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Tropical Canine Pancytopenia: Clinical, Hematologic, and Serologic Response of Dogs to

Ehrlichia canis Infection, Tetracycline Therapy, and Challenge Inoculation

Author(s): William C. Buhles Jr., David L. Huxsoll and Miodrag Ristic
Source: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 130, No. 4 (Oct., 1974), pp. 357-367
Published by: Oxford University Press
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Accessed: 17-07-2016 14:21 UTC

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@ 1974 by the University of Chicago. All rights reserved.

Tropical Canine Pancytopenia: Clinical, Hematologic, and

Serologic Response of Dogs to Ehrlichia canis Infection,
Tetracycline Therapy, and Challenge Inoculation

William C. Buhles, Jr., David L. Huxsoll, From the Division of Veterinary Medicine,
and Miodrag Ristic Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C.;
and the Department of Veterinary Pathology and
Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

For further elucidation of the pathogenesis of tropical canine pancytopenia

(TCP), 14 German shepherd dogs were evaluated following infection with
Ehrlichia canis, therapy with tetracycline, and challenge inoculation. Nine dogs
developed severe chronic TCP, characterized by severe pancytopenia, hemorrhage,
and secondary bacterial infection. In all dogs antibody titers increased for more
than 80 days after infection, and all dogs developed hypergammaglobulinemia.
Prolonged and incomplete hematologic recovery followed termination of infection
by tetracycline therapy in dogs with severe chronic disease. After treatment levels
of serum y-globulin returned to normal. A second inoculation of treated dogs
with E. canis resulted in reinfection and hypergammaglobulinemia, but with vari-
able increases in serum antibody. Results indicate that aplastic anemia may be
important in the pathogenesis of severe chronic TCP, and that increasing antibody
titers and hypergammaglobulinemia reflect persistent infection with E. canis.
Differences in response to challenge may reflect underlying immunologic dif-
ferences between dogs with severe disease and those that do not become seriously

In 1968 an epizootic of a highly fatal hemorrhagic ical canine pancytopenia (TCP). Further investi-
disease occurred among military working dogs in gations [6-8] revealed that the severity of disease
Southeast Asia [1, 2]. The etiologic agent was appeared to be related to the breed of dog infected.
shown to be Ehrlichia canis [3, 4], a tick-borne It is now known that experimentally infected Ger-
rickettsia-like organism first described in dogs in man shepherds often develop a severe hemorrhagic
Algeria in 1935 [5]. The disease was termed trop- syndrome, but that experimentally infected beagles
do not [7]. Nonetheless, in both breeds TCP is
characterized by pancytopenia [7], persistent in-
Received for publication October 15, 1973, and in fection [7], hypergammaglobulinemia [9, 10], and
revised form April 24, 1974. systemic (primarily perivascular) plasmacytosis
In conducting the research described herein, we ad- [11-13]. These findings have led to speculation
hered to the "Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities that some of the changes seen in TCP may have
and Care," as promulgated by the Committee on the
Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care of the
an immunopathologic basis [10].
Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Experimentally infected beagles and German
Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. shepherds develop a similar acute-phase disease of
We thank Drs. Herbert L. Amyx and J. J. Kaneko for two to four weeks' duration; the acute infection is
advice, Ms. Rita Weisiger for performing the serologic characterized by mild clinical signs and a transient
tests, and L. Beller, R. Branstetter, G. Dalich, D. Eslin-
pancytopenia [7]. In beagles and some German
ger, R. Helt, T. Johnson, and A. Kleiman for excellent
technical assistance. shepherds no further clinical illness occurs, but
Please address requests for reprints to Office of the
the dogs remain infected with E. canis and are
Director, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Walter Reed classified as having mild chronic TCP. In contrast,
Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C. 20012. the majority of German shepherds develop


