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Nouns from the film

1) Complication /ˌkɑːm.pləˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (обставини) які спричиняють ускладнення

2) Convention /kənˈven.ʃən/ Звичай (звична та прийнятна поведінка)
3) Crib /krɪb/ Колиска
4) Mansion /ˈmæn.ʃən/ Особняк
5) Orphan /ˈɔːr.fən/ Сирота
6) Script /skrɪpt/ Сценарій (до фільму чи вистави)
7) Sympathy /ˈsɪm.pə.θi/ Співчуття
8) Sleepwalker /ˈsliːpˌwɑː.kɚ/ Лунатик, сновида
9) Coward /ˈkaʊ.ɚd/ Боягуз
10) Painkiller /ˈpeɪnˌkɪl.ɚ/ Знеболюючий засіб
11) Period /ˈpɪr.i.əd/ Менструація
12) Prude /pruːd/ Скромниця (та, хто соромиться інтимних тем)
13) Numbness /ˈnʌm.nəs/ Оніміння, заціпеніння
14) Sexpot /ˈseks.pɑːt/ ‘гаряча штучка’, секс бомба
15) Threesome /ˈθriː.səm/ Секс втрьох
16) Precaution /prɪˈkɑː.ʃən/ Запобіжний засіб, обережність
17) Well-being /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/ Благополуччя (відчуття щастя)
18) Sap /sæp/ Розмазня, тряпка
19) Tramp /træmp/ ‘Повія’ (жінка у якої багато партнерів)
20) Gravity /ˈɡræv.ə.t̬i/ Серйозність
21) Suite /swiːt/ Апартаменти у готелі (номер люкс)
22) Jackal /ˈdʒæk.əl/ ‘шакал’ (хтось, хто вчиняє підлі та нечесні дії)
23) Crotch /krɑːtʃ/ Пах, промежина
24) Sickness /ˈsɪk.nəs/ Нудота
25) Loss /lɑːs/ Втрата (смерть близької людини)
26) Condolence /kənˈdoʊ.ləns/ Співчуття
27) Cripple /ˈkrɪp.əl/ Каліка (дуже образливе слово)
28) Memento /məˈmen.toʊ/ Річ, яка нагадує людині про щось важливе

Sympathy vs Condolence

Sympathy – здатність поставити себе на місце

іншої людини, відчути її біль та співчувати їй!

Condolences – слова співчуття які ми

висловлюємо іншим людям, зазвичай тоді, коли вони
переживають смерть близької людини!

Task 1 : Match the words to their definitions




Mansion 1) a child whose parents are dead

1 Orphan 2) a usual or accepted way of behaving, especially in social situations; custom
3) someone who is not at all brave
4) a person who is easily shocked by rude things, especially those of a sexual type
Sympathy 5) a set of rooms, especially expensive ones in a hotel
Sleepwalker 6) the feeling that you are about to bring up food from your stomach
7) an expression of sympathy esp. for the family of a person who has recently died
8) a problem or situation that makes something more difficult
Painkiller 9) the written form of a speech, play, film etc
Period 10) a drug that is used to reduce or remove physical pain
11) the state of feeling healthy and happy
12) a sexual activity involving three people
13) a woman who has too many sexual partners
Sexpot 14) a stupid person who is easy to deceive or treat badly
15) a small thing that you keep to remind you of someone or something
16) a bed for a baby or young child
17) someone who walks while they are sleeping
Well-being 18) the bleeding from a woman's womb that happens once a month when she is not pregnant
19) a woman who is sexually exciting or is very interested in sex
20) an extremely serious way of behaving or speaking
21) the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation
Gravity 22) a very large house.
23) the death of a person
24) a low and devious person
25) an offensive word for a person whose legs or arms do not work in the usual way
Crotch 26) the part of your body where your legs join at the top

Sickness 27) a loss of sensation or feeling in a part of your body

28) something you do in order to prevent something dangerous from happening





1) He made a simple КОЛИСКУ ____________________ for their baby.

