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Submitted to English Study Program Faculty of Teacher’s Training

and Education University of Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli in
Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan



REG. NUM : 180502015



Hutasoit, Rumondang, 180502015. “Increasing Listening Ability By Using

Videos At Eleventh Grade Of Sma Swasta Dharma Bhakti
Siborongborong In Academic Year 2021/2022 ”. A Thesis, English Study
Programme Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education, University of
Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli 2021.
This study aims to increase listening ability by using videos. This study was
conducted by using classroom action research at the eleventh grade of SMA SWASTA
DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong. The population of this study was the eleventh
grade of SMA SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong, the total number of
population was 65 students. The sample of this study was XI IPA who has low in
listening about 33 students by using Purposive sampling technique based on Sugiyono
(2017). This action research was conducted in two cycles. The research steps are
planning, action and observation, and reflection. The action consisted of the use of videos
combined with the use of two-phase of listening process.The data were qualitative and
quantitative. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning
process, interviewing the students and the teacher, giving questionnaires to the students,
and taking pictures. The data were in the form of field notes, interview transcripts,
questionnaires, and documentations. The qualitative data were analyzed by assembling,
coding, comparing, and building interpretations of the data, and then reporting the
outcomes. Besides, the quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean scores
and the standard deviation of the pre-test to the post-test. The results show that the
students’ listening ability increased by using videos. The students made a good
increasement in some aspects of listening ability. The findings were supported by the
students’ mean scores from pretest was 45.45, for the first cycle was 59.39, and the
second cycle was 76.36. The pretest result 15.15% of the students got point 70 to up, the
competence test cycle I was 36.36% and the improvement of the students showed in the
last competence of the cycle II was 90.90%. Then, the increasement score percentage
from the pre-test to post-test cycle I was 30.26% and the increasement of pre-test to post
test cycle II was 68.00%. Moreover, they were more confident in participating in the
teaching and learning process. In addition, the various activities made the class
atmosphere enjoyable so the students’ motivation in learning English increased.

Keyword: Listening, Listening Ability, Video


First and foremost, the greatest thanks to the almighty God, Jesus Christ,

for His amazing grace and merciful help the writer was finally able to complete

this thesis. This thesis aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan at the English Study Program, Faculty of teacher’s training

and education University of Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli (UNITA).

In order to finish this study, the writer has been helped by many people

through their guidance, suggestion and comments for which the writer would like

to extent the sincere special thanks to:

1. Dr. Ir. Adriani Siahaan., MP Rector of University Sisingamangaraja XII


2. Dr. Meslin Silalahi, M.Pd, the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education of University Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli.

3. Musrafidin Simanullang, M.Hum as the head of English Study Program

and Lamhot Situmeang, S.Pd.,M.Pd as the secretary of English Study

Program which helped her in administrative during the process of

completing the necessary requirements.

4. Lamma Sihotang, SS.,M.Pd my first consultant and Lamhot Situmeang,

S.Pd.,M.Pd her second consultant who never feel bored to spend hours

building the writer in write this thesis. All the hearth kind of both of them

to give the revision, comments, precious suggestion, and correcting this


5. All the lecturers and staffs of English Study Program, who taught and

given knowledges,encouragement, and invaluable advices for her to

complete this thesis.

6. Eduart Sinaga, S.Pd as the headmaster of SMA SWASTA DHARMA

BHAKTI Siborongborong for his support and Daniel Tomi Hutasoit, S.Pd

as her tutor in SMA SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong for

all his kinds, suggestion and build comments that his given to the writer

during the Teaching Practice until this thesis finished.

7. Teachers and Students in SMA SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI

Siborongborong for their welcome and permit the writer observed and the

best cooperation while doing research to finish her thesis.

8. Special sincere gratitude to her beloved parents Suarnita Sihombing as

mother and Miduk Hutasoit as father, for everything that they have given

and unconditional love and make all things become reality. They are the

role model who have given prayers, advices and accompany affectionately

through her ups and downs life.

9. Special thanks to her beloved sisters and brothers, Dinarty Hutasoit, SP,

Alex P Hutasoit, and Aldo P Hutasoit. And all the family member that she

can’t mention one by one which give her a great support, love and all their


10. Robert Hutasoit, S.Sos her great uncle who has taught the great thing of

life throughout her education in college until the completion of this thesis.

11. All friends of English Study Program 2018’s. Especially to Eka Pakpahan,

Dessy Pasaribu, and Masro I Manik, thanks for their love and support as

her weird but stunning friends ever, and the special thanks to Masro I

Manik for worthy memories and togetherness to spent laughter and tears

from Teaching Practice until research so the writer could finish this thesis.

12. Last but not least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing in

me, I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me for

having no days off, I wanna thank me for never quitting, I wanna thank me

for just being me at all times.

Finally, I realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect, therefore any

constructive critics and suggestion for the improvement will be highly

appropriate. Thank you very much for all.

Silangit, Agustus 2022

Rumondang Hutasoit


ABSTARCT..................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................... vii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1

1.1 The Background of the Study............................................................. 1

1.2 The problem of the Study................................................................... 4

1.3 The Objective of the Study................................................................. 4

1.4 The Scope of the Study....................................................................... 4

1.5 The Significance of the Study............................................................ 4

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE........................................... 6

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK................................................................ 6

2.1 Increasing............................................................................................ 6

2.2 Listening............................................................................................. 6

2.2.1 Kinds of Listening................................................................ 7 Exstensive Listening................................................. 8 Intensive Listening................................................... 10

2.2.2 Process of Listening............................................................. 12

2.2.3 The Purpose of Listening..................................................... 13

2.2.4 Listening Behavior............................................................... 13

2.3 Listening Ability................................................................................. 14

2.3.1 The Importance of Listening Ability.................................... 15

2.3.2 Difficulties in Listening Ability........................................... 15

2.4 Video .............................................................................................. 17

2.4.1 Kinds of Video..................................................................... 17

2.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Videos................. 18

2.4.3 Using Videos To Increase Listening Ability........................ 20

2.4.4 The Example of Video......................................................... 21

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................... 23

3.1 Research Design................................................................................. 23

3.2 Population and Sample....................................................................... 24

3.2.1 Population............................................................................... 24

3.2.2 Sample..................................................................................... 24

3.3 The Procedure of The Research.......................................................... 25

3.4 The Instrument of Collecting Data..................................................... 32

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis........................................................ 35

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS................................................................ 38

4.1 The Data.............................................................................................. 38

4.1.1 The Quantitative Data ............................................................ 38

4.1.2 The Qualitative Data .............................................................. 41

4.2 Data Analysis....................................................................................... 43

4.2.1 Analysis Quantitative Data..................................................... 43

4.2.2 Analysis Qualiattive Data....................................................... 52

4.3 The Research Findings ....................................................................... 55

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 57

5.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 57

5.2 Suggestion........................................................................................... 57




Table 3.1 Steps of action research in cycle I.................................................... 26

Table 3.2 Steps of action research in cycle II................................................... 30

Table 3.3 The instrument of the research......................................................... 32

Table 3.4 Classifying score .............................................................................. 35

Table 4.1 The Result Students’ Listening Test ................................................ 39

Table 4.2 Students Test Score.......................................................................... 43

Table 4.3. The Result of Post Test Cycle 1...................................................... 45

Table 4.4. The Result of Students’ Score for Cycle II...................................... 49

Table 4.5. The increasement of students’ achievement in listening ................ 56



1.1 The Background of the Study

Listening is one of the main skills in English language learning. Besides

listening, there are reading, speaking, and writing skills. Along with reading,

listening is seen as a passive skill, but this is not completely true. Message

decoding, such as listening, encourages the active participation in the interaction

between the speaker and the listener (Broughton, Brumfit, Flavell, Hill, & Pincas.

1980: p.65). When we listen to the speaker, we automatically portray the thing

being told and respond to them by nod, glance, body movements, and so on. We

need the receptive skill to understand the message. In human language learning,

listening is the first skill that is actually mastered by a baby. In the earlier stage of

life, a baby acquires a language by listening to his surroundings. According to

Conboy et Al. in Friederici and Thierry (2008: p.24), babies are born with general

auditory skills that are later shaped by listening in their first stage of life. Even

though we learn to listen naturally, it still has to be practiced and taught in the

school. Sometimes we just listen but don’t understand the meaning in the

message. That is why learning to listen is important for us to be involved in real

communication. Hron in Rost (1994: p.118) States that listening should be

developed in the school because it is as important as reading. Rost (1994: p.118)

also argues, “for emotional impact, persuasion, accentuation of salient points,

attitude shifts, a sense of sharing of communicative events and long-term memory

formation, listening may be superior learning mode for most pupils.” Thus,


teaching listening is important. Rost (1994: p.141) also states why listening is

important for the learners of English as a second language:

1. Listening is important in the classroom because it provides input for the

learner. Without understandable input at the right level, any learning

cannot begin.

2. Spoken language provides a means of interaction for the learner.

3. Authentic spoken language presents a challenge for the learner to attempt

to understand language as it is actually used by native speakers.

4. Listening exercises provide teachers with a means of drawing learners’

attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, interaction patterns) in the


In teaching listening, besides suitable materials, the teacher also needs

media to teach the students. It will be nearly impossible if the teacher uses just his

voice to accomplish the teaching learning process without media. Brinton in

Celce-Murcia argues that media can do and improve language teaching, and any

kind of media can help the teacher in their job, bring the outside world into the

classroom and make the task in language learning more Interesting (2001: p.459-

460). In teaching listening, of course we use sound-based media to practice

students listening ability. Audio media are known as the mostly used media in

teaching listening. There are many materials available In the format of audio

cassette and mp3. It is easy for them to be used and operated. However, we can

not neglect that nowadays, the development of technology is growing rapidly.

There are many technology-based media that can be used by the teacher to teach

listening ability. One of the media is video. This kind of media now can be found

in almost everywhere. Since internet connection is also growing fast, we can just

download the video from many sites. The most common sites are Youtube and

BBC, for example. There are plenty materials presented in video format which

can be downloaded from those sites. Because video has both moving pictures and

audio elements, it delivers a new dimension to the students. The students will feel

that they are in the same situation as the situation in the video. Video is also very

useful if it is used in teaching a larger class (Daryanto. 2012: p.86) since it is

really attractive.

According to researcher’s experience during PPL at SMA SWASTA

Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong many of these students had problems when

learning to listen using only audio. Considering the explanations above, the

researcher will do a research study about the use of video in teaching listening in

the classroom.

Based on this description, the researcher is interested in conducting

research on the use of video during listening learning. The research title is “

Increasing Listening Ability By Using Videos At Eleventh Grade Of SMA

SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong In Academic Year

2021/2022”. By research through the media videos of this series, is expected that

can help to increase students’ listening ability.


1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the research problem is:

Does Video increase the students’listening ability at eleventh grade of SMA

SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong In Academic Year 2021/202? “

1.3 The Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems above, the objectives of the study

is: to find out about the Increasing listening ability by using videos at

eleventh grade of SMA SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI Siborongborong

in academic year 2021/2022.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

In this research, the researcher will focus on increasing listening ability by

using videos at eleventh grade of SMA SWASTA DHARMA BHAKTI

Siborongborong in academic year 2021/2022.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The significances of this research are:

1. For Students

For the students it will help to increase students’ listening ability for the better.

2. For Teachers

For the English teachers, this research will give them an alternative solution

through a way that can increase students’ listening ability.


3. For Researcher

For the other researchers, this research will be a reference to conduct further

studies for them and the research result is accept to stimulate students in

learning listening by using video.

4. For Readers

Will give information about increasing listening ability by using videos.



2.1 Increasing

According to Adi S (2003: 67), the increasing comes from the word level,

which means layer or layers of something that then form an arrangement. While

increasement means progress. In general, increasement is an effort to increase the

degree, level, and quality as well as quantity with adding skills and abilities to get

better. Level can also mean rank, and class. In addition, increasement also means

achievement in the process, size, nature, relationship and so on. The word

increasement can also describe a change from a negative state or trait to a positive

one. The result of an increase is also marked by the achievement of the goal at a

certain point. Where an effort and process has reached that point, a feeling of

satisfaction and pride will arise for the expected achievements.

2.2 Listening

Listening is the most general activity in our daily life. It has a vital role in

language acquisition process. We may listen as much as we speak, four times

more than read and five times more than write (Morley, J. 1991). It means that we

are more likely to listen than do other activities because so many sound that we

may listen.