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358 Buhles, Huxsoll, and Ristic

marked pancytopenia, hemorrhage, peripheral Conn.). Packed cell volumes were determined by
edema, emaciation, and secondary bacterial infec- standard microhematocrit methods. One-hour
tions 50-100 days after infection. Most of these erythrocyte sedimentation rates were determined
dogs succumb as a result of hemorrhage or sec- in Wintrobe tubes.
ondary infection. This condition, which is termed Serology. Blood for serological tests was col-
severe chronic TCP, was observed in naturally in- lected weekly and stored at -20 C until tested.
fected German shepherds in Southeast Asia [1]. Serum antibodies to E. canis were determined by
Some question has existed in the past as to the indirect fluorescent antibody test recently de-
whether or not severe chronic TCP is merely a scribed by Ristic et al. [14]. All serial specimens
relapse, albeit more severe, of the earlier acute- were tested simultaneously. Sera were screened at
phase disease. We now hypothesize that the a dilution of 1:10; positive samples were serially
changes seen in severe chronic TCP have a differ- diluted twofold and titrated.
ent pathogenesis than those seen in acute TCP. Serum protein fractionation. Serum protein
To elucidate further the pathogenesis of chronic was fractionated by workers at The Upjohn Com-
TCP, we studied German shepherds with acute pany (Laboratory Procedures, King of Prussia,
and chronic E. canis infection. We determined the Pa.). Protein of selected serum samples was sepa-
clinical and hematologic response to tetracycline, rated by electrophoresis with use of cellulose ace-
the efficacy of tetracycline in clearing dogs of per- tate strips (Titan III, Helena Laboratories, Beau-
sistent infection with E. canis, and the suscepti- mont, Texas) and a Tris-barbital-sodium-barbital
bility of dogs cleared of infection to reinfection. buffer. Fractionated protein was stained with Pon-
Concomitantly we studied changes in levels of ceau S (Helena Laboratories), scanned with a
serum antibody and y-globulin before and after Quick-Scan densitometer (Helena), and quanti-
tetracycline therapy. tated with a Quick-Quant digital computer (Hel-
ena). Total protein was determined using a TS
Materials and Methods
refractometer. Serum y-globulin was expressed as
a percentage of total serum protein.
Animals. Fourteen purebred German shep- Microorganism. E. canis used in this study
herds (four males and 10 females, aged 1.0-2.5 was originally recovered from a naturally infected
years) formed the basic experimental group. Pure- German shepherd in Southeast Asia and was
bred beagles of both sexes (one to three years old) maintained by passage in laboratory-maintained
were also used. All dogs were vaccinated for ca- beagles. This isolate had been shown by passage
nine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, lepto- in splenectomized dogs to be free of Babesia spe-
spirosis, and rabies. At time of acquisition dogs cies and Hemobartonella species [15]. Initial in-
had no serum antibodies to E. canis detectable by fection of the 14 dogs in the experimental group
the indirect fluorescent antibody test [14]. Dogs was by iv inoculation of 5 ml of whole, heparin-
were housed indoors and offered commercial dry ized blood (20 units/ml) from a dog acutely ill
food and water ad lib. with TCP. Challenge inoculations were similarly
Clinical evaluation and clinical pathology. Dur- administered.

ing critical periods dogs were examined, and rec- Determination of infectivity of blood. The E.
tal temperatures were taken at least once daily; canis infectivity of blood was determined by iv in-
at other times such examinations were performed oculation of laboratory-maintained beagles with
twice or thrice weekly. Venous blood was collected 5 ml of heparinized blood. Beagles were observed
thrice weekly in sealed vacuum glass tubes (Vacu- for signs of E. canis infection by thrice weekly
tainer, Becton-Dickinson, Rutherford, N.J.) with hematologic examination for 30 days and by sero-
EDTA as anticoagulant. White blood cell (WBC) logic testing 30 and 45 days after inoculation.
and red blood cell (RBC) counts were performed Tetracycline therapy. Tetracycline hydrochlo-
on an electronic cell counter (Model B, Coulter ride was administered orally at a dosage (in two
Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, Fla.). Platelet counts doses) of 30 mg/lb/day for 14 consecutive days.
were also performed electronically (MK-4 Platelet No other antibiotic or supportive treatment was
Counter, General Sciences Corp., Bridgeport, administered to any of the test animals.