2) The СНОВИДА ____________________, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take
3) I have a lot of СПІВЧУТТЯ _____________________ for her; she had to bring up the children on her own
4) The street is lined with enormous ОСОБНЯКИ ____________________ where the rich and famous live.
5) They never got over the ВТРАТУ ____________________ of their son who died in a car accident.
6) She'd missed a МЕНСТРУАЦІЮ ____________________ and was worried about pregnancy.
7) You can easily reduce the risk of theft by taking a few simple ЗАПОБІЖНИХ ЗАХОДІВ ____________________.
8) Anna`s boyfriend wants to try СЕКС ВТРЬОХ _____________________.
9) Richard was an СИРОТОЮ ____________________, adopted at nine months.
10) In many countries it is a ЗВИЧАЙ ____________________ to wear black at funerals.
11) He called me a БОЯГУЗОМ ____________________, because I didn`t want fight.
12) I don't think you understand the СЕРЙОЗНІСТЬ ____________________ of the situation.
13) He's always been a ‘ШАКАЛОМ’ ____________________, ready to sell his own mother out for a few extra bucks.
14) It is wrong to make fun of a КАЛІКИ ______________________.
15) During certain scenes of the play there isn't any СЦЕНАРІЮ ____________________ and the actors just improvise.
16) After the car accident she was prescribed strong ЗНЕБОЛЮЮЧІ ___________________ to reduce the pain in her broken arm.
17) Parents are responsible for the care and БЛАГОПОЛУЧЧЯ ____________________ of their children.
18) Sarah's no СКРОМНИЦЯ _____________________, but she thought some of the sex scenes were quite shocking.
19) All rooms and АПАРТАМЕНТИ ____________________ in the hotel have mini-bar and 24 hour room service.
20) Drinking much alcohol can cause diarrhea and НУДОТУ ______________________.
21) Our СПІВЧУТТЯ _______________________ go to his wife and family.
22) The fact that the plane was late added a further УСКЛАДНЕННЯ ______________________ to our journey.
23) I have recently been suffering from pain and ОНІМІННЯ _____________________ in my hands.
24) Mary is considered to be a ПОВІЄЮ _____________________, she had more than 37 partners in her twenties.
25) Don`t be such a РОЗМАЗНЕЮ _____________________. Show that bully that you can defend yourself.
26) I kept the bottle as a СПОГАД _____________________ of my time in Spain.
27) Madonna is probably the most famous СЕКС БОМБА ______________________ in the world.
28) There was a dark stain around the ПАХУ _______________________ of the trousers.

Task 2: Translate the highlighted words to

complete the sentences

Task 3: Label the pictures
























Task 4: Discuss the questions

• Do you have any mementoes of some trips or people?

• Have you ever thought of adopting an orphan? Would you be able to love these children as your own ones?
• Is there any celebrity you consider to be a sexpot? Who is it?
• Have you ever tried threesome? Speak about this experience. If no, would you like to try? Why?
• Would you like to live in a mansion? Describe your dream mansion
• Have you ever experienced any complications while travelling abroad?

Verbs from the film

1) To utter /ˈʌ.t̬ɚ/ Вимовляти, виговорювати

2) To wed /wed/ Одружитись
3) To scorn /skɔːrn/ Нехтувати (наприклад порадами)
4) To acquiesce /ˌæk.wiˈes/ Погодитись на щось (часто без власного бажання)
5) To drool /druːl/ ‘Пускати слину’ (показувати захоплення)
6) To bother someone /ˈbɑː.ðɚ/ Надокучати комусь
7) To pant /pænt/ задИхатись (часто після бігу)
8) To gaze /ɡeɪz/ Пильно дивитись, витріщитись
9) To abandon someone /əˈbæn.dən/ Покинути когось
10) To debase someone /dɪˈbeɪs/ Принижувати гідність
11) To vow /vaʊ/ Дати клятву
12) To contemplate /ˈkɑːn.t̬əm.pleɪt/ Розмірковувати (про майбутнє, майбутні дії)
13) To protect /prəˈtekt/ Захищати
14) To misappropriate /ˌmɪs.əˈproʊ.pri.eɪt/ Привласнювати собі щось
15) To quit /kwɪt/ Звільнитись з роботи
16) To cheapen someone /ˈtʃiː.pən/ Знецінювати когось
17) To consummate /ˈkɑːn.sə.mət/ Здійснити шлюбні стосунки (секс)
18) To pretend /prɪˈtend/ Прикидатись, робити вигляд
19) To impersonate /ɪmˈpɝː.sən.eɪt/ Виконувати роль когось (копіювати голос тощо)
20) To demean someone /dɪˈmiːn/ Принижувати
21) To puke /pjuːk/ Блювати
22) To gag /ɡæɡ/ Давитись, відчувати рвотні позиви
23) To surmount /sɚˈmaʊnt/ Подолати, перебороти (проблеми, труднощі)
24) To strangle /ˈstræŋ.ɡəl/ Задушити, задушитись

Task 5: Solve the crossword



15 1) to refuse advice or an offer because you are too proud
2) to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all your attention
3) to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomit
4) to kill someone by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe
8 5) to keep someone or something safe from injury or damage
6) to make someone or something seem less valuable or important so that people respect
them less
12 7) to behave as if something is true when you know it is not
8) to say something
9) to marry
10) to make someone lose its value or people’s respect
11) to annoy someone
12) to pretend to be someone else by copying their appearance, voice, and behavior

9 17 13) to do something that makes people lose respect for someone

20 14) to deal successfully with a difficulty or problem
23 15) to make a strong promise to do something
16) to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly
7 17) to breathe quickly with short noisy breaths
18) to steal something that you have been trusted to take care of
19) to think about something that you might do in the future
20) to show great interest and pleasure
4 21) to bring food back up from your stomach through your mouth
22) to make a marriage relationship complete by having sex
23) to leave someone

