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WHAT IS THIS POWERFUL IMAGE SAYING TO US? MAN IS HIS OWN MAKER You are the stone, you are the chisel, you are the sculptor. ‘What does this mean? You are the: sculptor! Meaning you! have all of the ability, skill, intellect, and tools needed to shape the stone, whichis your life. So what do you wane from your life? What destiny do you see for yoursel’ Are you working towards making that a reality? Ifnot, itis time to restructure yourself. SO WHERE TO BEGIN? “ PDC jot "APS Al ight reserved @ e x THE POWER OF A SINGLE THOUGHT! 5 e Sow a thought, reap an action; cow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character: cow a character, reap a destiny >> 4 DESTINY 7 CHARACTER | HABIT. 4 CHANGE BEGIN SIMPLY, WITH A THOUGH! Thought? I have a million thoughts a day... I> 8! 8 y 2:?: how powerful can they be? a > Asingle thought contains the potential to change the world. . . Take a look ~.well, what happens if you divide 0 by 0?” - Srinivasa Ramanujan Once Ramanujan's school teacher was explaining that any number divided by itself equals 1. At that time, Ramanujan wondered what would bapper of O was divided by 0. This thought led to major breakthroughs in the field of mathematics. BAPS.Allights reserved € x I wonder why that apple fell down... - Isaac Newton And with this thought, Issac explain gra and much mo ‘Newton went on to mathematically universal gravitation, the Law of motion, =. This single thought literally changed the way ‘ve understand the physical world around us. y Bat) But what if I run at the speed of light? (a Einstein's teacher was explaining the concept of speed of light" when Einstein bad a thought: ‘What if Lrun at the speed of light? Will Ise light stable? } This thought would go on to change the world of physic forever and provide us with the theory of relativity. - Albert Einstein ¢ + Can 1 fly amongst the clouds? riya x - Abdul Kalam Once young Kalam’s teacher took bis class tothe Rameshwaram seashore to show the students how the birds fly. However, Kalam found something else in the flight of these birds — he found inspiration to fly, Young Kalam would go om to become the Misile Man of India.’ So there you go! A powerful thought can change the world! But... 66 “Yesterday ei Everyone thinks of esas clever, I ras so wanted to change he bur none thinks of Today Lam uta w changing bimself. 1am changing myself.” - Leo Tolstoy - Rumi before we go and change the se we must first restructure ourselves. \/ the lecture, in order to restructure yourself, you must strengthen thes 4q ing to the lecture, in orde tu atte 7 Pea esi a aa eee ulate se PHYSICAL QUOTIENT (PQ) EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT (EQ) Ogee std a ree These 4 quotients are made up of various profound thoughts and co you to 6 game-changer thoughts that will help you these 4 quotient. MY VEHICLE TO ACHIEVE een ay bile! aca eee d's best racer in a third-class car, ares Similarly, we may have intelligence, talent and ambition but if SOT ee level. The healthier you are, the m: Eco aay ee ee eS een aa mileage you will be able to get out of your body a i et LL) |) oe (2) Nutritious Die ofan racer ieee Ce Ln ee ee ert aining at last 2-3 times a week as We should also focus on main oe ene Sue any Cea ee S, oils, and salt. Tne ‘We need to eat wholesome meals that will provi us with energy and good health Get Going — Get Fit - Achieve Your Dreams, ISTRAS; NDS RASS INSTI NIR INTIS, DN ce ha 100%? batt How do we learn? How do we become bop a get ee listening to leceures, etc. Now imag Peer - ra ISOM EUDUINORERU DODO SLL ee ES car eee nt i ROC ih aie Sorin a ‘The king was extremely upset about iy loss of his Finger. His fiends and fan CL ee friends told him, “Don't worry sre everything God docs, He docs fora god Meee ee ea ae ee a ae aaa sree ee told this. How could losing his litle finger possibly be a good thing? The king was so upset with his riend that he locked him up in prion! The king’ other friends thought i might bea 00d idca to help him take his mind off of his os. So, his friends organized a hunting trip in the nearby forest Everyone had split up in the forest so as not to scare away the animals, The king was lying in the grass, Sera something to shoot when all of a sudden, he heard some noise behind him. By the time he realized what had ae 4 group of wild forest people had bound his hands and feet and were dragging the king to their camp, Surry arias aC Lc ca ee redid a luman forthe sacrifice and bow luck we art have found notonly a buman, but a king! Our deity willbe ee ad Se Re Rr iat tna ae Sas er ht et ketrentnts king for him, but how could they find him? Even he didn't know soon, A few of the wild forest people began to wash the kin, ': Preparing him for the ritual sacrifice. As they washed him, one of the wild people noticed that the king only had 9 fi ingers. They told theit leader. The leader explained that because the