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Staff Management – Time

User Manual

© Copyright 2012, LS Retail ehf. All rights reserved. All trademarks belong to their respective holders.
1 How to log in ..................................................................................................................... 1
2 How to log out................................................................................................................... 3
3 How to read the information under the “Shift Request” button .................................. 5
4 How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button....................................... 8
4.1 View Roster .................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 View Shifts .................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Hour Registration ....................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Salary Entries ............................................................................................................. 16
5 How to make a general comment ................................................................................. 17
6 How to enter an employee comment ............................................................................ 18

Author : LS Retail
Date : May 31, 2012

LS Retail ehf.
Hofdatun 2, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Tel: +354 414 5700 Fax: +354 571 2728
Staff Management – Time Registration

1 How to log in

1. Enter your personal code here:

2. Press the button “Enter”.

3. You have now logged on the Time Registration and your name appears in the bottom left
corner of the screen.

Chapter 1 - How to log in 1

Staff Management – Time Registration

4. By logging into the Time Registration does not automatically log you on to the shift. To register
your arrival time for the shift, press the button “Coming”.

5. A message appears welcoming you to the shift, press “OK” to confirm the arrival. In the
current LS Retail Staff Management release this message is displayed in a different way.

6. You have now started the Time Registration for your shift and can start working.

Chapter 1 - How to log in 2

Staff Management – Time Registration

2 How to log out

1. Enter your personal code here:

2. Press the button “Enter”.

3. You have now logged on the Time Registration and your name appears in the bottom left
corner of the screen.

4. Press the button “Going”.

5. A goodbye message appears in the screen which you have to confirm by pressing “OK”. In the
current LS Retail Staff Management release this message is displayed in a different way.

Chapter 2 - How to log out 3

Staff Management – Time Registration

6. You have now registered a departure time for the end of your shift, and you are free to go

If you for some reason are arriving/departing outside of your scheduled shift time you will be asked to
write a comment to the manager. A keyboard will, appear as in the print screen below, and you can
write your message.

This message window will appear if you:

a. Arrive early (if you arrive within 15 minutes before the start time of the shift, no comment will
be demanded of you – but if you arrive earlier than 15 minutes before you have to write a
comment your manager stating why you are early).

b. Arrive late (if you arrive within 15 minutes after the start time of the shift, no comment will be
demanded of you – but if you arrive later that 15 minutes after you are obligated to write a
comment to your manager stating why you are late).

c. Depart early (If you depart within 15 minutes before the end time of the shift, no comment will
be demanded of you – but if you depart earlier than 15 minutes before you are obligated to
write a comment to your manager stating why you are leaving early).

d. Depart late (if you depart within 15 minutes after the end time of the shift, no comment will be
demanded of you – but if you depart later than 15 minutes after you are obligated to write a
comment to your manager stating why you are leaving late).

e. If logging in/logging out without being scheduled (sometimes you can be called in to work
on a very short notice and the manager does not have the time to add you to the schedule.
You are still able to log in/log out but you will be obligated to write a comment to your manager
stating why you logged in/logged out without being on the schedule).

Chapter 2 - How to log out 4

Staff Management – Time Registration

3 How to read the information under the “Shift Request” button

If you have made a request to change a shift with someone there will be an entry in the table
“Requests By me” as shown below:

- Accepted If the person you have requested to swap a shift with have
confirmed the swap, this field will have a tick in it.

- Work Location Shows which location the shift you want to change is in.

- Shift Date Shows which date the shift you want to change is on.

- Work Shift Shows which shift it is you want to change.

- Work Role Shows which role the shift you want to change has.

- Request To Shows the Employee No. of the person you have requested to swap
with you. If you want to know the name of the person press F6 in the
“Request To” field.

- Shift Date (2) Show the date on the shift you wanted to swap to.

- Work Shift (2) Show the shift you want to swap to.

- Work Role (2) Show which role the shift you want to swap to is.

- Confirmed A tick will appear in this field when the manager has approved the
change request. As long as this field is blank – the shift request is not
approved, even though the other person has confirmed the swap. It

Chapter 3 - How to read the information under the “Shift Request” button 5
Staff Management – Time Registration

is always only the manager who has the authority to confirm a

change request.

- Confirmed Date Shows the date the manager has confirmed the change request.

If you have been requested to change a shift with someone the information about the swap will be
displayed in the table in the bottom of the screen (see print screen below):

- Accepted Tick in this field if you want to confirm the swap request.

- Work Location Shows which location the swap is regarding.

- Shift Date (2) Shows the date of your shift that the other person wants to swap to.

- Work Shift (2) Shows which shift of yours that the other person wants to swap to.

- Work Role (2) Shows which role that is assigned to your shift that the other person
wants to swap to.

- Requested By Shows the Employee No. of the person who requested this swap with
you. If you want to see the name of the person press F6 in the field
“Requested By”.

- Shift Date Shows the date of the shift the other person wants you to take over.

- Work Shift Shows which shift the other person wants you to take over.

Chapter 3 - How to read the information under the “Shift Request” button 6
Staff Management – Time Registration

- Work Role Shows which role the person is having on the shift he wants you to
take over.

- Confirmed A tick will appear in this field when the manager has approved the
change request. As long as this field is blank – the shift request is not
approved, even though the other person has confirmed the swap. It
is always only the manager who has the authority to confirm a
change request.

- Confirmed Date Shows the date the manager has confirmed the change request.