24) to leave a job

Task 6: Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the list to complete the sentences

1) It's important to ____________________ your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
2) She never compromised or ____________________ herself.
3) She ____________________ all my offers of help.
4) He lay in a hospital bed ____________________ his future.
5) Sarah was ____________________ over the lead singer through the whole concert.
6) He spends hours ____________________ out of the window when he should be working.
7) He tried to swallow a piece of bread but _____________________.
8) She had been ____________________ with her own scarf.
9) Mark closed his eyes and ____________________ to be asleep.
10) When I ____________________ your name, raise your hand.
11) She ____________________ her dinner up again.
12) The couple eventually ____________________ after an 18-year engagement.
13) Matteo arrived at the top of the hill, ____________________ and covered in sweat.
14) She lied to investors and ____________________ $30,000 to pay off debts.
15) Women were forced to ____________________ themselves by selling their bodies.
16) Danny, don’t ____________________ Ellen while she’s reading.
17) She makes a living out of ____________________ Tina Turner in shows and films.
18) I wouldn't ____________________ myself by asking my parents for money.
19) The 9-year-old boy was ____________________ by his alcoholic father.
20) She would ____________________ her job if she inherited lots of money.
21) She had to ____________________ the difficulties of rising five children on her own.
22) They ____________________ that they would never forget their first kiss.
23) Tom ____________________ to all her suggestions, though he never expected to see her again.
24) They did not ____________________ their marriage until months after it took place

pretended - wed - impersonating - protect - contemplating

- gagged - misappropriated - surmount - consummate -
cheapened - drooling - utter gazing - vowed - demean
- abandoned - quit - acquiesced - debase - puked -
strangled - scorned bother - panting

Task 6: Unscramble and translate the verbs


Task 7: Discuss the questions


• What is the best age for men and women to wed? Why?
• Do you usually follow or scorn your friends` advice? Why?
• How do you usually feel if other people (especially men) gaze at you?
• How often do you contemplate your future? Do you have a clear plan for your future?
• Are there any difficulties or problems you need to surmount at the moment? Are there any people who help you?
• Are there any celebrities you drool over? Why do you admire them?
• Have you ever pretended to be happy when you felt upset? Why do people sometimes hide their true emotions?
• What would make you quit your job? Have you ever thought of quitting your job?
• Have you ever misappropriated anything that didn`t belong to you? Why did you do that?
Adjectives and adverbs from the film

1) Doped up /ˌdoʊpd ˈʌp/ Під дією наркотиків, накурений

2) Accursed /əˈkɝːst/ ненАвисно
3) Jumpy /ˈdʒʌm.pi/ Знервований, схвильований
4) Disturbing /dɪˈstɝː.bɪŋ/ Хвилюючий (який може засмутити)
5) Festering (wound) /ˈfes.tɚ/ (про рану, поріз) гнійна
6) Terrific /təˈrɪf.ɪk/ Чудовий
7) Jealous /ˈdʒel.əs/ Ревнивий
8) Phony /ˈfəʊ.ni/ Фальшивий, несправжній
9) Swollen /ˈswoʊ.lən/ Набряклий
10) Fraught /frɑːt/ Нервовий
11) Retired /rɪˈtaɪrd/ На пенсії
12) Precious /ˈpreʃ.əs/ Цінний
13) Devious /ˈdiː.vi.əs/ Хитрий, підступний
14) Cruel /ˈkruː.əl/ Жорстокий, недобрий
15) Illiterate /ɪˈlɪt̬.ɚ.ət/ Безграмотний (той хто не вміє читати і писати)
16) Well-read /ˌwel ˈred/ Начитаний
17) Distant /ˈdɪs.tənt/ (про людей) не близькі, віддалені
18) Heartfelt /ˈhɑːrt.felt/ Щирий, сердечний
19) Incapacitated /ˌɪn.kəˈpæs.ə.teɪt/ Недієздатний

Task 8: Match the adjectives to their definitions

Doped up Accursed Jumpy Disturbing Terrific Jealous Phony Swollen Fraught

Retired Precious Devious Cruel Illiterate Well-read Distant Heartfelt Incapacitated

1) upset and angry because someone that you love seems interested in another person _________________________________
2) nervous and worried _________________________________
3) under the influence of drugs _________________________________
4) not working permanently, usually because of age _________________________________
5) extremely unkind , angry and unpleasant _________________________________
6) far away from each other in relationship _________________________________
7) unable to work or do things normally _________________________________
8) (of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size _________________________________
9) infected and producing pus _________________________________
10) used to express strong dislike of or anger at someone or something _________________________________
11) not real; intended to deceive _________________________________
12) making you feel worried or upset _________________________________
13) very good _________________________________
14) being dishonest and deceiving people in order to get what you want _________________________________
15) full of anxiety or worry _________________________________
16) of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important _________________________________
17) unable to read and write; knowing little or nothing about a particular subject _________________________________
18) having read many important books ; being clever _________________________________
19) strongly felt and sincere _________________________________
Task 9: Unscramble the words to complete the sentences

1) The car accident left me iacitncapated ____________________for seven months.

