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part 2.

mechanisms of carcinogenesis

chapter 12.

The role of genotoxicity

in carcinogenesis
David M. DeMarini

The process of mutagenesis be called DNA-damaging agents. of a molecule between a pair of
Instead, it is the cell that produces bases. Again, DNA damage is itself
The process of agent-induced mu- the mutation – either through faulty not a mutation and generally does
tagenesis consists of three parts: the DNA repair of the mutagen-induced not alter the linear sequence of nu-
induction of DNA damage, the sen- or spontaneous DNA damage, or cleotides. A mutation is defined as a
sing of the DNA damage by the cell by replicating past the unrepaired change in the sequence or number
(the DNA damage response), and DNA damage, thereby introducing a of nucleotides in the DNA.
the processing of the DNA damage replication error (Shaughnessy and When DNA damage occurs, the
by the cell, which may or may not DeMarini, 2009). cell detects it by means of the DNA
result in a mutation. A key under- A description of the process of damage response system and de-
lying concept is that mutagenesis is mutagenesis begins with the induc- termines how it will be processed;
a cellular process, frequently invol- tion of DNA damage by an endoge- the DNA damage response includes
ving DNA replication. Another key nous or exogenous event. Examples DNA repair and apoptosis path-
concept is that there is a distinct dif- of DNA damage are DNA adducts ways, which are described in detail
ference between DNA damage and (i.e. a molecule bound covalently to by Ciccia and Elledge (2010). The
mutation. Thus, mutagens, despite DNA) and single- or double-strand DNA damage response can mediate
what their name suggests, generally breaks (i.e. breakage of the phos- the repair of the damage, attempt to
do not produce mutations; instead, phodiester backbone). Other types repair the damage but instead pro-
mutagens produce DNA damage, of DNA damage are oxidized or frag- cess it into a mutation, or direct the
and they might more appropriately mented bases and the intercalation cell to undergo apoptosis. Another