king was ee COL Tey acceptable sacrifice for the deity. He then let the king go. Une eat Leet et oe ae Cane ge 3 em ee cma pe Sct ee ti CEE rly be dead right now. Sorry for not believing you Just like in the story, bad and unexplainable st everything that happens tous, happens a an een CULL en aaa for the best, We must simply tay positive, work hard, and remain Connect the Dots : Try to remember one event from your life wi difficulties or failure, but in the long run it ended up was eaeeuring for Lil our here in the moment you faced your favour, slaving diploma , it Was Wit Schoo fpriend.s but mythe longs — Ad Whe cre not Faienis: Fos neyo stay Connected THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT DAYS IN YOUR LIFE ARE THE DAY YOU ARE BORN AND THE DAY YOU FIND OUT WHY! Mark ji PIII IY YYW AWAY AIDI I III I Letthe Great Re structuring Commence! Pramukh Swami Maharaj has given us the formula for success: HARD WORK + PRAYER = SUCCESS If you want co successfully restructure yourself, to improre your life, to develop your personality - then apply these 6 thoughts to your lif! It will require a sincere effort on your par. However, along with effort, don't forget to pray. There isa power in prayer that we can tap into whenever we need guidance, encouragement, and support. Prayer helps focus our mind, create a positive mind-set and environment around us, ard reach beyond our capacity. So, every day, pray to whomever you believe in Help guide me in all of my endeavours, Whatever strength, intellect, or power I posess is due to Jour grace. Please bless me with courage of character. Help me to reach my potential and try every day to become the best version of myself.” Every few clases, we will be giving you an IPDC Challenge, where you will have the ‘opportunity to perform a certain task or activity over the course ofa few days to connect with the principles taught throughout this course 116 of these powerful thoughts on it. 1 she semester. You very week until SAAS. Abogh reed Dc | 07 REMAKING pea powerful idea that just might revolutionize the way you work and live if you embrace it on a personal level # an ae Ke E BE DIFFERENT. EXTRAORDINARY. BE RESPECTED. € Ca OY cuance. © cuamrion < IMPROVE/ o BEA . * HERO. .° PROGRESS."11 PA Dear Friend, YOUTH. Before you enter my world, let me introduce myself. am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I am completely at your command, Half the things you do you might justas well urn over to me and I will be able to do them quickly, correctly Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically, Lam the servant of all great people; and alas, of all failures as well . Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you Forever your companion, Habit BAPS. Allright reserved Pe aed iecni Ps Charles Duhigg Og ares author of "Change Your Habis, aC ¢ Your Life” studied 233 self-made millionaires over the course of jee yearon the dally habits that helped chem become sucesfl. Here are the habits they hae in common sp carl Nearly 50% of the self made rlionaires wake up atleast three hours before their workday started. ‘A whopping 838% say they devote 30 minutes or more each day ro education improvement chrough reading Legendary investor and self-made billionaire Warren Buffer says that reading has been the most crucial habit he's developed. riorit They avoid time-wasters: 76% of his survey Think of time as an investment. Where do we respondents carve out 30 minutes or more for want coinvest our time? Where will we receive exercise every day. Billionaire Richard Branson, _the best return? Be choosy about the apps says that his morning routine of waking you spend your time on. Instead of spendiny up at 5 am to play tennis or cycle, hours on end watching TV or has doubled his productivity. scrolling through Instagram or Whatsapp, think where can I bette 6 invest my time?" ; ext 0th habits you woud like to implemens in your life You can find more tps in his bestselling book “Chunge Your Habits, Change Your Life." & HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE “People do not decide their futures they decide their habits and their habits decide teir futures.” ~ FM. Alexander “Sowa thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and reapa character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.” ~ Samuel Smiles Watch Charles Duhig’s TEDx talk FE about the Power of Habit here: & rete HOW TO DEVELOP Goop HABITS OR CHANGE BAD HABITS? 01. 02. Identify the habit Define the concrete behaviour you want to change or develop. 03. 04. Make the decision to change the habit Be persistent and patient when creating or and then remain committed destroying habits "NEW HABITS ARE MUCH LIKE A NEW PAIR OF SHOES: FOR THE FIRST FEW DAYS, THEY WILL FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE. BUT IF YOU BREAK THEM IN FOR ABOUT THREE WEEKS, THEY WILL FIT LIKE A SECOND SKIN." ~ Robin Sharma a eR a Te you can change them... [it is} CE aa but [it is] always possible,” ou dic?” Robin Sharma explains the rule of 21 postive lifechange only afer ng old behaviours with I cry when y ive up on creating 4, a fewdaays wren they experience # ew ones ‘Pos this sound familia SHUT UP & STOP MAI es come from people i habit of making excuse: Let's stop making excuses! 