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System Memory:
Memory Load: 66%
Available Physical Memory: 5475m/16108m
Available Page File: 5939m/21569m
Available Virtual Memory: 134213478m/134217727m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 30m
Working Set Size: 30m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 222k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 219k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:14k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 14k
Page File Usage: 5m
Peak Page File Usage: 5m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 556225
[00:00:00]: Current time: Sun May 28 15:35:23 2023

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 556225 WIN32

[00:00:00]: Build Date: 1969
[00:00:00]: Mode: 64-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -monitor_parent_process 11992 -
persistent_storage_root APP:Klei/ -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether -cluster Cluster_4
-ownernetid 76561198214376413 -ownerdir 254110685 -clouddir 254110685 -
backup_log_count 25 -backup_log_period 0 -ugc_directory C:\\Program Files (x86)\\
Steam\\steamapps\\workshop -shard Caves -secondary_log_prefix caves -sigprefix
DST_Secondary -token

[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform

[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (29156)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:0.72
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(10998, 27017)
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\
Don't Starve Together\bin64\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer_x64.exe is
enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/254110685/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (12168)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/254110685/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/254110685/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: Offline user ID: OU_76561198214376413
[00:00:00]: HardwareStats:
name Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
version 10.0.22621
platformSpecific SP 0.0
architecture 64-bit
clockSpeed 2600
name 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13500H
manufacturer GenuineIntel
numCores 12
features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
megsOfRam 16384
megsOfRam 1024
videoModeDescription 2880 x 1800 x 4294967296 colors
name Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
driverDate 20221221000000.000000-000
refreshRate 60

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:00]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:00:01]: Running main.lua

[00:00:01]: Could not load modindex

[00:00:01]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:00:01]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua

[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1582457351
[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-501385076
[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-466732225
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Version:1.5
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Version:1.4.0
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.58.7
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_pick_cactus with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option
quick_pick_plant_normal_ground with value true
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_cook_on_fire with
value true
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_harvest with value
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with
value true
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with
value 2
[00:00:01]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:01]: ShowMe version: 0.58.7
[00:00:01]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:00:01]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:00:01]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:02]: Event data unavailable:
[00:00:02]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:00:02]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:00:02]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:00:02]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:02]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:02]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:02]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:02]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:02]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:02]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:02]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:02]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering default mod
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering default mod
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Registering
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/pings
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Load FE
[00:00:04]: Load FE: done
[00:00:04]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (12768)
[00:00:04]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (21894 files)...
[00:00:04]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:04]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:04]: Available disk space for save files: 399431 MB
[00:00:04]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:04]: Reset() returning
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Secondary_Kill' opened #0000000000000918
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Registering handler for signal #0000000000000918
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Handle #0000000000000918 added to the Eventhandles
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Secondary_ShutdownNoSave' opened #0000000000000974
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Registering handler for signal #0000000000000974
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Handle #0000000000000974 added to the Eventhandles
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Secondary_Starting' opened #0000000000000978
[00:00:04]: [IPC] Sending signal... #0000000000000978
[00:00:05]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:05]: Cached userid (null) saved to
[00:00:05]: Received (KU_LnRtCzz2) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:05]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
[00:00:05]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:05]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:00:05]: Dedicated: true
[00:00:05]: Online: true
[00:00:05]: Passworded: false
[00:00:05]: ServerPort: 10998
[00:00:05]: SteamAuthPort: 8767
[00:00:05]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27017
[00:00:05]: ClanID: false
[00:00:05]: ClanOnly: false
[00:00:05]: ClanAdmin: false
[00:00:05]: LanOnly: false
[00:00:05]: FriendsOnly: false
[00:00:05]: EnableAutosaver: true
[00:00:05]: EncodeUserPath: true
[00:00:05]: PVP: false
[00:00:05]: MaxPlayers: 6
[00:00:05]: GameMode: survival
[00:00:05]: OverridenDNS:
[00:00:05]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:00:05]: IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:00:05]: VoteEnabled: false
[00:00:05]: InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:00:05]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10998 is open in the firewall.
[00:00:05]: [Shard] No shard id specified, generating a random one...
[00:00:05]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[00:00:05]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1582457351
[00:00:05]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:00:05]: Online Server Started on port: 10998
[00:00:05]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:05]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:00:05]: K: background_node_range V: table: 000000000BBCC630
[00:00:05]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:00:05]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:00:05]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:05]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:00:05]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:05]: K: location V: cave
[00:00:05]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:00:05]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:00:05]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:00:05]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:00:05]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:00:05]: K: overrides V: table: 000000000BBCC810
[00:00:05]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:00:05]: K: banana V: default
[00:00:05]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:00:05]: K: bats V: default
[00:00:05]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:00:05]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:00:05]: K: boons V: often
[00:00:05]: K: branching V: default
[00:00:05]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:05]: K: bunnymen V: often
[00:00:05]: K: bunnymen_setting V: often
[00:00:05]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:00:05]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:00:05]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:00:05]: K: chess V: default
[00:00:05]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:00:05]: K: darkness V: default
[00:00:05]: K: day V: default
[00:00:05]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:00:05]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:00:05]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:00:05]: K: earthquakes V: rare
[00:00:05]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:00:05]: K: fern V: default
[00:00:05]: K: fissure V: default
[00:00:05]: K: flint V: default
[00:00:05]: K: flower_cave V: often
[00:00:05]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:00:05]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:00:05]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:00:05]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:00:05]: K: grass V: default
[00:00:05]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:00:05]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:00:05]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:00:05]: K: hunger V: default
[00:00:05]: K: krampus V: default
[00:00:05]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:05]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:00:05]: K: lichen V: default
[00:00:05]: K: liefs V: default
[00:00:05]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: fast
[00:00:05]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:00:05]: K: loop V: default
[00:00:05]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:00:05]: K: merms V: default
[00:00:05]: K: molebats V: default
[00:00:05]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: monkey V: default
[00:00:05]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:00:05]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:00:05]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:00:05]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:00:05]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:00:05]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:05]: K: pigs_setting V: often
[00:00:05]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:00:05]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:00:05]: K: reeds V: default
[00:00:05]: K: regrowth V: fast
[00:00:05]: K: resettime V: default
[00:00:05]: K: roads V: never
[00:00:05]: K: rock V: default
[00:00:05]: K: rocky V: default
[00:00:05]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: sapling V: default
[00:00:05]: K: season_start V: default
[00:00:05]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:00:05]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:00:05]: K: slurper V: default
[00:00:05]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:00:05]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:00:05]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:00:05]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spiders V: default
[00:00:05]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:00:05]: K: start_location V: caves
[00:00:05]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:00:05]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:00:05]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:00:05]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:00:05]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:00:05]: K: trees V: default
[00:00:05]: K: weather V: rare
[00:00:05]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:00:05]: K: world_size V: default
[00:00:05]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:00:05]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:00:05]: K: wormlights V: often
[00:00:05]: K: worms V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:00:05]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:00:05]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 000000000BBCC6D0
[00:00:05]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:00:05]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:05]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:05]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:05]: K: substitutes V: table: 000000000BBCB500
[00:00:05]: K: version V: 4
[00:00:05]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:05]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:05]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:05]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:00:05]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:00:05]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:00:05]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:05]: lua_gc took 0.04 seconds
[00:00:05]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:05]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:05]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:05]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:05]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:05]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:05]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted.
[00:00:05]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:00:05]: lua_close took 0.05 seconds
[00:00:05]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:05]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:05]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:05]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:05]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:05]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:05]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:05]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:00:06]: Running main.lua

[00:00:06]: loaded modindex

[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:00:06]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua