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Tropical Canine Pancytopenia 359

Analysis of hematologic data. The course of with pancytopenia but without outward signs of
infection was divided into six periods for each illness or hemorrhage were arbitrarily placed on
dog: a control period of 30 days immediately pre- tetracycline at 105 days after infection. Dogs with
ceding infection; a period of 14 days immediately mild chronic TCP were observed for 145 days
preceding onset of outward signs of severe chronic after infection and then treated. To determine sus-
TCP or initiation of treatment; and four periods ceptibility to reinfection, three dogs with severe
of 30 days each covering the 120 consecutive days chronic TCP and three dogs with mild chronic
immediately following the initiation of treatment. TCP that survived infection and treatment were
Mean platelet, WBC, and RBC counts for each challenged with the homologous strain of E. canis.
animal were calculated for each time period.
When applicable, significance of difference from Results
means calculated before infection was evaluated
by means of Student's t-test. The level of signifi- Clinical signs. All 14 dogs inoculated with E.
cance was set at P < 0.01. canis developed typical acute-phase TCP with
Experimental design. Baseline data were col- pancytopenia within 10 days after infection as
lected for 30 days. The dogs were infected with described previously [6, 7]. No signs of hemor-
E. canis and observed throughout the acute phase rhage or peripheral edema were apparent at this
of illness. Treatment was initiated in dogs with time, and all dogs regained a normal physical
severe chronic TCP at onset of either hemorrhage appearance. Nine of the 14 dogs developed severe
or edema. Dogs developing severe chronic TCP chronic TCP (table 1). The onset of severe

Table 1. Summary of clinical signs before treatment and clinical response after treatment with tetracycline
in nine dogs with severe chronic tropical canine pancytopenia (TCP).
Signs of severe chronic TCP
Geni- Hemor-
No. Depres- tal rhage
of days sion, tract from Periph-
Dog PI* signs weak- Epi- Hema- hemor- lacera- eral
no. appeared ness staxis toma rhage tions edema Clinical response to therapy
54 65 + + - - - + Improved; edema and hemorrhage stopped.
Worsened 42 days PT* and died 49 days
PT with pancytopenia.
55 76 + - + - - + Developed abscess, bacteremia; died 13
days PT.
57 105t No changes observed.
58 73 + - + - + Worsened; died with pancytopenia one day

60 95 + - - - + - Improved; hemorrhage stopped; developed

bacteremia and died 32 days PT.

61 89 -+ + + + - - Improved; hemorrhage stopped; remained

emaciated and weak for months.

64 105t - - - - - - No changes observed.

65 56 - + + - - - Improved; hemorrhage stopped; mild hem-
orrhage 90 days PT; regained normal

66 98 + - - + + - Improved; hemorrhage stopped; regained

normal appearance.
* PI = postinfection; PT = post-therapy.
t Although showing no outward signs of severe chronic TCP, these dogs had been pancytopenic for 30 days and
were treated empirically beginning 105 days after infection.

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360 Buhles, Huxsoll, and Ristic

chronic TCP was heralded by a recurrence of se- rized in table 1. Clinical signs typical of terminal
vere thrombocytopenia and leukopenia 40-80 severe chronic TCP were noted in all four dying
days after infection (figure 1). Severe chronic dogs. Necropsy performed on three of the dogs
TCP did not develop in five dogs which were clas- yielded a pathologic diagnosis of terminal severe
sified as having mild chronic TCP and in which chronic TCP with massive internal hemorrhages,
severe hematologic changes were not seen (figure evidence of secondary bacterial infections, and
2). Outward signs of illness and hemorrhage oc- generalized perivascular plasmacytosis [11, 12].
curred in seven of the nine dogs with severe Various degrees of depression, emaciation, weak-
chronic TCP 56-98 days after infection (table 1). ness, and fever persisted for 30-60 days after the
Treatment was initiated within 12-72 hr, except start of treatment in surviving dogs with severe
in dog no. 58, which, because of the equivocal chronic TCP. The five dogs with mild chronic
nature of the initial hemorrhage, was not treated TCP appeared to be normal and healthy through
until seven days after the first signs were ob- 145 days after infection. Their clinical status did
served. Dogs no. 57 and 64 did not manifest out- not change following treatment.
ward signs of illness by 105 days after infection; Six dogs were given a second inoculation of E.
however, since they had been severely thromby- canis 236 days after infection (at least 90 days
cytopenic and leukopenic for more than 30 days, after the start of treatment). Results are summa-
treatment was initiated at this time. rized in table 2. One dog died with massive intes-
Clinical responses following treatment of the tinal and serosal hemorrhages 36 days after chal-
nine dogs with severe chronic TCP are summa- lenge; this dog had pathologic lesions typical of