It cannot be denied that on this earth there are many ears whose activities

are only to the level of hearing, but not yet to the level of listening. To the extent

that the prophet Jeremiah complained that many of his congregation “have eyes

but do not see, who have ears but do not hear”. (Jeremiah 5:21). From the


passages above we can see that there is a difference between hearing and

listening. In English, the equivalent of hearing is to hear, while the equivalent of

listening is to listen, or in the form of the gerunds are hearing and listening,

respectively. Don Brown, in his dissertation entitled “Auding as the Binary

Language Ability” at Stanford University, 1954, stated that the terms hearing and

listening are both limited to the meaning of listening and auding, which is derived

from the verb neologic to aud, is more appropriate. Describe, provide skills that

have something to do with teachers “Auding is to the ears what reading is to the

eyes”. If reading is a big process in seeing, recognizing, and interpreting or

interpreting written symbols, we can limit listening as a major process of

listening, recognizing, and interpreting verbal symbols (Anderson, 1972: 68).

Even Russel & Russell use the following formula to contrast or contrast reading

and auding further:

Seeing is to Hearing
Observing is to Listening
Reading is to Audience
Thus, listening means hearing with full understanding and attention and

appreciation (Russel & Russell, 1959; Anderson, 1972: 69) cited by Tarigan.

2.2.1 Kinds of Listening

In the previous discussion, it has been stated that the purpose of listening is

to obtain information, capture content, and understand the meaning of the

communication that the speaker wants to convey through sspeech. This is a


general goal. In addition to these general goals, there are also various specific

objectives that lead to various kinds of listening, such as the following: Exstensive Listening

Extensive listening is a kind of listening activity about things that are more

general and freer to an utterance, it does not need to be under the direct guidance

of a teacher. In general, extensive listening can be used for two different purpose..

In general, the best sources for various aspects of extensive listening are

recordings made by the teacher because they can be adapted to the needs and

objectives to be achieved. These recordings can utilize various sources, such as

radio and television broaadcaasts (Brouhton [at all], 1978; 70). Extensive listening

is divided into four groups, namely:

a. Social Listening

Social listening or conversational istening or polite/courteous listening

usually takes place in social situations where people talk about things that

interest everyone present. They listen to one another to make reasonable

responses, follow things of interest, and show reasonable attention to what

a colleague has to say ((Dawson [at all], 1963; 153).

b. Secondary Listening

Secondary listening is a kind of casual listening and extensive listening.

Here we give two examples;

1) Listen to the music that accompanies rhytms or folk dances at

school and to muted radio programs while we write to a friend at


2) While enjoying music, we participate in certain activities at

schools such as painting, cla crafts, sketching, and beautiful

writiing exercises (Dawson [et all], 1963: Tarigan, 1972: 69)

c. Listening Aesthetics

Listening aesthetics (aesthetics listening) or what is called appreciateive

listening is the last phase and activties include accidental listening and

extensive listening, including:

1) Listening to music, poetry, joint readings, or radio dramas and


2) Enjoy stories, poems, riddles, rumblings rhtyhms, and plays read

or told by teahers students, or actors (Dawson [et all], 1963: 153).

d. Passive listening.

A seemingly effortless way for children and some indigenous people to

learn a foreign language can be called passive listening. Although it’s

actually a bit wrong to imagine that their brains don’t work or are just lazy.

What is called passive listening is the absorption of an utterance without

conscious effort which usually marks our efforts when studying less

carefully, in a hurry, memorizing by heart, practicing leisurely, and

mastering a language. In fact, our brain is “not playing” active in

registering sounds, smells, shapes, and forms, even though we seem to be

directing our attention to other things, even when we are sleeping soundly.
10 Intensive Listening

While extensive listening is directed at listening activities more freely and

more generally and needs to be under the direct guidance of teachers, intensive

listening is directed at an activity that is much more supervised, controlled for a

certain thing. In this case, an important division must be made, as follows;

a) This intensive listening can especially be directed as part of a language

teaching program, or

b) Especially it can be directed to understanding and understanding in

general. It is clear that in this second point the meaning of language in

general is already known by the students.

The following are included in the intensive listening group:

a) Critical Listening

Critical listening is a type of listening activity in the form of finding

faults or mistakes, even good and correct items from a speaker’s

utteraance with sttrong respons that can be accepted by common sense.

In general, critical listenng is more likely to examine the location of

deficiencies, errors, and inaccuracies contained in someone’s speech

(Dawson [et all], 1963: 154).

b) Concentrative Listening

Concentrative listening is often also called a study-type listening to a

type of study (Anderson, 1972:70; Dawson [et all], 1963: 153).

c) Creative Listening

Creative Listening is a kind pof activity in listening that can lead to

pleasure in the listener’s imaginative reconstruction of sounds, sights,

movements, and kinesthetic feelings suggested or stimulated by

something being listened to (Dawson [et all], 1963: 153).

d) Exploratory Listening

Exploratory Listening or probing listening, is a kind of intensive

listening activity with the intent and purpose of investigating something

more focused and narrower. In this kind of listening activity, the listener

alerts his attention to explore and find: 1) new things of interest, 2)

additional information about a topic, and 3) interesting issues, gossip, or

discussions (Dawson [et all], 1953: 153).

e) Interrogative Listening

Interrogative listening is a kind of intensive listening activity that

demands more concentration and selection, concentration and selection

of items from the speaker’s utterance because the listener will ask a lot of

questions. In this interrogative listening activity, the listener narrows and

directs his attention to obtaining information by interrogating or

questioning the speaker (Dawson [et all], 1963: 153).

f) Selective Listening

However effective passive listening, which we discussed earlier, is

usually not considered a satisfying activity. The distinctive features of

activeness or activism do not allow us to be content with using such

passive techniques or methods, even though we have the ideal conditions


for doing so. However, in addition to the psychological problems created

by our activism, there are two strong reasons why we need to supplement

passive listening with selective listening.

2.2.2 Process of Listening

Listening is an activity which is a process. In the listening process

there are also stages, including:

1) Listening Stage; In this stage, we just hear everything that is said by the

speaker in the utterance of his speech. So, we are still in the hearing stage.

2) Understanding Stage; after we hear then there is a desire for us to

understand or understand well the contents of the conversation conveyed

by the speaker. Then, we arrive at the understanding stage.

3) Interpreting Stage; a good listener, who is careful and thorough, is not

satisfied if he only hears and understands the contents of the speaker’s

utterance, he wants to interpret or interpret the content, points of opinion

contained and implied in the utterance; Thus, the listener has arrived at

the interpreting stage.

4) Evaluating Stage; after understanding and being able to interpret or

interpret the contents of the conversation, the listener begins to assess or

evaluate the speaker’s opinions and ideas regarding the strengths and

weaknesses as well as the speaker’s strengths and weaknesses; Thus, it

has reached the evaluation stage.

5) Response Stage; This stage is the last stage in the listening activity. The

listener welcomes, takes into account, and absorbs and accepts the ideas or

ideas put forward by the speaker in his speech or conversation. Then, the

listener arrives at the responding stage. (Logan [et all], 1972 : 39; Loban

[et all], 1969 : 243).

2.2.3 The Purpose of Listening

According to Logan (1972: 42) and Shropee, (1979: 261) there are eight listening

purposes, namely:

1. Listening to learn

2. Listening to enjoy

3. Listening to evaluate

4. Listening to appreciate

5. Listening to communicate ideas

6. Listening to distiguish sounds

7. Listenig to solve problems

8. Listening to make sure

2.2.4 Listening Behavior

Of course, there are many reasons why people listen. However, there are

only two types of behavior in listening activities, namely factual listening and

emphatic listening.

1) Factual Listening

According to Hunt (1981: 26) there are four special skills required in

factual listening including:

a) The listeners must be totally involved

b) The listeners must master the art of effective note-taking


c) The listenersmust find and analyze supporting facilities

d) The listeners must look for patterns of organization and overall


2) Empathic listening

Empathic listening is referred to as active listening or understanding

listening. Each message contains two parts, namely the content and factual

material, and the speaker’s feelings or attitudes towards the content. There

are several behaviors that are required in empathic listening activities,

including paying attention to nonverbal cues, putting oneself in the other

person’s shoes, and focusing on the message, not the appearance. The

listener must be able to narrate or explain the important parts of the

presentation in his own words, using Dian’s different style of approach

(Hunt 1981, 27-28).

2.3 Listening Ability

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, ability comes from the word "able"

which means power (can, able, do something, can, be, be rich, have excessive

wealth). Ability is an ability to do something. A person is said to be capable if he

can do something he has to do. According to Chaplin (1997:34), ability (ability,

proficiency, dexterity, talent, ability) is the energy (strength) to do an action.

Meanwhile, according to Robbins (Robbins, 2000:46), ability can be an innate

ability from birth or is the result of practice or practice.

2.3.1 The Importance of Listening Ability


Nunan (2003) added that listening is assuming greater and greater

important in foreign language classroom. This relies of several facts including role

of input from listening. This skill provides students to gain valuable input from

what they hear directly or indirectly from the native speaker and non-native ones.

Without understanding input, learning cannot begin. Thus listening is important

for the development of spoken language proficiency. Listening exercises gives

opportunity for learners to draw new forms in language vocabulary, grammar, and

new interaction pattern.

Its important is also lied on the fact that students consumed most of their

time listening to teachers’ speech and explanation. They engage in different

listening activities at school everyday. This fact shows that listening should be

mastered very well by English language learners. The better they listen, the more

understanding they gain. By listening they can get comprehensible input which

can be used in their speaking and other language skills. Teaching listening

becomes the more developed level of interest in these current years than it did

before. Presently, college entrance tests, school leaving and other assessments

regularly incorporate listening components. This is signifying that listening skill is

a core component of second language proficiency (Richard, 2018).

2.3.2 Difficulties in Listening Ability

To comprehend what English speakers say, a language learner needs a

complex process starting receiving the message, relating to existing knowledge

until they understanding. Due to this, many learners encounter more difficulties in

listening than reading and writing. Therefore, since listening and speaking are part

of parcel of the spoken language, learners should be helped with any effective

listening course (Richards & Renandya, 2010). Valuable material for listening

task will further guide learners to make effective communication in the target

language. Difficulties in listening are caused by some internal factors and external

ones. Internal factors come from inside the learner which include attentiveness,

motivation, interest, and knowledge of the listening topic. The external factors is

from the material of reading itself such as information presented in the recordings

and also expression used by the native speakers both in the recording and real life

(Watson & Smeltzer, 1991). These must have taken into some consideration by

listening teachers to that appropriate method and strategy can be applied to

increase students’ motivation.

In addition, Yule (1996), classified the factors caused students’ difficulties

in listening into four factors: speaker factors, listeners factors, the content, and

support. Speaker can influence students’ listening comprehension. it can be the

way he or she speaks such as accent or dialect, and the speed of speech. The

quicker he speaks the more difficult the students can get the meaning. Listeners

factors includes their interest in listening skill. The content is some aspect

contained in the material itself such as grammar, vocabulary, information

structure, and background knowledge. Another factor is that supportive element

from listening material, for example pictures and diagrams. This visual aids can

help learners’ difficulties in listening. lack of this supportive media can make

students think hard to catch watch the students mean.


2.4 Video

According to Harmer(2007, P.214) “Video is a media which have given

educational experiences for learners and used as a fun learning in school and

video is a technology of modern electronically capturing, recording, processing,

storing, transmitting, and reconstructing to make a visual context for what is being

said through of body movement”. Video is classified as audiovisual media that is

able to display messages and information through images and sound elements that

are delivered simultaneously. This advantage makes video media very widely

used in learning and learning activities. With its advantages as an audiovisual

media, video media is able to show objects, places, and events comprehensively

through motion pictures. Video mediums are capable of displaying image or

visual elements and sound or audio simultaneously at the moment when used to

communicate information and knowledge to the target audience (Dr. Benny A.

Pribadi, M.A. [P.137]).

Moreover, McKinnon (2011) in Muniandy and Veloo (2011:175)

acknowledges that video clips can portray settings, action, emotions, and gestures

which can provide the important visual stimulus for language practices and

learning. It means that videos can be used in teaching English because videos can

provide great visual stimuli through their combination of illustrations, sounds,

graphics, and texts. Moreover, the videos can facilitate students‟ engagement in

and improve the teaching and learning process.


2.4.1. Kinds of Video

According to Harmer (2001:284), there are three basic types of videos

which can readily be used in class:

1) Off-air programmes

For example: programmes recorded from a television channel. This video

can be used for a range of activities including prediction, crossculture

awareness, and teaching language. However, some off-air video is

extremely difficult for the students to understand.

2) Real-world videos

For example: films, comedy, and wildlife documentaries. The teachers

need to make their choice based on how engaging and comprehensible the

extract is likely to be.

3) Language learning videos

For example: videos to company course books. The advantage of the

videos is that they have been designed with students at a particular level in

mind. However, the situations and the language are inauthentic.

2.4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Videos

a) Advantages of using video:

Robert Heinich, et al. (1996) suggested several advantages possessed by

the video medium in communicating information and knowledge which


1. showing moving images;

2. demonstrate a process and procedure;

3. safe observation facilities;

4. means to learn certain knowledge and skills;

5. showing examples of attitudes and actions that can be learned;

6. encourage the emergence of appreciation or appreciation of art and

culture; and

7. create a common experience and perception for viewers.