2) My knee's still really solwlne ____________________ from the accident.
3) The wound is esftinerg ____________________, and gangrene has set in.
4) He gave me an acucresd ____________________ look which made me understand that he didn`t want to see me anymore.
5) He gave the police a ponhy ____________________ address.
6) I had a very isdtubinrg ____________________dream last night.
7) This letter is really eprciuos ____________________to me because it's the last one that Pete ever wrote.
8) More than half of the country's population of 8m are ileralitte ____________________.
9) Charles was a elwl-reda ____________________and highly educated man.
10) Anna says she feels jaeluos ____________________every time another woman looks at her boyfriend.
11) My younger sister gets very jpumy ____________________when she's alone in the house.
12) They cannot think clearly because they are dpoed up ____________________.
13) The long journey through the tropical forest was frgauht ____________________with danger.
14) She expressed her artfheelt _____________________thanks to all those who had helped and supported her.
15) Now he's reretid _____________________he spends most afternoons exercising his dogs.
16) It was cerul _____________________of you to frighten the poor boy like that.
17) They were best friends at school, but after graduation they became dtaisnt _____________________.
18) I love her dress, it's treriifc ____________________.
19) You have to be pretty eviduos ____________________to be successful in that sort of business.

Task 10: Write the correct adjectives to describe the pictures

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

smile girl couple husband grandpa

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

ankle moment boy condolences jewelry

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

wound woman man passport view

Task 11: Find the words in the wordsearch

o Doped up

o Accursed

o Jumpy

o Disturbing

o Festering (wound)

o Terrific

o Jealous

o Phony

o Swollen

o Fraught

o Retired

o Precious

o Devious

o Cruel

o Illiterate

o Well-read

o Distant

o Heartfelt

o Incapacitated

Task 12: Discuss the questions

• What makes you feel jumpy? How do you usually calm yourself down?
• What was the most disturbing moment in your life?
• Are you jealous? How do you feel if your partner goes out without you?
• What would you do when you were retired? How would you spend your days?
• Are there any precious things that remind you of some special moment or people in your life?
• Are there any people you were close with in the past, but became distant later? Why did you grow apart?

Useful phrases and idioms from the film

1) To be drawn to someone/something Відчувати симпатію до когось або до чогось

2) To make a living Заробляти собі на життя
3) To be starved for something Дуже сильно прагнути чогось
4) Man-about-town Людина яка веде активне соціальне життя
5) To take care of someone Піклуватись про когось
6) To get rid of someone/something Позбутися чогось або когось
7) To take something for granted Приймати щось як належне
8) To get used to something/doing something Звикати до чогось
9) To bits На маленькі шматочки
10) To bring tears to eyes Змусити когось плакати, викликати сльози
11) In person Особисто, особистою персоною
12) To be cheerful about something Радіти чомусь, бути щасливим
13) To stay overnight Залишитись на ніч (у готелі, у когось вдома)
14) One hell of a day Жахливий день (або чудовий день)

Використовуємо ONE HELL OF , коли хочемо наголосити, що щось є дуже добрим, дуже поганим або
дуже великим

Task 13: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase or idiom

to earn the money one needs to pay for to be attracted to someone or something English_through_Films
housing, food, etc
______________________________ ______________________________

to sleep one night somewhere other than at terrible day

______________________________ ______________________________

into small pieces to take action so that you no longer have

something that you do not want
______________________________ ______________________________

to have a strong desire or need for someone by meeting with someone rather than talking
or something on the phone or writing
______________________________ ______________________________

to make someone start to cry a rich man who goes out a lot to parties, clubs,
theatres etc
______________________________ ______________________________

to be happy, or behaving in a way that shows to value someone or something too lightly
you are happy because you think it will be always available
______________________________ ______________________________

to protect someone and provide the things to become familiar with something new in
that that person needs your life
______________________________ ______________________________
Task 14: Rewrite the sentences using new phrases and idioms

1) He earned money by working as a cook.

