Los Verbos Reflexivos

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Los verbos reflexivos

(Reflexive verbs)

Reflexive verbs are used to express an action that you do for yourself or to yourself without having to get help from someone. For example: you get
up for yourself, you bath yourself, and you brush your teeth or comb your hair for yourself.

To express an action done for yourself or oneself in Spanish you have to conjugate a Reflexive verb in the appropriate from following the same
conjugation of AR, ER and IR verbs; however, there is a slight difference where you MUST add the appropriate pronoun to emphasis/highlight who
is doing the action.

Reflexive verbs: these are normal AR, ER and IR verbs but they have ‘SE’ attach at the end. For E.g. Bañarse - to wash oneself/yourself.

Pronoun: ME (myself) TE (yourself) SE (his/herself) NOS (ourselves) SE (themselves)

How to conjugate reflexive verbs?

Bañarse- to bath oneself

Step 1: remove the ‘se’ E.g. Bañarse

Step 2: remove the ‘ar’ or in other cases ‘er’ or ‘ir’ E.g. Bañar

Step 3: add your appropriate ending with your appropriate Pronoun to the stem. “ Bañ ”(Note: don’t forget to put the pronoun in front the verb!)

ME Baño- I bath myself

TE Bañas- you bath yourself

SE Baña- he/she bath his/herself

NOS Bañamos- we bath ourselves

SE Bañan- they bath themselves

Here is a list of reflexive verbs and their conjugations:

2. AFEITARSE : to shave oneself

1. ACOSTARSE : to go to bed
Yo: me afeito Nosotros: nos afeitamos
Yo: me acuesto Nosotros: nos acostamos
Tú: te afeitas
Tú: te acuestas
El/Ella: se afeita Ellos/Ellas: se afeitan
El/Ella: se acuesta Ellos/Ellas: se acuestan

4. DIVERTIRSE : to enjoy
3. CEPILLARSE : to brush
Yo: me divierto Nosotros: nos divertimos
Yo: me cepillo Nosotros: nos cepillamos
Tú: te diviertes
Tú: te cepillas
El/Ella: se divierte Ellos/Ellas: se divierten
El/Ella: se cepilla Ellos/Ellas: se cepillan

6. DORMIRSE : to fall asleep

5. DESPERTARSE : to wake up
Yo: me duermo Nosotros: nos dormimos
Yo: me despierto Nosotros: nos despertamos
Tú: te duermes
Tú: te despiertas
El/Ella: se duerme Ellos/Ellas: se duermen
El/Ella: se despierta Ellos/Ellas: se despiertan

8. LAVARSE : to wash oneself (hands)

Yo: me pongo Nosotros: nos ponemos

Tú: te pones

El/Ella: se pone Ellos/Ellas: se ponen

7. DUCHARSE : to shower

Yo: me ducho Nosotros: nos duchamos

Tú: te duchas

El/Ella: se ducha Ellos/Ellas: se duchan

10. PONERSE : to put on

9. LEVANTARSE : to get up
Yo: me pongo Nosotros: nos ponemos
Yo: me levanto Nosotros: nos levantamos
Tú: te pones
Tú: te levantas
El/Ella: se pone Ellos/Ellas: se ponen
El/Ella: se levanta Ellos/Ellas: se levantan

12. QUITARSE : to take off

11. PEINARSE : to comb
Yo: me quito Nosotros: nos quitamos
Yo: me peino Nosotros: nos peinamos
Tú: te quitas
Tú: te peinas
El/Ella: se quita Ellos/Ellas: se quitan
El/Ella: se peina Ellos/Ellas: se peinan

14. SECARSE : to dry off

Yo: me seco Nosotros: nos secamos

Tú: te secas

El/Ella: se seca Ellos/Ellas: se secan

13. VESTIRSE : to get dressed

Yo: me visto Nosotros: nos vestimos

Tú: te vistes

El/Ella: se viste Ellos/Ellas: se visten

These phrases indicate when something is/was done without the mention of time:

Por la mañana – in the morning

Por la tarde- in the evening

Por la noche- At night

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