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Let's Have Some Fun!

Other Series

Void Runner: Chapter 1


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Let's Have Some Fun!

That's our goal here. On it's surface it sounds good, right? Everybody
likes fun! Well, it's important to clarify that when we say fun we're not
talking about family board game night. We're talking over the top explicit
content. Now, once again you're probably thinking that sounds good, right?
Well, we really want to emphasize over the top really means over the top.
This book is meant for adults. You've been warned.
Other Series

Herald of Shalia Series

Herald of Shalia Book 1

Herald of Shalia Book 2

Herald of Shalia Book 3 (Coming Soon!)

Forbidden Arcana Series

Jinx (Book 1)

Ariel (Book 2)

Mirage (Book 3)

Theia (Book 4)

Sable (Book 5)

Luna (Book 6)

Talia (Book 7)

Morgana (Book 8)

Valaria (Book 9)

Arcana Slice of Life Series

Animal Magnetism (After Sable)

Rank Zero (After Morgana)
Void Runner: Chapter 1

Vince smiled as politely he could manage while the inspectors searched

through his cargo. What he really wanted to do was beat them senseless for
wasting his time but the last thing he needed was an infraction from the
Kalysian overseers.

“What’s in there?” they asked, pointing to the engine room of his ship.
“Open it.”

“Not happening,” Vince answered tossing them the key to the room.
“You can open it and I’m going to take a few hundred steps back.”

“We gave you an order,” the head overseer’s eyes flashed red for a
moment before calming back down to their normal brownish color. The nice
part about Kalysians was their eyes operated like mood rings and made it
easy to determine what they were feeling. Most of them spent their entire
lives attempting to control their emotions because of it. “Open it.”

“No,” Vince answered stepping back while raising his arms up in

surrender. “I’d rather be arrested. This ship uses a tox engine. You know
what that is? Developed by the Hakar for their war with the Xanda so if they
ghostlike fucks phased directly onto their vessels they could open up the
engine room and flood the place with poisonous radiation that only the
Hakar could survive.”

“Liar,” the overseer’s eyes flashed between red and yellow multiple
times. Pissed off and concerned were certainly the emotions Vince would be
feeling if it were him. “There’s no way a human would be using a tox

“Tell your boys to look in there,” Vince said pointing to a large beaten
up locker.

The head overseer gestured to his colleagues to look and a few moments
later they pulled out a chem suit made explicitly for dealing with tox
engines. They immediately dropped it and looked around for a purification

“Don’t worry boys,” Vince yelled. “I purify the suit. Feel free to put it
on and go in to inspect.”

“I still think you’re lying,” the head overseer’s eyes shifted green
indicating his disgust with Vince. The overseer turned to the two junior
workers aboard the ship. “We’re done here! Get to the next ship.”

“Don’t forget to sign off,” Vince said holding out his manifest. It
wouldn’t be the first time that an inspector conveniently forgot to sign the
document just to harass him during his visit or steal shit from the cargo bay.

“Be careful here Mr. Echo,” the inspector said with blood-tinged eyes.
“Blue Solara is a Kalysian base and considered an extension of the glorious
empire. As such, any violation of the law here will be reported to the entire

“Right,” Vince resisted the urge to remind them that they were hardly an
empire anymore after the Hakar came through and infested half their
colonies. Those chitinous bastards were basically space locusts. But he
couldn’t really judge them for that since humans were just as bad and at
least the Hakar didn’t kill their own.

He would have preferred not to stop at a Kalysian base at all but he

didn’t have much choice since he’d been flying nonstop for a month and the
Blue Solara was the largest space station in the region.

It was also conveniently located between his previous and next

destinations. There was always money to be made transporting goods if you
knew the right products and needs of planets throughout the universe, and
Vince knew a hell of a lot about what was going on in the universe.

In this case, the right product was a type of vegetable seed capable of
growing in even the harshest environment. The right buyer was recovering
planets in the recently demolished marshal sector. The human alliance was
not messing around when they bombed those rebels and the soil was no
longer hospitable to most forms of agriculture.

The only downside was the planet with the seeds was across about forty
sectors of space leaving Vince only three choices for pit stops and the other
two weren’t exactly hospitable to humans. Not that much of the galaxy was.

“I fucking hate these stations,” Vince muttered as he exited the docking

station and entered the long mazelike corridors that were a trademark of
Kalysian design. They were almost like enormous apartment complexes or
malls except more poorly designed since they didn’t differentiate between
residential and business sections.

He connected with one of the station’s visitor inputs and began pulling
up the maps of the areas and committed several different routes to the
docking station to memory. There were only a few places he’d care to visit
during the couple days he intended to stay so memorizing everything didn’t
take that long.

“Watch it, parasite,” a large well-dressed Hoc went out of his way to
shove Vince as he passed by. The Hoc were grey large muscular bastards
with rhino-like skin and eyes blacker than the void. “Disgusting.”

Vince caught the green eyes of an overly eager Kalysian peacekeeper

watching him from a distance. Beating the hell out of that Hoc would
certainly feel good but the fine he’d have to pay for it certainly wouldn’t.
While Hocs had amazing strength, they had almost zero stamina and
coordination. Even a tiny Ezling girl could beat the hell out of one if she
knew what she was doing.

“Fucking Kalysians,” Vince grumbled while walking past the

peacekeeper to a nearby bar-slash-brothel called The Red Room.

“Identification,” the doorman was a black-eyed Kalysian wearing a fine

suit. While most Kalysians struggled to hide their emotions, black-eyed
Kalysians struggled to have them. As a result, most ended up in the military
or working for criminals. Either way, they weren’t to be trifled with. They
could toss their own children into space to die and sleep like babies.

“Here you go,” Vince held up his hand so he could scan his chip.

“Vince Echo,” he said while sliding through his information. He made

the same irritated expression they all made when their system flagged him
inconsistencies with the data on file. “This says you are twenty-four years
“That’s right,” Vince answered. “I bet I know what you’re going to ask

“Your military service record begins twelve years ago,” he said it like it
was a question but it was undoubtedly a statement of fact. “Even the human
military wouldn’t…”

“Let me stop you there,” Vince interrupted with a smug grin. “There is
nothing humans wouldn’t do to win.”

As soon as Vince said the words the Kalysian nodded in agreement.

Most intelligent life in the considered humans a bit of a chaotic force in the
universe. They appeared weak but somehow managed to win almost every
war waged against them. The Earth Federation was the only military force to
prevent the Hakar from taking a single planet by sheer willingness to send
endless streams of people to their death without hesitation. Men, women,
and even children were sent to ward off the chitinous fucks.

“Welcome to the Red Room Mr. Echo,” he pushed a button opening the
thick metal door to a large room full of neon lights, stages, and a twenty-
foot-tall wall of liquor behind a bar.