milonces/3thuad lm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190200 210 220) 230 240 250

Figure 1. Rectal temperature and platelet, white blood cell (WBC), and red blood cell (RBC) counts of a
German shepherd that developed severe chronic tropical canine pancytopenia after infection with Ehrlichia
canis. Note that hematologic values improved very gradually after treatment, and that cell counts were still
subnormal 160 days after treatment.

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Tropical Canine Pancytopenia 361















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250


Figure 2. Rectal temperature and platelet, white blood cell (WBC), and red blood cell (RBC) counts of
a German shepherd with mild chronic tropical canine pancytopenia. Note that the changes in this dog during
the acute phase of illness are similar to the changes noted for the dog in figure 1.

severe chronic TCP, including generalized plas- treatment) but no longer yielded the organisms
macytosis. Dog no. 64, which originally had se- 60 days after the initiation of treatment. E. canis
vere chronic TCP, and the three dogs with mild was recovered from blood of all six dogs receiving
chronic TCP responded to challenge inoculation a challenge inoculation.
with clinical (and hematologic) changes that were Hematologic changes. Before infection, dogs
milder and of shorter duration than those usually that developed severe chronic TCP had slightly
encountered in German shepherds with acute in- lower mean platelet and WBC counts and slightly
fections. higher mean RBC counts than dogs that developed
Infectivity of blood. Infectivity was deter- mild chronic TCP, but the differences were not
mined in blood of all dogs surviving the treatment significant (P > 0.10). Hematologic changes dur-
period. Blood from dog no. 55, which died 13 ing the acute phase of illness were similar in all
days after the start of therapy, did not yield E. 14 dogs (figures 1 and 2).
canis at the time of death. Blood from dogs no. During the 14-day period before treatment, all
54 and 60, which succumbed after the treatment nine dogs with severe chronic TCP had thrombo-
period, yielded no E. canis organisms 44 and 32 cytopenia (mean + SE, 9.8 - 1.8 X 103/mm3, P
days after the start of treatment, respectively. < 0.001), leukopenia (WBC, 3.57 X 103 +- 4.60
Blood from all dogs surviving severe chronic TCP X 102/mm3, P < 0.001), and anemia (RBC,
yielded no E. canis when subinoculated 44 and 4.54 + 0.33 X 106/mm3, P < 0.01, figures 1 and
104 days after the start of treatment. Blood from 3). As a group, dogs with mild chronic TCP had
all five dogs with mild chronic TCP yielded E. slightly subnormal platelet counts (1.83 X 101
canis 144 days after infection (immediately before t 2.18 X 104/mm3) and WBC counts (1.07 X

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362 Buhles, Huxsoll, and Ristic

Table 2. Results of challenge inoculation of dogs with Ehrlichia canis.

Clinical signs PC Acute hematologic changes PC of severe
Dog Physical Rectal Platelet WBC RBC chronic
no. Status appearance temper- count count count ESR TCP

Transient diarrhea ' , NC NC 4 No
Previous severe Typical acute TCP; 4 , 4, 4- 4 Yes
hemorrhage 55 days PC;
chronic TCP
normal 90 days PC
Typical acute TCP; 4 4L 4, , 4 Yes
hemorrhage 33 days PC;
died 36 days PC
53 Transient anorexia NC 4, NC NC No
62 Previous mild
Transient conjunctivitis 4, ' NC ' No
chronic TCP and anorexia

NC 4 , NC NC NC No
95 Previously Typical acute TCP 4 , , 4 No

NOTE. Dogs had previously been treated with tetracycline during chronic infection. After challenge E. canis was
recovered from all dogs. WBC = white blood cells; RBC = red blood cells; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
TCP = tropical canine pancytopenia; NC = no change; PC = postchallenge; 4' = increase; 4, = decrease.