2) Children are attracted to activities at which they are successful.
3) He stayed for one night in Detroit before continuing his trip.
4) It was a terrible day, I am as tired as a dog.
5) The vase hit the floor and was smashed into pieces.
6) He opened the windows to dispose of the smell of burning meat.
7) I really need Jane. I miss her so much!
8) I can't attend the meeting physically, but I am sending someone to speak for me.
9) Just remembering my grandparents makes me cry 20 years later.
10) He prefers a nightclub to a quiet night at home— socially active man.
11) She was so happy about being pregnant. It was her dream to give a birth to a child with her hubby.
12) He valued his wife too lightly, and would never have a clue just how happy he was to have her.
13) She made good money and knew she would be able to look after a child on her own.
14) I hated this haircut at first. But I got familiar with it. I like it now!

Task 15: Find and correct the mistakes in each phrase. Translate the phrases

To give tears to eyes

On person

To get rid off someone/something

To take something for garanted


To stay onenight

To be drawn about someone/something

To make a life

To be starving for something

One fuck of a day

To take look of someone

To take used to something/doing something

Into bits

To be cheers about something

Task 16: Create your own sentences using new phrases and idioms

Phrasal verbs from the film

1) To belong to someone Належати комусь

2) To figure someone out Зрозуміти когось
3) To sneer at something Глузувати, насміхатись, показувати неповагу
4) To find out Дізнатись
5) To make up something Вигадувати щось
6) To settle down Почати жити в якомусь місці, зазвичай з партнером і думати про майбутнє
7) To show off Хизуватись, вихвалятись
8) To turn out Виявитись
9) To agree with someone Робити когось щасливим
10) To embark on something Розпочати щось важливе, масштабне
11) To freshen up Привести себе в порядок
12) To doze off Задрімати
13) To choke on something Подавитись чимось
14) To come over Навідатись до когось, прийти в гості
15) To let someone down Розчарувати когось, підвести, не виправдати сподівання іншої людини

Task 17: Match the verbs to the prepositions to complete the phrasal verbs.
Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings

1) To belong Up a) to understand why someone behaves in the way they do

2) To figure b) to show people something that you are very proud of
3) To sneer c) to do something to make yourself cleaner or neater
4) To find On
d) to visit someone's home
5) To make e) to disappoint someone by failing to do what you were expected to do
6) To settle To f) to be someone's property
7) To show g) to get information, after trying to discover it or by chance
8) To turn Down h) to smile or speak in a way that shows you have no respect for something
9) To agree i) to start living a quiet life in one place, often when you get married
10) To embark Out j) to cause someone to feel healthy and happy
11) To freshen k) to start something new or important
12) To doze l) to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result
13) To choke Off
m) to start to sleep, especially during the day
14) To come n) to create a new story, song, game etc by thinking
15) To let with o) to gag and cough on something stuck in the throat

Task 18: Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentences

1) "Do you have these shoes in size 8?" "I'm not sure - I'll just go and find out/figure out.“
2) She'll probably show off/sneer at my new shoes because they're not expensive.
3) My dad was always really good at coming over/making up stories.
4) It turns out/finds out that she had known him when they were children.
5) Sorry, I must have choked on/dozed off for a few minutes.
6) It was a scary moment when dad started choking on/making up that fish bone.
7) Women. I just can’t figure them out/find them out.
8) She raised her wrist, freshening up/showing off a sparkling diamond bracelet.
9) We're embarking on/turning out a new project later this year.
10) Velma disappeared into the ladies' lounge, saying that she needed to doze off/freshen up before dinner.
11) He settled down/came over to my apartment for dinner.
12) I'm relying on your help - please don't let me down/figure me out.
13) Put your name in your coat so we can see who it agrees with/belongs to.
14) They’d like to see their grown-up daughter settle down/embark on, get married, and have kids.
15) You both look great – marriage must let you down/agree with you.

Task 19: Match the pieces to make phrasal verbs. Translate the phrasal

belong on out down at

show find on off embark

freshen agree to choke over

figure up off sneer come

up turn doze settle down

make out out let with

Task 20: Create your own sentences using new phrasal verbs

1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 21: Discuss the questions

• What do you do to make a living? Do you like your job?

• Is there anything you are really starved for at the moment?
• Do you like taking care of other people ?
• Do you have any bad habits you want to get rid of? What are they?
• Do you like changes in your life? Do you easily get used to something new which happens to you?
• When was the last time you cried? What brought tears to your eyes?
• Have you ever met any celebrities in person? Who did you meet? When? Where?
• Speak about the last time you had one hell of a day
• Do you like showing off new things which you buy?
• Make a list of 5 things which agree with you
• Do you like coming over to your friends? How often do you come over?

