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Questions to Answer

1) How did this exercise make you feel? What questions, comments, etc. did it bring
up for you?

This exercise makes me feel good about what I showed my understanding from this is
that it illustrates our identities and the different ways in which we all experience power
and privilege and that flower shows our identities.

2) In which identity categories do you hold power?

The categories that I hold power over are education, race and language and I will go
into how they reflect privilege and social locations, it would definitely be better for
students like me and others whenever we are preparing for work and it can help
students who do have experiences.

3) In which identity categories do you not hold power?

I would say age because everyone can’t control age and since we are growing and
developing more stuff as we progressively grow, we can’t control that but we can get
strength and learn more from the experiences that we can have while growing up.

4) Which of these cannot be changed (for example, where you were born, your
sex), and which ones could be changed (e.g. level of education)?

As I said before the third question I put was race and it can’t change but what I think
could be changed is how we can add more categories that I think plays into the exercise
and I would also say the level of education because maybe some can depending on
what they think is possible for them.

5) How does it feel to be part of the inner or outer group (while recognizing that this
is not the same throughout but varies)?

I would say that not all are the same and each group you are in is always different even
if they have all males for females and I think that being in a group with boys and girls in
one group is suitable.
6) How and when can we be powerful even in marginalized positions? What are
some examples of this?

Developing strong and effective leaders can definitely be helpful in activities, such as
focus groups, planning and even problem-solving and the reason why I think that helps
is because of how they build a lot of people to come together.

**Each answer needs to be written in proper and full sentences. Please ensure that
your completed work does not exceed 1 ½ pages.

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