Part 2 • Chapter 12. The role of genotoxicity in carcinogenesis 107

possibility is that the damage is not induces mutations in a mutation integrated viral genome (Todaro and
repaired at all, and when the cell rep- assay permits it to be classified as Huebner, 1972), and alteration of im-
licates, the DNA polymerase correct- mutagenic. munological factors by carcinogens,
ly bypasses the damage, resulting in permitting the formation and growth
a normal DNA sequence. A brief history of the nexus of tumours (Baldwin, 1973). As time
between mutagens and has shown, all of the above-men-
The cell can process DNA dam-
age into three general classes or tioned mechanisms can play a role
types of mutation: gene mutation in the carcinogenic process, espe-
As reviewed by Claxton et al. (2010),
(mutations that occur within a gene), cially in the light of the accumulating
there was little direct evidence for
chromosomal mutation (mutations evidence for the important role of
the role of mutagenesis in carcino-
involving more than one gene, typ- epigenetic mechanisms (Baylin and
genesis until the early 1970s, and
ically called chromosomal aberra- Jones, 2011).
before that time only a few carcino-
tions), and genomic mutation (mu- How did the paradigm shift occur
gens had been shown to be muta-
tations involving the whole genome that showed a connection between
gens (Burdette, 1955). Indeed, it is
– generally aneuploidy, which is mutagenesis and carcinogenesis?
surprising to recall that at the time it
the gain or loss of a whole chromo- The first screening studies to test
was somewhat bold to propose that
some). The standard definition of a there was any direct connection be- the hypothesis that some carcino-
tween the two processes (Miller and gens might also be mutagens were
gene refers to a segment of DNA that
Miller, 1971; Knudson, 1973). Many performed by Demerec et al. (1951)
codes for an mRNA that codes for a
studies in the 1950s and 1960s in Escherichia coli and then by
protein. The recent Encyclopedia of
showed binding of carcinogens to nu- Szybalski (1958), who tested more
DNA Elements (ENCODE) project
cleic acids (Wiest and Heidelberger, than 400 compounds in E. coli.
indicates that at least 80% of the
1953; Brookes and Lawley, 1964). Although additional testing proceed-
human genome is transcriptionally
However, before 1972 there was no ed throughout the 1960s in a varie-
active, but only a small proportion
direct proof that the electrophilicity ty of systems in bacteria, fungi, and
of the expressed regions code for
of some chemical carcinogens had mammalian cells, few carcinogens
protein (Maurano et al., 2012).
a necessary role in the potential mu- other than the direct-acting alkylating
In the context of the process of
tagenic activity of such compounds, agents were found to be mutagens,
mutagenesis described above, the
or even that DNA, as opposed to leading to the conclusion that carcin-
term “mutagen” refers to an agent
protein, was the ultimate target of ogens were generally not mutagenic.
that can induce DNA damage that
carcinogens (Miller, 1970). However, this view began to shift
the cell processes into a mutation.
Although sound theoretical rea- when Malling (1966) combined a
The more general term “genotox- chemical hydroxylating mixture with
sons had been proposed to support
in” refers to an agent that induces the carcinogens diethylnitrosamine
the notion that carcinogens might act
DNA damage that may or may not and dimethylnitrosamine, which
through a mutagenic mechanism,
be processed by the cell into a mu- were not mutagenic in vitro, and
a clear demonstration of this con-
tation. Some assays for genotoxici- showed that the resulting metabo-
nection did not yet exist (Miller and
ty, for example, measure only DNA lites were mutagenic in the fungus
Miller, 1971). Thus, binding to DNA of
damage, such as 32P-postlabelling metabolites of carcinogens had been Neurospora crassa. Malling (1971)
and the comet assay, whereas oth- identified, but there were no data to then prepared an enzymatic activa-
er assays measure mutation, such show that these DNA adducts were tion system composed of the super-
as the Salmonella typhimurium re- processed into mutations or that mu- natant from mouse liver homogenate
verse mutation test, the Hprt gene tations themselves played a role in centrifuged at 30 000g (microsomes)
mutation assay in Chinese hamster carcinogenesis. Consequently, mu- plus cofactors, and showed that di-
ovary cells, and transgenic mouse tagenesis was viewed at that time as methylnitrosamine was mutagenic
mutation assays. Thus, finding that an equally plausible mechanism for in S. typhimurium in a liquid suspen-
an agent induces DNA damage carcinogenesis, along with epigenet- sion assay in the presence of this ac-
would permit it to be called genotox- ic changes (Miller, 1970; Miller and tivation mixture. Additional evidence
ic, and showing that the agent also Miller, 1971), altered expression of an that carcinogens could be mutagens

after mammalian metabolism was Indeed, a comprehensive analysis present at high frequencies in tu-
provided by Legator and Malling showed that more than 90% of the mours, DNA sequencing methods
(1971) with the host-mediated assay. IARC Group 1 chemical carcinogens were introduced in 1977 (Pettersson
Ames et al. (1972) introduced the are genotoxic (Waters et al., 1999). et al., 2009), which provided the tech-
use of the plate incorporation assay The current genetic toxicity test nical means to directly determine the
in Salmonella and demonstrated that battery is based on this relationship presence and types of mutations in
DNA-reactive metabolites of known between mutagenesis and carcino- any gene or chromosome.
carcinogens were direct-acting mu- genesis. Consequently, mutagenic- DNA sequencing of mutations
tagens. The connection between ity assays continue to be used as induced in selected genes by a lim-
mutagenesis and carcinogenesis a potential screen for carcinogens, ited number of mutagenic carcino-
was extended when Ames et al. and the results are used for regula- gens in microbes in the 1980s and in
(1973) combined a rat liver homoge- tory purposes throughout the world mammalian cells and tumours in the
nate centrifuged at 9000g (S9 frac- (Eastmond et al., 2009). For exam- 1990s began to show that any par-
tion) plus cofactors prepared as de- ple, a positive result in the Salmonella ticular mutagen produced an array
scribed by Garner et al. (1972) with mutagenicity assay indicates a 70% of mutations and that these varied
Salmonella and a variety of rodent among the genes and cells exam-