0 -30 DAYS 31-60 DAYS 61-90 DAYS 91-120 DAYS
20 8


15 6

200 5

10 4

RBCmilonces/3 3


5 2



Figure 3. Summary of hematologic changes in 14 German shepherds that developed either severe chronic
or mild chronic tropical canine pancytopenia. Six periods are represented: a 30-day control period before in-
fection, a 14-day period immediately preceding treatment, and four periods of 30 days each after treatment.
Each symbol represents the mean cell count during one period for an individual dog. Mean platelet count:
severely ill dogs (0), mildly ill dogs (0). Mean white blood cell (WBC) count: severely ill dogs (U),
mildly ill dogs (-I). Mean red blood cell (RBC) count: severely ill dogs (A), mildly ill dogs (A).

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Tropical Canine Pancytopenia 363

104 + 1.20 X 103/mm3) before treatment, but Table 3. Time of seroconversion in 14 German

these differences were not significant (P > 0.10, shepherds infected with Ehrlichia canis.
figures 2 and 3). Days after No. of dogs No. of dogs
infection seronegative seropositive
Pancytopenia persisted in dogs with severe
Before infection 14 0
chronic TCP in spite of tetracycline therapy (fig-
7 12 2
ures 1 and 3). Dogs surviving severe chronic TCP 13 5 9
remained thrombocytopenic and leukopenic for at 20 1 13
least 120 days after therapy was begun, and two 26 1 13
42 0 14
remained anemic for that period. Anemia abated
in the other three dogs between 30 and 90 days
after commencement of treatment. Irrespective of Titers in all dogs increased from seroconversion
persistent pancytopenia, platelet, WBC, and RBC to a maximal titer at 42-98 days after infection.
counts in all five surviving dogs with severe chronic Evaluation of the geometric mean titer (GMT) of
illness gradually improved during the 120-day all dogs before treatment revealed that this value
period after therapy was begun (figure 3). All continued to increase until approximately 80 days
four dogs that died with severe disease had severe after infection (figure 4A).
pancytopenia. Several dogs with mild disease The GMT of antibody to E. canis decreased
(moderate thrombocytopenia or leukopenia) im- from 1:110 (value before treatment) to 1:56 at
proved hematologically following treatment. 100 days after treatment with tetracycline was be-
Hematologic changes following reinoculation of gun (figure 4B). Individual titers during the 81-
six dogs are summarized in table 2. Dog no. 64 100-day period after the start of treatment ranged
and the three dogs with mild chronic TCP that from 1:20 to 1:160. Titers in four treated dogs
were challenged had milder changes during the that could be evaluated for an additional 100 days
acute phase of illness than were seen during the remained essentially unchanged during this period.
period following initial infection. The titer of indirect fluorescent antibody in-
Serology. All dogs were seronegative for anti- creased in four dogs by six days and in one dog
bodies to E. canis prior to infection. The earliest by 14 days after challenge (figure 4C). In one
positive conversion occurred seven days after in- dog the titer had increased by 33 days after chal-
fection in two dogs, and all but one dog were lenge; this dog developed severe chronic TCP and
seropositive by 20 days after infection (table 3). died 36 days after challenge. The GMT for dogs

160 160 160

120 (7) 120 120 SCTCP

(1o) (5)
(13) (2) (2)
80 80 80
(5) (2)
40 40 40 NCTCP

0 20 40 60 80 100 150 0 10-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 0 20 40 60 80 100