999% of th Feinvite you crake on the 2! Day Challenge! e who have t Fins fil out the chart below io Re aad Pen esata Perey ead Sea re bius Por mua Tru Rr pace am J will wake Uj Pilwake up e2tly need more sleep t© tive early co exercise be produc during the day wake up t00 late will read my book Twill read ineeresting— | 7 don't have enough time to read con the bus going (0 I spend too much time on my smartphone. and inspirational books college t I wi Prath Tam met Learn new fs a ea SkiN ONEW™ dag beter? t s\ee?. Skills and leasning, Ned SKANS practise them T anne focrs on) yn Res ane Pyerave ™ ON a Single Hing ot concennte o7 yosihes Cre a single time [one gas. oF & ing lit € | hme Now itis time for you to decide! Which one good habit, imbibed in ™Y life, would profoundly improve the way I live? ro the 21-day challenge: Pick one habit and plug iti Pte yo NEGATIVIT ip |i APS. Al ighs reserved, “GOOD HABITS FORMED AT YOUTH MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.” Did you know, a rocker uses more fuel ere ee ee ed od than it does over the days that follow Oe a ea a ae ee cea eee eae ec when it will over more than half a million Pred Cs Buon hy ‘extraordinary. Outstandiny Secu nett ee 8: Exceptional. Remarkable. Amazing. This person goes on to preat within a particular field. They achieve whatever they put their mind to and Roe GOD OF eRI“Key YOUSACHi ‘and confused. “Mom just called and said that there was a fire fe kitchen and she wasn't able to pu it out in time, The whole ison fire!” your sister says hysterically. saying another word, you both jump on to your scooter and me, you think to yourself about your home, your family, your tis currently burning up. “Ob no! [still have one more exam to do? My notes for the exam have probably burnt up in the fre!” as ‘ final rites, India | oe ere ome tis » tbs where he Fat match against Zimbabwe, aye ee While Sachi ingot : von Afr sda Sane’ * WAS attending to his father's tain oa F Suntry and tohonor his father 45 x balance of mi © £9 England to play against Kenya, 4 it was his duty to play for is We may: J icult circumst : xg ; ances like thi county, Tin Hef of cas Wesker ti Orhands to mah _ s. We ena ate faléll oe, © maintain balance of mind = remain —-. duty to our self, our Family, “e rs -_> anemone scENARION2 Jeveloplng king! At your college Yoo ne 008 yore knows that you area gen when it comes ts develaping, Hew applies ox aa pes You've already made two app that were Instat hit! Currently, yo are working.onna new app hac wil bel ( One day, another snident comes up to you while you are having lunch and asks, “Do you have a %| °® nna’ wt as yet fe questions about app development.” You dow t knw ths guy buat ow given te eat ext you, He Bgl» tll you about an ex he has about anew app au sesounasjut ike yours! I fact, he has added some new features that make t more user flenlly ants compite and share thelr notes with other students than dhe app you are developing. "Vin having some faues with the ning. Fas hoping you would take lo aritand Delp ic got rid of any lugs. "Ie says What would you do? This guy might he a better app developer than you! yi Hes mycompetition! a Dept cake pick looker stand say t a a daln't find any problew ut He seems to have real potential for app development ancl could bevoane great in Sachin ‘Tendulkar is known for guiding young and new cricketers, giving them invaluable advice, However, Sachin used to help cricketers even when he was 4 superstar! He would give tips freely to his teammates and even players from other teams! .aNa nan Interview with Times of India, Amol Muzumdar (retired Ranji Trophy batsman) said, “Personally, Lowe [Sudin].a lot far the courage be gave me in times of need. Once while playing a match for Mumbai against Maluanashoa. Twas strugeling with my own failuresand some worriesat home. Nobody knew what was going through my mind, but Sachin could sense it, He came and put bis arm around my shoulder and said, ‘Aro, whatever its, you Bave to fight 1 amt zv#eNossai We should also be willing to help others even if it means that someone could become better than uy ar become ‘our competitor intthé future, Helping others sits own reward Your parents have gone out shopping and it’s just you your friend and Rocky, your pet dog, at the house. Yes! Your parents think you will be studying, but instead you call your best Friend to come aver. You guys are playing indoor See a Oe on Se woe yors TENDULKAR LESSON #3 In 2011 ICC World Cup, | facing th West Indies in Chennai, Sachin edged Ravi Rampaul’s delivery, Umpire Steve Davis gave Tendulkar a not-out Yet Sachin still walked