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Mixed-Income's Anticipated and

Realized Benefits
1. Mixed-income communities are often seen as a solution for concentrated
poverty and urban revitalization.

2. The hypothesized benefits include poverty alleviation, increased property

values, improved housing quality and neighborhood conditions for lower-income
residents, and increased tolerance for diversity.

3. Evidence suggests that mixed-income communities can lead to neighborhood

improvements, but they do not necessarily result in meaningful interactions between
neighbors across different income groups.

5. Relationships between residents may change over time, either becoming more
comfortable or leading to residents retreating to their comfort zones.

6. Mixed-income communities have not shown significant improvements in

economic well-being for low-income households, although there may be some
evidence of increased employment.

7. Achieving economic improvements may require changes in school quality, job

supports, and other factors, and the benefits may take longer to materialize than
previously studied.

8. Residents of mixed-income developments generally report satisfaction with

housing quality, neighborhood services, and public safety.

9. Moving to a mixed-income community can have psychological benefits for low-

income residents, such as improvements in mental health and a reduction in stress
related to neighborhood safety concerns.

10. Children may experience educational, health, and behavioral benefits from
moving to a lower-poverty or income-diverse area.

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