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Jupiter House, River Park, 42 Homestead Road, Rivonia, 2191

Tel: (010) 493 0875 | Email:

ATTENTION: Steven Kunene

Dear Steven

We are pleased to offer you employment with Motivity ICT Enablement as Shop Assistant at

Below are the terms and conditions relating to this new position.
POSITION : Shop Assistant
REPORTING TO : Regional Manager
REMUNERATION : R4 200(cost to company)
START DATE : 09 October 2023

Your performance will be evaluated in these 3 months and employment will be reviewed.

Medical Aid

The company offers medical insurance in partnership with Discovery Medical Aid Scheme. It is
compulsory for all employees to be part of a medical aid or medical insurance. The company will
contribute half of the employee towards the internal cover. Should the employee wish to cover their
extended family, this will be at the cost of the employee.

The Pension Fund

It is mandatory for an employee to be a member of the Motivity Pension Fund, which provides for
retirement benefits, disability, and life cover.

Your minimum contribution is 2,5% and the company will contribute 2,5% on the employee’s behalf.

Commission Structure
The Sales Agent commission structure is as follows: Agents 30% of their sales.

NB: The company conducts background screening checks and verifications on all new
employees and if an employee is found to have been untruthful with regards to
their credentials, the offer letter will be revoked.
Jupiter House, River Park, 42 Homestead Road, Rivonia, 2191
Tel: (010) 493 0875 | Email:

Kindly indicate your acceptance of this offer by 05 October 2023 no later than 12pm by signing the
section below.

You are employed in a Sales environment and continuous performance is non-negotiable. You will sign
against key performance indicators based on operational requirements linked to your role and these
will be formally reviewed quarterly, and non-performance will lead to disciplinary action being taken
against you.

I, __________________________________ (full name and surname),

ID number_____________________________ hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood

the contents of the above daily structure and target letter.


Yours sincerely,

Xabisa Khampha
HR Director

I _______________________________ accept your offer of employment and agree that I will

commence duty on the day 05 October 2023.

______________________________________ ___________________________

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