[00:00:06]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[00:00:06]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1582457351
[00:00:06]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-501385076
[00:00:06]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:00:06]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-466732225
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1582457351
[00:00:06]: Loading mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Version:1.5
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:00:06]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-501385076
[00:00:06]: Loading mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Version:1.4.0
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[00:00:06]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.58.7
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:00:06]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:00:06]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value
[00:00:06]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:06]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_pick_cactus with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option
quick_pick_plant_normal_ground with value true
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_cook_on_fire with
value true
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_harvest with value
[00:00:06]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with
value true
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with
value 2
[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:00:06]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: ShowMe version: 0.58.7
[00:00:06]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:00:06]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:00:06]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:07]: Event data unavailable:
[00:00:07]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:00:07]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:00:07]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:00:07]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:07]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:07]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:07]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:07]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:07]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:07]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:07]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:07]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:00:07]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0000000014C97CD0
[00:00:07]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:00:07]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:00:07]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: location V: cave
[00:00:07]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:00:07]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:00:07]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:00:07]: K: overrides V: table: 0000000014C985E0
[00:00:07]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:00:07]: K: banana V: default
[00:00:07]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:00:07]: K: bats V: default
[00:00:07]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:00:07]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:00:07]: K: boons V: often
[00:00:07]: K: branching V: default
[00:00:07]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: bunnymen V: often
[00:00:07]: K: bunnymen_setting V: often
[00:00:07]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:00:07]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:00:07]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:00:07]: K: chess V: default
[00:00:07]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:00:07]: K: darkness V: default
[00:00:07]: K: day V: default
[00:00:07]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:00:07]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:00:07]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:00:07]: K: earthquakes V: rare
[00:00:07]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fern V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fissure V: default
[00:00:07]: K: flint V: default
[00:00:07]: K: flower_cave V: often
[00:00:07]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:00:07]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:00:07]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:00:07]: K: grass V: default
[00:00:07]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:00:07]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:00:07]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:00:07]: K: hunger V: default
[00:00:07]: K: krampus V: default
[00:00:07]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:07]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:00:07]: K: lichen V: default
[00:00:07]: K: liefs V: default
[00:00:07]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: fast
[00:00:07]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:00:07]: K: loop V: default
[00:00:07]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:00:07]: K: merms V: default
[00:00:07]: K: molebats V: default
[00:00:07]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: monkey V: default
[00:00:07]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: pigs_setting V: often
[00:00:07]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:00:07]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:00:07]: K: reeds V: default
[00:00:07]: K: regrowth V: fast
[00:00:07]: K: resettime V: default
[00:00:07]: K: roads V: never
[00:00:07]: K: rock V: default
[00:00:07]: K: rocky V: default
[00:00:07]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: sapling V: default
[00:00:07]: K: season_start V: default
[00:00:07]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:00:07]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurper V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:00:07]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:00:07]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiders V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: start_location V: caves
[00:00:07]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:00:07]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:00:07]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:00:07]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:00:07]: K: trees V: default
[00:00:07]: K: weather V: rare
[00:00:07]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:00:07]: K: world_size V: default
[00:00:07]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:00:07]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:00:07]: K: wormlights V: often
[00:00:07]: K: worms V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:00:07]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0000000014C97A00
[00:00:07]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:00:07]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:07]: K: substitutes V: table: 0000000014C977D0
[00:00:07]: K: version V: 4
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:07]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:00:07]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:00:07]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:00:07]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Secondary_WorldGen' opened #00000000000009F0
[00:00:07]: [IPC] Sending signal... #00000000000009F0
[00:00:07]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:00:07]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[00:00:07]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (29012)
[00:00:07]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:00:07]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:07]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:07]: Available disk space for save files: 399431 MB
[00:00:07]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:07]: Reset() returning
[00:00:07]: DLC enabled : false
[00:00:07]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:00:07]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:00:07]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:00:07]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:00:07]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1582457351
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-501385076
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-378160973
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-466732225
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.58.7
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Version:1.5
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Version:1.4.0
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:00:07]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:07]: running worldgen_main.lua

[00:00:07]: SEED = 1685280930

[00:00:07]: Generating world with these parameters:
[00:00:07]: level_type SURVIVAL
[00:00:07]: level_data:
[00:00:07]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0000000009C44A50
[00:00:07]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:00:07]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:00:07]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: location V: cave
[00:00:07]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:00:07]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:00:07]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:00:07]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:00:07]: K: overrides V: table: 0000000009C464E0
[00:00:07]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:00:07]: K: banana V: default
[00:00:07]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:00:07]: K: bats V: default
[00:00:07]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:00:07]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:00:07]: K: boons V: often
[00:00:07]: K: branching V: default
[00:00:07]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: bunnymen V: often
[00:00:07]: K: bunnymen_setting V: often
[00:00:07]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:00:07]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:00:07]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:00:07]: K: chess V: default
[00:00:07]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:00:07]: K: darkness V: default
[00:00:07]: K: day V: default
[00:00:07]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:00:07]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:00:07]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:00:07]: K: earthquakes V: rare
[00:00:07]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fern V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fissure V: default
[00:00:07]: K: flint V: default
[00:00:07]: K: flower_cave V: often
[00:00:07]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:00:07]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:00:07]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:00:07]: K: grass V: default
[00:00:07]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:00:07]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:00:07]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:00:07]: K: hunger V: default
[00:00:07]: K: krampus V: default
[00:00:07]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:07]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:00:07]: K: lichen V: default
[00:00:07]: K: liefs V: default
[00:00:07]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: fast
[00:00:07]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:00:07]: K: loop V: default
[00:00:07]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:00:07]: K: merms V: default
[00:00:07]: K: molebats V: default
[00:00:07]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: monkey V: default
[00:00:07]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:00:07]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: pigs_setting V: often
[00:00:07]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:00:07]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:00:07]: K: reeds V: default
[00:00:07]: K: regrowth V: fast
[00:00:07]: K: resettime V: default
[00:00:07]: K: roads V: never
[00:00:07]: K: rock V: default
[00:00:07]: K: rocky V: default
[00:00:07]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: sapling V: default
[00:00:07]: K: season_start V: default
[00:00:07]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:00:07]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurper V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:00:07]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:00:07]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiders V: default
[00:00:07]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:00:07]: K: start_location V: caves
[00:00:07]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:00:07]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:00:07]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:00:07]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:00:07]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:00:07]: K: trees V: default
[00:00:07]: K: weather V: rare
[00:00:07]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:00:07]: K: world_size V: default
[00:00:07]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:00:07]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:00:07]: K: wormlights V: often
[00:00:07]: K: worms V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:00:07]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:00:07]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0000000009C44B40
[00:00:07]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:00:07]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:07]: K: substitutes V: table: 0000000009C44320
[00:00:07]: K: version V: 4
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:07]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level

