Pupulin 2020 - Pabstiella (With A New Combination)

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Vanishing Beauty vol. 2_99 (Pabstiella, 808-811).

indd 2 5/15/18 12:44 PM

Pabstiella Brieger & Senghas

The affinities of Pabstiella were first recognized by the Brazilian circumscriptions could change under closer scrutiny of the
orchidologist Guido Frederico João Pabst (1914–1980). In his involved taxa throughout their alleged range.
Orchidaceae Brasilienses (1975), he gathered under Pleuroth-
In Costa Rica, three species of Pabstiella are recorded. Pabstiel-
allis sect. Fractiflexae a group of Brazilian species close to P.
la aryter (Luer) F.Barros (morphologically allied to Ronaldella)
mirabilis Schltr., mostly characterized by the zig-zag inflores-
was originally described from central Peru, and its distribution
cence and the flowers provided with an extended column foot,
extends to the north up to Costa Rica. Here it is a rarely found
resulting in a distinctly long chin. In 1976, the German botanist
species, so far documented by only two collections, both from
and geneticist Friedrich Gustav Brieger (1900–1985), active in
the northern extents of the Talamanca mountain chain, where
Brazil since 1933, and his German colleague, the recognized
plants have been collected in the wet premontane forest at
botanist Karlheinz Senghas (1928–2004), honored Guido Pabst
1300–1800 meters. Pabstiella tripterantha is based on a
giving generic rank to the group under the name of Pabstiella
specimen collected in the Andes of Venezuela by Hermann
and transferring to it the sole P. mirabilis, which tipify the
Wagener (1823– 1877), which has subsequently been record-
genus. As a discrete group deserving generic recognition, the
ed throughout most of the American tropics, from Costa Rica
fractiflex, long-chined Brazilian Pleurothallis received scarce
south to Brazil and Argentina. Carlyle A. Luer treated it as the
attention by botanist until the advent of molecular systematics.
sole species of his Pleurothallis sect. Tripteranthae. According
In 2001, Alec M. Pridgeon and collaborators recognized in to Wagener’s original sketch, the name applies to a species with
their DNA-based phylogenetic analysis of Pleurothallidiane that autogamous, almost trigonous flowers densely flecked by dark
Pleurothallis mentosa Cogn., P. mirabilis and P. tripterantha purprle-brown. In Costa Rica, it is known from the Turrialba Vol-
Rchb.f. form a clade sister to Pleurothallis and Stelis, which the cano, where it was collected by August R. Endrés (1838–1874),
authors recognized as Anthereon, without noticing that Pab- and both the watersheds of the Cordillera de Talamanca, at
stiella had already been proposed for one of the species of that 1200–1800 meters of elevation. Another species, previously
particular clade. The genus Gyalanthos, proposed that same treated in Costa Rica under a broad concept of P. tripteran-
year by Dariusz L.Szlachetko and Hanna B. Margonska, and also tha, is distinct enough to deserve specific recognition. It was
typified by P. mirabilis, is similarly superflous and illegitimate. originally described by Fritz Kränzlin as Masdevallia aperta on
the basis of a plant by the indefatigable Endrés, who collected
Pridgeon’s concept of Anthereon/Pabtsiella greatly expanded
and illustrated it from the region of Dota, on the Pacific slopes
the original concept by Pabst, and the inclusion of P. tripter-
of the Talamanca chain. This taxon still lacks a valid name in
antha and P. mentosa (that João Barbosa Rodrigues had
Pabstiella, which it is therefore provided here:
described as a species of Lepanthes!) made the genus difficult
to diagnose on the basis of a morphological ground. More Pabstiella aperta (Kraenzl.) Pupulin, comb. nov.
recently, Adam Karremans and collaborators shown that the
Basionym: Masdevallia aperta Kraenzl., Repert. Spec. Nov.
genus Ronaldella Luer (typified by Pleurothallis determanii
Regni Veg. 17: 430. 1921. Type: Costa Rica. [San José: Dota,] Am
Luer) was also belongs to Pabtsiella when DNA sequences are
Río Pascita [Paquita] grande, A.R. Endres 652 (holotype, W).
compared. Today, Pabtsiella is probably the morphologically
more heterogeneous group within the Pleurothallidinae. Since Probably the more common of the Pabstiella species in Costa
Fabio de Barros revived Pabtsiella in 2002, the diversity of the Rica, P. aperta, is known from both the watersheds of the Cor-
genus has grown to the considerable size of more than 140 dillera de Talamanca, where it has been recorded from the rain
species, particularly from Brazil, which likely represents the tropical forest as low as about 500 meters, to the premontane
dispersion center for the group. wet forests over 1800 meters of elevation.
Apparently, species of Pabstiella are of broad distribution, Interestingly, two species of Pabstiella form natural popula-
some of them ranging from Costa Rica south to Bolivia, Brazil, tions in the secondary forest area at the Lankester Botanical
and even to Argentina. Nevertheless, it is possible that species Garden.

Pabstiella aperta (Kraenzl.) Pupulin

Turrialba: Tuís, Cien Manzanas, 9º51’25”N 83º33’47”W, ca. 950 m, 26 May 2003, flowered in cultivation at Lankester Botanical Garden,
F. Pupulin 4799, R. & K. Dressler, J. Aguilar, G. Gerlach, P. Kindlmann, H. León-Paéz, S. Pugh-Jones & E. Serrano.
Photographed: 11 August 2005. Reproduction ratio: 2:1.

Franco Pupulin. Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica

Vanishing Beauty vol. 2_31 (Pabstiella, 808-811).indd 3 6/4/18 8:58 AM

Pabstiella aryter (Luer) F.Barros
Cartago: El Guarco, San Isidro, Vara de Roble, camino a El Empalme, Southern Panamerican Highway, km 46-47, 9°45’34.9” N 83°58’13.5” W, 1850 m, 22 October 2005,
flowered in cultivation at Lankester Botanical Garden, R. Gómez, R.L. Dressler, A. Karremans, F. Pupulin, A. and S. Rambelli s.n.
Photographed: 4 September 2007. Reproduction ratio: 1:1.


Pabstiella tripterantha (Rchb.f.) F.Barros

Puntarenas: Coto Brus, Sabalito, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 13 km NE of Lucha, Sitio Coto Brus, finca Sandí “El Capricho”, 8°56’46.1” N 82°44’30.9” W, 1778 m, 6 October 2010,
flowered n cultivation at Lankester Botanical Garden, F. Pupulin 7992, D. Bogarín, R.L. Dressler and M. Fernández.
Photographed: 15 January 2013. Reproduction ratio: 4.5:1.


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