Chapter 3 - How to read the information under the “Shift Request” button 7
Staff Management – Time Registration

4 How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button

1. Enter your personal code here:

2. Press the button “Enter”.

3. You have now logged on the Time Registration and your name appears in the bottom left
corner of the screen.

4. Press the ”Functions” button and a new button menu will appear as shown below:

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 8

Staff Management – Time Registration

4.1 View Roster

“View Roster” is a function to be able to see all your shifts throughout a period, i.e. 4 weeks. There you
have the possibility to see start/end time of all the shifts, which location you are working at and how
many hours you are setup to work.

1. Press the button “View Roster” and the table shown in the print screen below will appear:

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 9

Staff Management – Time Registration

2. In the top left corner you will see your name:

3. In the mid section in top of the screen you have different possibilities to change the viewing of
the table:

- Time: You will see the start and end time of each shift (like in the print screen

- Code You will see the shift code on each shift (in the example below the code „C2‟
is displayed which means C = Cashier, 2 = 2-SHIFT).

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 10

Staff Management – Time Registration

- Shift Which shift you are assigned to will be displayed.

- Hours Shows how many hours you are assigned for each shift.

- Location Shows which location you are working in for each shift.

- +/- Change which month you want to be displayed.

4. In the bottom left corner of the screen you have different filtering options.

- All Shifts Shows all shifts within the period that you are assigned to.

- Shift 1 Shows only 1-SHIFT that you are assigned to within the period.

- Shift 2 Shows only 2-SHIFT that you are assigned to within the period.

- Shift 3 Shows only 3-SHIFT that you are assigned to within the period.

- Shift 4 Shows only 4-SHIFT that you are assigned to within the period.

5. In the bottom right corner of the screen you have different options:

- Switch If you have placed the marker on a shift in the table that you want to change
then this function can be used to request to change shifts with another staff
member. When pressing this button a list of all employees will appear (see
print screen below):

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 11

Staff Management – Time Registration

Choose which employee you want to ask to change a shift with and press
“OK”. A form will appear showing when this employee is assigned to work:

Place the marker on a shift that you want to be assigned to, and press the icon . A question
will appear:

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 12

Staff Management – Time Registration

Press ”Yes” if you want to go through with the shift exchange with the chosen staff member. A
new message will appear:

Press ”OK” to confirm the request. Now the staff member you have asked to switch a shift with
you have to confirm the swap, and if the swap is confirmed then the manager still has to
confirm it before the swap is made in the Staff Roster (schedule).

- Print A function to be able to print the schedule on a piece of paper.

- Email A function to be able to email the schedule to yourself.

- EXIT Exit the Employee Staff Roster View and takes you back to the button menu.

4.2 View Shifts

Lists all the shifts in the location you are assigned to, so you are able to see who you are working with
on a particular shift on a specific date:

In the calendar to the right in the screen you can change which date the list is viewing.

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 13

Staff Management – Time Registration

4.3 Hour Registration

Hour Registration displays a log of when you are registered logging in and out of the Time Registration

In top of the screen it displays your name and which month the table is showing. To change month use
the */- buttons in the top right corner.
This table shows which location you worked at, which date you worked, the time you logged in (entry
time), the time you logged out (exit time), which date you logged out, no. of hours you worked, entry
comment and exit comment.
You do have the possibility to create a comment to the manager after a shift is done. Use the functions
in the bottom left corner of the screen:

- Entry Comment This is the same comment option as you get if you
arrive too early/late. Be sure you have placed the
marker on the Hour Registration line you wish to add an
entry comment to. A keyboard will appear making you able to
write the comment:

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 14

Staff Management – Time Registration

Confirm the entry comment by pressing the ”ENTER” button.

- Exit Comment This is the same comment option as you get if you depart too
early/late. Be sure you have placed the marker on the Hour
Registration line you wish to add an exit comment to. A
keyboard will appear making you able to write the comment:

Confirm the exit comment by pressing the ”ENTER” button.

The comments are now saved on the Hour Registration line:

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 15

Staff Management – Time Registration

- EXIT A function to exit back to the button menu.

4.4 Salary Entries

A table to show you the specific times you logged in and logged out of the Time Registration and if the
salary entries are confirmed or un-confirmed:

The table shows the date you logged in (entry date), which time you logged in (Time From), which time
you logged out (Time To) how many hours you worked (Quantity), which salary code the time period
you worked had, if the salary entry is confirmed/un-confirmed by the manager (Accepted), which work
code the time period you worked had, if you were unavailable and the managers comment if the salary
entry has been rejected (Supervisor Comment).
You do not have the possibility to change any of these entries, they are just for your information only.

Chapter 4 - How to use the functionalities under the “Function” button 16

Staff Management – Time Registration

5 How to make a general comment

In the bottom right corner of the Time Registration main menu is a button called “Comments”, and if
you don‟t log in with you personal code then this comment field can be used to register a general
comment. This is mainly to be used by department managers and other responsible staff members
who wants to add a comment regarding a specific shift on a specific date. These comments are then
displayed in the “Hour Acceptance” so that the department managers can view them.

1. Enter the comment in the ”Comment” field.

2. Press ”Esc” to exit back to the Time Registration main menu.

Chapter 5 - How to make a general comment 17

Staff Management – Time Registration

6 How to enter an employee comment

If you log in to the Time Registration by entering you personal code you are able to enter a comment
by using the “Comment” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. When you have logged in your
name will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen.This comment will be visible for the manager
in “Hour Acceptance” beside your name. Here you can enter a comment that you would like the
manager to see, it could be regarding a shift you have had or just a general message to the manager.

1. Enter the comment in the ”Comment” field.

2. Press “Esc” to exit back to the Time Registration main menu.

Chapter 6 - How to enter an employee comment 18

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