throated blue warblers. American Ornithological Society
Conference, London, Ontario.

18. Hutchison, J., T. M. Jones, E. Woernley, and S. A. Kaiser. 2023. Post-fledging survival, movement,
and habitat use of migratory black-throated blue warblers in high- and low-risk habitat. Hubbard
Brook Ecosystem Study 60th Annual Cooperators’ Meeting, Plymouth, NH.

17. T. M. Jones, A. P. Llamas, and J. N. Phillips. 2023. Phenotypic signatures of urbanization? Resident,
but not migratory, songbird eye size varies with urban-associated light pollution levels. American
Ornithological Society Conference, London, Ontario.

16. T. M. Jones, S. S. Sillett, M. S. Webster, and S. A. Kaiser. 2023. Post-fledging ecology in a changing
world. 2023 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting, Plymouth, NH.

15. T. M. Jones. 2023. Age-specific mortality, pre- to post-fledging carryover effects, and post-fledging
ecology in a changing world. Cornell Lab of Ornithology Science Friday Seminar Series, Virtual.

14. T. M. Jones. 2023. Post-fledging ecology in a changing world: benefits of an extended breeding
season? Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Spring 2023 Quarterly Meeting, Virtual.

13. T. M. Jones. 2022. Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects and parent-offspring conflict help mediate
variation in life histories among songbirds. Biology Seminar Series, Texas A&M University-San
Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.

12. T. M. Jones, J. D. Brawn, I. J. Ausprey, A. C. Vitz, A. D. Rodewald, D. W. Raybuck, T. J. Boves, C.

J. Fiss, D. J. McNeil, S. H. Stoleson, J. L. Larkin, W. A. Cox, A. C. Schwarzer, N. P. Horsley, E. M.
Trumbo, M. P. Ward. 2021. A post-fledging perspective: Does parent-offspring conflict help mediate
the age of fledging in songbirds? American Ornithological Society Conference, Virtual.

11. T. M. Jones, and M. P. Ward. 2021. Songbird parents evict young for their own benefit. Illinois Bird
Conservation Network, Chicago, Illinois.

10. T. M. Jones, T. J. Benson, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2020. Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects
reflect trade-offs that explain variation in life histories among altricial songbirds. North American
Ornithological Conference, Virtual; Honorable Mention, Student Presentation Award Competition.

9. T. M. Jones, T. J. Benson, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2020. Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects
reflect trade-offs that explain variation in life histories among altricial songbirds. Graduates in
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Research Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Urbana, IL.

8. T. M. Jones, T. J. Benson, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2019. Avian Research at Kennekuk County
Park: Pre- to post-fledging carryover effects in a grassland-shrubland songbird community. Kennekuk
County Park Outdoor School for Adults, Vermillion County, IL.

7. T. M. Jones, T. J., Benson, J. D. Brawn, and M. P. Ward. 2018. Does variation in nestling wing
development and body condition drive post-fledging survival within and among songbird species?
Middlefork Audubon Society, Vermillion County, IL.
6. T. M. Jones, M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, and J. D. Brawn. 2018. Does variation in nestling wing
development and body condition drive post-fledging survival within and among songbird species?
American Ornithological Society Conference, Tucson, AZ.

5. T. M. Jones, M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, and J. D. Brawn. 2017. Variation in Nestling Body Condition
and Wing Development at Fledging Predict Post-fledging, Cause-specific Mortality in the Dickcissel
(Spiza americana). The Wildlife Society-Illinois Student Chapter, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Urbana, IL.

4. T. M. Jones and M. P. Ward. 2017. Nesting and Post-fledging Ecology of Eastern Bluebirds in East-
central Illinois. 2nd Annual Bluebird Monitoring Celebration Potluck and Program, Middlefork
Audubon Society. Forest Glen Nature Preserve, Georgetown, IL.