In addition, Erickson and Curl Pinnington (1992) entitled Using Video in

Training and Education suggested several advantages that can be obtained from

the use of video as a learning tool, namely:

a. Adding insight into the viewer’s experience.

b. Providing useful information for viewers.

c. Stimulating interest in learning.

d. Guiding audience response in the learning process Overcoming

physical limitations.

e. Encouraging problem solving efforts.

f. Revealing mistakes in the learning process and efforts to correct

these mistakes.

b) Disadvantages of using video

Apart from having the necessary advantages in displaying information and

knowledge, the video medium also has some limitations or disadvantages.

According to Heinich and colleagues (1990) these limitations include:


a. The speed of displaying information and knowledge constantly.

b. Sometimes it creates a different perception of the information and

knowledge that is displayed.

c. The cost of producing video programs is very expensive.

Information that is displayed through the video medium always takes place

at a fixed pace. Some parts of the information and knowledge that are broadcast

through the video medium are sometimes too fast. If this happens, then viewers

will find it difficult to look back at the information and knowledge that is in a

video program. The weaknesses above can be overcome because the video

medium is generally equipped with facilities to play back the part of the

information and knowledge that needs to be seen. This facility is known as

rewind. Another facility owned by the video medium is fast forward, which is a

facility that can be used to speed up the display of information and knowledge

contained in video player devices. Video player devices in general are also

equipped with a freezing facility, which is to stop the image displayed in the video

program. This facility allows the viewer to study the object displayed more


2.4.3. Using Videos To Increase Listening Ability

Using video is closely related to the increasing of listening ability. Kim

(2015) stated that using video to increase or improve listening skills and it’s been

researched in South Korean Elementary School. In line with Keihaniyan’s opinion

(2013) that video has a better effect on improving listening skills or ability than

listening manually. Videos involving graphics, audio, and animation in a video


can increase the concentration and attention of students in listening to learning.

Sadiman (2012) argues that with the use of video make an attract attention to

students, influences attitude and behavior and the content of the story is more

striking, messases that are presented in a concise and lasting impression will be

remembered. The use of video also presents listening material that is more fun by

watching every event that happens. Listening activities like this can also increase

eye foresight and sensitivity of the ears in listening to the sound coming out of the

video. In addition, the diverse video makes students not easily bored in listening

to every video played. The more videos played can make a deeep listening ability

for each students.

Video media can be used for learning purposes, both for individual and

group learning purposes. Dwi Tugiwati (2014) conducted a study The Use Of

Videos To Improve The Listening Skills for Junior High School. The results the

research findings showed that the students’ listening skills had improved. The

students were interested in learning English by using videos. It implied that the

teacher had to present the listening materials by using the videos

2.4.4. The Example of Video

The author focuses on one of the media that is favored by many people

today, where this media is so easily accessible by everyone and is found like on a

smartphone, namely downloading videos from the YouTube site. YouTube is one

of the most popular and attractive media to attract the learners’ interest in

learning. Youtube is a video-sharing website that allows users from over the

world to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of their own.

Youtube content can be educational, entertaining, political, historical, medical,

and personal videos. YouTube is a rich source of authentic materials especially in

English lessons which could give motivate students to interact in an educational

capacity through English language videos. YouTube, an important offshoot of

digitalization, is leading the charge as the most multipurpose medium for content

transactions in the classroom and outside the classroom. It’s not only provides

digital entertainment but also provides a great environment for learning

(Srinivasacharlu, 2020). There have been many kinds of research dealing with

Youtube videos use in the learning of English as a foreign language, one of which

was by Chia-ci (2020) finding that the use of YouTube in the EFL classroom

improved listening ability and retention of EFL college student.



3.1 Research Design

The type of this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR).

According to Burns (2010), classroom action research mainly aims to solve the

problems of the teaching and learning process. Before carrying out the action, the

researcher identified the problems.

In accordance with the objective of the research, the aim of this study was

to increase the listening ability of eleventh grade students of SMA SWASTA

Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong in the academic year of 2021/2022. This action

research focused on increasing the real condition of the English teaching and

learning process to reach the increase of the students listening ability.

This research design consist of two cycles. The plans to solve the

problems find in the reconnaissance that will implement, then they observed and

reflected (evaluated). The implementation has been defined was found the results

based on the indicators that will be made previously. The plans were revised and

implemented again if the first one could not be considered effective to increase

eleventh grade students’ listening ability. The processes in action research can be

shown in the schema below:


Figure 1: Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action Research Cycle in Burns (2010:9)

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

According to Sukandarrumidi (2004:47), the population is all members of

the researcher subjects, in other word, population is all individuals from whom the

data will collect. The population of the research is eleventh grade students of

SMAS Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong in academic year 2021/2022. There were

two classes, namely class XI-IPA consist of 33 students and XI-IPS consist of 32

students . So the total of the population were 65 students.

3.2.2 Sample

This research uses Purposive Sampling Technique. Purposive sampling

technique is the researcher can provide an assessment of who should participate in

the study. The researcher can implicitly choose a subject that is considered

representative of a population (Sugiyono, 2017).


According to the teacher, XI IPA class has low listening than other class.

That class consist of 33 students. Thus, the total number of sample was 33


3.3 The Procedure Of The Research

Based on Figure 1, the researcher and the English teacher were identified

some problems, has been formulated a draft of some action to solve the problems,

has been implemented the action, and has been reflected on the outcome of the

action.This research follows Kemmis and Mc Taggart's (2000: 278) model consist

two cycles. Each cycle consist of two meetings. Each meeting has four steps:

planning, action, observation, and reflection.

1. First Cycle

In this research cycle, the students' listening ability will measure and their

problem in listening will analyze. The students' attitudes towards listening

would seem clearly.

a. Planning

Planning is arrangement for doing something. In planning, it

will considere everything that will be related to the action that will do

and it also prepare everything that will be needed in teaching learning

process. The activities in this phase will as follow:

1. Making the orientation test (test I by audio) as instrument to

know the student's basic skill in listening before the students

are taught by using videos.

2. Preparing lesson plan.


3. Preparing instrument for collecting the data such as, diary

notes, the interview sheet, and observation sheet and those will

be used to know the students reaction and class condition as a

whole and also to see the development of students.

4. Preparing some subject matter related to listening.

5. Preparing media which is needed in teaching process.

6. Preparing work sheet for students

b. Action

Action is the process of doing something. It will the

implementing all off the things which is made in the planning phase.

In this case, the writer will do everything that has been planned. The

students will think by using video in caching listening ability, there

are many activities in action namely:

Table 3.1 Steps of action research in Cycle

l First meeting
Teacher Students
Opening Opening
1. Teacher gives greeting to 1. Students gives response to the
students. students teacher's greeting
2. Teacher checks the 2. Students give response to
attendance attendance list.
3. Teacher gives motivations to 3. Students listen to teacher's
students . motivation.

Main Activities Main Activities

1. Teacher ask the students 1. Students answer and give their
about learning listening opinionto the teacher's
questions. questions.
2. Teacher will give a test as a 2. Students do the test
pre- test about listening. individually.
3. Teacher will watch and keep
the students while doing the
4. Teacher will ask to collect
the test

Closing Closing
1. Teacher closes the meeting 1. Students greet to the teacher

Second Meeting
Opening Opening
1. Teacher gives greeting 1. Students respond to teachers’
2. Teacher checks the attendances greeting
list 2. Students listen to teacher’
3. Teacher give motivation to motivation
students 3. Students give response to
Main Activities Main Activities
1. Teacher explains about the 1. Students listen to the teacher
listening study explanation
2. Teacher presents listening 2. Students will listen to the
material using video media. video
3. Teacher ask the students to 3. The students understood
ask that they don’t teacher’s explanation about

understand from teachers’ listening ability by using

explanation video
4. Teacher gives test II 4. Students do the test
Closing Closing
1. Teacher ask the students to 1. Students give opinion about
given reflection about the the lesson today
lesson today 2. Students listen to the teacher
2. Teacher give enrichment 3. Students greet to the teacher
about listening
3. Teacher will closes the class

c. Observation

Observation did in the classroom while teaching and running

process run. Observation is purposed to find out information of action,

such as the students attitudes even the obstacles that happened. So, the

observation should be done carefully. In this phase the collaborator

was observed the students while they listen to the study, the situations

or conditions that happened during the process of teaching and

learning the, the attitudes of the students while doing the listening

competence and the problems or obstacles found by the writer when

they listen to the study.

d. Reflection

Reflection is a feedback process from the action that had been

done before. Reflection used to help the teacher make decision.

Reflection had evaluated aspects to evaluate the effect of spacious

issue and suggest the way to handle it. In this phase, the writer took

the feedback of the teaching learning process from the result of the

observation. Dealing with the purpose of the research that was to

increase listening ability, the writer reflected on everything that she

she had done and make evaluation or even conclusion.

2. Second Cycle

Based on the result in cycle I still doesn’t pass the KKM, the

researcher decided to do the second cycle. From the cycle I, it was found

that the student's score was still low. The researcher made the planning

based on the weakness that researcher found in Cycle I to increase students'


a. Planning

1. Preparing the lesson plan.

2. Preparing and designing the listening material which refers to the using of


3. Giving motivation to the students.

4. Preparing the test (listening test) to know students' increasement.

b. Action

The activities while doing research in the second cycle did as follows:

Table 3.2 Steps of action research in Cycle II

Third meeting


Opening Opening
1. Teacher gives greeting to 1. Students give response to the
students teacher’s greeting
2. Teacher checks the attendance 2. Students give response
3. Students listen to teacher’s
3. Teacher gives motivation to
4. Students will give response to
4. Teacher will ask students about teacher
listening study
Main Activities Main Activities
1. Teacher explains about the 1. Students listen to the teacher’s
learning material explanation
2. Teacher presents listening 2. Students listen to the video

materal by using video 3. Students do the test individually

3. Teacher gives test III

Closing Closing
1. Teacher asks the students 1. Students give response to the
about to given reflection about teacher
the lesson today 2. Students give greeting to
2. Teacher closes the class the teacher.

Fourth Meeting

Opening Opening
1. Teacher gives greeting to
1. Students give response to the
teacher’s greeting.
2. Teachers checks the attendance
2. Students give response.
3. Students listen to teacher’s
3. Teacher gives motivation to

Main Activities Main Activities

1. Teacher asks students to explain 1. Students do what teacher asks.
2. Students write their opinion or
the listening in short term relate to
the topic material.
3. Students listen to the teacher’
2. Teacher ask the students about conclusion.

what they think about using video

in listening ability.

3. Teacher makes a conclusion about

listening abilty by using video

relate to the topic

Closing Closing
1. Teacher asks students about 1. Students give response to the

what they get feel by the test teacher.

given on each meeting. 2. Students greet to the teacher.

2. Teacher closes the class.


c. Observation

Based on the data, the researcher found that:

1. The teacher gave good motivation to the students.

2. The teacher gave chance to students about what they know to the relate


3. The students were active in discussion and give opinion.

4. The students could control their manner.

d. Reflection

Based on the observation data, there was increasement in teaching

learning process.

3.4 The Instrument of Collecting Data

In completing the data, the writer was used qualitative data and quantitative

data. There were numbers of research instrument that usually used by the writer in

conducting a research, here the researcher used: test (pre-test & post-test),

interview sheet, questionnaire sheet, observation sheet, and documentation. Each

technique was also followed by the instruments. Furthermore the detail

instruments of the research were presented on the following table.

Table 3.3: Instruments of the Research


1. Test Test of Listening Score

2. Interview Interview sheet Transcript

3. Observation Observation sheet Transcript

4. Questionnaire Questionnaire sheet Transcript


5. Documentation Picture

Technique of scoring:

1. Patterns of scoring

thecorrect answer
Students ’ score= x 100
the amount of question

2. The explanation of scoring

No Explanation Score

1 Each of correct answer 10

2 False answer 0

3 No answering 0

1. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data consist of test to measure their listening ablity. The test

that used in this study is pre-test and post-test.

a. Pre-Test

The first was pre-test. Pre-test was conducted at the first before doing

action of the research. Pre-test was applied to measure and evaluate the

students’ basic ability in listening. The pre-test is done before implementing

video. After finding out the result, the researcher can decide and plan

whether the students’ need to give more action or not.

b. Post-Test

Post-test beadministered at the end of session. Post-test was conducted in

order to know and measure the progressing of students’ listening ability after

videos as learning media that carried out. Students will be listened to the video

then researcher gave post test about what they listened. After know the result of

the post-test and how far the increasement of the students’ listening ability,

then the writer could decided whether needed to conduct the next cycle.