off, back to the pavilion, because he krew he was out. As a competitor, this isan extreme difficult decision. However, Sachin played cricket swith honor. For him it wasn’t simply about winning ot losing, but it was about how you chooxe to win or lose, He held on firmly to his principles In life, we will face many such decisions, What will we do? Will we take the mor-ont'or tell the truth? It may seem like a simple decision with no consequences, but remember these decisions sculpt our character learning from ego ag T H ie that eruly makes Ratan Tata stand out amongst business magnates Ss - . and industrialists is his ethical behavior and business practices, along with his value-based living. This takes Ratan Tata from Pe ree nos ‘ Take a look at these interesting facts and stories about oe | i Ratan Tata. Take some time to think about them: T. ‘AT. ‘b. S Aa on add di Um . companies such as Tata alt etc. offering product rvices across 150 countries and 750,00( r pany set up a joint venture and constructed a 1 ory. But unfortunat newly appointed CEO, who was working with the Tatas for the first tim product, During a meeting, he mentioned to Ratan Tata, ‘We set up th n I hope it's al I I aqui as Ratan T ‘onished rey { the CEO. hairman would cho. lose a factory instead of indulging lt I hat if Ratan Tata had ¢ ad said it, then surely it mu e -— What lessons a" be learnt from what less ‘these lessons to MY LIFE? ne can Lapp) os ee yma How ate What lessons can be learnt from Ratan Tata’s chari 1 OF's always necessary te ynake, 1 6 ome. Dewerering OtheTS BH a mese val Hoivcan Lapply thes 1Y LIFE? FWerkin (26/11 of 2008;the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel (the Ts), owned by the Tat ‘ fe ofthe atack, Ratan Tata took charge to make sure employees or visitors who had suffered injury or loss at ne Taj Group, was attacked by terrorists, In th “ld receive some form of compensation. Tata made sure that salaries of heavily attacked Taj Hotel employees atepaid even wi ‘ rE ren while the hotel was bei os constructed, 1,600 employees were provided food, water, ist aid, and facilis tha were ‘rough employee outreach centers. Ratan Tata personally visited families of all 80 employees affected. The empl ment pallway of Victims, loyee's relatives were flown to Mumbai and were all accommodated for 3 weeks. Tata also nployecs, poi ce taff, and pedestrians. Tata made arrangements for the education of 46 children *6) aso paid families of deceased employces their Full salary for the rest of their life © Ratan Tata was raise * Ratan Tata's frst job was at limestone Ratan Tata is a skilled pilot. He was Under his able leadership, the reve © When former Indian resident K. R. Narayanan bestowed the Padma BI distinguished service to the countr * The Tata Group, under his leadership, 2 $28 eae provide aid to undergraduate students from India. The group also dona ; a Technology, Bombay and created the Tata Center for Technology and ( engineering, Se te De ora eri eee Te “Lepent alo of time preparing myself physically and mentally. Cr a La tate ee “Don't top chasing your dreams, because dreams do come true.” “Take the stones people throw at you, and suse them to build a monsmest on rs ione can destroy iron, but its own rt Likewise none can destroy a person but bis own mind st at (by Shashank Shah) FA oc Chase Your Dreams: My Antbiogrphy ‘The Wit and Wisdom of Ratan Tata ee SET Ceet Ren Tertiean rn! (by Sachin Tendullar) rom allblazers BARS A gira Frey person ha a deep and inborn desire to be listened to, and to be understood Now: py close attention... we used the word listen not ‘hear. What's the difference? Dvn Hearing sa function of your ears. While listening is o. hearing with your ears, eyes and understanding with our gz WB kcoding mind and heart 33 MI 5021: 03 iu ‘We spend 70-80% of our waking hours communicating SM ss viscose spend 60% four ime listening.” Mos pe People believe they are good listeners, that ‘Mean? Even listeners. bur studies show that we only remember 17-25% of what we hear!" What though we spend so much time listening and have been practising it for years ~ we are still very 101990, Eizabeth Newro (PSP Out the hythm of 1 ‘he listeners onl n earned a PhD in psychology at Stanford by studying a simple game where tappers were told 20 well known sony ¢ listeners. When the results came, everyone was surprised, because ll igs to the listeners. When the result , every 'y guessed, information, we are still 3 songs correctly! This research shows that despite hearing so much info lerstandin Nery bad at, “nderstnding what is being communicated 0 eg. hes places where a, ered <_< ie ‘0 not listen to our we need to become better listeners, is in our own home. We tend t — concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively "the message of the speaker." There are three key factors to Active Listeni Listening with our Ears Listening with our Eyes & Body eer eae hacen 1. LISTENING