Task 22: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film

Task 23: Fill in the gaps with the words from the list to complete the

summary of the film

As a young girl, Norma Jeane Mortenson grew up being raised by her mentally unstable mother Gladys. On her seventh birthday in 1933, she is
given a framed picture of a man Gladys claims is her ____________________. Later that night, a fire breaks out in the Hollywood Hills, and
Gladys drives Norma Jeane up there, claiming that her father lives there, but is forced to go back home at the orders of the police. An enraged
Gladys tries to ____________________ Norma Jeane in the bathtub. Norma Jeane escapes to the house of her neighbor. A few days later, Norma
Jeane is sent to an ____________________while Gladys is admitted to a mental ____________________.
In the 1940s, Norma Jeane becomes a pin-up girl under the ____________________ name of "Marilyn Monroe". In 1951, she auditions for the
role of Nell in Don't Bother to Knock. She impresses the casting director enough to give her the part. As her acting career rises, she meets Charles
"Cass" Chaplin Jr. and Edward G. "Eddy" Robinson Jr., with whom she begins a ____________________ relationship. Norma Jeane lands her
breakout role in 1953 with Niagara, but after she is spotted in public with Cass and Eddy, she is told by her agent to limit her appearances with
them in public.
Norma Jeane becomes ____________________ by Cass, but eventually decides to have an _____________________ out of fear that the child
might inherit Gladys' mental issues. Cass supports her decision. On the day of the appointment, she changes her mind, but it is too late. Following
the abortion, she breaks things off with Cass and Eddy. She later meets Joe DiMaggio, a retired athlete who sympathizes with her when she
expresses her desire to leave Hollywood and become a more serious actress in New York City. As she films Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, she receives
a __________________ from a man claiming to be her father. Norma Jeane feels disconnected from her onscreen performance at the film's
premiere, saying it is not her. She returns to her hotel room, having been told that someone is waiting for her. Expecting it to be her father, she
instead finds Joe, who ____________________ to her, which she accepts.
Norma Jeane and Joe's marriage sours when Cass and Eddy give Joe some ____________________ publicity pictures of her, which enrages Joe so
much that he hits her. However, she still goes through with filming, doing the famous publicity stunt with the white dress. When she gets home, a
drunken Joe screams and gets physically violent with her. She ____________________ him.
In 1955, Norma Jeane auditions for the Broadway play Magda, written by renowned playwright Arthur Miller. He eventually warms up to her
when she gives him some insightful character analysis. Norma Jeane and Arthur marry and move to Maine, where she lives a happy life with him
and becomes pregnant. However, when walking on the beach one day with a platter of food, she trips and ______________________. Distraught,
she returns to acting soon after.
While filming Some Like It Hot, Norma Jeane becomes more uncontrollable and mentally disturbed. To cope with her stress, she begins taking
By 1962, she has become dependent on _____________________ and alcohol. Secret Service agents pick up an intoxicated Norma Jeane and take
her to a hotel to meet the _____________________, who forces her to fellate him, before raping her, and then has her taken away after she
vomits in his bed. Already dazed and drugged on pills, she begins to wonder if this is what being 'Marilyn Monroe' has led to, and she also
_____________________ having another abortion before being sent back to her home in Los Angeles. She learns from Eddy on the phone that
Cass has died and has left something to her. Cass' ____________________ turns out to be the stuffed tiger plush that she found when the three of
them were together, and the package also contains a letter where he confesses that the letters that Norma Jeane has been receiving, supposedly
from her father, were actually written by _____________________.
Shattered by the revelation, Norma Jeane ____________________ on barbiturates; as she lies dying on her bed, she has a vision of her
____________________ welcoming her to the afterlife.

letter - father - overdoses - president - father - proposes -

stage - drown - memento - miscarries - orphanage - pills -
hospital - him - divorces - polyamorous - abortion - nude -
drugs - pregnant - hallucinates
Task 1
1) Orphan 8) Complication 15) Memento 22) Mansion
2) Convention 9) Script 16) Crib 23) Loss
3) Coward 10) Painkiller 17) Sleepwalker 24) Jackal
4) Prude 11) Well-being 18) Period 25) Cripple
5) Suite 12) Threesome 19) Sexpot 26) Crotch
6) Sickness 13) Tramp 20) Gravity 27) Numbness
7) Condolence 14) Sap 21) Sympathy 28) Precaution

Task 2
1) He made a simple crib for their baby.
2) The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions.
3) I have a lot of sympathy for her; she had to bring up the children on her own
4) The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.
5) They never got over the loss of their son who died in a car accident.
6) She'd missed a period and was worried about pregnancy.
7) You can easily reduce the risk of theft by taking a few simple precautions.
8) Anna`s boyfriend wants to try threesome.
9) Richard was an orphan, adopted at nine months.
10) In many countries it is a convention to wear black at funerals.
11) He called me a coward, because I didn`t want fight.
12) I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.
13) He's always been a jackal, ready to sell his own mother out for a few extra bucks.
14) It is wrong to make fun of a cripple.
15) During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise.
16) After the car accident she was prescribed strong painkillers to reduce the pain in her broken arm.
17) Parents are responsible for the care and well-being of their children.
18) Sarah's no prude, but she thought some of the sex scenes were quite shocking.
19) All rooms and suites in the hotel have mini-bar and 24 hour room service.
20) Drinking much alcohol can cause diarrhea and sickness.
21) Our condolences go to his wife and family.
22) The fact that the plane was late added a further complication to our journey.
23) I have recently been suffering from pain and numbness in my hands.
24) Mary is considered to be a tramp, she had more than 37 partners in her twenties.
25) Don`t be such a sap. Show that bully that you can defend yourself.
26) I kept the bottle as a memento of my time in Spain.
27) Madonna is probably the most famous sexpot in the world.
28) There was a dark stain around the crotch of the trousers.