2. Qualitative Data

The qualitative data refers to original data that collected for different

purpose and used in interview, questionnaire, observation, and documentation.

a. Interview

The researcher used the open and close interview which the questions

that have been detailed by researcher to know the students’ difficulties in

teaching English especially in increasing students’ ability in listening. The

question was also prepared to acquire some information related to their

problems and motivation in learning English. It was conducted for the teacher

and several students as a sample.

b. Observation

The researcher observed the objects by watching teaching-learning

process in the classroom. The comment based on what the researcher has seen

and it will be written in the observation sheet.

c. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is doing to the students to investigate the increasing of

teaching – learning process.

d. Documentation

Documentation is a proof of the researcher while doing a research in a

school. The researcher collected some photos during teaching-learning process.

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis

To analysis the data, the researcher also used the procedure as follows:

a. The scores become more meaningful numerical data if they are converted

to numerical data, which processed to the scale of 0 to 100. The measurement

of the students' achievement that is stated by Harris (1969. 134) interpreted as


Table 3.4 The Classification of Students Score

No Criteria of mastery Grade
1 85-100 Excellent
2 70-84 Good
3 60-69 Fair
4 50-59 Poor
5 0-49 Fail
b. The collected data found in this research was analyzed quantitative. It

means that all the data gathered from the observations during teaching learning

process while the data obtained from tests (pre-test and post-test) were

analyzed descriptive quantitatively (percentage).

It is the formula:


X: Mean

N: Number of students

⅀x: Individual score


(Gay, 1981:298)

c. Then, the writer tried to get the class percentages which pass the target

score of the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM). The KKM that must be

attained considering listening subject is 70 (seventy) which is adapted from

the school agreement (SMA SWASTA Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong).

The formula:

P= x 100 %

P = The percentage of students who get the point 70

R = The number of students who get point up to 70 above

T = The total of students who do the test

d. Then, after getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer identifies

whether or not there might have students’ increasement score on listening skill

from pre-test and post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In analyzing that, the

writer uses the formula:

y 1− y
P= 100 %


P = Percentage of students’ improvement

y = Pre- test result

y1 = Post test I

y 2− y
P= 100 %


P = Percentage of students’ improvement

y = Pre-test result

y2 = Post-test II


4.1 The Data

The data of this study are qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative

data were taken from interview with teacher and students of SMA Swasta Dharma

Bhakti Siborongborong, observation sheet, questionnaire and documentation. The

quantitative data were taken from the mean of students score in some tests. This

research was conducted in XI IPA with 33 students. This research was

accomplished in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps of action research

(planning, action, observation, and reflection). The first cycle including pretest

conducted in two meetings, and the second cycle was conducted in two meetings.

In the last meeting of each cycle, the students were taken test as the post test

consist of post test I for cycle I and post test II for cycle II.

4.1.1Quantitative Data

The quantitative data were taken from the listening test score which

carried out in every meeting within two cycles. The listening tests were given

three times, an pre-test and two tests after each cycle. The orientation test (pre-

test) were given in the first meeting without any treatment to students, while the

tests after each cycle were given after the students got some treatments.

The students' listening score were analyzed by calculating the result of test.

In pre-test, the students got bad score. But from the beginning of the cycle I until

the end of the cycle II, the students' score were improved. The result of the

students’ score could be seen in the following tables and charts.


Table 4.1 The Quantitative Data

No Students’ Name Pre-Test Post-Test Post-Test

Cycle I Cycle II

1 Ade Irma S. Mendrofa 50 60 70

2 Afrizal Lumbantoruan 30 40 60

3 Andra Sofian Nababan 40 50 70

4 Ardiko Silaban 30 40 70

5 Christy Natalia 50 60 80

6 Desy Siregar 40 50 80

7 Fani Christina Telaumbanua 70 80 90

8 Feryanto Manalu 40 50 70

9 Fransisco Markus Pasaribu 50 70 80

10 Friska Delviana Silaban 50 70 80

11 Gabe Saut M Togatorop 40 50 80

12 Greydia Anastasya Hutasoit 30 40 70

13 Indah Kresna Sihombing 50 60 80

14 Jetly B Simanungkalit 40 50 60

15 Joel Afsaldy Tamba 50 60 70

16 Josua Christian Silitonga 70 80 90

17 Maeka Sianipar 50 70 80

18 Marsitta R. Pardede 70 80 100

19 Martha Theresia Sihombing 40 50 80

20 Marthin Siburian 40 50 70

21 Nofita W Lumbantoruan 30 70 80

22 Pasti Sianipar 40 50 70

23 Rahmat Elivander Sianturi 40 50 60

24 Rindu Marito Sihombing 40 50 70

25 Romauli maibang 50 70 70

26 Ruben Sinaga 70 80 90

27 Santa Maria Tambunan 30 40 70

28 Sari Ida Simaremare 50 60 70

29 Siska Gina Tua Simanjuntak 70 90 100

30 Susi Baringin 30 70 80

31 Vranco B. sihombing 40 50 80

32 Yosi Silaban 50 70 80

33 Yonathan Silalahi 30 50 70

Total ∑ 𝒙 = 1500 ∑ 𝒙 =1960 ∑ 𝒙 = 2520

Mean X = 45.454 X = 59.393 X = 76.363

4.1.2 Qualitative Data


The qualitative data were taken from interview, observation, and

questionnaire sheet. It was taken to measure how videos can increase the listening


a. Interview

There are two interview sessions conducted. The first interview was

done in the first cycle while students did pre test and the second one was

done in the end of second cycle. The object of interview is English teacher

and the students. In the first session, they were interviewed about their

problems in listening. While the second session, they were interviewed

about their respond or comments about the implementation of using videos.

Interview was used to investigate the increasement of the students

listening ability. From the result of interview (see appendix) the writer

found that the students understood listening but it’s hard to didn’t use

dictionary, so the students write word that they only know. Then the

researcher asked the students about video, before the students did not know

the video used as their media. After the writer explained about listening

ability and how it worked with the video, the students seem interested in

learning to use video in listening ability. In the last meeting, the researcher

found that the students understood about listening ability by using video.

They also gave a good response about it.

b. The Observation sheet


Observation was used to see the level of students’ activities and

researcher’s activities during teaching learning process. The observation

was focussed on the situation of teaching learning process during the

application of video, students’ activities and behaviour, students’ listening

ability in English Lesson, and interaction between teacher and students.

Thus, the result of observation was collected as the data, which was used as

a basic reflection. Observation done by using checklist. From the result of

the observation, it can be concluded that the teacher can present the material

well, managed the class well and used the time effectively it can be seen in

appendices. Based on the observation and written note, students more active

and enthusiastic in learning process.

c. Questionnaire sheet

The researcher also distributed pre-and post-questionnaire to all

students to know their opinions toward English. The questionnaire consisted

of two types, i.e. open-ended questions and close-ended questions (see


4.2. Data Analysis


4.2.1 Analysis the Quantitative Data

Table 4.2 Students Test Score

No Students’ Name PRE-TEST

Score Successful Criteria (≥70)

1 Ade Irma S. Mendrofa 50 Unsuccessful

2 Afrizal Lumbantoruan 30 Unsuccessful

3 Andra Sofian Nababan 40 Unsuccessful

4 Ardiko Silaban 30 Unsuccessful

5 Christy Natalia 50 Unsuccessful

6 Desy Siregar 40 Unsuccessful

7 Fani Christina Telaumbanua 70 Successful

8 Feryanto Manalu 40 Unsuccessful

9 Fransisco Markus Pasaribu 50 Unsuccessful

10 Friska Delviana Silaban 50 Unsuccessful

11 Gabe Saut M Togatorop 40 Unsuccessful

12 Greydia Anastasya Hutasoit 30 Unsuccessful

13 Indah Kresna Sihombing 50 Unsuccessful

14 Jetly B Simanungkalit 40 Unsuccessful

15 Joel Afsaldy Tamba 50 Unsuccessful

16 Josua Christian Silitonga 70 Successful

17 Maeka Sianipar 50 Unsuccessful

18 Marsitta R. Pardede 70 Successful

19 Martha Theresia Sihombing 40 Unsuccessful


20 Marthin Siburian 40 Unsuccessful

21 Nofita W Lumbantoruan 30 Unsuccessful

22 Pasti Sianipar 40 Unsuccessful

23 Rahmat Elivander Sianturi 40 Unsuccessful

24 Rindu Marito Sihombing 40 Unsuccessful

25 Romauli maibang 50 Unsuccessful

26 Ruben Sinaga 70 Successful

27 Santa Maria Tambunan 30 Unsuccessful

28 Sari Ida Simaremare 50 Unsuccessful

29 Siska Gina Tua Simanjuntak 70 Successful

30 Susi Baringin 30 Unsuccessful

31 Vranco B Sihombing 40 Unsuccessful

32 Yosi Silaban 50 Unsuccessful

33 Yonathan Silalahi 30 Unsuccessful

Total 𝒙 ∑ 𝒙 = 1500

The Mean Score X = 45.454

From the table of pre test, the total score of students was 1500 and the

number of students who took the test was 33 students, so the students’ mean was:



X =45.45

From the table of the data, students’ listening ability was still very low.

Then, to know the class percentage the passed the minimal mastery level criterion

(KKM) was calculated by applying the formula below:

P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P=15.15 %

From the analysis above, the students’ listening ability was still low. From

the criteria 5 students got successful score or it was only 15.15%. It could be

concluded that the students’ listening ability was still classified low. Then post

test continued in cycle I. In the post test of the cycle I, the analysis can be

followed below:

Table 4.3 The Result of Post Test Cycle 1

No Students’ Name POST-TEST

Score Successful Criteria (≥70)

1 Ade Irma S. Mendrofa 60 Unsuccessful

2 Afrizal Lumbantoruan 40 Unsuccessful

3 Andra Sofian Nababan 50 Unsuccessful

4 Ardiko Silaban 40 Unsuccessful

5 Christy Natalia 60 Unsuccessful

6 Desy Siregar 50 Unsuccessful

7 Fani Christina Telaumbanua 80 Successful

8 Feryanto Manalu 50 Unsuccessful


9 Fransisco Markus Pasaribu 70 Successful

10 Friska Delviana Silaban 70 Successful

11 Gabe Saut M Togatorop 50 Unsuccessful

12 Greydia Anastasya Hutasoit 40 Unsuccessful

13 Indah Kresna Sihombing 60 Unsuccessful

14 Jetly B Simanungkalit 50 Unsuccessful

15 Joel Afsaldy Tamba 60 Unsuccessful

16 Josua Christian Silitonga 80 Successful

17 Maeka Sianipar 70 Successful

18 Marsitta R. Pardede 80 Successful

19 Martha Theresia Sihombing 50 Unsuccessful

20 Marthin Siburian 50 Unsuccessful

21 Nofita W Lumbantoruan 70 Successful

22 Pasti Sianipar 50 Unsuccessful

23 Rahmat Elivander Sianturi 50 Unsuccessful

24 Rindu Marito Sihombing 50 Unsuccessful

25 Romauli maibang 70 Successful

26 Ruben Sinaga 80 Successful

27 Santa Maria Tambunan 40 Unsuccessful

28 Sari Ida Simaremare 60 Unsuccessful

29 Siska Gina Tua Simanjuntak 90 Successful

30 Susi Baringin 70 Successful


31 Vranco B sihombing 50 Unsuccessful

32 Yosi Silaban 70 Successful

33 Yonathan Silalahi 50 Unsuccessful

Total 𝒙 ∑ 𝒙 =1960

The Mean Score X = 59.393

From the table of post test in cycle I, the total score of students was 1960

and the number of students was 33 students, so the students’ mean was:



X =59.39

The percentage of students who passed the minimal mastery level criterion


P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P=36.36 %

The mean students was 59.39. Twelve students got successful or it was

36.36%. Post test in cycle I is categorized unsuccess. The result of mastery level

criterion minimum (KKM) was >70 score.