WITH OUR EARS in the Present BOC aurs tiered tm make it to class today.” ‘When listening to someone, do not let your mind wander to other ‘things ~ such as what you have to do in an hour, your homework, what you want to eat for lunch. ‘Avoid distractions when listening to someone. Put your mobile away and give the person your full attention. ~ Focus on the speaker's words and not on what you'll say next Priority is to give a response. Remember, you will be better equipped to think of a thoughtful fesponse if yor. actually understand said. Communication will be better overall if you are able to truly understand the other person's point When conversing with someone, 1g the main points or (2) asking questions are two proven ways to show the other person that you are completely engaged in the conversation. (1) summari “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent tnx ply OBAPS. All rights reserved — LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING |sTENING WITH OUR EYES & BODY 2, LISTES ners her younger brother's room to ask him a question, Piyush was updating his social media pages Prisha es ter. onhis or 4 birthday is coming up, so 1am thinking that we should get him a Laptop!” ell ish says Replies Piyush without stopping ro look away from the screen we hye will prefer - Dell or Macbook?” what doy a you think os best.” says Piyush while still typing fe whatever ym " ; sking you Piyush! Bul Yeah Th ; You are not listening?” “Yes Lam. You ae not litening with your eye!” ‘ehaveall had this experience: ‘Wear talking to someone and they look at the clock, or look past you, or look dazed and confused. How do we fee! wiensomcon dos thao us? We tink tha they tent litening to sor are not interested in wht we havet ay Lisening with our eyes and body is very important part of making the speaker fee heard Sohow do we do that? Nainain eye contact and concentrate on the speaker. Ith speakers talking and you're gaing out the window or ‘coding someone 2 message from your mobile, the speaker will lose interest in talking with you and may fel hare. ‘Along with ee contact itis always good to use non-verbal cues to acknowledge you ar listening othe speaker. This "clas fcing the speaker, nodding your head and smiling, laughing or frowning when appropriate. ceva of your suroundings and the speaker's facial epresions. Many things are sid silently, thats, through {Strand body language. I's equally important to pay attention to what isnt being said, Facial cues, tone of voice, ‘pcof thi shoulders and many other such traits el us alot about what the speaker is actually erying to say. SUSTENING WITH YOUR MIND & HEART One morning, Pramukh Swami Maharaj was performing his daily pooja. ‘Swamiji applied an orange tlak on his forehead and then put ared cheandlo in the middle. A small boy, called Shvetanshu, watched this curiously. He wished to have a chaandlo applied on him. Slowly he went upto Swamiji and then just stood nearby without saying a word. Everyone watching nearby Wondered whar the boy wanted, However Swamiji knew what he wanted, he applied a beautiful chaandlo on Shvetashu’s forehead. The child's facelit up with a lovely smile! But Shvetanshu still did not go. Everyone wondered — “What docs he want now? The little boy didn't say a word, he didnt need to oc xt heb, © stood from his mind and heart, he picked up a small mirror and held because Swamiji understood fi d heart, hi hhvetashu stared at his reflection, now satisfied, he ran off with a big smile on his face. Shvetashu stared at his reflect s everyone wants their perspective to be appreciated. So when Along with being understood, everyone wants their persp pp vt, intention, then we are listening with our mind and heart. Perhapseven greater than being appreciated, people want empathy ~ chey wane their Feelings to he Aknowleg erhaps even greater tha Mu, shared. So, how can we listen with our mind and heart? Try to appreciate the speaker's perspective, even if you don't agree with it, 5 i +'s emotions. Empathize with their emctions ~ try to put your Do not discount or dismiss other's emotions. Emp. 1 € put yourself in teeny to fel what the speaker i feeling. IFthey are sad, be sad. If they are happy, be happy. If chey are PPOUd, be ogi Uda them. / / ~Be patient Let the speaker finish aking completely and then voice your opinion. Ifyou morally Aisagtee with, then start your opinion in this manner, “Maybe you are right, but [believe that,” n @ Recall time when you requested something from your paren and they refused. Now try to appreciate their perspective and try to emphasize with their emotions. Write about it below, EL asked my parerta for te latest mobile phone, bit they told me no . Atthe time L wos upset, bit Landerstand that my parents work realy hard ts save money and they cant afford +e pay for such expensive afis, £3. 