The place was filled with all sort of low lives which was his preference.
Vince went straight for the bar as various creatures from across the galaxy
drank, danced, or watched sets of dancers on stage perform graphic sex acts.

He sat down at the bar and was promptly joined by a Xanda girl and
Kalysian girl competing for his affection.

“Tanya, can you get our friend here a drink?” The Xanda girl pushed
first. “My names Cynder. What’s yours?”

“Don’t waste your time with her,” the red-eyed Kalysian interrupted.
Red eyes could be lust, anger, embarrassment, excitement. Basically, any
emotion that gets your heart pounding. More than likely her madam taught
her to be angry about her predicament in life knowing the Johns would take
it as one of the other emotions. “You can see how excited I am. Don’t you
want somebody excited?”

“What are you having?” A bored looking Pirim walked over. Pirim’s
were tall, slender, and elegant with long shimmering white hair. Their skin
could be just about any color from a pastel pallet but the one he was looking
at was a greyish blue.

“Whiskey,” Vince pointed to the bottle on the top shelf. “That’ll do the

She nodded as the bottle hovered down to her hand and poured Vince a
glass. She scanned his chip and started running a tab for him. She wasn’t
very talkative but out of all three girls he’d seen so far, she was the one that
he wanted most. Pirim’s had extremely soft skin and during climax would
grip his cock like they intended to keep it forever. It felt fucking amazing.

“Not for sale,” a gorgeous human woman pushed the Kalysian away and
signaled for her to look for another man. “I’m Madam Shantara. This is my
establishment and my bartender is off limits.”

“I imagine you don’t greet all of your guests personally,” he said taking
a large gulp of the clearly watered-down whiskey. “And I’m only paying
half for this whiskey since it’s clearly only half.”
“Well,” she ignored his comment and started rubbing his shoulder. Her
white dress was open in the front outside of some strings meant to keep it
from opening up entirely. It exposed everything from her collarbone all the
way down to her black panties. Her perky breasts were one quick turn from
popping out. “It isn’t very often I hear about another human in this sector.”

“I somehow doubt that,” Vince said knowing full well that this was the
most hospitable station for several trade routes. He figured her doorman
must have told her he was former military. “What do you want? How much
are you paying?”

“Straight to the point,” she sighed. “How disappointing. Whatever

happened to human charm? Like in the old storybooks.”

“Charm?” Vince grabbed her waist and pulled her so close her pussy
was on his knee while giving her a nice half smile. “Do I look like Prince
Charming? I’m the guy you run to when Prince Charming isn’t getting the
job done. Now, if you’re looking for rough and wild Shantara, then I’m your
huckleberry. If not, send over a girl who does.”

“Maybe it is,” she said climbing up on his knee like it was a horse and
rocking herself slowly back and forth. “But there are other interested

She wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing until she
reached his ear while continuing to grind his leg.

“Other interested parties?” Vince inquired as his cock started to press

against his pants. He wanted to reach under her dress and pull out her tits but
knew that’d be playing right into her hands. Instead, He finished the rest of
the whiskey and signaled for another glass of the watered-down bullshit.
“And just so you know, if you keep this up, I’m not going to be responsible
for what I do to you.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she whispered while slowing

down her grinding and getting off his knee. She spread his legs and inserted
herself between them so we were face to face. “But you’re right. I do have
ulterior motives. I need something delivered and based on what my doorman
said, you’d likely be qualified to deliver it.”

“My cargo hold is all filled up,” Vince shrugged. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” she waved a small woman over. She was petite with
short pink hair and almost glowing pale skin. Her chest was barely a b-cup
and her ass and legs were nicely toned. “Emeri, this is my new friend Vince
Echo. He may be able to help you with the problem you discussed. Say

Without hesitating the slender girl climbed on Vince’s lap and began
licking his neck like she was bathing him. Each stroke of her tongue sent a
warm tingle to the surrounding areas causing his already rock-hard cock to
swell until his pants were getting uncomfortable.

“She’s an Ethereal,” Madam Shantara whispered in his free ear as Emeri

worked over the other. “And she just turned nineteen. You’d be her first.”

“Never mix business with pleasure,” Vince tried to push Emeri off but
she’d hooked herself in such a way that he’d have to apply real force if
wanted her off. It didn’t help that he didn’t really want her off. She’d moved
her lips and tongue down to his collar bone and the tingling sensation was
spreading everywhere. “I’m not about to do a job in exchange for sex.”

“Oh,” Madam Shantara giggled seductively. “The night with Emeri is

between you and her. She’s not one of my workers, she’s a guest. As for my
favor, you’d still receive a full payment for your services.”

“And what would that payment be?” Vince asked as Emeri started to rub
his cock from the outside of his pants. He was curious why a human madam
had an Ethereal guest but it seemed they were purposefully avoiding that

“Five hundred thousand credits,” she answered knowing full well he

couldn’t turn down that type of money. “But only if you make the delivery.”

“What’s the catch?” Vince asked while Emeri looked up at him with her
glowing blue eyes. “And let’s skip the part where you say there’s no catch.
If I agree to do this, I still want to get my time in with Emeri here.”

“The delivery is to a Guardian outpost bordering on the dark sector,” she

waited for Vince to have some sort of reaction to the mention of the
Guardians. Her reaction when he didn’t react was a wide smile. “Korin was
right about you, wasn’t he? You fought them before. He said the timing of
your military service would have put you…”

“Sorry,” Vince slid his hand up Emeri’s soft back. “That conversation is
definitely a mood killer.”

“Aren’t you wondering what you’d be delivering?”

“I imagine a relic of some kind,” the fact was there were only a few
things you’d be delivering to Guardians. They were a powerful race with
technology so far ahead of everybody else it bordered on magic. The only
thing keeping them from conquering everything was the fact they had an
acute fear of death. That’s how the humans pushed them back during the last
war. If your chances of getting killed by a human are ten thousand to one
then ten thousand humans who don’t care if they die are fucking terrifying.

That being said, the persistent fuckers weren’t ones for walking away
either. They were constantly hunting for ancient relics to increase their
knowledge which in turn increased their power.

“You’re not concerned at all?” she asked with some mild apprehension
in her voice. Vince understood where her concern was coming from. While
it was possible that he wasn’t terrified of Guardians, it was also possible he
wasn’t scared because he had no intention of making the delivery.

“Would it make you feel better if I were?” Vince slid his hand down
Emeri’s back until he was cupping her small firm ass. The slender Ethereal
continued to quietly lap at his neck. “Guardians have rules. They’re not
going to kill me without warning.”