Figure 4. Reciprocal geometric mean titers of antibody to Ehrlichia canis in experimentally infected German
shepherds. A, after initial infection with E. canis (mean -t SE of 14 dogs unless noted in parentheses);
B, after treatment with tetracycline; C, after challenge of six dogs with the homologous strain of E. canis.
Dogs are classified on the basis of response to the original infection; SCTCP = severe chronic tropical canine
pancytopenia; NCTCP = mild chronic tropical canine pancytopenia (mean of three dogs unless shown in

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364 Buhles, Huxsoll, and Ristic

with severe or mild chronic disease approximately rapid decreases in y-globulin were observed in the
doubled by 14 days after challenge. Between 21 two dogs that died with severe chronic TCP after
and 33 days after challenge, the GMT for the treatment.

three dogs with severe chronic TCP continued to In the four dogs evaluated after challenge inoc-
increase, whereas titers in all mildly ill dogs ulation with E. canis, the percentage of y-globulin
dropped to the level noted before challenge. increased from a mean (+ SE) of 10.8 + 1.4 be-
Serum protein fractionation. Changes in se- fore challenge to 26.3 _+ 3.6 at 21 days after chal-
rum protein were serially evaluated in four dogs lenge (figure 5C). However, hypergammaglob-
with severe chronic TCP and in two mildly ill ulinemia persisted in only two of the four chal-
dogs. Five of the six dogs became moderately lenged dogs; two mildly ill dogs had normal y-
hypoproteinemic between 20 and 42 days after globulin levels by 97 days after challenge.
infection, but by 63 days after infection, values
for total protein were normal. The percentage of Discussion
albumin decreased in five dogs by 20-26 days
after infection and in the remaining dog by 42 Amyx et al. [15] reported that tetracycline given
days after infection. The magnitude of these at the peak of the acute phase of experimental
changes was similar to that reported by Burghen TCP resulted in the remission of clinical and he-
et al. [10]. No significant change occurred in al- matologic signs within 14 days. In contrast, we
globulin, but four of six dogs had moderate de- found that dogs surviving severe chronic TCP
creases in percent a2-globulin and increases in (3- showed very gradual clinical improvement after
globulin during the acute phase of infection. All tetracycline treatment and that pancytopenia per-
six dogs were hypergammaglobulinemic by 20 sisted for months. This difference in response to
days after infection (figure 5A). Levels of y-glob- tetracycline supports the hypothesis that severe
ulin increased twofold from a mean (_ SE) of chronic TCP has a different pathogenesis from
10.5% + 0.72% before infection to 21.7% ++ that of acute TCP. It would appear that the tran-
3.03% 26 days after infection. Hypergammaglob- sient pancytopenia of acute-phase TCP may be
ulinemia persisted in all but one dog until treat- similar to the pancytopenia seen in kala-azar and
ment was initiated (figure 5, A and B). in some acute bacterial, rickettsial, and viral in-
After tetracycline therapy, y-globulin levels in fections [16, 17]. In these diseases cell counts
all five dogs with hypergammaglobulinemia de- decrease with a normal or hypercellular bone mar-
creased to values noted before infection, although row, indicating increased sequestration or destruc-
this return to normal took place more quickly in tion of blood cell elements rather than decreased
some dogs than in others (figure 5B). The most production. That this is the case in acute TCP is



30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10

0 20 40 60 80 150 0 20 40 60 80 180 0 20 40 60 80 100


Figure 5. Percentage of y-globulin in sera of dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis. A, after initial infection
with E. canis (mean + SE Of six dogs); B, after treatment with tetracycline (arrows indicate that dogs died);
C, after challenge inoculation with the homologous strain of E. canis (mean -+ SE of four dogs).