probability that the test chemical is

carcinogens then considered to be a rodent carcinogen (Zeiger, 1998). ined. A variety of mutagens produce
non-mutagenic in the plate incorpo- When a randomly selected set of similar mutation spectra, and the
ration assay and showed that these 100 organic compounds was tested predominant base substitution that
carcinogens were, in fact, muta- in the Salmonella mutagenicity as- an agent induces in one system
genic. Additional refinements of the say, about 20% of them were posi- is generally the same one that the
Salmonella tester strains and the tive (Zeiger and Margolin, 2000). agent produces predominantly in all
conduct of multiple testing studies, Thus, out of an estimated 80 000 other systems across the phyloge-
involving not only Salmonella but such compounds in commercial use, netic scale, from bacteria to humans
also other test systems (Tennant 16 000 (20%) may be positive for (DeMarini, 1998, 2000). Thus, in
et al., 1987), resulted in the current mutagenicity in the Salmonella mu- terms of the predominant base sub-
recognition that many carcinogens, tagenicity assay, and 11 200 (70%) stitution produced by agents, there is
by themselves or after metabolic of those may be potential rodent concordance across species in that
activation, are mutagens, and that carcinogens. the DNA damage induced by a par-
mutagenesis is a critical feature of ticular agent is processed similarly
carcinogenesis. Mutations in tumours by a wide range of species.
Despite the recognized impor- With regard to mutations in tu-
tance of mutagenicity as a part of Soon after the discovery of the mours, generally elucidated without
cancer induction and progression, by correct number of human chromo- reference to any exogenous caus-
the 1990s it appeared that many ro- somes (46) by Tjio and Levan in ative agent, the technology in use
dent and human carcinogens were, 1956 (Gartler, 2006; Harper, 2006), from the 1980s until the early 2000s
in fact, not clearly mutagenic or ge- cytogenetic studies began to show permitted the determination of mu-
notoxic. Some operate through re- that tumours (specifically leukaemic tations in only a few cancer-related
ceptor binding, which can result in an cells) had higher frequencies of chro- genes, such as TP53 and KRAS.
alteration in gene expression, often mosomal aberrations than did nor- The first gene mutation in a human
leading to increased cell replication. mal cells (Nowell and Hungerford, tumour was determined in 1982
However, an analysis of a set of so- 1960). A decade later, the develop- (Reddy et al., 1982), and by the end
called non-genotoxic carcinogens ment of quinacrine fluorescence and of the 20th century, there was clear
found that most of them were, in fact, Giemsa staining enabled the first evidence that some tumours had
genotoxic (inducing DNA damage discovery that a specific chromoso- mutations in certain oncogenes and
and/or mutation) when tested ade- mal aberration was associated with tumour suppressor genes that could
quately for both gene, chromosomal, a specific type of leukaemia (Rowley, be associated with the types of mu-
or genomic (aneuploidy) damage 1973). As evidence accumulated tations produced by the carcinogen
and mutation (Jackson et al., 1993). that chromosomal aberrations were associated with the induction of the