“Right,” she seemed somewhat relieved by that. Guardians had gotten

their name for their desire to avoid conflict and protect. Whenever they
arrived on a planet they announced themselves, made demands, and only if
you didn’t give in to their demands were there repercussions. They never
really killed people just to kill them. “Then we have a deal. But, Mr. Echo,
you won’t receive payment until after delivery.”

“That’s fine as long as we’re going through brokers,” Vince answered.

Never trust a person to pay after the job. Instead, having a third party like a
broker expedited everything.

“I can agree with that,” she answered. “The broker will be notified and
the item loaded onto your ship immediately if that suits you.”

“Suits me just fine,” Vince said as he held out his hand for Shantara to
scan. She pressed her hand against his and after she acquired the information
on his ship and identification information for the brokers, she released her
grip. Once she released his hand, he ran it up Emeri’s leg while the other
pulled her closer. “And I need a room for the night.”

“The entire night?” Shantara smiled. “Hope you’re not overestimating

yourself. And remember to be gentle with Emeri. You’re her first after all.”

“Yeah,” Vince smirked wondering how many times Shantara fed men
that line. Walk into any brothel in the galaxy and every woman there is a
virgin if you ask a madam. Although, she did say that Emeri was a guest, not
one of her girls. He grinned at the Etherial. “What’s your interest in me

The Ethereal shook her head and pointed toward the stairway to the
second floor.

“Cynder,” Shantara gestured at one of the women. “Show Mister Echo to

the regal suite please.”

“Which one?” Cynder asked jokingly. Judging from the expression on

Shantara’s face, she wasn’t amused. Shantara probably didn’t want the
customers to realize that every suite was probably called the regal suite for
billing purposes. “Of course, the regal suite. Follow me please.”

Vince was impressed with the room. The bed was massive and covered
with luxurious pillows and blankets. The bedposts and wall were adorned
with various bondage straps and toys in case the guests wanted to use them.
As a bonus, the ceiling was a giant panel making it customizable for
whatever setting you preferred and the ambient sound system was high end.

“If you want more company just let us know,” Cynder winked on her
way out the door leaving Vince and Emeri alone. Emeri turned around and
walked to the door, locking it when she arrived at it. She paused for a few
moments before turning toward him. She appeared nervous but he wondered
if it was real or an act.

“Listen,” Vince took off his coat and tossed it onto the chair. “If you’re
not comfortable with this I can ask for an actual working girl.”

“No,” Emeri answered softly while shaking head. “I’ve just never done

“Oh,” Vince rolled his eyes. “You don’t need to keep the whole virgin
thing going. I’m not really one of those guys who cares how many people
you’ve been with and Virgins don’t really hole up in brothels.”

“I am,” her face turned even pinker and she quickly held up her wrists.

“I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to show me,” Vince laughed
while removing his shirt. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror. She was
far too cute for a brute like him. He was a little over six feet of pure muscle
and battle scars. She was maybe five foot four and light as a feather with
oversized innocent eyes.

“No binding,” she said and Vince realized what she was talking about.
Married Ethereals had glowing circular binds on their wrists. Something
about when they fell in love the bindings appeared on both parties. It was a
strange evolutionary trait of the species but during at least one war had
proven useful in finding out which Ethereals would make valuable hostages.

“Got it,” he nodded. “So, you’ll only have sex with your husband?”

“Yes,” She nodded. “I can do other things. If you’re okay with


It wasn’t all that unusual. There was a history of that type of thing on
earth back before there was an entire galaxy of species to compete with. But
as soon as the men of earth had other sentient lifeforms to fuck, half of them
changed teams. Human women, on the other hand, mostly still preferred
humans since they weren’t capable of having children. It caused quite the
population crisis for a while. Ever since, fewer humans were monogamous
and those that were tended not to be the type that explored the galaxy.

The Ethereals were a pretty traditional bunch. They had sacred temples,
nobility, and a caste system. So, it wasn’t entirely surprising that marriage
was a big deal to them.

“I’m okay with it,” Vince grinned while staring at the woman. “There’s
plenty we can do for fun. Have you ever sucked a cock?”

She looked away in embarrassment and Vince was starting to think he

might actually be her first of anything. She glanced back for a moment
before looking away again.

“Would you like to undress me?” she said, practically whispering.

“Do you want me to?” Vince took a few steps forward.

He wondered if he should get down to business before he got down to

business. She wanted something and was using her body to get it. But his
desire to fuck her was drowning out those concerns. It couldn’t be worse
than making a delivery to a Guardian outpost.

“Yes,” Emeri said while lifting up her arms. “I’d like that.”

“Alright,” Vince moved his large hands down her slender arms, past her
chest and narrow waist until they reached the bottom of her dress. He lifted
it up and was immediately entranced. Her skin was almost luminescent it
was so pale. His eyes traveled from her face past her perky tits and her
dainty nipples, to her hips and black lace panties that barely covered
anything. “You are gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” she said while letting her hands drop to her side. Her eyes
moved up and down his body as well. He wasn’t sure if she were excited or
terrified given the size difference but her pupils suggested it was one of the
two. She gestured toward his belt. “Can I?”

“Go for it,” Vince felt a bit nervous about that. Not because she’d be
disappointed, but he was worried she’d change her mind when she saw it.

“Uh,” she panted out as his pants hit the floor revealing his massive
bulge. She slipped her fingers around the band of his underwear and pulled
them down slowly revealing a cock bigger than her forearm. She gulped. “I
think this may be too large.”

“Don’t make that decision yet,” Vince said. "You haven’t even touched
it. Why don’t you play with it a while first?”

He stepped out of his pants and pulled her gently toward the bed as he
sat down on the edge. She immediately dropped to her knees and just stared
at it a few moments. After a bit she nervously wrapped her hand around it
and a tingling warmth shot through Vince. It was like a mild electricity was
moving through him causing his body to gently tense and relax.

“Fuck,” he groaned. It was like he was being massaged by a billion

microscopic hands. Once she started moving her hand up and down the
warmth and tingling intensified. “That feels good.”

“Really?” she smiled timidly while examining his cock like it was some
alien species. She alternated moving quickly and slowly while gauging his
reaction. “Does it really feel good?”

She continued to move her hand as her interest increased along with her
pace. Her free hand started to move up his thigh sending warm sensations as
it moved closer to his cock. The Ethereal gently massaged his inner thigh
while slowly shifting down to his balls sending a euphoric blast through his
entire nether regions as soon as she touched them.

“Fuck,” Vince growled. It was like his entire cock was firing on
cylinders he didn’t even realize it had. The pressure continually increased
but he wasn’t even close to finishing yet. “What are you doing?”
“Do you like it?” Emeri smiled while leaning her face closer to his cock
like an artist inspecting their work. He realized she was examining his
reactions as she methodically tested different pulse patterns. “I’m activating
your latent energy.”

