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Name of State:
Name of Scheme: DDUGJY-New
Name of District:

A General certificates:
1 All the villages where the infrastructure has been created under the present project for electrification of Rural
Households are Revenue Villages as per Census 2011.
2 The Project has been implemented as per the DDUGJY guidelines and Procedures issued by REC from time to time.
3 All the terms & conditions indicated in sanction letter issued by REC have been complied.
4 The electrification of all villages has been done as per the definition of the village electrification effective from 2004-05.
5 Infrastructures have been created in all the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY) Villages, notified as per List circulated by
Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) and no SAGY Village has been left out..
6 Project has been monitored by Project Monitoring Agency (PMA) and the proposal is recommended by the agency.
7 All the works have been carried out as per the approved drawings provided to contractors from implementing agency.
8 DISCOM/PIA has ensured necessary arrangements for maintenance of the assets created under the scheme, revenue
sustainability at the DISCOM level and reduction in AT&C losses. Arrangments are indicated in Format-C.
9 All willing BPL households have been given free electricity connection in all villages & habitations and Connections for
other than BPL Households (if any) have been given as per Saubhagya Guidelines.
10 Access to electricity to all rural households including BPL households in the project area has been ensured.
11 As directed by Saubhagya scheme guidelines, in case adequate BPL households are not found in the project areas, States
to release connections to other than poor households as provided in Saubhagya Guidelines. Accordingly, Service
Connections released duly segregating BPL & other than BPL (SECC poor and non-poor as per Saubhagya Guidelines) has
12 Dedicated bank in
been submitted account(s)
Hard copy hasasbeen
well maintaned
as softcopyfor
andDDUGJY projects
will not be claimed under Saubhagya.
13 Any Change in Scope of Work during execution with respect to Sanction in the Project has been recommended by State
Level Standing Committee (SLSC).
14 PFMS has been used for fund flows under the scheme. Further, Mandatory details like receipts, expenditures, etc. has
been entered in PFMS portal, Utilities receiving funds under the scheme are registered / mapped in PFMS.
15 Sign Board have been installed in all executed villages & Substations under the project.
16 E-tendering has been adopted for award of contracts under the scheme duly following the guidelines.

II. Closure of Contracts

1 Infrastructures have been created under the projects in accordance with Office Memorandum No. letter No. 44/10/2014-
RE dated 3rd December, 2014 of Ministry of Power, Government of India.
2 The infrastructure exclusively created under DDUGJY New Plan is only claimed in present closure proposal and the
infrastructure created under other State/ Central scheme including DDUGJY-RE, Saubhagya, DDUGJY-additional
infrastructure and also those created with internal resources has not been claimed under present proposal.

3 The assets created under DDUGJY New Scheme are erected, tested, commissioned and energized. These assets are taken
over by PIA from contractor.
4 The Closure Cost include only the payments made towards cost of materials supplied and erected at site. No surplus
material has been accounted for in the Closure Cost
5 All payments have been made as per the rates defined in the LOA and based on quantities as per site and same have been
adopted in closure. Deviations from LOA, if any, are approved by the competent authority.
7 Technical specification of Standard Bidding Documents (SBD) / REC Construction standards have been followed in
general during implementation of DDUGJY project. The deviations, if any, are approved approved by Competent
Authority of DISCOM/PIA. For works executed at lesser specification than the REC/scheme specifications, necessary cost
implication has been duly considered and accounted in the project cost.

8 The works covered under the Project have not been considered for funding in any other State / Central Schemes /
Financial Institution aided scheme.
9 Quality Assurance Mechanism has been implemented as per the guidelines issued by REC. All the observations made by
the RQM and REC during the course of implementation of project, have been complied and are also attaended in all other
villages/substations covered under the project.
10 Defect liability /guarantee period is successfully completed as per contract.
11 Asset identification has been complied as per approved Quality Assurance guidelines issued by REC/MoP.
12 Materials reconsilation of owner free issued materials as well as material supplied by Turnkey contractor has been done.
Name of State:
Name of Scheme: DDUGJY-New
Name of District:

13 Central Taxes, Railway crossing fees, Electrical Inspector Fees, Forest Clearance Fees, Service Tax, etc., have been claimed
on actual basis (Summary sheet indicating invoice number, date of payment and amount paid/payable is enclosed). REC
shall not be liable for non-payment of any Expense/Tax by Contractor / PIA in any case whatsoever.