3. T. M. Jones, M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, and J. D. Brawn. 2016. Variation in Nestling Body Condition
and Wing Development at Fledging Predict Post-fledging, Cause-specific Mortality in the Dickcissel
(Spiza americana). North American Ornithological Conference. Washington, D. C. 2016.

2. T. M. Jones, M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, and J. D. Brawn. 2016. Nestling Body Condition and Wing
Development Predict Juvenile Post-fledging Survival in a Neotropical Migratory Songbird.
Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Research Symposium. University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.

1. T. M. Jones, A. D. Rodewald, and D. P. Shustack. 2009. Variation in Plumage Coloration of

Northern Cardinals in Urbanizing Landscapes. The Ohio State University Undergraduate Research
Office Fall Poster Forum. Columbus, OH.


Courses Taught:
2017-2021 NRES 101- Wildlife Conservation in the 21st Century, Graduate Teaching Assistant,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring Semester
2016 IB 461- Ornithology, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Spring Semester
2015-2020 NRES 285- Avian Research Techniques, Graduate Instructor, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fall Semester
Alexander Di Giovanni (2013-2016), Undergraduate at University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana; Nicole
Suckow (2016-2019), Undergraduate at University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana; Alfredo Paul Llamas
(2021-2022), Masters student at Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Sierra Rodriguez (2021-2022),
Masters student at Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Jackson Hutchison (2022-Present),
Undergraduate at Cornell University; Eryn Woernley (2022-Present), Undergraduate at Cornell

2015-Present Association of Field Ornithologists’
2015-Present American Ornithological Society
2015-Present Wilson Ornithological Society
2017-Present Raptor Research Foundation
2020-Present Ecological Society of America
2023-Present Ohio Ornithological Society
2015-2022 Illinois Ornithological Society
2017-2022 Illinois Audubon Society


2021 NSF Early Career Proposal Reviewer, Behavioral Systems Cluster.
2021 Presenter, Etna Road Elementary School Career Day. Whitehall, OH.
2019, 2022-2023 Grant Proposal Reviewer, Wilson Ornithological Society.
2019-2020 Banding demonstrations and presentations on avian ecology for Kennekuk County
Park’s “Outdoor School for Adults”. Developed educational materials (videos, telemetry
equipment) for other educational activities at the park. Danville, IL.
2018-2020 Banding demonstrations for Allerton Park’s “Annual Family Campout and
Exploration”. Monticello, IL.
2016-2017 Banding demonstrations for Homer Lake Park. Homer, IL.


2023 “Bright city lights linked to smaller eyes in urban birds: study”, Forbes
2020 “Songbirds evict some chicks, sacrificing them to give others a better chance of survival”, CNN.
2020 “How some songbirds have evolved to play their terrible ‘Darwinian’ cards”, Forbes.
2020 “Why some songbirds coax their young out of the nest early”, Treehugger.
2020 “Brutal bird parents keep the brood alive by kicking some out of the nest”, Inverse.
2020 “Songbirds evict their own young for their own benefit”, University of Illinois, College of
Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences News.
2014 “Kirtland’s Warbler found on Bahamian island for the first time in 46 years”, Birdwatchingdaily.
2010 “Study: The Bright Red of Cardinals Means Less in Urban Areas”, The Ohio State University
Research News.

Dr. Michael Ward
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Turner Hall, Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-4089;

Dr. T. Scott Sillett

Research Wildlife Biologist and Center Head
Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
Migratory Bird Center
3001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008
(202) 633-4213;

Dr. Sara Kaiser

Research Ecologist and Director of the Hubbard Brook Field Ornithology Program
Center for Biodiversity Sciences and Higher Education
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell University
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY, 14850
Dr. Jennifer Phillips
Assistant Professor
Washington State University
School of the Environment
PO Box 645220 Pullman, WA 99164

Dr. Amanda Rodewald

Senior Director, Center for Avian Population Studies
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Department of Natural Resources
Cornell University
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 254-2176;

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