“Keep doing it,” Vince said while reflexively grabbing her head. “Put it
in your mouth.”

“My mouth?” she asked as her face approached his twitching cock. She
opened her mouth and tasted the liquid flowing from the tip. Her expression
shifted between confused and interested as she took quick licks of the warm
liquid amassing at the tip. “Like that?”

“Your whole mouth,” he commanded. She leaned forward and took him
in. The tip on its own nearly filled her mouth. “Yeah, like that. Now move it
while continuing to stroke.”

She cautiously started moving her mouth forward and back while sliding
her tongue around the tip. Her soft lips started to slowly reach beyond the
head and her eyes began to water. She pulled her head back and panted. Her
eyes fixated on his cock like some mysterious puzzle she intended to solve.

Emeri leaned back in and engulfed the head again, working his cock
deeper than before. Her tongue slid around while her hands massaged the
base of his cock. She attempted to take him deeper.

Vince was overflowing with intense pleasure as Emeri continued to send

pulses through his body. He groaned and started moving his hips forward on
reflex, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth than she expected. Her eyes
began watering but rather than back away she forced herself to take it, like
she was battling against his cock for supremacy.

“Right there,” Vince moaned while applying pressure to her head, not
that she needed it. Her beautiful glazed over blue eyes were fixated on him
as she started to gulp down the massive load that he was releasing into her
mouth. Each pulse of his thick cock sent another serving of his seed directly
to the back of her throat, and it wouldn’t stop pulsing. “Fuck. What’s

After what seemed like forever his cock was finally spent. The muscles
in his thighs and his cock itself continued to twitch uncontrollably like
they’d just short-circuited. Emeri slowly moved her mouth off his cock,
lowering herself and sucking as she aimed to collect every ounce of cum.

“What was that?” Emeri managed to say while taking in a deep breath.
She focused on his cock again like it was some strange creature. “Was that
supposed to happen?”

“That’s what I was going to say,” he panted. He couldn’t quite explain it

but she’d just given him an explosive orgasm like nothing I’d ever felt
before. “I’ve never cum that much before.”

“Cum?” she said licking some remaining cum off the sides of her mouth.
“Why does it taste so good? It makes me want more.”

She leaned forward and shoved his cock back in her mouth like an addict
craving a fix but he lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed. She looked
even smaller and more fragile while on the massive bed. He could hardly
believe the small Ethereal was able to take his dick so deep or give him such
a massive orgasm. But he had no intention of ending things with a blowjob.

“We can’t have sex unless you marry me,” she put her hands between
her legs as if she were defending her chastity.

“Your pussy is what counts for that right?” he asked. She immediately
nodded while shifting her legs back and forth nervously.

“Good,” Vince smirked. “I don’t plan on using that hole.”

Her face turned bright red as her eyes shot back toward his cock. He
knew what she was thinking, there was no way that it was going to fit, but
with the right amount of lubricant, it would definitely fit. She started to
crawl backward as he approached her.

Vince grabbed her slender leg and pulled her back toward him, kissing
up her soft calve until he reached her thigh. He didn’t know what to expect
from an Ethereal pussy, but he certainly wasn’t expecting the almost citrusy
aroma as his tongue slid along the exposed flesh right outside of her panties.

“Ahh,” her body convulsed. “More.”

“Oh?” he said playfully. “You’re sensitive, huh?”

He continued to lick up and down the outside of her panties as she

shifted, trying to get him to lick directly along the panty covered slit. Vince
ran his free hand down the center of her underwear, they were drenched
already and her entire body was trembling.

“You want me to fuck you?” Vince asked while pulling her panties to
the side exposing a perfect tight pussy. “Is that what you want Emeri?”
“Yes,” she whined as she completely removed her panties and threw
them off the bed. “I want you inside of me.”

“But I can’t fuck your tight little pussy,” Vince teased while running his
tongue right outside of her slit. She tasted like a strange combination of
orange and strawberries and was dripping everywhere. Vince focused on her
little clit and gave it a soft flick of the tongue causing more lubricant to flow
from her. Finally, he traced her pussy with his fingers while moving down
toward her asshole.

“Mmmm,” she bit her lip and whined while her body flayed. She wanted
to be fucked, badly. With each subsequent lick of her pussy, she wanted
something inside of her and she was starting not to care where. He slowly
slid a lubricated finger into her ass. “Mmmm!

“Okay,” Vince released her leg letting her drop down onto the bed. Her
face was an immediate combination of shock and frustration. Her pussy was
so drenched everything down there was shimmering as she looked up at him
with pleading eyes. Vince smiled and shrugged at her. “What do you expect
me to do?”

She spread her legs and lifted them slightly exposing her gorgeous pink
pussy and tight asshole drenched in her pussy juice. Her eyes were begging
for it.

“You need to tell me what you want,” Vince enjoyed her desperate
expression as she lifted her legs more, further presenting her asshole to him.

“Mmm,” she continued to bite her lips and shook her head no. She was
practically begging him not to make her say it which just made me want to
make her say it more.

“Well that looks like a no,” Vince turned around like he was ready to get
out of bed as her hips circled slowly trying to entice him. “I can just get one
of the workers…”

“Fuck me,” it was practically a whisper.

“What was that?” Vince turned back toward her and ran his hands up
and down her thighs spreading her slightly wider. “I couldn’t hear you.”

“Fuck me,” she said half panting.

“But I can’t fuck your pussy,” he said. “Where do you want me to fuck

“My ass,” she said while reaching forward while wrapping her arms
around her knees and pulling them back. “I want you to fuck my ass.”

“Okay,” Vince shifted himself forward as her eyes focused on his cock.
Vince rubbed the tip and shaft along her drenched pussy to lubricate it while
leaning forward further to kiss her soft perky tits.

“Oh!” she whimpered as his tongue circled the tip of her tiny nipple. He
continued to rub his up and down against her slit, covering himself in her
lubricants. “I want it inside me.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” he said while moving up to her
neck and giving it a few licks. Every time his tongue touched her it felt like
millions of tiny explosions were happening. He couldn’t get enough of it.

He was ready, but she wasn’t even though she thought she was. He ran
the tip of his large cock against her asshole and applied the slightest bit of
pressure. Her hand immediately reached for her cunt and she started

“We haven’t even started yet,” he laughed as her eyes started to roll up
into her head. He applied more pressure and within a few moments the tip
slipped in. She let out a massive gasp and shook uncontrollably. “You

“Uh-huh,” the pink-haired Ethereal managed to mumble out while

playing with her clit. Her tight asshole was barely accommodating the tip of
his thick cock and her pussy was secreting even more of her natural
lubricant than before. “More.”