[00:00:07]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass

[00:00:07]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular twigs
[00:00:07]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular berries
[00:00:07]: New size: 425 default
[00:00:07]: Creating story...
[00:00:07]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[00:00:07]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:07]: Finding valid start task...
[00:00:07]: ...picked CaveExitTask4
[00:00:07]: Has start node RabbitTown
[00:00:07]: Adding Background Nodes
[00:00:07]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[00:00:07]: Warning! Couldn't find a spot in AtriumMaze for WeaponBoon
[00:00:07]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[00:00:07]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:00:07]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[00:00:08]: ...Done.
[00:00:08]: ... story created
[00:00:08]: Baking map... 425
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[00:00:08]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[00:00:08]: [SeparateIslands]
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[00:00:08]: Map Baked!
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[00:00:08]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[00:00:08]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 13
[00:00:08]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[00:00:08]: Encoding...
[00:00:08]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[00:00:08]: Encoding... DONE
[00:00:08]: Checking Tags
[00:00:09]: Couldn't generate any points for maze. Aborting.
[00:00:09]: Populating voronoi...
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:09]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:09]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:00:09]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 33 tiles.
[00:00:09]: PANIC: Too many disconnected tiles... 9898
[00:00:09]: An error occured during world gen we will retry! [was 1 of
5 ]
[00:00:09]: New size: 425 default
[00:00:09]: Creating story...
[00:00:09]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[00:00:09]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:09]: Finding valid start task...
[00:00:09]: ...picked CaveExitTask5
[00:00:09]: Has start node GreenMushRabbits
[00:00:09]: Adding Background Nodes
[00:00:09]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[00:00:09]: Warning! Couldn't find a spot in BatCloister for TentaclePillar
[00:00:09]: Warning! Couldn't find a spot in AtriumMaze for WeaponBoon
[00:00:09]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[00:00:09]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:00:09]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[00:00:10]: ...Done.
[00:00:10]: ... story created
[00:00:10]: Baking map... 425
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[00:00:10]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[00:00:10]: [SeparateIslands]
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[00:00:10]: Map Baked!
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[00:00:10]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[00:00:10]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 6
[00:00:10]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[00:00:10]: Encoding...
[00:00:10]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[00:00:10]: Encoding... DONE
[00:00:10]: Checking Tags
[00:00:10]: Populating voronoi...
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for RabbitTown in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:00:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:00:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 44 tiles.
[00:00:10]: disconnected tiles... 1065
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE 288.295 387.265 303.18, 0,
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 179.5 215.5 -132, 0, 12
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 141.5 223.5 -284, 0, 44
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 158.5 69.265 -216, 0, -
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_stone_2 283.39 361.6075
283.56, 0, 596.43
[00:00:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_stone_2 287.6875 356.875
300.75, 0, 577.5
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab atrium_gate has at least 1 instances (1
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab archive_orchestrina_main has at least 1
instances (1 found).
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab sacred_chest has at least 1 instances (1
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab minotaur_spawner has at least 1 instances (1
[00:00:10]: Checking Required Prefab archive_lockbox_dispencer has at least 3
instances (7 found).
[00:00:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:00:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles.
[00:00:10]: Done cave map gen!
[00:00:10]: Checking map...
[00:00:10]: Generation complete, injecting world entities.
[00:00:10]: Injected world entities.
[00:00:10]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:00:11]: Serializing world: session/4B59701F8D0A10FA/0000000002
[00:00:11]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:11]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:11]: Unload FE
[00:00:11]: Unload FE done
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering prefabs
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering default mod
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering prefabs
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering default mod
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Registering
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/pings
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:00:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:00:11]: LOAD BE
[00:00:24]: LOAD BE: done
[00:00:24]: Begin Session: 4B59701F8D0A10FA
[00:00:24]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting regrowth to fast
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to always
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to none
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting earthquakes to rare
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting pigs_setting to often
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting lightflier_flower_regrowth to fast
[00:00:24]: OVERRIDE: setting bunnymen_setting to often
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/campfire.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_generic.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_gohere.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_explore.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_danger.xml )
[00:00:24]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_omw.xml )
[00:00:24]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:00:25]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:00:33]: Loading Nav Grid
[00:00:33]: World generated on build 556225 with save version: 5.141, using seed:
[00:00:33]: [Shard] Secondary shard is waiting for LUA...
