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CAM Patch & Telemetry



Develop a ecosystem that continuously monitors heart rhythms, tracks & monitors cardiac arrhythmias and enable
towards a prompt clinical decision with telemetry support.

CVDs are the leading cause of death . Current practice lacks remote cardiac monitoring, availability of holters and
sufficient cardiologists to read reports. Also, the process is costly, labor intensive as well as uncomfortable to the
patients & the reports are delivered after 3-4 days. Complications in cardiac arrhythmias are always missed out, leading to deteriorated patient care. Oom
is a unisex patch which monitors heart rhythm with capability to monitor for 72 hours, detects live arrhythmias with clinically designed AI/ML models,
live reporting to respective cardiologists and Control & Command Centres for further clinical interventions. The AI/ML algorithm has the capability to
detect 36 cardiac arrhythmias and generate deep learned reports for further analysis. The device is designed for global utilization as CVDs are prevailing
across and lack live monitoring as well as expertise to identify issues ahead of time.

Sports & Fitness activities which involves body & muscle movements where the device is capable of monitoring heart rhythm. Other use cases include
homecare monitoring , geriatric care and post surgery monitoring.The features like compact size and water resistance allows the user to move around
freely, take shower, swim and do other activities as well with the patch unlike present holter or loop recorders which have limitation for monitoring in
such situations.

We have our device tested on 12,000 patients. The system is curated by 1.4M minutes(24K hours) of data by real subjects and 10K hours of data by the
simulator for the AI/ML algorithm. We have initiated processes for US FDA and CE certification. We have CDSCO Preapproval for India and Ready to go
in Market by July 2023.


Clinics, HMOs, and Cardiologists need to monitor their patients regularly, periodically, and with a focus where the subject's heart rhythms don't
deteriorate during certain activities or time slots but unavailability of time prevents them from such close monitoring. According to global statistics,
500M people had CVDs in 2022. Henceforth internationally the ecosystem that OOM is approaching would lead us to address >50M CVD patients
globally, prevent the cost of organ failure due to cardiac arrest -by $7B, prevent in-patient cost due to proper medication by $9.5B, and reduce the cost of
CVD surgeries due to early diagnosis by $20B. Globally, 1B people are involved in sports and fitness activities. For athletes, 60% of lives can be saved by
pre-screening. Using OOM Gateway monitoring of multiple patients concurrently in a hospital enables patient care and reduces nursing operation hours
for such monitoring. A Product Completely Designed and Developed in India with Matching Global Manufacturing Standards.

To scale up service offering across the globe by partnering with healthcare facilities, HMO’s, Insurance, Doctors and create Control and Command
centers for monitoring and support cardiac telemetry services. To use OOM services for parallel monitoring of inpatients at healthcare facilities, monitor
homecare patients, athletes and address the global market which projected to grow from USD 54.08 billion in 2021 to USD 86.27 billion in 2028. India
Market Size is marked at $450 Million USD to be addressed as first step approach.

The code base has been built with a focus on speed, and scalability. Built on Embedded-C, NodeJS, MongoDB, MQTT socket, neural network for AI/ML.
The web platforms and apps are HIPAA compliant and secured.


Chintan Patel 20-21,Second Floor,
Co-founder & CEO with 5 years of Medical Device Design experience, Sensor Design and
Narayan Chambers,
Development Ability, 2 Patents in Medical Device. +91 999 823 9265
B/h Patang Hotel
Vivek Patel Ashram Road, Ahmedabad
Founder & Chief of Product , Ex-Yahoo, Ex–Microsoft , Worked on Health Data Pincode:380009
Exchanges and Digital Health Record.14 years of Experience in HealthCare Industry. +91 962 406 7783

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