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**Color Fundamentals:**
- Color is the visual perception of different wavelengths of light.
- The three primary colors are red, green, and blue (RGB).
- Secondary colors are formed by mixing primary colors: cyan (green + blue), magenta (red +
blue), and yellow (red + green).
- Color perception is influenced by factors like illumination and human vision.

2. **Color Models:**
- RGB Model: Represents colors using additive mixing of red, green, and blue channels.
Common in digital displays.
- CMY Model: Used in subtractive color mixing, primarily in color printing, based on cyan,
magenta, and yellow.
- HSL/HSV Model: Represents colors in terms of Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/Value,
providing more intuitive control over color adjustments.
- LAB Model: A perceptually uniform color space where L represents lightness, and AB
represents color information.
- YUV/YCbCr Model: Used for image and video compression, separating luminance (Y) and
chrominance (UV/CbCr) information.

3. **Converting Colors to Different Models:**

- Converting between color models involves mathematical transformations.
- For example, to convert RGB to CMY, you can subtract the RGB values from 255 to get
CMY values.
- To convert RGB to HSL/HSV, you'll need to calculate the hue, saturation, and lightness/value
based on the RGB values.

4. **Color Transformation:**
- Color transformations are used for various image processing tasks, such as color correction,
enhancement, and manipulation.
- Techniques like histogram equalization can adjust the distribution of colors in an image to
improve contrast.
- Color balance adjustments can correct color casts and ensure natural-looking colors.
- Color filters and color mapping can be applied to change the overall color tone of an image.

5. **Applications:**
- Color image processing is crucial in various fields, including photography, graphic design,
computer vision, and medical imaging.
- It plays a significant role in tasks like object recognition, image segmentation, and enhancing
visual content.

6. **Challenges:**
- Color processing may face challenges due to variations in lighting conditions, color
calibration, and human perception differences.

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