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NIM: 043197795


My opinion regarding export and import policies in Indonesia is that both have an important role in
this country’s economy. Exports can provide benefits such as increasing national income, creating
jobs, and increasing economic growth. Meanwhile, imports can meet domestic needs that cannot be
produced efficiently or meet consumer demand. However, export and import policies must be
managed wisely to avoid trade imbalances and protect domestic industry.

First of all, export policy has significant benefits for the Indonesian economy. By increasing exports,
countries can increase income from abroad and reduce dependence on domestic sources of income.
Apart from that, exports can also create new jobs and increase economic growth. For example,
Indonesia is one of the main producers of agricultural products such as coffee, rubber and palm oil.
By sending these products to international markets, Indonesia can increase income and create job
opportunities for farmers and workers in the agricultural sector.

However, export policies must be balanced with wise import policies. Although imports can meet
domestic needs that cannot be produced efficiently or meet consumer demand, too many imports
can cause trade imbalances and harm domestic industry. Therefore, it is important for the
Indonesian government to regulate import policies carefully, such as providing protection for
domestic industries that are vulnerable to unfair foreign competition. For example, the government
can impose tariffs or import quotas to protect domestic producers and encourage industrial growth.

In managing export and import policies, it is also important to pay attention to international
cooperation and trade agreements. Indonesia is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
and has trade agreements with various countries. In this context, it is important for Indonesia to
ensure that the export and import policies adopted are in accordance with international rules and
commitments. In this way, Indonesia can take advantage of global market opportunities and
strengthen its position in international trade.


- Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia

- – World Trade Organization

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