1 askes MY _Kasents for junk food almost Everday hen Teas a cls. Some time Swed de let me eat Junk rod | f but mes ty Meg Tefased to de co At dhut time 1 eit UPSer Lut P4 Mndetsjund knew het mM Parents ©: Conceving ULouy MA hatth ang didn't Want fo make eu Eu ny Wink food a hubs of a LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING | HE BENEFITS OF LISTENING I 2 4 listener is skill that can be learned and is beneficial in various Ky Being 120° crsofe 2 ads. classmates, teachers, co-workers and superiors. family, friends our life, Being a good listener can impact our relationship with our f HOW ACTIVE LISTENING IMPROVES YOUR LIFE Discuss and write down, how active listening can improve your daily life and fucure career iscuss ant ly acaleuluting the Gubit of active listening t andes Sind Con Letters sai _othews ave tuning 46 convey and +h About the things tat TF shoul (wil) imPrrove wo ba Gn be Sus fos_me s few tern ov Pestowmance «M4 -welarions and pga daly (fe ans furwre Coenen 'Gveshis order to the waiter and then looks across the table a the Hie sees that his soup and sandwich have both gone cold and look asks the man, “Is everything alright, sir?” All of a sudden, “My son has cancer.” He stares at Darshak esis stunned! What should he say? Why is this complete stranger telling him this? But Darshak simply nods 2. He begins to unload his story on unsuspecting Darshak “just ound out, I Live in Chennai but my son lives Hy : jield me to come vise bim. Fach, ‘tseen bim in so long, so 1 jumped at the opportunity to come see bim. We had a Nghe PME Mp and talking.” wc jos Bile USTENING & Unp PEST neff te aig etd mete bd news Tenn ble it Het me ot apy ‘As be was drapp : ! | cath fs ng to fight Hl bi that Tam going bome, packing npa fw thing, any sarted bs tre hs ay ming todo to tay with bi until be gets better, "Tears began to trickle down the man's fice. Darshak didn't know ‘what simply took a tue and handed ie to the man and patted che man's arm, Just chen, Darshak heard the for his fight. He stood up to leave, The man stood up as well and hugged Darshak, “Thank you 0 meh fy net ey m ea Where did Darshak use active listening in this story? DAL the mome then Devshuy caw ort his _frouglss loolcing Sad -Devestu Uses the Last time Gedive listening im sis Stem We \stened ha lis ming und heagt at that dime Then he listened by his ears eyes Cent body To this Wes Darchuk Uses arsive listening gy the time when he Was aiuh this mun. SO... when are you going to become a good listener? Remember! There is no time like the present! Take the principles from this lass and practice active listening for 1 WEEK at home! ‘Take time to listen to your parents and siblings and make a concentrated effort to understand them, The other par of the challenge ~ifyou are having a fae-to fae conversation with anyone, immediately put our ‘mobile phone away and give them your fll attention. Ifsomeone calls and t isnt urgent, then don't pickup the cl Just note down your experiences below! How did active listening help improve my relationships a home? PACHVE Listening belted me se undersiand wheat ag family members dese exPecting me to de fer them I+ mucde me moxe — wut the -thinas ssi z Corapleses ama in this J Wes abi tping hee 40 m4 family Gnd tis improved may welodian ships at Lome — a ———— poe OBAPS. Alles seed “We have two ears and one mouth so we can Listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus, Greek Philosopher 5 'PDC Essentials a onal academic & pF ens ove our relationships in our pers ican impo The key factors to Act Listening | + Lisening with ou Ears 5 ting With our Eyes & Body *-Listening with our Mind & Heart _ ened —— Welcoming PUP VD Pep A AAARR AHURA AAN ALAA MX hyddagrdy WELCOMING CHALLENICD eee aad rs ax Comeback Champions Lincoln 1848 lost renomination to congress, 1854 defeated for senate, 1856 defeated for Vice President, 1858 defeated again for senate, | aced so many challenges before | became President. But as often say, “lembrace difficulties, they are like gems to me! +3 1s, Einstein Abraham, | know you like to give your long list of the challenges you've faced, but | have definitely faced worse myself. | couldn't speak until| was 4 years old. and wasn't able to read till the age of 7! One of my teachers thought | was “mentally slow" was expelled from my school and rejected from universities...But | always told myself - “In the midst of difficulty, ies opportunity.” a Disney You guys are pretty good but the challenges I've faced tops all of yours. | was FIRED by my newspaper editor for "LACKING IMAGINATION" ‘can you believe it? | went bankrupt several times! Disneyland was rejected before being built! But hardships only strengthened me Edison Okay! But my teachers told me, "You are too stupid to learn anything!” That's pretty bad. I made 10,000 light bulbs that didn’t work. But each time | would tell myself, have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” 1928 Lincoln Yeah, yeah... But Thomas, remember the challenges you've faced were all private whereas all of mine were all public disasters! Just look at mi Everything PUBLIC! Einstein Aweewwrh not the list again, Lincoln! It’s as tall as your hat... Disney ' Ques there is no sure way of knowing who faced the most challenges or who overcame them best! Edison The only thing we know for sure is that our challenges pushed us to work harder and become more successful 336 Lincoin | agree! 