Task 3
Script, condolence, precaution, memento, orphan, sleepwalker, crotch, sickness, jackal, cripple, well-being, loss, painkiller, threesome, sexpot, suite, period,
mansion, numbness, crib, sympathy, prude, coward, gravity

Task 5
1) Scorn 7) Pretend 13) Demean 19) Contemplate
2) Gaze 8) Utter 14) Surmount 20) Drool
3) Gag 9) Wed 15) Vow 21) Puke
4) Strangle 10) Debase 16) Acquiesce 22) Consummate
5) Protect 11) Bother 17) Pant 23) Abandon
6) Cheapen 12) Impersonate 18) Misappropriate 24) Quit

Task 6
1) It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
2) She never compromised or cheapened herself.
3) She scorned all my offers of help.
4) He lay in a hospital bed contemplating his future.
5) Sarah was drooling over the lead singer through the whole concert.
6) He spends hours gazing out of the window when he should be working.
7) He tried to swallow a piece of bread but gagged.
8) She had been strangled with her own scarf.
9) Mark closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
10) When I utter your name, raise your hand.
11) She puked her dinner up again.
12) The couple eventually wed after an 18-year engagement.
13) Matteo arrived at the top of the hill, panting and covered in sweat.
14) She lied to investors and misappropriated $30,000 to pay off debts.
15) Women were forced to debase themselves by selling their bodies.
16) Danny, don’t bother Ellen while she’s reading.
17) She makes a living out of impersonating Tina Turner in shows and films.
18) I wouldn't demean myself by asking my parents for money.
19) The 9-year-old boy was abandoned by his alcoholic father.
20) She would quit her job if she inherited lots of money.
21) She had to surmount the difficulties of rising five children on her own.
22) They vowed that they would never forget their first kiss.
23) Tom acquiesced to all her suggestions, though he never expected to see her again.
24) They did not consummate their marriage until months after it took place

Task 8
1) Jealous 6) Distant 11) Phony 16) Precious
2) Jumpy 7) Incapacitated 12) Disturbing 17) Illiterate
3) Doped up 8) Swollen 13) Terrific 18) Well-being
4) Retired 9) Festering 14) Devious 19) Heartfelt
5) Cruel 10) Accursed 15) Fraught

Task 9
1) The car accident left me incapacitated for seven months.
2) My knee's still really swollen from the accident.
3) The wound is festering, and gangrene has set in.
4) He gave me an accursed look which made me understand that he didn`t want to see me anymore.
5) He gave the police a phony address.
6) I had a very disturbing dream last night.
7) This letter is really precious to me because it's the last one that Pete ever wrote.
8) More than half of the country's population of 8m are illiterate.
9) Charles was a well-read and highly educated man.
10) Anna says she feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend.
11) My younger sister gets very jumpy when she's alone in the house.
12) They cannot think clearly because they are doped up.
13) The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger.
14) She expressed her heartfelt thanks to all those who had helped and supported her.
15) Now he's retired he spends most afternoons exercising his dogs.
16) It was cruel of you to frighten the poor boy like that.
17) They were best friends at school, but after graduation they became distant.
18) I love her dress, it's terrific.
19) You have to be pretty devious to be successful in that sort of business.

Task 10
Devious, incapacitated, distant, jealous, retired, swollen, disturbing, well-read, heartfelt, precious, festering, doped up, jumpy, phony, terrific

Task 13
1) To make a living 8) In person
2) To be drawn to 9) To bring tears to eyes
3) To stay overnight 10) Man-about-town
4) One hell of a day 11) To be cheerful about something
5) To bits 12) To take something for granted
6) To get rid of 13) To take care of someone
7) To be starved for 14) To get used to English_through_Films
Task 14
1) He made a living by working as a cook.
2) Children are drawn to activities at which they are successful.
3) He stayed overnight in Detroit before continuing his trip.
4) It was one hell of a day, I am as tired as a dog.
5) The vase hit the floor and was smashed to bits.
6) He opened the windows to get rid of the smell of burning meat.
7) I am starved for Jane. I miss her so much!
8) I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.
9) Just remembering my grandparents brings tears to my eyes 20 years later.
10) He prefers a nightclub to a quiet night at home—a man about town.
11) She was so cheerful about being pregnant. It was her dream to give a birth to a child with her hubby.
12) He took his wife for granted, and would never have a clue just how happy he was to have her.
13) She made good money and knew she would be able to take care of a child on her own.
14) I hated this haircut at first. But I got used to it. I like it now!

