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Consumer Behavior


Program BBA (HONS)

Class BBA-6-Afternoon

Subject Consumer Behavior

Submitted To Sir Usama Majeed

Submitted By Masood shah

Roll No Lcm-4272

Assignment No 01

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Consumer Behavior

QUESTION 1: Select a product and brand that you use frequently and
list the benefits you receive from using it. Without disclosing your list,
ask a fellow student who uses a different could use the brand in this
product category (preferably a friend) to make a similar list for his or
her brand. Compare the two lists and discuss the differences and
similarities among the benefits that you and your friend seek from the
same product category?

Answer: I select product toothpaste and brand Sensodyne and my friend use Colgate

Product: Toothpaste Friend product

Brand: Sensodyne Brand: Colgate
 Pain Relief  Effective Cleaning
 Desensitization  Cavity Prevention
 Improved Oral Health  Fresh Breath
 Preventative Action  Whitening
 Reduced Discomfort During Dental  Diverse Product Range
 Has Customized Options  Gum Health
 Maintained Quality of Life  Protection Against Sensitivity

Comparison of list:
The two lists are not similar, both brands offering the Different core benefits:
Sensodyne are for Pain relief, Desensitization and improved Oral health while Colgate are for
Fresh Breath, Whitening teeth’s and protection against Sensitivity. Both brand different target

Colgate is a well-established brand with a wide range of toothpaste options designed for general
oral care, such as cavity prevention, gum health, whitening, and overall hygiene. Sensodyne is
specifically formulated for people with tooth sensitivity. Its primary focus is on providing relief
from tooth sensitivity and related discomfort. Colgate offers toothpaste varieties for sensitive teeth,
but its primary purpose is not solely focused on sensitivity relief .Sensodyne is dedicated to
addressing tooth sensitivity. It contains ingredients designed to reduce sensitivity and form a
protective barrier over exposed dentin.
Many Colgate toothpaste formulations include fluoride, which helps strengthen tooth enamel and
prevent cavities. Some Sensodyne formulations also contain fluoride for cavity protection.
However, its main focus remains on sensitivity relief. Ultimately, the choice between Colgate and
Sensodyne should depend on your specific dental needs. If you primarily struggle with tooth

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Consumer Behavior

sensitivity, Sensodyne may provide more targeted relief. However, for general oral hygiene and a
broader range of dental needs, Colgate offers a wider array of products. Consulting with your
dentist can help you determine the best toothpaste for your individual oral health requirements.

QUESTION 2: Locate two websites that you visit regularly and discuss
how they can (and probably do) track your behavior and enable
marketers to target you more effectively?

Answer: Twitter:
Twitter, like many social media platforms and online services, employs various methods to track
user behavior and enable marketers to target users more effectively. Here are some of the ways
Twitter can track your behavior:
 Cookies and Tracking Pixels
 Device Information
 Location Data
 Engagement Metrics
 Third-Party Data
 Advertising ID
 Ad Preferences
 Tailored Audiences
Twitter's tracking and ad targeting practices are common in the online advertising industry. While
these methods can enable marketers to deliver more relevant ads, they also raise privacy concerns
Twitter provides users with options to control their privacy settings and opt out of some tracking,
but users should be aware of the trade-offs between personalization and privacy when using the

TikTok, like many other social media platforms and online services, uses various methods to track
user behavior and enable marketers to target users more effectively. Here are some of the ways
TikTok can track your behavior and facilitate targeted advertising
 User Engagement Data
 User Engagement Data
 Device Information
 Advertising Identifier
 Profile Information
 Behavioral Data
 Third-Party Data
 Lookalike Audiences
 Custom Audiences
 Ad Preferences
It's important to note that TikTok, like other social media platforms, offers a trade-off between
personalization and privacy. While these tracking methods enable more targeted advertising, they
also raise concerns about user privacy. TikTok provides users with settings to control their privacy

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and ad preferences, and users can adjust these settings to align with their preferences and concerns
regarding data tracking and ad targeting.

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