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to always
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to none
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to always
[00:00:33]: OVERRIDE: setting weather to rare
[00:00:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:00:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:00:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:00:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:00:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:00:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:00:37]: SWITCHING false
[00:00:38]: Reconstructing topology
[00:00:38]: ...Sorting points
[00:00:38]: ...Sorting edges
[00:00:38]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:00:38]: ...Validating connections
[00:00:38]: ...Housekeeping
[00:00:38]: ...Done!
[00:00:38]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:00:38]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:38]: ShardName: Caves
[00:00:38]: ShardID: 2722692293
[00:00:38]: ShardRole: SECONDARY
[00:00:38]: MasterHost:
[00:00:38]: MasterBind: (null)
[00:00:38]: MasterPort: 10888
[00:00:38]: [Shard] Connecting to master...
[00:00:38]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 4B59701F8D0A10FA
[00:00:38]: [Shard] Connection to master failed. Waiting to reconnect...
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
[00:00:39]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
[00:00:43]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:43]: ShardName: Caves
[00:00:43]: ShardID: 2722692293
[00:00:43]: ShardRole: SECONDARY
[00:00:43]: MasterHost:
[00:00:43]: MasterBind: (null)
[00:00:43]: MasterPort: 10888
[00:00:43]: [Shard] Connecting to master...
[00:00:53]: [Shard] Connection to master failed. Waiting to reconnect...
[00:00:58]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:58]: ShardName: Caves
[00:00:58]: ShardID: 2722692293
[00:00:58]: ShardRole: SECONDARY
[00:00:58]: MasterHost:
[00:00:58]: MasterBind: (null)
[00:00:58]: MasterPort: 10888
[00:00:58]: [Shard] Connecting to master...
[00:00:58]: [Shard] Sending secondary shard information to master...
[00:00:59]: Received MasterInfoPacket row KU_LnRtCzz2 region eu-central-1
[00:00:59]: Obtaining secondary shard IP from eu-central-1 lobby
[00:00:59]: [Shard] secondary shard is now ready!
[00:00:59]: World 1 is now connected
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] Sending ResyncWorldSettings.
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (active)
[00:00:59]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (active)
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] recieved world settings from master shard. true
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying temperaturedamage = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying spawnmode = fixed from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying lessdamagetaken = none from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostenabled = always from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying shadowcreatures = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying resettime = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying krampus = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostsanitydrain = always from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying healthpenalty = always from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying dropeverythingondespawn = default from
master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying darkness = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying portalresurection = none from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying brightmarecreatures = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying hunger = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying basicresource_regrowth = always from
master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] recieved world settings from master shard. true
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying temperaturedamage = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying spawnmode = fixed from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying lessdamagetaken = none from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostenabled = always from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying shadowcreatures = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying resettime = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying krampus = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostsanitydrain = always from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying healthpenalty = always from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying dropeverythingondespawn = default from
master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying darkness = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying portalresurection = none from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying brightmarecreatures = default from master
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying hunger = default from master shard.
[00:00:59]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying basicresource_regrowth = always from
master shard.
[00:01:00]: [Shard] secondary shard LUA is now ready!
[00:01:00]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Secondary_Ready' opened #0000000000000924
[00:01:00]: [IPC] Sending signal... #0000000000000924
[00:01:00]: Sim paused
[00:04:21]: Sim unpaused
[00:05:43]: Server Autopaused
[00:05:45]: Server Unpaused
[00:07:27]: Server Autopaused
[00:07:28]: Server Unpaused
[00:07:52]: Server Autopaused
[00:07:57]: Server Unpaused
[00:09:32]: Server Autopaused
[00:09:34]: Server Unpaused
[00:10:11]: Server Autopaused
[00:10:15]: Server Unpaused
[00:11:24]: Server Autopaused
[00:11:28]: Server Unpaused
[00:11:29]: Server Autopaused
[00:11:31]: Server Unpaused
[00:11:53]: Start world reset countdown... 120 seconds...
[00:12:01]: Server Autopaused
[00:12:03]: Server Unpaused
[00:12:26]: World 1 is now disconnected
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (inactive)
[00:12:26]: Sim paused
[00:12:26]: Received world reset request
[00:12:26]: Sim unpaused
[00:12:26]: Collecting garbage...
[00:12:26]: lua_gc took 0.15 seconds
[00:12:26]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:12:26]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:12:26]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:12:26]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:12:26]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:12:26]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:12:27]: lua_close took 0.20 seconds
[00:12:27]: ReleaseAll
[00:12:27]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:12:27]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:12:27]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:12:27]: LOADING LUA
[00:12:27]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:12:27]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:12:27]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:12:28]: Running main.lua