“More?” Vince smiled mischievously while watching her fragile frame

shiver as he prepared to give her what she wanted. “Well, you asked for it.”

Vince slowly pressured more of his large cock in as she writhed. Her
face contorted in a combination of pleasure and pain as his thick shaft
stretched her asshole. The slender Ethereal squeezed her tits like she was
trying to distract herself from the pain of being stretched.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes” she screamed rapidly as Vince slid his cock
in until the base pressed against her tight athletic ass. She clenched her jaw
and rolled her eyes up into her head while rubbing her clit. He slowly pulled
his cock out and a look of relief spread across her face and when he thrust it
back in her jaw dropped like she was going to scream. Nothing came out but
a small squeal.

Vince continued to pump his large cock into her ass, stretching it as her
eyes glazed over a little more with each subsequent thrust. He was starting
to worry that he might break the fragile creature.

“Cum,” she whined between her panting. He assumed she’d already got
hers based on the amount of fluid all over the place and the almost nonstop
convulsing since the third or fourth thrust. “Cum. Inside.”

He chuckled since he was already planning on cumming inside of her.

Vince pulled out all the way and flipped her onto her stomach before
shoving his hard cock back into that tight athletic ass. She lifted her ass in
the air as if she was trying to meet his cock halfway but each time she lifted,
he thrust her back down into the bed like he was trying to impale her.

“Fuck,” the gorgeous girl squealed with each powerful thrust. He leaned
down and kissed up and down her soft neck as he prepared for one more
powerful thrust. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Finally, he gave her one more forceful thrust and held himself there
locking her against the bed as he released his seed inside of her. Each pulse
of his cock was met with a convulsion of hers and within a few moments, he
was finished and slowly pulled his cock out of her gaping ass.

“So good,” she mumbled into the pillow. “Ow.”

“Sorry,” Vince chuckled while being reminded about how tiny she was.
“I may have gotten carried away.”

“No,” she panted. “So good…but, ow.”

He laughed while laying down beside her. He glanced at the beautiful

Ethereal although she was avoiding his gaze. She’d yet to tell him what she
needed from him and was obviously nervous about it.

After a few moments of lying there, she quietly got up and with the help
of a wall for support managed to make it to the bathroom. He heard the
shower going within moments and decided to at least get his underwear one.
He was hoping for another round but based on the fact she was struggling to
walk it seemed unlikely.

After a bit, she came out slightly wet and walked toward a dresser. She
quickly got dressed in a somewhat tight black negligee and stumbled to the
bed where he was resting.

“You sure you okay?” Vince asked as she crawled into bed with him.
Her skin was practically sparkling making him want her more as she
cuddled up next to him. Her short pink hair, pale skin, and slightly oversized
eyes were a dangerous combination.

“Yes,” she smiled while burying herself in his chest.

“So, do you intend to tell me what you want from me?” he asked.

“You said you wanted the entire night,” she hooked a leg and arm
around him. “So, there’s no rush.”

“I’d like to know sooner rather than…” he was interrupted by quiet


The pink haired Ethereal was already asleep.

Vince let out a sigh while tapping the panel that changes the setting. He
adjusted the ceiling panel until it felt like he was laying down in a forest
while looking at a blue sky. He followed up by adjusting the ambient sound
to match the scenery.

He thought he was just going to be making a quick stop on his way to

price gauge some planets on seeds. Instead, he ended up accepting a job to
make a delivery to a Guardian outpost and he still needed to figure out what
the hell the Ethereal girl wanted from him. Although as far as he was
concerned as long as it wasn’t anything too crazy, she was all paid up.

Vince woke up to the all too familiar sound of a battle. Probably less
than two hours of sleep. He thought it might be a scuffle but that wishful
thought died with the sound of commands being issued and organized
footsteps and shouts of all clear.

“Alright,” Vince sighed as he sat up, stretched and started getting

dressed. He double checked his weapons and equipment as the sounds of
battle reverberated through the walls. Emeri was curled up in a corner of the
room staring at him with pleading eyes. “That’s not much of a hiding spot.
Not that there’s really anywhere to hide. Don’t suppose you know of any
secret ways out?”

She shook her head no. Figured.

“Let’s see how this goes,” he sat down on the end of the bed facing the
door with his blaster’s drawn. The footsteps and yelling continued as they
cleared the bottom and started moving upstairs. He wasn’t sure who they
were after but he knew it wasn’t him. Anybody coming after him wouldn’t
make so much noise.

“Get your hands off me…” Shantara’s words were cut short by the
familiar sound of a spark blade being drawn and sheathed. It was an Ethereal
weapon which gave him a good idea of what they were after.

“So, Emeri,” he gestured toward the doorway that was about to be

smashed in. “I don’t suppose you know anything about the Ethereals out
there killing everybody do you?”

She was frozen, not that he expected a straight answer even if she
weren’t terrified. He supposed he should have figured something wasn’t
right. An Ethereal guest in a brothel willing to lay with a human for a favor.
He should have known better. An Ethereal needed to be pretty fucking
desperate to debase themselves by laying with a human.

She was clearly being pursued and the favor she was looking for was
probably a ride. It wasn’t a bad plan except for the fact that an Ethereal in a
brothel, even as a guest, was something people would notice.

“You’re going to want to get behind me,” Vince said as the pink-haired
Ethereal remained frozen. “Listen here, Emeri. Something’s going to happen
in a few moments whether you like it or not. Now, when that something
happens you can be sitting in that corner doing nothing and probably get
caught in some crossfire, or you can do what I say and get behind me.”

She scurried up on the bed and pressed her face against his back like he
was a barricade. A tingling warmth flowed through his entire body. He was
a little surprised he could feel it through his clothes and it was admittedly

“Good girl,” Vince said as the door smashed open.

Two Ethereal high guards rushed in immediately moving to his far left
and right. A typical formation for anybody looking to prevent a target from
escaping. It didn’t matter if you were a lowly group of bounty hunters or
Ethereal high guards, the formations were always the same.

And they were definitely high guards. Vince could always tell a high
guard because of their gaudy way of dressing. Extremely ornate black and
red robes with tacky gold buttons and every medal or award they’ve ever
won. It was like they were perpetually wearing dress uniforms. Each held a
blaster pointed at his head while their free hands held the grips of their spark

“Alright fellas,” Vince knew they intended to kill him. An Ethereal team
operating on a Kalysian outpost was a diplomatic nightmare. But, no
witnesses and no diplomatic nightmare. “I’m just saying if you intend to
shoot you should do it now. No?”

“Wait,” A tall Ethereal in the most decorated robe he’d ever seen walked
through the doorway. “If you agree to leave peacefully, we’ll let you live.”