Task 17
1) Figure out 6) Belong to 11) Embark on
2) Show off 7) Find out 12) Turn out
3) Freshen up 8) Sneer at 13) Doze off
4) Come over 9) Settle down 14) Make up
5) Let someone down 10) Agree with 15) Choke on

Task 18
1) "Do you have these shoes in size 8?" "I'm not sure - I'll just go and find out.“
2) She'll probably sneer at my new shoes because they're not expensive.
3) My dad was always really good at making up stories.
4) It turns out that she had known him when they were children.
5) Sorry, I must have dozed off for a few minutes.
6) It was a scary moment when dad started choking on that fish bone.
7) Women. I just can’t figure them out.
8) She raised her wrist, showing off a sparkling diamond bracelet.
9) We're embarking upon a new project later this year.
10) Velma disappeared into the ladies' lounge, saying that she needed to freshen up before dinner.
11) He came over to my apartment for dinner.
12) I'm relying on your help - please don't let me down.
13) Put your name in your coat so we can see who it belongs to.
14) They’d like to see their grown-up daughter settle down, get married, and have kids.
15) You both look great – marriage must agree with you. English_through_Films

Task 22
As a young girl, Norma Jeane Mortenson grew up being raised by her mentally unstable mother Gladys. On her seventh birthday in 1933, she is given a framed picture of a
man Gladys claims is her father. Later that night, a fire breaks out in the Hollywood Hills, and Gladys drives Norma Jeane up there, claiming that her father lives there, but
is forced to go back home at the orders of the police. An enraged Gladys tries to drown Norma Jeane in the bathtub. Norma Jeane escapes to the house of her neighbor. A
few days later, Norma Jeane is sent to an orphanage while Gladys is admitted to a mental hospital.
In the 1940s, Norma Jeane becomes a pin-up girl under the stage name of "Marilyn Monroe". In 1951, she auditions for the role of Nell in Don't Bother to Knock. She
impresses the casting director enough to give her the part. As her acting career rises, she meets Charles "Cass" Chaplin Jr. and Edward G. "Eddy" Robinson Jr., with whom
she begins a polyamorous relationship. Norma Jeane lands her breakout role in 1953 with Niagara, but after she is spotted in public with Cass and Eddy, she is told by her
agent to limit her appearances with them in public.
Norma Jeane becomes pregnant by Cass, but eventually decides to have an abortion out of fear that the child might inherit Gladys' mental issues. Cass supports her
decision. On the day of the appointment, she changes her mind, but it is too late. Following the abortion, she breaks things off with Cass and Eddy. She later meets Joe
DiMaggio, a retired athlete who sympathizes with her when she expresses her desire to leave Hollywood and become a more serious actress in New York City. As she films
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, she receives a letter from a man claiming to be her father. Norma Jeane feels disconnected from her onscreen performance at the film's
premiere, saying it is not her. She returns to her hotel room, having been told that someone is waiting for her. Expecting it to be her father, she instead finds Joe, who
proposes to her, which she accepts.
Norma Jeane and Joe's marriage sours when Cass and Eddy give Joe some nude publicity pictures of her, which enrages Joe so much that he hits her. However, she still
goes through with filming, doing the famous publicity stunt with the white dress. When she gets home, a drunken Joe screams and gets physically violent with her. She
divorces him.

In 1955, Norma Jeane auditions for the Broadway play Magda, written by renowned playwright Arthur Miller. He eventually warms up to her when she gives him some
insightful character analysis. Norma Jeane and Arthur marry and move to Maine, where she lives a happy life with him and becomes pregnant. However, when walking on
the beach one day with a platter of food, she trips and miscarries. Distraught, she returns to acting soon after.
While filming Some Like It Hot, Norma Jeane becomes more uncontrollable and mentally disturbed. To cope with her stress, she begins taking pills.
By 1962, she has become dependent on drugs and alcohol. Secret Service agents pick up an intoxicated Norma Jeane and take her to a hotel to meet the president, who
forces her to fellate him, before raping her, and then has her taken away after she vomits in his bed. Already dazed and drugged on pills, she begins to wonder if this is
what being 'Marilyn Monroe' has led to, and she also hallucinates having another abortion before being sent back to her home in Los Angeles. She learns from Eddy on the
phone that Cass has died and has left something to her. Cass' memento turns out to be the stuffed tiger plush that she found when the three of them were together, and
the package also contains a letter where he confesses that the letters that Norma Jeane has been receiving, supposedly from her father, were actually written by him.

Shattered by the revelation, Norma Jeane overdoses on barbiturates; as she lies dying on her bed, she has a vision of her father welcoming her to the afterlife.

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