[00:12:28]: loaded modindex

[00:12:28]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:12:28]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua

[00:12:28]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[00:12:28]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1582457351
[00:12:28]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-501385076
[00:12:28]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:12:28]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-466732225
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:12:28]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1582457351
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Version:1.5
[00:12:28]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:12:28]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-501385076
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Version:1.4.0
[00:12:28]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.58.7
[00:12:28]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:12:28]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value
[00:12:28]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:12:28]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_pick_cactus with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option
quick_pick_plant_normal_ground with value true
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_cook_on_fire with
value true
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-501385076's option quick_harvest with value
[00:12:28]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with
value true
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with
value 2
[00:12:28]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:12:28]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:12:28]: ShowMe version: 0.58.7
[00:12:28]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:12:28]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:12:28]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1582457351
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-501385076
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:12:28]: Event data unavailable:
[00:12:28]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:12:28]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:12:28]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:12:28]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:12:28]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:12:28]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:12:28]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:12:28]: bloom_enabled true
[00:12:28]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:12:28]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:12:28]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:12:28]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:12:28]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0000000018860350
[00:12:28]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:12:28]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:12:28]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: location V: cave
[00:12:28]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:12:28]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:12:28]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:12:28]: K: overrides V: table: 00000000188602B0
[00:12:28]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:12:28]: K: banana V: default
[00:12:28]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:12:28]: K: bats V: default
[00:12:28]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:12:28]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:12:28]: K: boons V: often
[00:12:28]: K: branching V: default
[00:12:28]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: bunnymen V: often
[00:12:28]: K: bunnymen_setting V: often
[00:12:28]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:12:28]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:12:28]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:12:28]: K: chess V: default
[00:12:28]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:12:28]: K: darkness V: default
[00:12:28]: K: day V: default
[00:12:28]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:12:28]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:12:28]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:12:28]: K: earthquakes V: rare
[00:12:28]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fern V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fissure V: default
[00:12:28]: K: flint V: default
[00:12:28]: K: flower_cave V: often
[00:12:28]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:12:28]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:12:28]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:12:28]: K: grass V: default
[00:12:28]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:12:28]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:12:28]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:12:28]: K: hunger V: default
[00:12:28]: K: krampus V: default
[00:12:28]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:12:28]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:12:28]: K: lichen V: default
[00:12:28]: K: liefs V: default
[00:12:28]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: fast
[00:12:28]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:12:28]: K: loop V: default
[00:12:28]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:12:28]: K: merms V: default
[00:12:28]: K: molebats V: default
[00:12:28]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: monkey V: default
[00:12:28]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: pigs_setting V: often
[00:12:28]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:12:28]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:12:28]: K: reeds V: default
[00:12:28]: K: regrowth V: fast
[00:12:28]: K: resettime V: default
[00:12:28]: K: roads V: never
[00:12:28]: K: rock V: default
[00:12:28]: K: rocky V: default
[00:12:28]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: sapling V: default
[00:12:28]: K: season_start V: default
[00:12:28]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:12:28]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurper V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:12:28]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:12:28]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiders V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: start_location V: caves
[00:12:28]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:12:28]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:12:28]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:12:28]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:12:28]: K: trees V: default
[00:12:28]: K: weather V: rare
[00:12:28]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:12:28]: K: world_size V: default
[00:12:28]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:12:28]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:12:28]: K: wormlights V: often
[00:12:28]: K: worms V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:12:28]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 00000000188608A0
[00:12:28]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:12:28]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:12:28]: K: substitutes V: table: 0000000018860E40
[00:12:28]: K: version V: 4
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
[00:12:28]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:12:28]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:12:28]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:12:28]: [IPC] Sending signal... #00000000000009F0
[00:12:28]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[00:12:28]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:12:28]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:12:28]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[00:12:28]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (15024)
[00:12:28]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[00:12:28]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:12:28]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:12:28]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:12:28]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:12:28]: Available disk space for save files: 397871 MB
[00:12:28]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:12:28]: Reset() returning
[00:12:28]: DLC enabled : false
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:12:28]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-2287303119
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1582457351
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-501385076
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-378160973
[00:12:28]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-466732225
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.58.7
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Version:1.5
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Version:1.4.0
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:12:28]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:12:28]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:12:28]: running worldgen_main.lua