3.36 Disney Me too! : cs © oe ay Pcs aba Oe tr oe j cy WR ay donee a iC, yi 7 [ew i = a yy Life is 10% what happens tous and 90% how we respond to it, Negative Outlook Positive Outlook Tha te wa ste WELCOMING CHALLENGES} E Negative Outlook 5 . aa a Positive Outlook | Tanta bel gre ny parte shay tll me ht \Evers time === ———— po ee Tey needs sop nagging ma ard kt Iw my ae € T der aw lead é ! Ie TNA Parrents Always | [te me that I eed so 1 ' ' I 1 i de Lewes | | | \ ! arr Lene fbn nb Leh Soe portion ipatt enbarrass myself puble. T Pserawed co Quear sreec| for MS Jean's Yeuth sare la emplet hat you ofan aay abost your daly chalong. J tried to lesen Varios ! Narsious 1 Tyrings bar OT Aad is | i I 1 1 1 ! [Wings ais means a got i* fai\ iserwaely and ems) [and J can use ix 40 here 1 | \ 1 | CxPesience about them | I \ ' ue See leawning move \ | Others ag wey \ ‘When faced with a challenge, we know there is no benefit in indulging in self-pity or negativity. It is important to keep a positive attitude. But the next step is to find 2way to adjust to the challenge. Consider facing an obstacle on your path, like a nS wal You could give up and go back the way you came, or become upset and shout, or foolishly keep running at the wall hoping it would give way. Buc the best way to ‘elara challenge is by learning to adjust and find a workable solution. Reed ides Karis a pe coumpie of meme wh had Ge mar allen i Be -wotiubie siccens she was able achiew pear suces roughour he HE Oecx Friends. Aft: was bow aia Fem ox ile: het oc sw walt see amd hace any age. |had felt hopped and lomaly because cowld met oper masa hon Iwas ced 6. ma tacche. Mis: Salon helped me ER BP x and il” fil So wha the pin of trying gin” old me ie was impossible. I shouldn't hhave wasted my time.” LISTENING TO NEGATIVITY @ La ae » LACK OF SELF-ESTEEM. a MAKING EXCUSES * <> 4 R OF R “Theres no law stating that people who fail always fail and people who are successful always succeed. Successful people o what makes them stand apart? Successful people look at failure face the same factors of failure like everyone el from a diferent perspective ~ they embrace failure. They crush negative thoughts! Successful people move in a completely different direction, Sir Roger Bannister was the frst man to run amilein FEAR OF BEING THE FIRST cc 4 minutes! Doctors and scientists athe time believed it was physically impossible to run a mile in less Behan 4 minutes, But Bannister decided to do the {mpossible! In 1954, against all odds, Roger ran one mile in 3:59.4 minutes, breaking the world record! 46 days later, another runner broke Bannister's record! Over the next few years, more and more people began to break the 4 minute smile record, To date, 1,400 athletes have broken the 4 rvinute barrier! Once Bannister proved that the impossible was possible, Kuddenly everyone was able to do it or ae wpe [oss =< One of the alltime greatest players in the history of basketball. 5 times National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. ‘rusted to take the game whaning shot and missed, I've failed over and over and over again ‘i DO LL ae aad é Arn ate ‘T’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my carcer, I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been,” 3 eT R ets A Doves Big Bs © The ‘B’ in Bollywood stands for awarded Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan, and Padma Vibhushan ly the Guvernmen Bachchan. fe hss 4+ Tie was the first actor to receive the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award. I hia. acted in at feast 163 films. Rejected by All India Radi Reject during bis first - First 12 movies was flopped! Had to go into semni-re rnvent in 1994 Venture into fil production felt bin AMITAIE BACHCHAD Se eaten Trey . ee LS ea ro oom CT : Freee se en but failure... ee an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had AP wre ad Iwas jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is posible to I eaahatie Sadie es PT tal ed ae er tad J.K. ROWLING F, of other FAMOU FAILURE Pe un a Pree a é Bless UE 7 Red bol st Toy bol tL) (Factors we cannot control) ‘CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE (Factors we con contol) Opinions cc Se Cree Lee aetna Circle of Inf “7 Habits of Highly Effect Place where you are constantly conce luence and the Circle of C oncern is ato cople.” People who fl tend to with factors that ar ~ople who succeed live in the Circle of L that there are factors outside of your control and you concen control, resulting in success outside of your more likely to fail. Pe Se Ce ae courage