Part 2 • Chapter 12. The role of genotoxicity in carcinogenesis 109

tumour – both in rodents and in hu- specific to particular tumour types be required for some haematopoietic
mans (Dogliotti et al., 1998; Hainaut and subtypes (Hoang et al., 2013; tumours, whereas at least five or
and Wiman, 2009). Examples in- Alexandrov and Stratton, 2014). six are required for solid tumours
As discussed elsewhere in (Stratton, 2011). In addition, all tu-
clude CC → TT mutations in the
this Scientific Publication (see mours have many genes with altered
TP53 gene in skin tumours associat-
Chapter 11, by Stewart, and gene expression (Baylin and Jones,
ed with exposure to sunlight, G → T
Chapter 19, by Caldwell et al.), can- 2011).
mutations in codon 259 of the TP53 cer is a genetic disease that pro- A recent discovery is “shattered”
gene in liver tumours associated with ceeds by a type of Darwinian evolu- chromosomes in tumours, a phe-
exposure to aflatoxin B1 (Ceccaroli tion (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2011). nomenon termed chromothripsis,
et al., 2015), A → T mutations in the In this way, changes in gene function which results in massive chromo-
TP53 gene in tumours of the upper (by mutation) and in gene expression somal rearrangements in 1–3% of
urinary tract associated with expo- (by epigenetic mechanisms) that re- human tumours (Stephens et al.,
sult in a cell having a specific growth 2011). Studies indicate that these
sure to aristolochic acid (Grollman,
advantage may be selected for in shattered, highly rearranged chro-
2013), and the different locations of
certain tissue microenvironments mosomes may appear exclusively
G → T mutations in the TP53 and
(Hanahan and Weinberg, 2011; in micronuclei (Crasta et al., 2012;
KRAS genes in lung tumours as- Solomon et al., 2011; Whitfield and Maher and Wilson, 2012), providing
sociated with exposure to cigarette Soucek, 2012). a new insight into the potential role
smoke (IARC, 2012) or to emissions Stratton (2011) estimated that of micronuclei in tumours (Hatch and
from smoky coal (DeMarini et al., most human tumours contain 1000 Hetzer, 2015).
2001). There are about 20 carcino- to 10 000 base substitution muta- As evidence had accumulated
gens that are known to produce ei- tions; tissues exposed more directly that mutation and mutagenesis are
to the environment, such as the lung essential features of carcinogenesis,
ther unique or distinctive mutation
and the skin, have tumours with more the notion that tumours might be mon-
spectra in tumours linked epidemi-
than 100 000 mutations. However, oclonal became popular, because
ologically to specific exposures in only about 400 genes (~2% of the of the monoclonality of haemato-
humans (Ceccaroli et al., 2015). coding genome) appeared to be poietic malignancies and because
With the advent of next-genera- involved directly in tumorigenesis; this notion appeared to support the
tion DNA sequencing, exome and the rest were likely to be passenger prevalent initiation–promotion model
genome sequencing of tumours mutations, i.e. mutations not relat- of carcinogenesis. However, as mo-
was first reported by Wood et al. ed to the carcinogenic process and lecular analyses of tumours became
possibly resulting from the genomic more sophisticated, it soon became
(2007) and Parsons et al. (2008).
instability of the tumour (Bozic et al., clear that tumours are not monoclo-
These initial studies revealed that tu-
2010). nal and that they are, in fact, highly
mours had large numbers of mutat-
Genome or exome sequencing heterogeneous (Parsons, 2008).
ed genes; however, it appeared that has identified 20 distinct mutational The most exquisite evidence for
only a few (six to eight) genes were signatures among human tumours this has been provided by Gerlinger
involved directly in the carcinogenic and confirmed that tumours of the et al. (2012), who showed that ap-
process. As few as three driver gene most “protected” organs (e.g. the proximately two thirds of all somat-
mutations are required for the devel- brain) have only a few mutations, ic mutations were not present in all
opment of lung cancer or colorec- whereas those in organs exposed regions of a set of kidney tumours
more directly to the environment analysed by a combination of exon
tal cancer (Tomasetti et al., 2015).
(e.g. the lung and the skin) have sequencing, chromosomal aberra-
Large-scale sequence analysis of
thousands of mutations (Alexandrov tion analysis, and mRNA expression
the genomes of thousands of human
et al., 2013). The vast majority of mu- analysis. Recently, Martincorena
tumours has identified new genes tations in tumours are base substitu- et al. (2015) demonstrated that this
that are important for cancer and tions (Vogelstein et al., 2013). Only heterogeneity is established early
new mutational signatures that are one or two mutated genes appear to on, by showing that physiologically