[00:12:28]: SEED = 1685281671

[00:12:28]: Generating world with these parameters:
[00:12:28]: level_type SURVIVAL
[00:12:28]: level_data:
[00:12:28]: K: background_node_range V: table: 00000000108D7DD0
[00:12:28]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:12:28]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:12:28]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: location V: cave
[00:12:28]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:12:28]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:12:28]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:12:28]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:12:28]: K: overrides V: table: 00000000108D9720
[00:12:28]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:12:28]: K: banana V: default
[00:12:28]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:12:28]: K: bats V: default
[00:12:28]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:12:28]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:12:28]: K: boons V: often
[00:12:28]: K: branching V: default
[00:12:28]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: bunnymen V: often
[00:12:28]: K: bunnymen_setting V: often
[00:12:28]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:12:28]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:12:28]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:12:28]: K: chess V: default
[00:12:28]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:12:28]: K: darkness V: default
[00:12:28]: K: day V: default
[00:12:28]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:12:28]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:12:28]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:12:28]: K: earthquakes V: rare
[00:12:28]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fern V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fissure V: default
[00:12:28]: K: flint V: default
[00:12:28]: K: flower_cave V: often
[00:12:28]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:12:28]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:12:28]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:12:28]: K: grass V: default
[00:12:28]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:12:28]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:12:28]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:12:28]: K: hunger V: default
[00:12:28]: K: krampus V: default
[00:12:28]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:12:28]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:12:28]: K: lichen V: default
[00:12:28]: K: liefs V: default
[00:12:28]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: fast
[00:12:28]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:12:28]: K: loop V: default
[00:12:28]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:12:28]: K: merms V: default
[00:12:28]: K: molebats V: default
[00:12:28]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: monkey V: default
[00:12:28]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:12:28]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: pigs_setting V: often
[00:12:28]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:12:28]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:12:28]: K: reeds V: default
[00:12:28]: K: regrowth V: fast
[00:12:28]: K: resettime V: default
[00:12:28]: K: roads V: never
[00:12:28]: K: rock V: default
[00:12:28]: K: rocky V: default
[00:12:28]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: sapling V: default
[00:12:28]: K: season_start V: default
[00:12:28]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:12:28]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurper V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:12:28]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:12:28]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiders V: default
[00:12:28]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:12:28]: K: start_location V: caves
[00:12:28]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:12:28]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:12:28]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:12:28]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:12:28]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:12:28]: K: trees V: default
[00:12:28]: K: weather V: rare
[00:12:28]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:12:28]: K: world_size V: default
[00:12:28]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:12:28]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:12:28]: K: wormlights V: often
[00:12:28]: K: worms V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:12:28]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:12:28]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 00000000108D9590
[00:12:28]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:12:28]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:12:28]: K: substitutes V: table: 00000000108D86E0
[00:12:28]: K: version V: 4
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:12:28]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level