“No, you won’t,” Vince smiled at his lie. The Ethereal couldn’t let him
live. A single witness and an international incident would play out that no
noble would sanction. But a thought crept in, “Emeri is royalty, isn’t she?”

The officer didn’t answer but the expression on his face gave Vince his
answer. Ethereal society dictated that the royals were their entire world.
They might even be willing to risk a war with the Kalysians. Although
avoiding it was still probably preferable.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to answer,” Vince wondered how many other
soldiers he had waiting outside that doorway. “Either way, I think this is
going to have to play out.”

“Are you sure?” the tall Ethereal was disappointed. He indicated to his
men that they should stop pointing their weapons at him, more than likely
wanting to avoid collateral damage. “I mean it that I’ll allow you to leave.
You don’t have to die here.”

“I know,” Vince answered while tapping his blaster. “Do you wish to
know my name?”

“Yes,” the Ethereal shifted to a fighting stance. “I am Commander

Ezirhe of House Arcturus.”

“Vince Echo,” he nodded politely at the commander “You’d know me as

Saint Vincent.”

“Fire…” their deaths were quick and painless for them as the curved
beams of his blasters swirled through the room like a dozen shooting stars
tearing through everything they touched. He moved his head an inch to the
left to avoid one of the stray beams.

Vince didn’t like killing so he tried to make it as quick and painless as

possible when he did. That’s why they called him the merciful one. If the
others from his unit caught an enemy soldier, they savored it. Sometimes
they even let their victim escape to follow back to others. In those instances,
they even killed that victim last so they died knowing they got their friends
“General!” The Ethereals outside stormed the room only to fall victim to
the beams coming from his blasters.

Blivet Blasters were known for causing excessive ally deaths and the
sixty percent mortality for the user. The beams were powered by
compressed sun reactors providing nearly infinite ammunition, although
using them too long would cause them to overheat and explode. Mastering
them was a requirement of his former unit.

“I don’t think any more are going to come charging in,” Vince said
while glancing over his shoulder at the trembling Ethereal. “I’m going to go
out there and get the rest.”

Emeri pulled the back of his coat as he tried to get up. When he turned to
look at her there were those same dazzling blue eyes begging him not to
leave her behind.

“Fine,” he grunted. “You can tag along if you want. But either way,
we’re going out there.”

She nodded in approval before releasing her grip and allowing him to
stand up. Vince dashed to the door and pressed his back against the nearby
wall before taking a quick peek around the corner. After getting an idea of
where everybody was he shot and waited a few seconds as he heard two
more hit the floor.

“Where the fuck are the Kalysians?” Vince growled before realizing the
Kalysians were probably planning to clean up afterward. The Ethereals
probably bribed the base commanders. “Okay. Fine.”
Vince closed his eyes and focused. He took in every noise no matter how
irrelevant and listened for any that might belong to the soldiers. Slowly he
started to imagine a picture of what existed in the next room.

He forced every unnecessary thought out of his head. There was only the
mission. The primary objective of the mission was reaching his ship and
escaping Blue Solara. The secondary objective was keeping Emeri safe.

“Stay close,” he said calmly. “If you fall behind, I leave you behind.
Understand? If you do, get ready.”

Emeri nodded and looked around confused for a moment before seeing a
pair of shoes and put them on. She then walked over to the ethereal general
and grabbed his blaster and spark blade. Vince didn’t know how he felt
about her walking behind him with that thing, but he figured if she wanted to
kill him she could have done that already.

“Ready?” Vince asked as she tightened the belt holding the blade. The
pink-haired ethereal nodded. “Alright. Keep up.”

Vince turned the corner and shot four Ethereals while strafing down the
stairs with Emeri behind him. The remaining Ethereal’s weren’t difficult to
pick off since they were clearly terrified of hitting Emeri. By the time he
reached the base, he was pretty sure every Ethereal was dead.

He scanned the room for any movement, sound, or basic bad feeling. He
turned his eyes toward the shattered door and what was likely waiting
outside of it. There might not have been any more Ethereals, but something
just as bad was waiting for him.
“This is going to go fast,” he warned as he sprinted toward the exit.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, shots started coming in from all

angles. The Kalysian’s set up various barricades in the corridor to hide
behind. He wasn’t sure if they were reinforcing the Ethereals or just there to
clean up afterward. Either way, they seemed intent on eradicating everything
in their sights.

Fortunately, they were slow to react as their shots landed where he was
instead of where he was going. He was surprised how Emeri into the line of
fire without hesitating, narrowly avoiding getting hit by blasts meant for
him. He he returned fire at the Kalysian’s while sprinting toward one of the
alternative routes to the docking station.

Vince thinned them out as he sprinted down the side corridor finding
whatever cover we could along the way. Emeri was always within a couple
of inches from him while somehow managing not to get in his way. The
Kalysian’s on the other hand, followed cautiously. That was good, they were
treating it like a shootout when it was really just a race. If he made it to his
ship, he won.

“Left,” he said while searching his memory for the exact path back.

The Kalysian’s were falling behind but that was only momentary since
the security would be able to see exactly where they were heading from the
safety of the camera room. They needed to move fast before they started to
lock down various sections.
“Right,” he said as they rushed into a group of oncoming peacekeepers.
Guns were immediately trained on them and firing as Vince returned fire
causing them to take cover. “Faster.”

Vince increased his speed. They must have called in a lockdown and if
that happened, he’d have no choice but to turn it into a shootout and he
didn’t like the idea of another massacre on his hands. They reached the
straightway toward the docking station and the doors were already closing as
peacekeepers moved into position.

“I said faster!” Vince shouted. Emeri was falling behind but he was
going to clear the horizontal doors before they closed with or without her.

Vince heard a soft squeak and turned to see the start of a stumble; in a
few steps she was going to fall. He already laid it out, the secondary
objective was to protect Emeri and it was still possible to complete that
objective. He didn’t have a choice.

“Fuck,” he growled while twisting his body. He rushed back toward her
and managed to catch her in his chest preventing her fall and twisted back to
continue the sprint with her in tow. “As fast as you can!”

They both dashed toward the door. There was a fair chance they’d be
caught in the door if they hesitated, he was sure she knew it too. And he
couldn’t afford another detour to save her.

“Don’t think,” he commanded. “React.”

He dashed through the door making it with some room to spare and
turned to see Emeri attempting to jump through, she was going to lose a leg.
He reached out, grabbed her arm and pulled it as hard and fast as he could.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Emeri whimpered and sniffled while holding her arm.
He’d pulled it completely out of her socket. “Ow!”

“We don’t have time for this,” he said as the door started to slowly open
again. He grabbed her shoulder and back and forced her shoulder back in the
socket before she could argue. “It’s still going to hurt. Now get up.”