normal human skin contains a epigenetic changes per se are not disease and (ii) an agent that causes
patchwork of thousands of evolving mutations because the sequence of cancer induces alterations in gene
clones, with more than one quarter nucleotides has not been changed, function (by mutation) and/or gene
of such cells having cancer-causing as evidenced above, mutation may expression (by epigenetic changes),
mutations. be the basis for some epigenetic either by direct interaction with DNA
Although there is now also over- events. or chromatin or by indirect mecha-
whelming evidence for the essential nisms, such as through generation
role of epigenetic changes in the car- Models of agent-induced of reactive oxygen species, inflam-
cinogenic process (Grønbaek et al., carcinogenesis mation, and/or receptor-mediated
2007; Baylin and Jones, 2011) and interactions. These considerations
Data generated in recent years have
for the fact that many carcinogens suggest that carcinogens must be ge-
led to a reconsideration of the dichot-
can induce such changes (Ceccaroli notoxic in the broadest sense of the
et al., 2015; Nicolaidou and Koufaris, omy between so-called non-geno- term, i.e. they damage DNA or alter
2015), as discussed below there is toxic versus genotoxic carcinogens its expression either directly or indi-
emerging information that mutation (Waters et al., 1999) and indicate rectly, leading to a change in function
itself might underlie some, if not that some epigenetic events may or expression of genes. Such chang-

have a mutational basis (You and

most, of these epigenetic changes. es in the appropriate genes with pro-
There are three primary epigenet- Jones, 2012). In addition, chronic motion through cell replication and
ic mechanisms by which cells regu- inflammation, which is associated selective pressure can then lead to
late gene expression: methylation of with increased cancer risk (Colotta a tumour. For colorectal tumours
DNA (Hsiao et al., 2009), modifica- et al., 2009), causes DNA damage this concept has been characterized
tions of histones (Ellis et al., 2009), (etheno-base lesions and other exo- as the “Big Bang” model for tumour
and binding of microRNAs and other cyclic DNA adducts) that appears to growth, in which tumours start early
non-coding RNAs to the genome or be the basis for the increased risk, on producing mixed subclones that
to other RNAs (Garzon et al., 2009). as demonstrated by the fact that re- are not subject to stringent selection,
However, studies have shown that pair of the damage by base excision thus explaining the heterogeneity of
mutations in genes involved in these repair enzymes (alkyl glycosylases) tumours (Sottoriva et al., 2015).
three processes may be the basis for reduces the risk of cancer (Calvo This greater appreciation for how
many of the epigenetic events me- et al., 2012). Indeed, an analysis of a chemical, physical, and biological
diated by these mechanisms (You dozen human studies found strong- agents may induce cancer leads to
and Jones, 2012). For example, mu- ly increased risks of cancer among a model for agent-induced carcino-
tations in specific chromatin-modi- individuals with high levels of DNA genesis that integrates portions of
fying genes appear to occur in spe- adducts relative to those with low lev- the classic initiation–promotion mod-
cific cancers, such as in JARID1C els, and the cancer risks were even el with elements of the hallmarks of
in renal cancer, in SMARCA4/BRG1 higher for the group with high adduct cancer. Such a model would envi-
in lung cancer, and in ARID1A in levels when other risk factors, such sion a carcinogenic agent establish-
ovarian cancer (Jones et al., 2010). as infection and inflammation, were ing the process by either genetic or
Also, mutations in the DNA meth- taken into account (Poirier, 2012). As epigenetic mechanisms that cause
yltransferase genes DNMT1 and noted in Chapter 19, by Caldwell et changes in gene function and ex-
DNMT3A are found in colorectal al., host susceptibility factors mod- pression, resulting in the plethora of
cancer or acute myeloid leukaemia, ulate all of these events and are a characteristics of cancer cells, i.e.
the histone lysine methyltransferas- critical element in the overall cancer the hallmarks of cancer: mutations
es or demethylases HK4, H3K9, and risk. in key oncogenes, altered gene ex-
H3IK27 are mutated in kidney can- Within the context of both the ini- pression, changes in cell signalling,
cer and colon cancer, and the his- tiation–promotion model of carcino- altered cell growth, evasion of ap-
tone acetyltransferases H3K18 and genesis and the “hallmarks” of can- optosis, sustained angiogenesis,
H3K27 are mutated in acute lymph- cer (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2011), increased genomic instability, and
oblastic leukaemia (Peltomäki, 2012; these data have led to the view that eventual metastasis. Much of this
Ryan and Bernstein, 2012). Although (i) cancer is essentially a genetic can be modulated by various sus-