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Tropical Canine Pancytopenia 365

suggested by the prompt return of blood cell in the development of severe chronic TCP is in-
counts to normal after administration of tetracy- dicated by the fact that the height of antibody
cline during the early phase of illness. response, hypergammaglobulinemia, and plasma-
In contrast, the persistence of pancytopenia cytosis in dogs experimentally infected with TCP
after treatment of our chronically infected dogs follows the acute-phase illness. The chronic phase
appears to be related to impaired production of of illness does not become apparent for at least
blood cells during severe chronic TCP. Hilde- 40-60 days after infection, when levels of serum
brandt et al. [11, 12] have observed bone marrow antibody and y-globulin are markedly elevated.
hypoplasia in severe chronic TCP. In man, pancy- However, other factors must be involved, since
topenia with marrow hypoplasia, or aplastic ane- dogs with mild chronic TCP also have elevated
mia, may be idiopathic [18, 19] or may result levels of antibody and serum y-globulin.
from an idiosyncratic reaction to drugs [18-21], Titers of indirect fluorescent antibody persist
exposure to radiation [19], or infections such as after termination of infection with tetracycline,
viral hepatitis [22, 23]. Regardless of etiology, but hypergammaglobulinemia does not persist.
pancytopenia is often irreversible; patients die with The apparent correlation between the level of y-
severe hemorrhage due to thrombocytopenia or globulin and infectivity may be relevant to the
with secondary infections due to leukopenia [18, clinical diagnosis of TCP. Levels of y-globulin
19]. Patients surviving aplastic anemia may have may be useful as a diagnostic aid in differentiating
depressed cell counts for years. This long-term carrier dogs from dogs from which infection has
effect is believed to be due to severe depletion been cleared.
of hematopoietic stem cells or irreversible changes Differences between serum antibody response
in the vascular microenvironment of the bone to challenge in severely ill dogs and the response
marrow [19, 24-27], which persists in the absence in mildly ill dogs, as well as differences between
of the original causative agent. Accordingly, per- clinical and hematologic responses of these two
sistence of pancytopenia in severe chronic TCP groups after challenge, serve to suggest (within
after removal of the etiologic agent suggests that the limitations of sample size) a resistance to E.
aplastic anemia is important in the pathogenesis canis in mildly ill dogs but not in all severely ill
of the severe disease. dogs. This resistance, however, was not reflected
Tetracycline was apparently effective in clearing in the titers of indirect fluorescent antibody before
persistent E. canis infection from dogs, although challenge. Severely ill dogs reacted to challenge
it is possible that the dogs remained infected and infection almost as if they had not previously been
that either the numbers of circulating infectious exposed to E. canis. This finding may indicate
units of E. canis were too low to be detected or some degree of immunologic unresponsiveness in
viable organisms were harbored in host tissues dogs with severe chronic TCP, which again is not
other than the blood, as is believed to occur in reflected in changes in titers of indirect fluorescent
another rickettsial disease, recrudescent typhus antibody.
[28]. The fact that all dogs challenged with E. Changes in levels of antibody and y-globulin
canis became reinfected is further evidence that during TCP are similar to those in Aleutian mink
dogs were completely freed of the original infec- disease, where y-globulin levels may increase
tion after treatment with tetracycline. three- to fourfold by 30 days after infection, and
A humoral antibody response clearly occurs in titers of indirect fluorescent antibody may reach
dogs infected with E. canis, but this response does > 1:100,000 [29, 30]. Titers of antibody during
not prevent persistent infection. The continued TCP do continue to increase well into the chronic
increase in antibody titer for 80 days after infec- phase of infection, as occurs in Aleutian mink
tion, and the development of hypergammaglob- disease, and severe disease in both TCP and Aleu-
ulinemia and plasmacytosis probably reflect per- tian mink disease usually occurs two months or
sistence of the antigen and may represent an more after infection [6, 7, 29]. Further study of
excessive production of immunoglobulins, such as immunologic changes in TCP may reveal more
that which occurs in several viral diseases [29-33]. similarities with Aleutian mink disease. Unlike
That the immune response itself may be a factor the virus-induced immunopathologic diseases, in-

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366 Buhles, Huxsoll, and Ristic

fection with E. canis can be readily terminated, brandt, P. K., Nyindo, M. B. A. Serological diag-
nosis of tropical canine pancytopenia by indirect
a fact that facilitates the study of the host-parasite
immunofluorescence. Infec. Immun. 6:226-231,
15. Amyx, H. L., Huxsoll, D. L., Zeiler, D. C., Hilde-
brandt, P. K. Therapeutic and prophylactic value
of tetracycline in dogs infected with the agent of
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