14 Contractual payments includings price variations and stautuary provisions like CST/VAT/Entry Tax/ Excise duty, any
other duties etc. These reconsile expenditures are verified and vetted by Independent Auditor.
15 Final time extension has been determined and Liquidated damages, if any, has been recovered as per contract and with
approval of competent authority and no compensation for delay is paid to the contractor.
16 Cost Implication due to implementation of GST has been settled with the Contractor and necessary Amendment to Letter
of Award / Contract Agreement have been issued to Contractor. Anti profiteering clause in GST has been duly considered
while calculating cost implication as per REC clarification letter no REC/DDUGJY/SBD/16-17/686, dated 30.06.2016 and
letter dated 19.06.2018.

17 No further liabilities/recoveries of the contractor are pending other than pending bills (indicated in Format F) and also
there is no amount recoverable from the contractor including any further amount towards LD. In case any future liability
arises towards the contractor or on account of any statutory payments, the same shall be borne by the PIA. In any case,
REC shall not be liable for any future payment whatsoever.

18 Price Variation, claimed if any under the scheme, has been considered as per contract with approval of competent
authority and providing there is no cost overrun during extension of time for project extension due to circumtanceses
beyond control based on merit in exceptional case.

19 The interest earned on unutilized subsidy has been remitted to Ministry of Power Bank Account on regular basis. Also,
interest income towards initial advance, panalties, permanent deduction, LD have been credited to project account.
20 There is no litigation pending in any Court with respect to works undertaken by Contractor in the Project, except for
……… (mention exceptions if any or strike off).
21 E-tendering has been adopted for award of contracts under the scheme duly following the guidelines.
22 Retensions made against part completion of works /defects in the works have been reconsiled and released to the
contractor and no demand certificates issued by contractor other than final 10% due payment.

Chief Engineer (DDUGJY)

Abstract - Scope of works and cost
State: Name of Discom
Name of District : Name of PIA
Project Code:
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work Execution) Turnkey execution, if any)
Cost per Cost per Cost per Cost per Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Village Covered Nos.
a.UE Villages Nos.
b. IE Villages Nos.
c. SAGY Villages Nos.
2 Total HHs Electrified Nos.

A. Electrification of UEV
1 New 33 KV or 66KV or 22 KV s/stn Nos.
2 Aug. of existing 33/11 or 66/11 Kv S/s Nos.
3 Renovation and Modernization of S/stn
4 New 33 KV Line KMs
5 New 11 KV DTR
i. ….. KVA No
ii. …... KVA No
Total (5): DTRs
6 Aug of DTRs
i.. From existing capacity to 63 KVA
ii. From Existing capacity to 100 KVA
Total (6): DTRs aug
7 New 11 KV Line
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (7):New 11 KV Line
8 New LT AB Cable
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (8): New LT Line
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work
Cost per Cost per Cost perExecution) Turnkey
Cost per execution, if any) Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9 Service Connections
(i). BPL households No
(ii). Other than BPL HHs (Eligible for
free connections)
(iii). Other than BPL HHs
(Not eligible for Free connections) No

Total (9): Service Connections

Total Cost of (A) Electrification of
UEV (1 to 9)

B. Feeder Separation
1 New 33 KV or 66KV or 22 KV s/stn
i. ….....MVA S/stn 1 Nos.
ii. …... MVA S/stn 2 Nos.
Total (1): New S/stn
2 Aug. of existing 33/11 or 66/11 Kv S/s Nos.
3 Renovation and Modernization of S/stn
i. …..... Nos.
ii. …..... Nos.
Total (3):
4 New 33 KV Line KMs
5 New 11 KV DTR
i. ….. KVA Nos.
ii. …... KVA Nos.
Total (5): DTRs
6 Aug. of DTRs
i.............. Nos.
ii…......... Nos.
Total (6):11 Kv DTRs Aug.
7 New 11 KV Line
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (7):New 11 KV Line
8 New LT AB Cable
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work
Cost per Cost per Cost perExecution) Turnkey
Cost per execution, if any) Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (8): New LT Line
Total Cost of B. Feeder Separation

C. Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana *

1 New 11 KV Line DTR
i. ….KVA Nos.
ii. ….KVA Nos.
Total (1): DTRs
2 New 11 KV Spur Line
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (2):New 11 KV Line
3 New LT AB Cable
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (3): New LT Line
4 Street Light Nos.
5 Service Connections
a. BPL Hhs Nos.
b. Other than BPL Hhs (free connection) Nos.
c. Other than BPL Hhs
(not eligible for free connection)
Total Cost of C. SAGY