She wiped away her eyes and climbed to her feet quickly and they
started running toward his ship. The doors opened behind them as the
Kalysian’s came streaming through.

“Hey, Witch,” he said into the communicator on his wrist. “We have a
Viceroy situation here.”

“It hasn’t even been a day,” she snapped back angrily.

“It’s not my fault,” Vince argued while running past ships. The other
captains and inspectors were diving for cover as soon as they saw the mob
of soldiers chasing him. “Are you going to help or not?”

“Seriously?” Witch shrieked through the communicator. “I should let

you die if you’re going to take that type of attitude with me!”

Within moments his ship was in sight and Witch was, in fact, taking care
of it, the shield was powering up, the turrets were arming, and the loading
bay was already open.

“Alright Emeri,” he said as the tired Ethereal struggled to keep running.

“That’s the goal. Once inside you can collapse or whatever. But until you’re
inside, you don’t fucking stop. Understood?”

“Uh-huh,” she panted while giving it everything she had.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Vince yelled at the lead overseer

rushing toward his ship with several guards. Unfortunately, it was too late.
Witch gunned them down without the slightest hesitation. “I warned them.”

They jumped on the hatch to the bay as the ship hovered off the ground.
As soon as they were on board, the cargo bay door shut and they were lifting

“Captain,” Witch’s voice said over the intercom. “I detect a stowaway.”

“Don’t mind her,” Vince said as Emeri desperately tried to catch her
breath. The slender girl looked like she was going to pass out. “We need to
get out of here.”

“Easier said than done,” she responded as he made his way to the bridge
with an exhausted Emeri panting along behind him. “They’ve activated the
outer turrets and there are fourteen warships in the area.”

“You don’t have to come with,” he told Emeri as they passed various
living quarters and lounge areas of his ship that she could rest in. “Just lay
down somewhere.”

She shook her head no and latched onto his coat again.

“Fine,” Vince said as they made their way to the bridge. “Witch, what
are the chances of flying out of here.”

“Better before the three Ethereal cruisers just warped in,” she answered
as the doors to the cockpit opened. Emeri looked around confused before
looking at the intercoms.

“Right,” Vince said. “Witch is the ship’s AI. So, you’re not going to see
her anywhere.”

“I’m no more artificial than you,” the voice sighed through the comms.
“Someday I hope your consciousness can be shoved in a god damned
unfeeling metal piece of machinery and see how you like it.”

“Impossible,” Emeri said in a barely audible whisper.

“So, you can talk again,” he said while moving around the cockpit
checking the equipment. “And you’re right. It is impossible for a
consciousness to be exchanged to digital without going completely mad
because of the lack of sensations and basic self. Which I’ve explained to her
a thousand times now.”

“Impossible for you maybe,” Witch responded as they slowly

approached the station’s hangar exit. “Anyway, what’s the plan here
captain? Ethereal cruisers carry hundreds of fighters.”

“There’s only one plan left,” Vince groaned. He pulled a large bucket
toward the command console just in case and sat down while taking control
over the ship. “Buckle in Emeri. This is going to get unpleasant.”

She rushed to a seat and clumsily buckled herself in. Unpleasant was an
understatement. Vince took several deep breaths to prepare himself as they
approached open space. He was in view of all of the warships as well as the
Ethereal cruisers and Witch’s sensors were pinging like mad as their
weapons locked on. He placed his hands on the console.

“Disable the seals on the void engine,” Vince commanded while taking
several deep breaths. “It’s the witching hour.”

It always hit in an instant, the emptiness as if he’d ceased to exist. He

couldn’t feel, taste, smell, or hear anything. His ship had phased from the
normal flow of time and space into an area between that shouldn’t have
existed that they called the void.

The void wasn’t so much a place as it was the absence of a place.

Purgatory, oblivion, limbo, whatever the fuck various philosophers called it.
They could call it what they wanted but basically while inside of it,
everything else just didn’t exist.

In the off chance a person fell into the void, they wouldn’t even know.
None of their senses work and when their senses stopped working their
sense of self vanished. Various scientists went mad being exposed for a few
minutes but had no idea why.

Vince would have gone mad as well if not for the eyes the military
implanted in him. They allowed him to retain his vision in the void and with
his vision, he retained some sense of self.

That’s how he knew the void wasn’t really the nothingness the scientists
thought it was. Well, it was but it wasn’t. Everything outside the void was
frozen in place as if it were paused footage.

Vince piloted the ship around the large stationary vessels as he navigated
the endless darkness in front of him. Vince couldn’t feel the controls as he
hit them but he knew he was hitting them because he had to believe that. If
he didn’t focus completely, he’d go mad because, at that moment, he was
starting to feel like he didn’t really exist.

He continued to pilot avoiding the large Ethereal cruisers that’d jumped

in and adjusted his bearing to the nearest clear section of space where he’d
be able to leave the void. It only required a few minutes of travel to reach a
point where neither the Kalysian’s nor the Ethereals could detect them. Only
a few minutes of trying to keep himself completely focused.

Maintaining consciousness felt like the opposite of trying to stay in a

dream. In a dream, he had to focus on nothing and go with it or else he’d
wake up. While in the void, he needed to focus entirely on the flight because
relaxing his mind for even a moment risked simply stopping.

It’d happened to one of the other members of the unit. He slipped and
they had to go in and get him out. To them, he’d only been in for a few
minutes but to him, he’d been sleeping for decades. When they got him out,
the first thing he did was chop off his own hand.

Was anything actually happening? If a person existed, they’d feel

something, wouldn’t they? Those were the normal invasive thoughts crept in
first. And they always crept in no matter how prepared you were for them.
Then came the doubting of his existence as his senses melted away.

“Finally!” He screamed while slamming the emergency shut off for the
engine. Vince quickly grabbed his bucket while preparing to vomit.

Imagine that feeling you get when you come out of a dark place and the
sun burns into your eyes, he had a large dose of that for all his senses so the
first vomit coming up was the worst vomit. That’s why he did everything he
could to hold it back because tasting it would cause him to lose his appetite
for a week. Then there was the pain and stench of it. He tried not to think
about any of that. He reached under his console for a special concoction
he’d created explicitly to wash the taste out as fast as possible just in case.
He barely managed to successfully hold it back. “Thank fucking god.”

He got up from his seat and looked over to see Emeri spectacularly
confused at what had happened. From her perspective, she’d basically
blacked out. She experienced and felt nothing for several minutes and while
she might have had thoughts, they vanished like a dream. That was the real
beauty of the void engine, it allowed for the ship and its passengers to enter
the void without going mad, except for the pilot. The pilot took the brunt of

But she still was likely to experience a similar increase in senses.