Based on the result of the students’ listening ability in the cycle I, there was

an increase of students’ mean score from the students’ listening ability on the

preliminary study to the students’ listening ability on the first cycle. It was from


preliminary study mean score from the mean class 45.45 increased to 59.39 or

from 5 students who passed the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion to 12

students. The increasement percentage derived from the formula below:

y 1− y
P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P=30.26 %

Students’ listening ability by using video in cycle I was classified

unsuccessful, so cycle II is need to increasing the higher score of students, so it

must be increased in cycle II. And the following analysis for cycle II:

Table 4.4 The Result of Students’ Score for Cycle II

No Students’ Name POST TEST CYCLE II
Score Successful Criteria
1 Ade Irma S. Mendrofa 70 Successful

2 Afrizal Lumbantoruan 60 Unsuccessful


3 Andra Sofian Nababan 70 Successful

4 Ardiko Silaban 70 Successful

5 Christy Natalia 80 Successful

6 Desy Siregar 80 Successful

7 Fani Christina Telaumbanua 90 Successful

8 Feryanto Manalu 70 Successful

9 Fransisco Markus Pasaribu 80 Successful

10 Friska Delviana Silaban 80 Successful

11 Gabe Saut M Togatorop 80 Successful

12 Greydia Anastasya Hutasoit 70 Successful

13 Indah Kresna Sihombing 80 Successful

14 Jetly B Simanungkalit 60 Unsuccessful

15 Joel Afsaldy Tamba 70 Successful

16 Josua Christian Silitonga 90 Successful

17 Maeka Sianipar 80 Successful

18 Marsitta R. Pardede 100 Successful

19 Martha Theresia Sihombing 80 Successful

20 Marthin Siburian 70 Successful

21 Nofita W Lumbantoruan 80 Successful

22 Pasti Sianipar 70 Successful

23 Rahmat Elivander Sianturi 60 Unsuccessful

24 Rindu Marito Sihombing 70 Successful


25 Romauli maibang 70 Successful

26 Ruben Sinaga 90 Successful

27 Santa Maria Tambunan 70 Successful

28 Sari Ida Simaremare 70 Successful

29 Siska Gina Tua Simanjuntak 100 Successful

30 Susi Baringin 80 Successful

31 Vranco Bartolomeus sihombing 80 Successful

32 Yosi Silaban 80 Successful

33 Yonathan Silalahi 70 Successful

Total 𝒙 ∑ 𝒙 = 2520

The Mean Score X = 76.363

From the table of the data, in post-test cycle II the total of the students’

score were 2.520 and the number of the students who took test was 33 students.

So, the mean of the students’ score was :



X =76.36

From the analysis above, students’ listening ability by using videos has

increased. The percentage of students who passed the minimal mastery level

criterion (KKM):

P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P=90.90 %

The data above shows that there is an increasement of the students' listening

ability by using video. The mean of students was 76.36. From the criteria 30

students got success score or it was 90.90%. In the other side 3 students got failed.

The increasement of the students' mean kept growing from the pre-test until the

second cycle test. It proved by the students mean from 45.45 to 59.39 to 76.36.

Post test cycle II was categorized success.

y 2− y
P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P= x 100 %

P=68.00 %

From the calculation of percentage of students who pass the above in pre-

test, there were 15.15 % (5 students) who passed the minimal mastery level

criterion (KKM) or got 70 point to up, in post-test cycle I, there were 36.36% (12

students) who got 70 point to up, in post-test cycle II, there were 90.90% (30

students) who got point 70 to up. The increasement from the pre-test to first cycle

was 21.21%, from the first cycle to the second cycle was 54.54%. After analyzing

the data, it was concluded that the students’ score had increased for each students

from pre-test until post-test.

4.2.2 Analysis Qualitative Data

1. First Cycle

a. Planning

In this phase, the researcher made a planning for the action based upon the

problems faced by students toward listening ability. In this case, the researcher

arranged a lesson plan based on the teaching material. The researcher also

prepared the post test I to collect the data to know whether there are some

students’ increasement scores from pretest to post test I.

b. Acting

The action of the cycle I was done on June 14th and 15th 2022. In the first

meeting, before involving students by using video, the researcher acts as teacher

and she done based on the lesson plan before. First, the researcher gave pre-

questionnaire and pre- interview to the students to know the studets’ ability in

learning English. Second, the writer introduced the material by giving example of

materials. Then, the researcher explained to the students about the situation and

condition when using expression of asking for and giving opinion. Third, the

researcher wrote some examples and demonstrated how to use it. Fourth, the

researcher gave the pre-test to students to test their listening ability.

In the second meeting, the researcher presents the video related to the

material to be implemented. After that the researcher gave the post test I in the

end of cycle I. It was conducted in pairs. The post test I is carried to measure how

well the students’ listening ability increased.

c. Observing

In this phase, the researcher tried to notice all activities in the physical

classroom activity. It might be about the teacher’s performance, students’


response and students’ participation during teaching and learning process using

videos. It was found that the students got difficulties in listening. Some students

were serious in the class but there were some students who still noise, and

disturbed their friends. Observation was done carefully because data which was

taken from this activity were used as a basic reflection.

d. Reflecting

The researcher and the teacher evaluated about the conclusion of

implementing the action. Based on the result of post test I, they were only 12

students or 36.36% of students who passed the KKM. Then, the writer and the

teacher tried to modify the action in order 75% of students in the classs could

pass the KKM.

Instead, the writer and the teacher felt satisfied enough because their efforts

to increase listening ability had been increased proven by score they get although

not all the targets accomplished yet. Beside of that, the students seemed to accept

the material easily by using videos. From the reflecting phase above, there must

be more efforts to increase students’ listening ability by usingvideos. This efforts

was done in the next lesson plan of cycle two.

2. Second Cycle

a. Planning

After finding the fact that the students’ listening ability mastery was low,

which was proven by their post test I scores, the writer rearrange the lesson plan

which was used in the previous cycle with some modifications. Beside of that, the

writer still also prepared the observation sheet to note the classroom activities.

Next, the writer also prepared the post test II and questionnaire to collect the data.

b. Acting

The action of cycle two was done on June 16th 2022. In this meeting, the

teacher asked the students the difficulty in using videos and try to emphasize

some aspects that have not been done yet in the first cycle. The procedures of this

cycle were same with the first cycle. Researcher still present videos related to the

material and students listen to them. Then, the researcher gave the post-test II to

the students. Researcher tried to the best in teaching students and motivated them

to increase their ability in listening. Then, at the end of the meeting the researcher

gave a post- questionnaire and a post-interview to the students and the English

teacher to find out their opinion about the increasing listening ability by using

videos (see appendix).

c. Observing

In this phase, the researcher tried to notice all activities in the physical

classroom activity. It might be about the researcher’s performance, students’

response and students’ participation during teaching and learning process using

videos. Researcher was very carefull in this phase because the students were more

active and serious than the first cycle. Most of the students were very enthusiastic

to follow the instruction. Researcher also saw they did not have any problem

doing their test.

d. Reflecting

The researcher analyze the result of cycle II. Most of the students respond

the teacher actively. Furthermore, the teaching learning process is done very well.

It can also be seen from the results of the questionnaire and interview after the

second post-test and the results were very satisfying (see appendix). The

researcher felt satisfied because the students have significant increasement from

the score they get from pretest, post-test I, and post-test II. After achieving the

target research of where 90.90% students who pass the KKM, therefore the

researcher decided to stop the Classroom Action Research because it had already


4.3 Research Findings

The finding of this research showed that direct instruction increase

students’ listening ability by using video. It was proved by the data, which

showed the mean of the students in the second cycle (77.18) was higher than in

the first cycle (62.21) and also in the pretest (47.96).

Table 4.5 The increasement of students’ achievement in listening

Competence Test I Test II Test III

Score 1500 1960 2520


Mean 45.45 59.39 76.36

Number of students who got point up to 70 5 12 30

Percentage of students got point up to 70 15.15% 36.36% 90.90%

Observation sheet, questionnaire and interview sheet supported that video

was to increase the students’ listening ability. It was showed by the students’

comments and attitude. They were looked well in each day. They became more

active, serious and interested to listening during the teaching learning process.


5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that video could increase

students’listening ability, especially for students in eleventh grade of SMA Swasta

Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong, and to build the knowledge of the student about

concept of using video in listening. After analyzing the data, some conclusion are

drawn as the following:

1. The result showed that the increasement of the student’s score from pre-

test to post test of cycle I and post test cycle II. The students’ mean from

pretest was 45.45, for the cycle I was 59.39, and the cycle II was 76.36.

Then, the increasement score percentage from the pre-test to post-test

cycle I was 30.26% and the increasement of pre-test to post test cycle II

was 68.00% The pretest result 15.15% of the students got point 70 to up,

the competence test cycle I was 36.36% and the improvement of the

students showed in the last competence of the cycle II was 90.90%.

5.2 Suggestion

Regarding the result of the research, the researcher thinks that the students

must be given video to increase their listening ability, this strategy makes them

easier to comprehend the learning.

1. English Teachers

It is crucial for the English teacher especially the English teachers in SMA



listening ability. Furthermore, it is better for them to use video as media in the

teaching and learning process of listening because the students not only listen the

material, but also see it and make it easier for their brains to catch the listening

lesson. Therefore, the students‟ listening ability could increase. In addition, the

videos combined with other interesting activities could motivate students to

increase their listening ability.

2. Other Researchers

Other researchers who are interested in the same field are recommended to

continue and improve this action research in order to find out other actions to

increase the listening ability by using videos. However, they have to select the

appropriate videos and activities which are suitable for the level of the students’


This research was conducted in two cycles which each cycle consisted of

two meetings. However, other researchers may apply more cycles in order to find

more action to increase the listening ability. In addition, they can conduct this

study in other grades such as in junior or senior high schools so that the findings

will be more satisfactory.


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Sekolah : SMA SWASTA Dharma Bhakti Siborongborong

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI MIA 1
Materi Pokok :Teks Interaksi Transaksional; Informasi Terkait
Pendapat dan Pikiran
Teks : Interaksi Transaksional; Informasi Terkait
Pendapat dan Pikiran
Aspect/Skill : Listening
Alokasi Waktu : 2 Pertemuan (2 x 45 Menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung
jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur  Mengidentifikasi situasi yang

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks memunculkan pernyataan
interaksi transaksional lisan dan pendapat dan pikiran
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan  Menyebutkan situasi yang
memberi dan meminta informasi memunculkan pernyataan
terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai pendapat dan pikiran
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Memahami struktur teks dari
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
think, I suppose, in my opinion)
 Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari
dari pernyataan pendapat dan
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi  Menyatakan pendapat dan
transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pikirannya yang sesuai secara
pendek dan sederhana, yang tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan kelas
meminta informasi terkait
pendapat dan pikiran, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
• Mengidentifikasi situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
• Menyebutkan situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
• Memahami struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
• Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
• Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang sesuai secara tertulis
kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

D. Materi Pembelajaran
 Fungsi Sosial
Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.
 Struktur Teks
- Memulai
- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)
 Unsur Kebahasaan
- Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their,
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
 Topik
Situasi yang memungkinkan munculnya pernyataan tentang pendapat dan
pikiran yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

E. Metode Pembelajaran
1) Pendekatan : Saintifik
2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning, Problem Based Learning
3) Teknik : Pekerjaan Individual

F. Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 A Laptop
 LCD Projector
 Speakers
 A whiteboard
 Hands outs
 Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)
 Lembar penilaian
 Videos :
-Conversation Asking & Giving Opinions, source by YouTube:
Amaliah sidoarjo ( for Treatment 1
-Expressions of Asking & Giving for Opinions (Dislogue), source by
YouTube: Ms. Tania’s English Class
( for Treatment 2

2. Alat/Bahan
 Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis
 Laptop & infocus

G. Sumber Belajar
 Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas
XI, Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016
 Kamus Bahasa Inggris
 Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru
 YouTube Videos

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Guru :
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk
memulai pembelajaran
 Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
 Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan
 Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya.
 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.
 Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan
dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Apabila materitema/projek ini kerjakan dengan baik dan sungguh-
sungguh ini dikuasai dengan baik, maka peserta didik diharapkan dapat
menjelaskan tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Mengajukan pertanyaan
Pemberian Acuan
 Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan
saat itu.
 Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator,
dan KKM pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan
langkah-langkah pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
(stimullasi/ Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk
memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran dengan cara :
 Melihat (tanpa atau dengan Alat)
Memperkenalkan materi pembelajaran (before treatment
 Mengamati
 Lembar kerja materi Situasi yang memunculkan
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Pemberian contoh-contoh materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran untuk
dapat dikembangkan peserta didik, dari media
interaktif, dsb
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
 Membaca (dilakukan di rumah sebelum kegiatan
pembelajaran berlangsung).
Membaca materi dari buku paket atau buku-buku
penunjang lain, dari internet/materi yang berhubungan
dengan Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat
dan pikiran.
 Mendengar
Pemberian materi Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran oleh guru.
 Menyimak
Penjelasan pengantar kegiatan secara garis besar/global
tentang materi pelajaran mengenai materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
untuk melatih kesungguhan, ketelitian, mencari informasi.


Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk
mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang
berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab
melalui kegiatan belajar, contohnya :
 Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
yang tidak dipahami dari apa yang diamati atau
pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan
tentang apa yang diamati (dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual
sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik) untuk
mengembangkan kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, kemampuan
merumuskan pertanyaan untuk membentuk pikiran kritis
yang perlu untuk hidup cerdas dan belajar sepanjang
Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk
menjawab pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi melalui
 Mengamati obyek/kejadian
Mengamati dengan seksama materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
sedang dipelajari dalam video/slide presentasi yang
disajikan dan mencoba menginterprestasikannya.
 Membaca sumber lain selain buku teks
Mencari dan membaca berbagai referensi dari berbagai
sumber guna menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman
tentang materi Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran yang sedang dipelajari.
 Aktivitas
Menyusun daftar pertanyaan atas hal-hal yang belum
dapat dipahami dari kegiatan mengmati dan membaca
yang akan diajukan kepada guru berkaitan dengan materi
Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
pikiran yang sedang dipelajari.
 Wawancara/tanya jawab dengan nara sumber
Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaiatan dengan materi Situasi
yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
yang telah disusun dalam daftar pertanyaan kepada guru.

Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk:
 Mendiskusikan
Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas
contoh dalam buku paket mengenai materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Mengumpulkan informasi
Mencatat semua informasi tentang materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
telah diperoleh pada buku catatan dengan tulisan yang rapi
dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
 Mempresentasikan ulang
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau
mempresentasikan materi Situasi yang memunculkan
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran sesuai dengan
 Saling tukar informasi tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
dengan ditanggapi aktif oleh peserta didik dari kelompok
lainnya sehingga diperoleh sebuah pengetahuan baru yang
dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan diskusi kelompok
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
kemudian, dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang
terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada
lembar kerja yang disediakan dengan cermat untuk
mengembangkan sikap teliti, jujur, sopan, menghargai
pendapat orang lain, kemampuan berkomunikasi,
menerapkan kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi
melalui berbagai cara yang dipelajari, mengembangkan
kebiasaan belajar dan belajar sepanjang hayat.
Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data
hasil pengamatan dengan cara :
 Berdiskusi tentang data dari Materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
 Mengolah informasi dari materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
sudah dikumpulkan dari hasil kegiatan/pertemuan
sebelumnya mau pun hasil dari kegiatan mengamati dan
kegiatan mengumpulkan informasi yang sedang
berlangsung dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada
lembar kerja.
 Peserta didik mengerjakan beberapa soal mengenai materi
Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan
memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau
teori pada buku sumber melalui kegiatan :
 Menambah keluasan dan kedalaman sampai kepada
pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi dari
berbagai sumber yang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda
sampai kepada yang bertentangan untuk mengembangkan
sikap jujur, teliti, disiplin, taat aturan, kerja keras,
kemampuan menerapkan prosedur dan kemampuan
berpikir induktif serta deduktif dalam membuktikan
tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
antara lain dengan : Peserta didik dan guru secara
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
bersama-sama membahas jawaban soal-soal yang telah
dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.


Peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menyimpulkan
kesimpulan)  Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran berupa
kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis secara lisan, tertulis,
atau media lainnya untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur,
teliti, toleransi, kemampuan berpikir sistematis,
mengungkapkan pendapat dengan sopan.
 Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara klasikal
tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
 Mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan
tentanag materi Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang
 Bertanya atas presentasi tentang materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
dilakukan dan peserta didik lain diberi kesempatan untuk
 Menyimpulkan tentang point-point penting yang muncul
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan
berupa :
Laporan hasil pengamatan secara tertulis tentang materi :
 Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau lembar
kerja yang telah disediakan.
 Bertanya tentang hal yang belum dipahami, atau guru
melemparkan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa berkaitan
dengan materi Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran yang akan selesai dipelajari
 Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi untuk materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada
lembar lerja yang telah disediakan secara individu untuk
1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)
mengecek penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.
Catatan : Selama pembelajaran Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran berlangsung, guru mengamati sikap siswa dalam
pembelajaran yang meliputi sikap: nasionalisme, disiplin, rasa percaya diri,
berperilaku jujur, tangguh menghadapi masalah tanggungjawab, rasa ingin
tahu, peduli lingkungan
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik :
 Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting
yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru dilakukan.
 Mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah untuk materi pelajaran Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru diselesaikan.
 Mengagendakan materi atau tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja
yang harus mempelajarai pada pertemuan berikutnya di luar jam sekolah
atau dirumah.
Guru :
 Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa untuk
materi pelajaran Situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan
 Peserta didik yang selesai mengerjakan tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja dengan benar diberi paraf serta
diberi nomor urut peringkat, untuk penilaian tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja pada materi pelajaran Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Memberikan penghargaan untuk materi pelajaran Situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran kepada kelompok yang
memiliki kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik.


Form : Missing word/ fill the blank

Technique : Students will be assigned to answer the text related to the video

Aspect : Listening skill

Instructional scoring
3. The questions are 10 questions

4. The correct answer gets 10 points

5. Totally maximal score is 100 points

6. Patterns of scoring

thecorrect answer
Students ’ score= x 100
the amount of question

7. The explanation of scoring

No Explanation Score

1 Each of correct answer 10

2 False answer 0

3 No answering 0

Siborongborong, Juni 2018

Known by:

English Teacher Researcher

Daniel T Hutasoit Rumondang Hutasoit

NIP.- NIM.180502015
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Guru :
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk
memulai pembelajaran
 Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
 Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan
 Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya.
 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.
 Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan
dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Apabila materitema/projek ini kerjakan dengan baik dan sungguh-
sungguh ini dikuasai dengan baik, maka peserta didik diharapkan dapat
menjelaskan tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Mengajukan pertanyaan
Pemberian Acuan
 Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan
saat itu.
 Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator,
dan KKM pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Pembagian kelompok belajar
 Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan
langkah-langkah pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
(stimullasi/ Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk
memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran dengan cara :
 Melihat (tanpa atau dengan Alat)
Menayangkan gambar/foto/video yang relevan. (while
treatment stage)
 Mengamati
 Lembar kerja materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran.
 Pemberian contoh-contoh materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran untuk dapat
dikembangkan peserta didik, dari media interaktif, dsb
 Membaca (dilakukan di rumah sebelum kegiatan
pembelajaran berlangsung).
Membaca materi dari buku paket atau buku-buku
penunjang lain, dari internet/materi yang berhubungan
dengan Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan
 Mendengar
Pemberian materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat
dan pikiran oleh guru melalui video yang telah disediakan
 Menyimak
Penjelasan pengantar kegiatan secara garis besar/global
tentang materi pelajaran mengenai materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
untuk melatih kesungguhan, ketelitian, mencari informasi.


Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk
mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang
berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab
melalui kegiatan belajar, contohnya :
 Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
yang tidak dipahami dari apa yang diamati atau
pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan
tentang apa yang diamati (dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual
sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik) untuk
mengembangkan kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, kemampuan
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
merumuskan pertanyaan untuk membentuk pikiran kritis
yang perlu untuk hidup cerdas dan belajar sepanjang
Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk
menjawab pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi melalui
 Mengamati obyek/kejadian
Mengamati dengan seksama materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang sedang dipelajari
dalam bentuk video/slide presentasi yang disajikan dan
mencoba menginterprestasikannya.
 Membaca sumber lain selain buku teks
Mencari dan membaca berbagai referensi dari berbagai
sumber guna menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman
tentang materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan
pikiran yang sedang dipelajari.
 Aktivitas
Menyusun daftar pertanyaan atas hal-hal yang belum
dapat dipahami dari kegiatan mengmati dan membaca
yang akan diajukan kepada guru berkaitan dengan materi
Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
sedang dipelajari.
 Wawancara/tanya jawab dengan nara sumber
Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaiatan dengan materi Struktur
teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang telah
disusun dalam daftar pertanyaan kepada guru.

Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk:
 Mendiskusikan
Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas
contoh dalam buku paket mengenai materi Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Mengumpulkan informasi
Mencatat semua informasi tentang materi Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang telah
diperoleh pada buku catatan dengan tulisan yang rapi dan
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
 Mempresentasikan ulang
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau
mempresentasikan materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran sesuai dengan pemahamannya.
 Saling tukar informasi tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
dengan ditanggapi aktif oleh peserta didik dari kelompok
lainnya sehingga diperoleh sebuah pengetahuan baru yang
dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan diskusi kelompok
kemudian, dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang
terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada
lembar kerja yang disediakan dengan cermat untuk
mengembangkan sikap teliti, jujur, sopan, menghargai
pendapat orang lain, kemampuan berkomunikasi,
menerapkan kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi
melalui berbagai cara yang dipelajari, mengembangkan
kebiasaan belajar dan belajar sepanjang hayat.
Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data
hasil pengamatan dengan cara :
 Berdiskusi tentang data dari Materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Mengolah informasi dari materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang sudah
dikumpulkan dari hasil kegiatan/pertemuan sebelumnya
mau pun hasil dari kegiatan mengamati dan kegiatan
mengumpulkan informasi yang sedang berlangsung
dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada lembar kerja.
 Peserta didik mengerjakan beberapa soal mengenai materi
Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan
memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau
teori pada buku sumber melalui kegiatan :
 Menambah keluasan dan kedalaman sampai kepada
pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi dari
berbagai sumber yang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda
sampai kepada yang bertentangan untuk mengembangkan
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
sikap jujur, teliti, disiplin, taat aturan, kerja keras,
kemampuan menerapkan prosedur dan kemampuan
berpikir induktif serta deduktif dalam membuktikan
tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
antara lain dengan : Peserta didik dan guru secara
bersama-sama membahas jawaban soal-soal yang telah
dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.


Peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menyimpulkan
kesimpulan)  Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran berupa kesimpulan
berdasarkan hasil analisis secara lisan, tertulis, atau media
lainnya untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur, teliti,
toleransi, kemampuan berpikir sistematis, mengungkapkan
pendapat dengan sopan.
 Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara klasikal
tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan
tentanag materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat
dan pikiran dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang
 Bertanya atas presentasi tentang materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang dilakukan dan
peserta didik lain diberi kesempatan untuk menjawabnya.

 Menyimpulkan tentang point-point penting yang muncul
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan
berupa :
Laporan hasil pengamatan secara tertulis tentang materi :
 Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang terdapat pada buku
pegangan peserta didik atau lembar kerja yang telah
 Bertanya tentang hal yang belum dipahami, atau guru
melemparkan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa berkaitan
dengan materi Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan
2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)
pikiran yang akan selesai dipelajari
 Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi untuk materi Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang terdapat pada
buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada lembar lerja yang
telah disediakan secara individu untuk mengecek
penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.
Catatan : Selama pembelajaran Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan
pikiran berlangsung, guru mengamati sikap siswa dalam pembelajaran yang
meliputi sikap: nasionalisme, disiplin, rasa percaya diri, berperilaku jujur,
tangguh menghadapi masalah tanggungjawab, rasa ingin tahu, peduli
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik :
 Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting
yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru dilakukan.
 Mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah untuk materi pelajaran Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru diselesaikan.
 Mengagendakan materi atau tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja
yang harus mempelajarai pada pertemuan berikutnya di luar jam sekolah
atau dirumah.
Guru :
 Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa untuk
materi pelajaran Struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Peserta didik yang selesai mengerjakan tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja dengan benar diberi paraf serta
diberi nomor urut peringkat, untuk penilaian tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja pada materi pelajaran Struktur teks
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Memberikan penghargaan untuk materi pelajaran Struktur teks dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran kepada kelompok yang memiliki
kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik.


Form : Missing word/ fill the blank

Technique : Students will be assigned to answer the text related to the video

Aspect : Listening skill

Instructional scoring

1. The questions are 10 questions

2. The correct answer gets 10 points

3. Totally maximal score is 100 points

4. Patterns of scoring

thecorrect answer
Students ’ score= x 100
the amount of question

5. The explanation of scoring

No Explanation Score

1 Each of correct answer 10

2 False answer 0

3 No answering 0

Siborongborong, Juni 2018

Known by:

English Teacher Researcher

Daniel T Hutasoit Rumondang Hutasoit

NIP.- NIM.180502015

3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
Guru :
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk
memulai pembelajaran
 Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
 Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan
 Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya.
 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.
 Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan
dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Apabila materitema/projek ini kerjakan dengan baik dan sungguh-
sungguh ini dikuasai dengan baik, maka peserta didik diharapkan dapat
menjelaskan tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Mengajukan pertanyaan
Pemberian Acuan
 Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan
saat itu.
 Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator,
dan KKM pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
 Pembagian kelompok belajar
 Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan
langkah-langkah pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
(stimullasi/ Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk
memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Unsur kebahasaan
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
pemberian dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran dengan cara :
rangsangan)  Melihat (tanpa atau dengan Alat)
Menayangkan gambar/foto/video yang relevan (while
treatment stage 2).
 Mengamati
 Lembar kerja materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Pemberian contoh-contoh materi Unsur kebahasaan
dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran untuk dapat
dikembangkan peserta didik, dari media interaktif, dsb
 Membaca (dilakukan di rumah sebelum kegiatan
pembelajaran berlangsung).
Membaca materi dari buku paket atau buku-buku
penunjang lain, dari internet/materi yang berhubungan
dengan Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat
dan pikiran.
 Mendengar
Pemberian materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran oleh guru melalui video yang telah
disediakan oleh guru sebelum pembelajaran.
 Menyimak
Penjelasan pengantar kegiatan secara garis besar/global
tentang materi pelajaran mengenai materi didalam video:
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
untuk melatih kesungguhan, ketelitian, mencari informasi.


Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk
mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang
berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab
melalui kegiatan belajar, contohnya :
 Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
yang tidak dipahami dari apa yang diamati atau
pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan
tentang apa yang diamati (dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual
sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik) untuk
mengembangkan kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, kemampuan
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
merumuskan pertanyaan untuk membentuk pikiran kritis
yang perlu untuk hidup cerdas dan belajar sepanjang
Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk
menjawab pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi melalui
 Mengamati obyek/kejadian
Mengamati dengan seksama materi Unsur kebahasaan
dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang sedang
dipelajari dalam bentuk gambar/video/slide presentasi
yang disajikan dan mencoba menginterprestasikannya.
 Membaca sumber lain selain buku teks
Mencari dan membaca berbagai referensi dari berbagai
sumber guna menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman
tentang materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran yang sedang dipelajari.
 Aktivitas
Menyusun daftar pertanyaan atas hal-hal yang belum
dapat dipahami dari kegiatan mengmati dan membaca
yang akan diajukan kepada guru berkaitan dengan materi
Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
pikiran yang sedang dipelajari.
 Wawancara/tanya jawab dengan nara sumber
Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaiatan dengan materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
yang telah disusun dalam daftar pertanyaan kepada guru.

Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk:
 Mendiskusikan
Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas
contoh dalam buku paket mengenai materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Mengumpulkan informasi
Mencatat semua informasi tentang materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
yang telah diperoleh pada buku catatan dengan tulisan
yang rapi dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik
dan benar.
 Mempresentasikan ulang
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau
mempresentasikan materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari
pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran sesuai dengan
 Saling tukar informasi tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
dengan ditanggapi aktif oleh peserta didik dari kelompok
lainnya sehingga diperoleh sebuah pengetahuan baru yang
dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan diskusi kelompok
kemudian, dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang
terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada
lembar kerja yang disediakan dengan cermat untuk
mengembangkan sikap teliti, jujur, sopan, menghargai
pendapat orang lain, kemampuan berkomunikasi,
menerapkan kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi
melalui berbagai cara yang dipelajari, mengembangkan
kebiasaan belajar dan belajar sepanjang hayat.
Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data
hasil pengamatan dengan cara :
 Berdiskusi tentang data dari Materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
 Mengolah informasi dari materi Unsur kebahasaan dari
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang sudah
dikumpulkan dari hasil kegiatan/pertemuan sebelumnya
mau pun hasil dari kegiatan mengamati dan kegiatan
mengumpulkan informasi yang sedang berlangsung
dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada lembar kerja.
 Peserta didik mengerjakan beberapa soal mengenai materi
Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
) memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau
teori pada buku sumber melalui kegiatan :
 Menambah keluasan dan kedalaman sampai kepada
pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi dari
berbagai sumber yang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda
sampai kepada yang bertentangan untuk mengembangkan
sikap jujur, teliti, disiplin, taat aturan, kerja keras,
kemampuan menerapkan prosedur dan kemampuan
berpikir induktif serta deduktif dalam membuktikan
tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
antara lain dengan : Peserta didik dan guru secara
bersama-sama membahas jawaban soal-soal yang telah
dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.


Peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menyimpulkan
kesimpulan)  Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
berupa kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis secara lisan,
tertulis, atau media lainnya untuk mengembangkan sikap
jujur, teliti, toleransi, kemampuan berpikir sistematis,
mengungkapkan pendapat dengan sopan.
 Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara klasikal
tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
 Mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan
tentanag materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang
 Bertanya atas presentasi tentang materi Unsur kebahasaan
dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang
dilakukan dan peserta didik lain diberi kesempatan untuk

 Menyimpulkan tentang point-point penting yang muncul
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan
berupa :
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
Laporan hasil pengamatan secara tertulis tentang materi :
 Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi Unsur kebahasaan
dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang terdapat
pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau lembar kerja yang
telah disediakan.
 Bertanya tentang hal yang belum dipahami, atau guru
melemparkan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa berkaitan
dengan materi Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran yang akan selesai dipelajari
 Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi untuk materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran
yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada
lembar lerja yang telah disediakan secara individu untuk
mengecek penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.
Catatan : Selama pembelajaran Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan
pendapat dan pikiran berlangsung, guru mengamati sikap siswa dalam
pembelajaran yang meliputi sikap: nasionalisme, disiplin, rasa percaya diri,
berperilaku jujur, tangguh menghadapi masalah tanggungjawab, rasa ingin
tahu, peduli lingkungan
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik :
 Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting
yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru
 Mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah untuk materi pelajaran Unsur
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran yang baru
 Mengagendakan materi atau tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja
yang harus mempelajarai pada pertemuan berikutnya di luar jam sekolah
atau dirumah.
Guru :
 Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa untuk
materi pelajaran Unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan
 Peserta didik yang selesai mengerjakan tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja dengan benar diberi paraf serta
diberi nomor urut peringkat, untuk penilaian tugas
projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja pada materi pelajaran Unsur
3 . Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 Menit)
kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran.
 Memberikan penghargaan untuk materi pelajaran Unsur kebahasaan dari
dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran kepada kelompok yang memiliki
kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik.
Form : Missing word/ fill the blank
Technique : Students will be assigned to answer the text related to the video
Aspect : Listening skill
Instructional scoring
1. The questions are 10 questions
2. The correct answer gets 10 points
3. Totally maximal score is 100 points
4. Patterns of scoring
thecorrect answer
Students ’ score= x 100
the amount of question
5. The explanation of scoring

No Explanation Score
1 Each of correct answer 10
2 False answer 0
3 No answering 0

Siborongborong, Juni 2018

Known by:
English Teacher Researcher

Daniel T Hutasoit Rumondang Hutasoit

NIP.- NIM.180502015


Listening Pre-Test
Study the following Dialogue. Please fill in the blank to complete the
dialogue with the appropriate expressions!
Maria: Sari, what do you think of music recently? I mean, do you like them?
Sari: Well, I’d say I don’t really like them, i’d prefer jazz.
Maria: Why? I think pop music is very entertaining.
Sari: (1)._________, jazz music is relaxing.

Wulan: (2)__________ that an introvert person cant’t socialize well with other
Diah: I don’t believe it. An introvert can also make friends with other people.

Vina: Do you agree if we play in a ghost house?

Rere: (3)________It’s so scary. What if we play on a caarousel?

Ika: (4)_________watching Despicable Me 2?

Tina: That’s a good idea. I think you should watch it because it’s a kind of
comedy movie. I couldn’t stop laughing when i watched it.

Doni: Do you think I should take an English course?

Lila: (5)._________it is really helpful for you to enhance your English skills.

Kiara: Do you have any ideas for me to be productive during the school holiday?
Ola: (6).________I think you can make daily journal about the activities that you
are going to do during the school holiday.

Lia: We will eat gudeg tonight

Tere: Lia, (7)_________ We usually eat fried chicken on Saturday night!
Lia: Then what? We are from Jogja but we have never tried it, not even once
Tere: (8)________, John?
John: Well, (9)_________Lia is right, we can eat gudeg tonight and tomorrow we
will have tried chicken, okay? To make sure both of you are happy.
Lia: I admit (10) _________ I think eating fast food too often is not healthy for
our body
Tere: You’re right. Ahh but gudeg is too sweet for me.
Listening POST-TEST

Listen to Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2. Complete the dialogue based on the


Girl: It’s my first time to come to this school. It seems to me that it is a nice

What do you think about it?

Boy: 1._________the school is big. There are 2.__________, and its clean.
Trash cans are available here and there, and you are right, it is a nice place to
study. But look at the trees, 3.__________?

Girl: 4.___________, the trees are not too high. Otherwise, they make the
school shady. We can breathe the fresh air. Trees produces oxygen, so air
conditioners are not needed.

Boy: Well, thats true, 5.____________ that trees are useful for human. People
should reduce using more electricity.


Girl: Mom, what do you ask me to eat in this restaurant?

Mom: I heard that there are some new (6).______ and ______. So, i am interested
to bring you here.
Girl: That’s good mom
Mom: So (7)___________about this bread?
Girl: (8)__________ it is so delicious. I like it
Mom: This is absolutely right. It will be my favourite restaurant
Girl: (9)_______________ again mom.
Mom: (10)_________.
Listening Post Test (Cycle II)

Listen to Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2. Complete the dialogue based on the

Dialogue 1
Girl: Hello Albert, 1._______________?

Alberth: I am reading 2.__________________. I should prepare it because

the class will be started

Girl: oh i see. You always prepare your class well.

Anyway, 3._________________the new English teacher?

Alberth: according to me, she is smart, active, punctual but quite arrogant.

Girl: 4._________________ with your last opinion.

Alberth: Then what do you think about it?

Girl: I think she is friendly. She is smile to everyone

Alberth: Really? I never met her outside of the class.

Girl: Yes, 5.______________.

Dialogue 2

Girl 1: Have you finished your (6).________?

Girl 2: Not yet, I need to put some clothes in the suitcase
Girl 1: i will wait you in the living room.
Girl 2: Alright. (7)________about this holiday?
Girl 1: It will be different from our holiday, (8)____________because finally we
can go to London.
Girl 2: (9)________with your opinion. It is the holiday that i am waiting for
Girl 1: We should take much photos. I am sure there are a lot of (10)__________
Girl 2: That’s right. I can not wait for it
a. Pre-Test
1. In my opinion
2. Do you believe
3. I don’t think so
4. What do you think about
5. I think so
6. In my view
7. I disagree with you
8. What do you think
9. I think
10. That’s a good point

b. Post-Test Cycle I
1. I think
2. Thirty classroom
3. Are they too high?
4. In my opinion
5. I totally agree
6. Foods and drinks
7. What do youu think
8. I think
9. We should come here
10. Of course

c. Post-Test Cycle II
1. What book did you read?
2. English Literature
3. What is your idea about
4. I am sorry but i’m not sure
5. You can see it later
6. Preparation
7. What do you feel
8. I feel excited
9. I agree with your opinion
10. Photogenics spot
Students’ Worksheet

No Students’ Name Pre-Test Post-Test Post-Test

Cycle I Cycle II

1 Ade Irma S. Mendrofa 50 60 70

2 Afrizal Lumbantoruan 30 40 60

3 Andra Sofian Nababan 40 50 70

4 Ardiko Silaban 30 40 70

5 Christy Natalia 50 60 80

6 Desy Siregar 40 50 80

7 Fani Christina Telaumbanua 70 80 90

8 Feryanto Manalu 40 50 70

9 Fransisco Markus Pasaribu 50 70 80

10 Friska Delviana Silaban 50 70 80

11 Gabe Saut M Togatorop 40 50 80

12 Greydia Anastasya Hutasoit 30 40 70

13 Indah Kresna Sihombing 50 60 80

14 Jetly B Simanungkalit 40 50 60

15 Joel Afsaldy Tamba 50 60 70

16 Josua Christian Silitonga 70 80 90

17 Maeka Sianipar 50 70 80

18 Marsitta R. Pardede 70 80 100

19 Martha Theresia Sihombing 40 50 80

20 Marthin Siburian 40 50 70

21 Nofita W Lumbantoruan 30 70 80

22 Pasti Sianipar 40 50 70

23 Rahmat Elivander Sianturi 40 50 60

24 Rindu Marito Sihombing 40 50 70

25 Romauli maibang 50 70 70

26 Ruben Sinaga 70 80 90

27 Santa Maria Tambunan 30 40 70

28 Sari Ida Simaremare 50 60 70

29 Siska Gina Tua Simanjuntak 70 90 100

30 Susi Baringin 30 70 80

31 Vranco B. sihombing 40 50 80

32 Yosi Silaban 50 70 80

33 Yonathan Silalahi 30 50 70

Total ∑ 𝒙 = 1500 ∑ 𝒙 =1960 ∑ 𝒙 = 2520

Mean X = 45.454 X = 59.393 X = 76.363


Date :
Meeting :
Observer :

No Observation Items Yes No

A Pre-teaching
1. The teacher greets the students and asks students’ condition. 

2. The students respond to the greeting and tell their condition to 

the teacher.
3. The teacher leads the prayer. 

4. The teacher checks the attendance. 

5. The teacher reviews the last meeting materials. 

6. The teacher gives lead-in questions to presents new materials. 

7. The teacher explains the goal of the teaching and learning. 

B Whilst-teaching
1. The students are ready to learn the materials. 