D Connecting / Un-Connecting HHs

1 New 33 KV or 66KV or 22 KV s/stn Nos.
i. ….....MVA S/stn 1 Nos.
ii. …... MVA S/stn 2 Nos.
Total (1): New S/stn
2 Aug. of existing 33/11 or 66/11 Kv S/s Nos.
3 Renovation and Modernization of S/stn
i. …..... Nos.
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work
Cost per Cost per Cost perExecution) Turnkey
Cost per execution, if any) Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
ii. …..... Nos.
Total (3):
4 New 33 KV Line KMs
5 New 11 KV DTR
i. ….. KVA No
ii. …... KVA No
Total (5): DTRs
6 Aug of DTRs
i.. From existing capacity to 63 KVA
ii. From Existing capacity to 100 KVA
Total (6): DTRs aug
7 New 11 KV Line
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (7):New 11 KV Line
8 New LT AB Cable
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (8): New LT Line
9 Service Connections
(i). BPL households No
(ii). Other than BPL HHs (Eligible for
free connections)
(iii). Other than BPL HHs
(Not eligible for Free connections) No

Total (9): Service Connections

Total Cost of D.
Connecting/unconnected HHs

E Metering
1 Feeder Metering Nos
2 DTR Metering Nos
3 Consumer Metering
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work
Cost per Cost per Cost perExecution) Turnkey
Cost per execution, if any) Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
i. New meters Nos
ii. Shifting of meters Nos
iii. Replacement of meters Nos.
Total (3): Consumer metering
Total Cost of E. Metering

F. System Strengthening
1 New 33 KV or 66KV or 22 KV s/stn
i. ….....MVA S/stn 1 Nos
ii. …... MVA S/stn 2 Nos
Total (1): New S/stn
2 Aug. of existing 33/11 or 66/11 Kv S/s Nos.
3 Renovation and Modernization of S/stn
i. …..... Nos.
ii. …..... Nos.
Total (3):
4 New 33 KV Bay Nos
5 New 33 KV Line KMs
6 New 11 KV DTRs Nos
i….KVA Nos
ii. …KVA Nos
Total (6): DTRs
7 Aug of DTRs
i.. From existing capacity to 63 KVA
ii. From Existing capacity to 100 KVA
Total (7): DTRs aug
8 New 11 KV Line
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Total (8): New 11 Kv Line
9 New LT AB Cable
i. …...Line 1 KMs
ii. …...Line 2 KMs
Project cost as per Project cost as per executed
executed work work Total Project cost as per
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey (Departmental/Partial completion Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work
Cost per Cost per Cost perExecution) Turnkey
Cost per execution, if any) Cost per
Total Total Total Total Total
unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty unit Qty
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Total (9): New LT Line
10 33 kv Road Crossing Nos
11 11 Kv Road Crossing Nos
12 11KV or 33KV Railway Crossing Nos
Total Cost of F. System Strengthening

G. Total (A to F) (incl all taxes)

H. Price Variation
I. State Taxes (to be borne by State Govt)
b. VAT
c. Works Contract Tax (WCT)
d. Entry Tax
e. Building & Other Construction
Workers Welfare Cess
f. Any other Tax (Please Specify)
Total State Tax (I)
J. Total Project Cost excl State taxes
K. PMA Charges @ 0.5% of Project cost
including all the Taxes
L. Total Project Cost (incl PMA charges &
excl state taxes) (J+K)
* The villages appearing in MORD List and corresponding infrastructure shall only be considered under SAGY component.
It is certified that :
1. All payments have been made as per the rates defined in the LOA and based on quantities as per site and same have been adopted in closure
2. Individual item in each component executed under the project are as per guidelines of the scheme. No item which is not part of the project, has been claimed under the proposal

Authorised Signature of Implementing Agency)

Format J 2
Details of Metering works under DDUGJY
Detail of Metering Works:
Name of District: KORBA
33 KV Feeder 11 KV Feeder LT Metering
11 KV or 22 KV No. of DTR meter installed
33 KV Feeder
Total No. Feeder Meters Consumer Metering Shifting of Meters
Sl. No. Block Total No. Meters installed
of 11 or installed
of 33 KV
22 KV
Feeders With Without Feeders With Without 1-Ph Domestic 3-Ph Domestic & 1-Ph Domestic & 3-Ph Domestic
25 KVA 63 KVA Total
CT/PT CT/PT CT/PT CT/PT & Commercial Commercial Commercial & Commercial
1 KARTALA 3 4 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 KORBA 2 2 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 PALI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 KATGHORA 4 3 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 PODI UPRODA 6 3 0 18 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 15 12 0 54 53 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Authorised Signature of Implementing Agency)

Details of New Distribution Transformers Installed
Name of State : Name of DISCOM :
Name of District : Name of Scheme :
Location (as by Name of Feeder connected to
Sl. Census Code of proximity to
Name of Block Name of Village Rating S/s connected
No. Village Household / Public (kVA) Name of Feeder
Place, etc.) to

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