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The anniversary

Magnus pov : I was sleeping

besides the love of my life ..well if
you’ve asked me 3 years about
what I wanted in my life .. I
couldn’t have thought about
anything .. I was indeed a very
rich warlock .. had everything
what every mundane wanted in his
life .. I was the high warlock
brroklyn.. and the person who
hated shadow hunters and a person
who would do anything for the
downworlders ….. well most of
the part is true even now but the
one that has changed is the one
about hating shadow hunter
its 6 in the morning and im
sleeping on the bed admiring the
loml …. Alec bane lightwood ….
Its so adorable to see him rest after
getting on and on for months ..
indeed hes so exhausted… have
the urge of kissing him rn but at
the same I don’t want to because
he had a stressful month with all
of his duties… uhhhh, perks of
marrying the inquisitor isn’t it ….i
roll my fingers on his hair ,, soft as
babys cheeks and the one thing
that takes me everytime is his
block rune on his neck .. hes so
hot ..well im hot too but when I
see him its just.. idk ….. I don’t
have any words to describe .. well
have you thought anytime how or
who can be hot and cute at the
same time.. yess that’s my
husband… hes so cute while
sleeping … and I just cant believe
that how much I can love a person
sooo much after locking my
feelings for over a century .. and
not letting anyone in my life
except Caterina ..
.. Well that gave me a thought of
making him morning
breakfast .. ,everyday I use magic
to cook something delicious for
him but today ill cook for him ….
After thinking or talking to myself
so much I realized that I was
sleeping on his chect .. and could
hear his slow and peacfull
heartbeats .. hiss hands around my
body what else do anyone want
than the warmth of his or her love
of his life .. I tried to get up as
slow as possible not waking him
up … as I was trying to wake up I
realized he was trying to grab me
more and more.. and I heard his
soft deep sleepy voice … five
minutes and could feel his kiss on
my head ..
Five minutes turned into an hour
he was already awake and just
rolling his hands through my hair..
I could feel his touch all over my
body… I said with a sleepy voice
good morning love and he replied
within seconds morning …. We
both woke up I was busy rubbing
my eyes and getting my hair
straight he got my hand pulled me
towards him and looked at me
with all of the love that he had ..
held my chin and pulled it towards
him to kiss him …. The day goes
well when it starts by kissing
him .. felt his lips on mine ,
tounges felling each other .. with
all the intimacy .. Eyes closed, his
hands on my neck below … just
wished this could last for the
entire day…. I knew this could
last forever.. but I had lot of work
to do today back at the clave …
We both didn’want this to
end ..but it had to sometime or the
other .. we both moved back and
smiled aat each other . there was
no reason to it .. but we knew at
that exact moment that we are so
glad to wake up beside each other
…..we both got up from the bed ..
alec straight went up to the kitchen
to make us our morning coffee
After our wedding alec didn’t miss
even one dsy of making us a cup
of coffee… I just clicked my
fingers and waved my hands to set
the bed up again clean and tidy

Alec and magnus both

are sitting in their gallery .. with a
beautiful scenary both drinking
their coffes . alec going through
the newspaper to find any
suspicious news in the mundane
world .. reading the newspaper
alec come across a headline
‘robbery at p the new York
museum …police noticed the
robbers with different tattoos ..
alec takes the photo of the article
… meanwhile magnus is busy
looking at alec with eyes
showering grace and with a very
beautiful and cute smirk
alec says ‘‘ what? Why are you
looking at me like that…it seems
you are seeing me for the first
time …’’ magnus replied .. ‘ if this
was the first time I was seeing you
.. it would be the same way I saw
you at that pub .. and I would love
you even more even then..’’
‘‘magnus you don’t leave a
chance do you ’’ alec smiles as he

Alec leaves the apartment first as

he had to attend some meetings at
the clave ..alec kisses magnus and
leaves both say ‘I love you’ and
alec leaves the house
After an hour magnus leaves too ..
he waves his hand and opens a
portal for him.. reaches in front of
his office door
‘The high warlock of alicante’
Magnus lightwood bane
He opens the door … abeautiful
view on all the four sides of his
office of Alicante, beautiful
curtains wrapped up aound , abig
cupboard with all types of wines
vodka ,martinis, old new, special
editions made by him ,a round
circular table with a bunch of
papers a computer on one side .He
takes a step in and sees a huge
bouquet on his table .. well he
knew who would have sent it than
Maryse but he wonders what
would be the reason for this ..
Maryse is having fun with luke at
venice it is indeed a beautiful city .
the bouquet had a small note
hope you and everyone are doing
well .. will be home soon.. take care
of yourself and everyone else , love
Magnus feels loved by that small note by
maryse and gets into his work . Being the
high warlock of Alicante came up with a lot
of work .. he was not used to work with
computers or screen would give him
migrains .. but he was trying to get along

Working all day long he didn’t even realize

it was 10 and he hadn’t called alec in the
entire day… well there are perks to be with
your husband in the same office and work
alongside him.Even at 10 he was talking to
Lorenzo about his

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