2. The teacher gives an input text. 

3. The teacher and the students discuss the input text. 

4. The students identify the expressions used in the input text. 

5. The teacher distributes handouts. 

6. The teacher checks students’ understanding. 

7. The teacher gives the students opportunity to ask questions. 

8. The students deliver their questions to the teacher. 

9. The students are engaged to do interesting listening activities such 
as watch and listen to the video, discussion, and singing.
10. The teacher’s instructions are clear. 

C Post-teaching
1. The teacher summarizes and reflects the lesson. 

2. The students reflect their learning. 

3. The teacher previews on the upcoming materials. 

4. The teacher ends the class by praying. 

D Class situation
1. The teacher shows enthusiasm and interest in the subject being 
2. The students are highly motivated during the lesson. 

3. The students are actively involved in each class activity. 

4. The time allocation is appropriate. 

E The use of teaching and learning media

1. The teacher uses a textbook or handouts. 

2. The media used by the teacher are sufficient in the teaching and 
learning process.
3. The teacher uses interesting media such as videos in teaching and 
learning process.
4. The teacher provides appropriate models and authentic spoken 
texts to teach listening.


KUESIONER (Pre-action)


Kuesioner ini disusun untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kesulitan

siswa dalam mendengarkan teks bahasa Inggris dan juga harapan siswa terhadap

penggunaan video. Informasi yang didapatkan akan digunakan sebagai data

penelitian dalam skripsi yang dikerjakan oleh Rumondang Hutasoit, salah satu

mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana

Pendidikan. Penelitian tersebut berjudul “Increasing Listening Ability By

Using Videos At Eleventh Grade Of Sma Swasta Dharma Bhakti

Siborongborong In Academic Year 2021/2022 ”.

Informasi yang Adik-adik berikan akan sangat berguna dan penting bagi

keberhasilan penelitian yang dilakukan. Informasi ini tidak berpengaruh sama

sekali pada hal-hal lain di laur keperluan penelitian. Oleh karena itu, kesungguhan

dan kejujuran Adik-adik sekalian sangatlah dihargai.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasama dalam mengisi kuesioner ini, diucapkan

banyak terima kasih.


Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan cara menyilang salah satu

No Pertanyaan Sangat Buruk Sedang Baik Sangat
Buruk Baik
1 Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
Adik secara keseluruhan?
2 Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
Adik dalam mendengarkan?
3 Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
Adik dalam berbicara?
4 Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
Adik dalam membaca?
5 Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
Adik dalam menulis?

No Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

Tidak Setuju Setuju
6 Saya suka bahasa Inggris. 1 2 3 4 5
7 Menurut saya bahasa Inggris itu mudah. 1 2 3 4 5
8 Saya belajar bahasa Inggris hanya karena 1 2 3 4 5
ingin lulus ujian dan mendapat nilai bagus.
9 Menurut saya bahwa bahasa Inggris itu 1 2 3 4 5
penting untuk masa depan saya.

No Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Suka Sangat

Tidak Suka Suka
10 Apakah Adik suka membaca buku atau 1 2 3 4 5
majalah berbahasa Inggris?
11 Apakah Adik suka mendengarkan music 1 2 3 4 5
berbahasa Inggris?
12 Apakah Adik suka menonton film 1 2 3 4 5
berbahasa Inggris?
13 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan cara mendengarkan penjelasan
14 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan cara mengerjakan soal-soal?
15 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan lagu?
16 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan menonton video?
17 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan game?
18 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan cara kerja secara individu?
19 Apakah Adik suka belajar bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4 5
dengan cara kerja kelompok?

No Pertanyaan Belum Pernah Kadang- Sering Sering

Pernah Kadang Sekali
20 Apakah guru pernah menggunakan 1 2 3 4 5
rekaman suara untuk pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
21 Apakah guru pernah menggunakan lagu 1 2 3 4 5
untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?
22 Apakah guru pernah menggunakan 1 2 3 4 5
video untuk pembelajaran bahasa

Atas perhatian dan bantuan dari Adik-Adik, kakak ucapkan terima kasih.

The Result of Questionnaire Pre-action

KUESIONER (Post-action)

NO :

A. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan cara menggaris

bawahi salah satu jawaban.
1. Saya suka bahasa Inggris.
Sangat Tidak Setuju/Tidak Setuju/Netral/Setuju/Sangat Setuju.
2. Menurut Saya bahasa Inggris itu mudah.
Sangat Tidak Setuju/Tidak Setuju/Netral/Setuju/Sangat Setuju.
3. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa inggris Adik secara keseluruhan?
Sangat buruk / Buruk / Sedang / Baik / Sangat Baik

4. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa inggris Adik dalam

Sangat buruk / Buruk / Sedang / Baik / Sangat Baik

B. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini.

1. Apakah Adik senang mengikuti pelajaran bersama Miss
Rumondang selama ini? Mengapa?

2. Apakah Adik merasa bahwa kemampuan mendengarkan Bahasa

Inggris Adik meningkat? Mengapa?

3. Apakah materi, video dan kegiatan selama pembelajaran ini


4. Adakah materi, video, kegiatan selama ini yang tidak

menyenangkan? Sebutkan dan Jelaskan.

5. Adakah saran / masukan untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk

pembelajaran selanjutnya?
Hasil Kuesioner

No Pernyataan Kuesioner Tidak Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat
Setuju Setuju Setuju
1 Saya suka bahasa Pre-action 12 14 7
Inggris. Postaction 6 13 14

2 Menurut Saya Pre-action 5 25 3

bahasa Inggris Postaction 16 15 2
itu mudah.

No Pernyataan Kuesioner Sangat Buruk Netral Baik Sangat

Buruk Baik
1 Bagaimana Pre-action 20 13
kemampuan bahasa Postaction 16 17
Inggris Adik secara
2 Bagaimana listening Pre-action 20 11 2
Ability Adik? Postaction 14 16 3

Keterangan: Jumlah siswa 33

Reconnaissance Step
For the English teacher
1. Bagaimana biasanya mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas?
2. Skill apakah yang jarang diajarkan dalam pembelajaran bahasa
3. Bagaimana cara mengajar Listening di kelas?
4. Kelas manakah yang membutuhkan peningkatan terutama dalam
belajar Listening?
5. Darimana mendapatkan materi Listening?
6. Apakah ada media yang digunakan untuk mengajar Listening?
7. Bagaimana motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran bahasa
8. Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai penggunaan video dalam
pembelajaran Listening?
9. Apa sajakah aktivitas yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran Listening?

For the Students
1. Apakah Adik suka dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
2. Dari 4 skills dalam bahasa Inggris: Listening, Speaking, Reading
dan Writing, manakah yang menurut Adik paling susah?
3. Apakah Listening itu susah? Alasannya?
4. Bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?
5. Bagaimanakah cara guru mengajarkan Listening?
6. Apakah guru menggunakan media dalam pembelajaran bahasa
7. Darimanakah materi yang biasanya digunakan untuk pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
8. Apakah harapan Adik untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
The Result of Interview Guideline 1 with the Teacher
R: Bagaimana biasanya mengajar Listening di kelas?

T: Biasanya saya mengambil materi dari buku kemudian saya

terangkan didepan kelas lalu siswa menjawab pertanyaan.

R: Skill apakah yang jarang diajarkan dalam pembelajaran bahasa


T: Sebenarnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa ini ya, semua skill harus

diajarkan sekaligus. Akan tetapi terkadang terdapat beberapa

kendala sehinggasemua skill ini tidak berjalan dengan seksama

dalam proses pengajaran contohnya Listening, karena skill yang

satu ini butuh media agar lebih efisien.

R: Kelas manakah yang membutuhkan peningkatan terutama dalam

belajar Listening?

T: Sejauh ini yang saya perhatikan listening perlu diterapkan lebih

dalam lagi di kelas XI IPA.

R: Darimana mendapatkan materi Listening?

T: Saya ambil dari buku paket

R: Apakah ada media yang digunakan untuk mengajar Listening?

T: Saya menggunakan media speaker yang tersedia di lab bahas

namun jarang kami gunakan karena susahnya mencari teks lisan

untuk siswa.

R: Apakah di buku paket tersedia recording nya bu?

T: Sejauh ini tidak ada, yang tersedia hanya transkrip teks nya.

R: Bagaimana motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran bahasa


T: Terdapat beberapa siswa yang menyukai pelajaran ini, akan tetaapi

tidak sedikit siswa juga yang sama sekali tidak tertarik mungkin

karena bahasa inggris ini merupakan bukan mother tongue kita ya.

R: Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai penggunaan video dalam

pembelajaran Listening?

S: Wah saya rasa perlu dicoba, karena ini merupakan hal baik untuk

listening siswa.

The Result of Interview Guideline 1 with the Students:

R: Apakah Adik suka dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

S: Ya miss, saya cukup menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

R: Dari 4 skills dalam bahasa Inggris: Listening, Speaking, Reading dan

Writing, manakah yang menurut Adik paling susah?

S: Menurut saya yang paling susah itu adalah Speaking dan Listening miss.

R: Apakah Listening itu susah? Alasannya?

S: Ya miss listening itu sangat susah bagi saya, karena saya jarang

mendengarkan bahasa inggris sehari hari kemudian pelajaran listening itu

tidak menarik dan sangat membosankan.

R: Bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?

S: Berjalan baik seperti biasanya.

R: Bagaimanakah cara guru mengajarkan Listening?

S: Biasanya guru membacakan materi atau cerita kemudian siswa disuruh

untuk menjawab soal.

R: Apakah guru menggunakan media dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

S: Jarang

R: Darimanakah materi yang biasanya digunakan untuk pelajaran bahasa


S: Materinya dari buku paket miss.

R: Apakah harapan Adik untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

S: Semoga pembelajaran nya lebih menarik lagi agar siswa mudah mengerti

Reflection Step

For the teacher

1. How is your opinion about the implementation?

2. Do you think that the students are motivated in listening?
3. What do you think about the activities and the materials?
4. What do you think about the media used in the implementation?
5. What do you think about the students’ interaction in the teaching-
learning process?
6. Is there any suggestion for the next implementation?

For the students

1. Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang penggunaan video?

2. Apakah kalian senang?
3. Menurut kalian, apa yang kurang dalam penerapan video dalam
4. Apakah kalian termotivasi untuk mendengarkan?
5. Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang aktivitas yang dilakukan tadi?
6. Bagaimana menurut kalian mengenai media yang digunakan?
The Result of Interview Guideline 2 With The Teacher (After


R :How is your opinion about the implementation?

T :I think, theimplementattion is very insteresting and the use of the

video can increase students’ listening ability.

R :Do you think that the students are motivated in listening?

T :Of course, students motivation becomes greatly increased. They

focus on listening and nothing is crowded. In addition, students

become more enthusiastic about learning.

R :What do you think about the activities and the materials?

T :The ativities and materials provided are very sustainable.

R :What do you think about the media used in the implementation?

T :The use of video in listening is very good. Because the video

contains images, audio that stimulates students’ brains so that they

catch the material faster. So video cn incease their listening ability.

R :What do you think about the students’ interaction in the teaching-

learning process?

T :Students interaction was quite impressive, it seemed that they

were very interested in the lesson.

R :Is there any suggestion for the next implementation?

S :I hope that the next implementation can improve students’

learning abilities as they are today.

The Result of Interview Guideline 2 With The Students (After


R :Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang penggunaan video?

Student 1:Penggunaan video sangat menarik dan tidak membosankan.

Student 2:Pembelajarannya jadi lebih menyenangkan miss.

R :Apakah kalian senang?

Student 1:Ya, senang miss.

Sudent 2: Tentu saja miss, kami sangat senang.

R :Menurut kalian, apa yang kurang dalam penerapan video dalam


Student 1:Sejauh ini hanya durasi vieonya yang cepat, lainnya tidak ada


Student 2:Saya rasa tidak ada miss.

R :Apakah kalian termotivasi untuk mendengarkan?

Student 1:Ya, sangat termotivasi miss.

Student 2: Saya sangat termotivasi miss, ternyata listening itu


R :Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang aktivitas yang dilakukan tadi?

Student 1:Aktivitas tadi sangat menyenangkan miss, kami belum pernah

menerapkan ini diruangan kelas sehingga sangat menarik untuk


Student 2: Sebelumnya tidak pernah seperti ini miss, sehingga aktivitas tadi

sangat seru dan menyenangkan.


Picture 1: The researcher greets the students and asks students’ condition.

Picture 2: The researcher leads the class for the present material.
Picture 3: The researcher distributes handouts.

Picture 4: The students are enjoy doing their pre-test.

Picture 5: The researcher supervise students’ work.

Picture 6: The students are listening to and watching the video enthusiastically
(Post-Test Cycle 1)
Picture 7:The researcher is giving some explanations to the students by using the

Picture 8: The students are listening to and watching the video enthusiastically
(Post-Test Cycle 2)
Picture 9: The researcher presents the video.

Picture 10: The researcher conducted interviews with students.

Picture 11: The researcher conducted interviews with English Teacher

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