Part 2 • Chapter 12. The role of genotoxicity in carcinogenesis 111

ceptibility factors, including genetic theory of cancer, such as tissue changes in cell signalling that result
or epigenetic factors, as well as by organization field theory (Baker, in the hallmarks of cancer, with the
a large number of environmental and 2015) and tissue programming theo- entire process being modified by a
lifestyle factors (see Chapter 19, by ry (Burgio and Migliore, 2015). variety of susceptibility factors.
Caldwell et al.). However, a geno- The ability of carcinogenic agents
toxic carcinogen may not necessar- Summary to induce mutation and/or alter gene
ily cause cancer via a genotoxicity expression, with either ability being
mechanism alone or predominantly, Work since the 1970s demonstrat-
sufficient to initiate the process of
and further mechanistic studies are ed that many carcinogens are either
tumour formation (Grønbaek et al.,
needed to delineate the carcinogenic directly or indirectly genotoxic or
2007; Halazonetis et al., 2008), is
mechanisms of any particular agent. mutagenic and/or alter gene expres-
now an established feature of
This generalized model no longer sion. Analyses of tumours, first by
agent-induced carcinogenesis. This
makes a distinction between ini- cytogenetic methods in the 1970s,
deeper understanding of the rela-
tiation and promotion, which was an then by single-gene analysis in the
tionship between genotoxicity and
operational model derived largely 1990s, and most recently by exome
carcinogenicity is the culmination of
from mouse skin-painting studies. or whole-genome sequencing, have
research that provided the first evi-
Similarly, it does not divide carcin- demonstrated clearly that mutagen-
dence for such a relationship only
ogens into genotoxic and non-ge- esis is a central feature of carcino-
about 40 years ago.
notoxic categories. Instead, an in- genesis. Thus, it is not surprising
tegrated model of agent-induced that more than 90% of the known
carcinogenesis as described above human chemical carcinogens (IARC
emphasizes the ability of the car- Group 1) are positive in convention- The author thanks J.A. Ross and
cinogen (chemical, physical, or bi- al short-term tests for genotoxicity C.E. Wood for their helpful com-
ological) to alter gene structure (by (Waters et al., 1999). ments on this manuscript.
mutation) and/or gene expression Cancer is now recognized as an
(by genetic or epigenetic changes), essentially genetic disease, with car- Disclaimer
leading to functional changes in the cinogens causing genetic damage
genome that manifest themselves and/or changes in gene expression This article was reviewed by the
through changes in cell signalling, either directly or indirectly. This rec- National Health and Environmental
altered cell growth, and genomic ognition should prompt a reconsid- Effects Research Laboratory,
instability, resulting in the hallmarks eration of the distinction between United States Environmental
of cancer, with susceptibility factors genotoxic and non-genotoxic car- Protection Agency and approved for
modifying various aspects of these cinogens. A generalized model of publication. Approval does not signi-
processes and outcomes. The im- agent-induced carcinogenesis would fy that the contents reflect the views
portance of epigenetic changes, no longer make a distinction between of the agency, nor does mention of
cell signalling, and tissue–cell inter- initiation and promotion but would in- trade names or commercial products
actions have suggested alternative stead emphasize the initial effects of constitute endorsement or recom-
models to the somatic mutation the agent that then lead to a series of mendation for use.

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