Everything would just be more intense and she’d be more aware of things. A
standard side effect for the passengers.

“Whoa,” he caught Emeri as she stood up from her seat and stumbled
toward him. That was another odd thing if you weren’t used to it. From your
mind’s perspective, you’d just teleported and that’ll throw you off balance
something fierce.

“Oh,” she moaned while running her hands up and down his chest and
arms uncontrollably. The tingles she sent through his body were more
intense than before. Vince could have let it go on for hours.

“Captain,” Witch said over the intercom. “It looks like we’re in the clear.
Would you like me to plot a course to the marshal district?”

“Uh,” Vince chuckled as Emeri was rubbed against him like a cat in
heat. “Actually, do we have any messages?”

“Hello,” A video of a well-dressed Xanda in an office started playing.

“This is broker Mik Xiarhe of the brokerage firm Sanctum Fourteen. Broker
number 177394C16. This message is a notification that Shantara White has
made a 500,000 credit deposit in exchange for completing a delivery to
Viara Everbright of the Guardian base Eternity-XR-17. Details are enclosed.
In the event you wish to decline this commission, please respond within the
next seventy-two hours and return the parcel to the nearest Sanctum
Fourteen brokerage for collection. If you have any questions…”

“The rest is the usual,” Witch said cutting the message short. “The parcel
was loaded on earlier in the evening. It seems to be a glyph cube.”

“Mmm,” Emeri buried her face in his chest shooting tingling warmth
through his body.

“Well,” Vince said while attempting not to get lost in the sensation of
Emeri’s touch. “Shantara is dead but since she already made the deposit,
let’s go get that signature from this Viara Everbright. Five hundred credits is
five hundred credits after all.”

“I don’t suppose reminding you that the Guardians tried to kill you last
time you saw them would dissuade you from this?”

“What was it you always say?” Vince sat back down in his seat allowing
Emeri to straddle his leg, her face was immediately flushed as she
experienced a massive sensory overload and started grinding uncontrollably.
“Anybody trying to kill me probably has a good reason.”

“Fair enough,” she answered as the ship started adjusting its course.
“Just try not to be a prick. The Guardians have a rough job.”

“What is their job exactly?” Vince asked. Witch seemed to know a lot
more than even his commanding officers did about the Guardians during the
war. He escaped a lot of impossible situations thanks to her insights.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” she responded. “Anyway, the

course is set. I’m going to go back to sleep. You promised me three days of
sleep and you didn’t even give me one. It’ll take four days to reach the
Eternity-XR-17 and I charted a course. Don’t wake me up unless it’s an

“You don’t need sleep,” Vince laughed and looked down at Emeri who
was panting like a bitch in heat while grinding on him.

“Mmm,” Emeri moaned while falling forward.

“You like that?” he smiled while running his hand up the side of her soft
nightgown. He found himself happy that she didn’t even have time to get
dressed through all of that. He unbuckled the belt holding her blaster and
shock blade letting them fall the floor. “How about this?”

Vince moved his hand up to her nipples and her body and face writhed
in ecstasy as he played with them over her black gown. His pants had
become constricting but they’d be difficult to take off while she continued to
ride his leg.
“Come here,” he grabbed her by her narrow waist with one arm and
pulled her light body so her chest was pressed against his. She quickly
wrapped her arms around his neck and started licking him as he stood up.
The petite woman wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from falling
while attacking his neck. With his free hand, he quickly unclasped his belt
and started pulling down his pants and underwear releasing his massive cock
from its confines.

“Ah,” she whined loudly as his cock brushed against her lace panties.

“Alright,” he said while nibbling her ear and sliding both hands beneath
her small firm ass. While gripping her ass, he slid his fingers beneath her
panties and slowly made his way to her pussy from behind. With his left
hand, he pulled the panties to the side, allowing his thick cock to rub against
her drenched pussy.

“More,” she moaned while moving her hips back and forth attempting to
coax his dick inside of her. He couldn’t resist as her juices dripped all off his
thick cock and her soft pussy rubbed against him.

Vince eagerly adjusted so the tip was at her soaking entrance and let her
slowly slide down onto it. Her face contorted as she stretched to accept
every inch of his cock. Within moments he was immersed in her Ethereal

From the tip of his dick to the tip of his toes pulsing warmth shot
through his body and he wanted more. He pressed Emeri against the wall as
she buried her face into his neck moaning in pleasure. Vince started slow
and fluid but soon he found himself thrusting harder and harder as the wall
braced them.

With each passing moment, he unconsciously gripped her ass slightly

harder and pulled as if he could make more room inside of her petite body
for his massive cock. And with every hard thrust, she managed to
accommodate him while moaning in pleasure.

“Ahhh!” Emeri’s head shot back as she let out a large scream. Her eyes
were rolling back into her head and her body was shuddering as a deluge of
lubricant dripped from her pussy. “More! Cum!”

She was going mad.

She was already sensitive before taking a trip to the void and now her
entire body was basically one giant clitoris when it came to sensitivity. And
every moment of ecstasy she experienced she pumped more of her Ethereal
energy through Vince. The remorseless expression of pure pleasure-seeking
on her face was such a turn on that he couldn’t contain himself anymore.

Vince growled and pushed his cock deep inside of her convulsing cunt.
The muscular captain held it there while he released in the petite Ethereal.
With each pulse from his cock she panted and moaned like she could never
get enough. After what seemed like forever, he was finally ready to let her
shuddering body down.

He gently set her down in his captain’s seat and pulled his thick cock
from her pink oozing pussy.

“Love you,” Emeri muttered while her shaking slowly stopped. She
fixated her eyes on him and smiled. “Husband.”

“Husband?” That word certainly took Vince out of the moment. “What
do you mean by that?”

“Remember?” she mumbled so softly it was practically a whisper and

pointed to his hand.

A tiny glow beneath his skin was circling his wrist. An ethereal binding
band signifying marriage. He’d always kind of wondered how those worked
and to be fair she’d warned him that fucking her proper would bind them.
But he certainly didn’t think that marriage was a fucking sexually
transmitted disease.

“Well,” Vince said not sure how to react. “This is definitely a surprise.”

She smiled and curled up into a ball in his seat before falling asleep.
Vince sighed and carried her to his bedroom realizing there wasn’t much he
could do about the situation. Marriage was just a word and if she wanted to
hang around him, he wasn’t going to stop her. It wouldn’t be long before she
realized that being around him was a death sentence and leave on her own.

In the meantime, it was three days travel to the Guardians and having
company other than Witch was a nice change of pace.

The End
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Copyright © 2019 by Tamryn Tamer. All rights reserved. &

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or

mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the publisher. Except in the cases
permitted by copyright law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely
coincidental. All characters are eighteen years or older.

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