to change the things Ica in; and wisdom to know the CCT) Get out of the Circle of Concern! ce “Hababa...” You look over tothe group of students iting afew tables down from yours at The Den, laughing at someone'sle table is full of the coolest students atthe uni versity. Everyone is wearing fancy clothes, just like in a magazine. A the students are chatting on their iPhones. The others are all talking to each other ina rapid English they ound like foreigners Cn You look at your own table wo find that you at sting by yourself Your clothes re worn and ol found in a magazine. You are «eating a snack you brought from home because ‘you could never id ~ they would n afford ro buy somet kro like you could have afforded a English-medium school anyways. As you consider your circumstance, you this , “Flow will! ver be abl to compete with thee students? They have ceerything! TU never be able 10st PP them. They will get the better jobs and the better life.” [EBAPS.Allnghe ened ~ OO ju got out of the Circle of Concern? see my father tonight, Lam going to force him to buy me a nice phone, better clothes and , better clothes and a her om ic Foam fit im with these students.” " on 1 common person who is supposed to live a comma p ‘posed to live a common life. There is no scope of a glamorous 5 poet tt Just accept it.” sifefor me or allo flies cans of te lin inside, mot becanse of what colori ison the owe, Whe care don't have fancy things or speak good English? I will fly in the shy of success because of my self-com fide and inner strong! Jo'becocered withthe thing that are out of your control Focus onthe things within your infuence 9, WELCOME (0 THE PATH OF SUCCESS! i a i ello tas | a GEORIOUS/As? Fureka! ‘Complete this section at the start of the Glorious Past Part - 1 lecture. yom dow ¥ Roe chen fo five to search it online) 1. Who discovered the laws of motion? When? Explain i in bri 2 Newt disovered the Jaws of motion Jn [686 the $41W)_ 6 £ arpti0n EXMuine Tmestia Selusieg between wnuss accelewasion & ac Ong ction weachen Hreeyy 2, Who invented this theorem (a? + b” used for right angled triangles? When? Explain it in brief DPAmwajewas [avented his trewram Corea cused fey > Cngled Hriangle in Fe BOSE Stayes that asea of niferenase js Mak H cum OF Ate oF S4teree. Stuate_w [vse oO other AW 3. Who discovered the value of 7? When? Explain it in brief, DAschimedes os Cvesod the valve of 7 §2250 8 And jue Ueerpoimare Velue of 31665 ‘4 Who invented trigonometry? When? Explain it in brief aie SchiS invent Sefomere fn 140 86 Trigennnersy busitaly Jeuls With Study of +viungec ey With their lengths ,angies of 4 5. Who discovered that the atom isnot slid but contains empty space? When? Explain it in brief, ALarest Qurhey fou) in IM diccoy - Het eon OF Met Selig but Cenwuin’ emery ceuce All of the Centre cere Caled nCleune 6. Who discovered gravity? When? Lxplain it in brief, DNwhn Jiseveres Joovity in 1667. He Cx Pley whethet lame ox Gmair is Grizacte, | ster is Concenteatey in @ Si F-GAWVIT towards 4 jt COBATS Alig rere oc BUT EN rs ek Indians, who taught us how to count, wit Ste ey MULT Ly Scientific discovery could ‘ave been made. The Pythegorcen Baudhayana Theorem Cy which f any lng gy method was actually explained in 409 4 by born. This theorum, writen ina Veit cy Sandhiyana Sholbe Sutra, 2 seeps, THe ehh a PN Pepe a of the diagynal produses an area (c') which the ertial and sides make tether (a +)’ boriumts Beusthayana Shula Sutra 46 Themem: (a+b? = C) vets in the Shull Sutras including ding the hypenenuve ofan iosceles triangle and “The Indizn zero, widdy xen as one of the greatest innovations in buman history, ts the EE Coe eee Le La ae Peter Gobers, enlace ad a LL a ee Aryabhata, the Mathematical Genius Aayabheta Wish (876-54) 1, wasn carly din Astionomer Mathematician who g gave many major contibucons crew 2 we in a Sally\ives weday. Aryabhatiya, one of bis moxt major works, ia detalled vend eaten ics The mathematica part of the Aryalhatiya covers arithmetic alla pea tiypmunneary, sonsinused fractions, quadratic equations, sumy-of power series, and a table! Yew h si, nine, vexsine, and inverse sine influenced the birth of trigonometry.’ Pls, he ws wor the 9 pail sine ao venine tables, in 3.75" imtervas from Oto HP, Papithass 1 sis tmp te bn the Asim sytem that we use on a daly bas vi Se agp h which can tb wil seen vnay in an ancern Id are Hie to am accuracy of 4 decimal ple His works cleanly shows the use the pa an snathcmatical vex called the Bakhshall Mans tre wise yart hk baysthatiya, wecan ver than Arybhata saerb bi etirated mi) 1 fy nificant plaves! fbi TaD pica Up M) epirbrensieratcn ating: i Add 410 HY, multiply Vy 4, and then adel 62,001. My this vale the incannferencs ofa ire witha diaraete of 20,00) an beappraa hed Waklishall Mavsesipt Mrltetys Caslopeds ame uf the aden maviving mannsripe i! mathernans Carton dated un AIT bintpe mand

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