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I. Sustainability and Business Ethics in a Globalized World (2)

In today's world of globalized business, concepts like sustainability, market share, transparency, and business
ethics have become increasingly important. Companies worldwide are adapting to changing consumer
preferences, working to expand their market presence, and dealing with the complexities of diversification. This
evolving landscape is also encouraging a lot of innovation.
Sustainability is no longer just a trendy word; it's now a guiding principle. Businesses are realizing their role in
caring for the environment and society. They are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact, minimize
waste, and ensure ethical supply chains. Sustainability isn't just about being ethical; it's also about attracting
environmentally-conscious consumers and investors.
Market share continues to be a critical measure of competitiveness. In a globalized environment, companies
face intense competition as they try to grow their market share. To achieve this, businesses must come up with
new products and services, maintain competitive pricing, and understand the specific needs of different
customer groups through market segmentation.
Transparency is key in today's business world. Customers expect companies to be open and honest in their
dealings. Companies that maintain high standards of business ethics by being transparent in their operations
and decision-making processes are more likely to earn trust and loyalty. This trust can have a significant impact
on market share and overall success.
Diversification has become a strategic necessity. As globalization exposes businesses to various risks like
economic fluctuations and geopolitical issues, diversifying into different markets or industries can help mitigate
these risks. However, diversification should be done thoughtfully, considering a company's core strengths and
risk tolerance.
Innovation is a driving force for staying competitive. Companies must constantly seek ways to improve
processes, develop new products, and enhance the customer experience. Innovative companies often capture
consumers' attention with fresh ideas and solutions, which can lead to a larger market share.
1. Why is sustainability important for businesses today?
2. How can market segmentation contribute to a company's market share?
3. What is the significance of transparency in business operations?
4. Why is diversification important in the globalized business landscape?
5. How does innovation impact a company's market share?
6. What are some key aspects of maintaining high business ethics?
1. Sustainability: Sustainability means doing things in a way that doesn't harm the environment or use up
resources too quickly. It's about making sure we can keep doing what we're doing for a long time
without causing damage to the Earth.
2. Market Share: Market share is how much of the customers' business a company has compared to its
competitors. If a company has a big market share, it means a lot of people are buying their products or
3. Transparency: Transparency is being open and honest in business. It's about sharing information and
decisions with customers, employees, and others so that everyone knows what's happening.
4. Globalization: Globalization is when businesses and countries around the world are connected and
work together. It means that products, ideas, and people can easily move from one place to another.
5. Diversification: Diversification is like not putting all your eggs in one basket. In business, it means
trying different things or being in different markets to reduce risk. So if one thing doesn't work well, the
company has other things to rely on.
6. Business Ethics: Business ethics is about doing the right thing in business. It's about being fair, honest,
and respectful to customers, employees, and partners. It helps build trust and a good reputation.
7. Market Segmentation: Market segmentation is dividing the big group of customers into smaller groups
based on similar things like age, interests, or location. This helps companies sell products that match
what different customers want.
8. Innovation: Innovation means coming up with new ideas or ways of doing things. In business, it's about
creating new products, improving old ones, or finding better ways to work. It's like thinking creatively to
make things better.
1. Sustainability: Sustainability refers to the practice of using resources and conducting business in a way
that meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. It
involves environmental, social, and economic considerations, aiming to minimize negative impacts on
the planet while ensuring long-term viability.
2. Market Share: Market share is the portion of a market or industry that a company or product controls in
terms of sales or revenue. It is usually expressed as a percentage and represents a company's relative
position compared to its competitors.
3. Transparency: Transparency in business refers to the practice of openly sharing information about a
company's operations, financial performance, and decision-making processes with stakeholders, such as
customers, investors, and the public. It fosters trust and accountability.
4. Globalization: Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence
among countries and economies. It involves the flow of goods, services, information, technology, and
people across national borders, leading to a more interconnected world economy.
5. Diversification: Diversification in business involves expanding a company's product or service
offerings or entering new markets to reduce risk and enhance long-term growth. It aims to balance a
company's portfolio by not relying too heavily on one product or market.
6. Business Ethics: Business ethics relates to the moral principles and values that guide the behavior of
individuals and organizations in the business world. It involves making ethical decisions and conducting
business in a socially responsible and morally upright manner.
7. Market Segmentation: Market segmentation is the process of dividing a larger market into smaller,
distinct groups (segments) based on common characteristics or needs. It allows businesses to tailor their
products, marketing strategies, and services to specific customer groups for more effective targeting.
8. Innovation: Innovation involves the creation and implementation of new ideas, products, services, or
processes that bring added value to a business or society. It often entails finding creative solutions to
problems or introducing novel approaches to meet changing customer demands.

1. Apple Inc.: Known for its iconic products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers, Apple is one of the
world's largest and most profitable technology companies.
2., Inc.: Amazon is a global e-commerce and technology giant that offers a wide range of
products and services, including online retail, cloud computing, and streaming entertainment.
3. Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft is a leading technology company known for its Windows operating
system, Office suite, and cloud services like Azure.
4. Facebook, Inc.: Facebook, along with its subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp, is a dominant player in
social media and online communication.
5. Nestlé S.A.: Nestlé is a multinational food and beverage company known for brands like Nestlé Pure
Life water, Nescafé coffee, and Kit Kat chocolate bars.
6. The Kraft Heinz Company: Known for its diverse portfolio of food and beverage products, Kraft
Heinz includes brands like Heinz ketchup, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, and Oscar Mayer.
7. Nike: Nike, Inc. is primarily a multinational corporation specializing in the design, development,
manufacturing, and marketing of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories. It is one of the
world's leading sportswear and athletic shoe brands. Nike's core business is in the sportswear and
athletic footwear industry, and it is known for its innovative products and athletic endorsements.
8. Adidas: Adidas AG is another major player in the sportswear and athletic footwear industry. Similar to
Nike, Adidas designs, manufactures, and markets a wide range of athletic products, including footwear,
apparel, and sports accessories. The company is known for its sporty and stylish products and is a direct
competitor to Nike.
9. General Motors (GM): General Motors is one of the largest and most well-known automobile
manufacturers in the world. It operates in the automotive industry, producing and selling a wide range of
vehicles under various brand names, including Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, and Buick. GM is involved in
the design, production, and distribution of cars, trucks, and SUVs.
10. Chanel: Chanel is a luxury fashion brand and one of the world's most prestigious fashion houses. It
specializes in haute couture, ready-to-wear clothing, accessories, perfumes, and cosmetics. Chanel is
recognized for its timeless and elegant designs, particularly in high-end fashion and fragrances. The
company operates in the luxury goods and fashion industry.

Plan for the oral group presentation “X organization in the diversified world” (with
I. Short history of a company: the founder, mission, vision, values, structure, the
timeline, products, brands, etc.
II. The past 3 years (after Pandemic years): changes, diversifications, markets,
products and services, technologies, challenges, threats, turnover, profit, etc.
III. The NEW future tendencies: sustainability, transparency, innovation, diversity
of markets, etc.

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