[00:12:28]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass

[00:12:28]: Prefab Swap Selection: twiggy trees
[00:12:28]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular berries
[00:12:28]: New size: 425 default
[00:12:28]: Creating story...
[00:12:28]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[00:12:28]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[00:12:28]: Finding valid start task...
[00:12:28]: ...picked CaveExitTask2
[00:12:28]: Has start node GreenMushSinkhole
[00:12:28]: Adding Background Nodes
[00:12:28]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[00:12:28]: Warning! Couldn't find a spot in MoreAltars for WoodBoon
[00:12:28]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[00:12:28]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:12:28]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[00:12:30]: ...Done.
[00:12:30]: ... story created
[00:12:30]: Baking map... 425
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[00:12:30]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[00:12:30]: [SeparateIslands]
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[00:12:30]: Map Baked!
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[00:12:30]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[00:12:30]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 8
[00:12:30]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[00:12:30]: Encoding...
[00:12:30]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[00:12:30]: Encoding... DONE
[00:12:30]: Checking Tags
[00:12:30]: Couldn't generate any points for maze. Aborting.
[00:12:30]: Populating voronoi...
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Mudlights in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for RabbitCity in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for RabbitTown in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node
[00:12:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:12:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 32 tiles.
[00:12:30]: disconnected tiles... 696
[00:12:30]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE 209.265 363.7025 -26.94, 0,
[00:12:30]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 19.5 167.5 -786, 0, -
[00:12:30]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 81.5 181.5 -538, 0, -
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab atrium_gate has at least 1 instances (1
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab archive_orchestrina_main has at least 1
instances (1 found).
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab sacred_chest has at least 1 instances (1
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab minotaur_spawner has at least 1 instances (1
[00:12:30]: Checking Required Prefab archive_lockbox_dispencer has at least 3
instances (3 found).
[00:12:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:12:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles.
[00:12:30]: Done cave map gen!
[00:12:30]: Checking map...
[00:12:30]: Generation complete, injecting world entities.
[00:12:30]: Injected world entities.
[00:12:30]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:12:30]: Serializing world: session/1F2D0FBEBADBB625/0000000002
[00:12:30]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:12:30]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:12:30]: Unload characters
[00:12:30]: BE assets already loaded
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering prefabs
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-1582457351 (Backpack slot) Registering default mod
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering prefabs
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-501385076 (Quick Pick) Registering default mod
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Registering
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/pings
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:12:31]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:12:31]: Begin Session: 1F2D0FBEBADBB625
[00:12:31]: Stomping previously assigned session identifier, two loads issued.
[00:12:31]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting regrowth to fast
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to always
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to none
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting earthquakes to rare
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting pigs_setting to often
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting lightflier_flower_regrowth to fast
[00:12:31]: OVERRIDE: setting bunnymen_setting to often
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/campfire.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_generic.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_gohere.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_explore.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_danger.xml )
[00:12:31]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_omw.xml )
[00:12:31]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:12:31]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:12:33]: Loading Nav Grid
[00:12:33]: World generated on build 556225 with save version: 5.141, using seed:
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to always
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to none
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to always
[00:12:33]: OVERRIDE: setting weather to rare
[00:12:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:12:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:12:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:12:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:12:34]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[00:12:34]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[00:12:35]: SWITCHING false
[00:12:35]: Reconstructing topology
[00:12:35]: ...Sorting points
[00:12:35]: ...Sorting edges
[00:12:35]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:12:35]: ...Validating connections
[00:12:35]: ...Housekeeping
[00:12:35]: ...Done!
[00:12:35]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:12:35]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 1F2D0FBEBADBB625
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
[00:12:35]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
[00:12:36]: World 1 is now connected
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] Sending ResyncWorldSettings.
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (active)
[00:12:36]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (active)
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] recieved world settings from master shard. true
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying temperaturedamage = default from master
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying spawnmode = fixed from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying lessdamagetaken = none from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostenabled = always from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying shadowcreatures = default from master
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying resettime = default from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying krampus = default from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostsanitydrain = always from master
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying healthpenalty = always from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying dropeverythingondespawn = default from
master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying darkness = default from master shard.
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying portalresurection = none from master
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying brightmarecreatures = default from master
[00:12:36]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying hunger = default from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying basicresource_regrowth = always from
master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] recieved world settings from master shard. true
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying temperaturedamage = default from master
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying spawnmode = fixed from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying lessdamagetaken = none from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostenabled = always from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying shadowcreatures = default from master
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying resettime = default from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying krampus = default from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying ghostsanitydrain = always from master
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying healthpenalty = always from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying dropeverythingondespawn = default from
master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying darkness = default from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying portalresurection = none from master
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying brightmarecreatures = default from master
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying hunger = default from master shard.
[00:12:37]: [SyncWorldSettings] applying basicresource_regrowth = always from
master shard.
[00:12:37]: Sim paused
[00:12:56]: [Shard] We have been disconnected from the master. Waiting to
[00:12:57]: [IPC] Received shutdown signal.
[00:12:57]: Available disk space for save files: 398482 MB
[00:12:57]: Serializing world: session/1F2D0FBEBADBB625/0000000003
[00:12:57]: [Shard] Stopping shard mode
[00:12:57]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for ''
[00:12:57]: Collecting garbage...
[00:12:57]: lua_gc took 0.14 seconds
[00:12:57]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:12:57]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:12:57]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:12:57]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:12:57]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:12:57]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:12:58]: lua_close took 0.14 seconds
[00:12:58]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
[00:12:58]: HttpClient2 discarded 0 callbacks.
[00:12:58]: Shutting down

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