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If it is emptiness, then emptiness itself is in this world.

To some extent, it is shared by everyone.

Everything is like everyone inside me.
It is everything within each and every one of us.
"Spring and Carnage" Prologue.
I am simply watching the falling cherry blossoms.
In that scenery, there was no sadness or pain.
So, why didn't I cry?
The faint pink petals dancing in the wind were certainly beautiful, but to me, they
only felt like that.
Amidst the scent of cherry blossoms that is somewhat unpleasant - no, cherry
blossoms do not have such a strong fragrance - a coffin is carefully carried by
people's hands.
The corpse of my father, lying amidst the beauty of cherry blossoms,
was nothing but ugly.
It couldn't even fulfill the role of enhancing the beauty of the cherry blossoms.
The corpse of my father packed in a wooden box.
What kind of world can be seen from within the box?
The end of his world.
The vanishing point of the world he believed in.
The cherry blossom forest.
The wind blows.
Cherry blossoms dance.
The spring sky is dyed a pale pink.
Its appearance is beautiful.
While my vision is blurred by the pale pink petals pouring down on the funeral
hall, I bid farewell to my only blood relative, my father's coffin.
With the modest conclusion of the funeral attended only by those involved, a
tentative end is put to my father's life.
Now, tears do not flow from my eyes standing in the cherry blossom forest.
And I cannot find any feeling of sadness.
There is no sadness in the scenery from here.
I wonder how the people around me are feeling?
Are they also sad?
Is their heart in pain?
However... as I gaze upon the corpses beneath the falling cherry blossoms, there is
something that inevitably comes to mind.
A momentary crack runs through my heart.
The image of cherry blossoms that my father painted...
My father, who left countless works in this world,
Only painted one cherry blossom.
Nevertheless, that one piece was considered his masterpiece.
Not any other subject matter, but that one piece made him an immovable artist.
- Lying cherry blossoms
As the title suggests, this painting was
A twisted, prostrating image of cherry blossoms on the ground.
It completely evokes thoughts of the dead.
The cherry blossoms on their deathbed--
Taking on the appearance of scattering white in the dim darkness.
Of course, there is no such strange cherry tree here.
It is nothing more than a familiar spring landscape.
Nevertheless, the cherry blossom forest adorned with that man's death
Seemed to be blooming with eerie "usuzakura" pale cherry blossoms, as if under the
curse of the lying cherry blossoms.
Apart from "The Lying Cherry Blossoms," that man did not publish any other cherry
blossom paintings.
Nevertheless, his general image was that of cherry blossoms, and he himself loved
cherry blossoms.
The critics say.
A still and beautiful world. A moment of imminent death.
The towering old cherry tree, scattering pale cherry blossoms, is like a decaying
corpse emitting a putrid smell, and it is also a transparent eternal death.
It is both beautiful and ugly, the very image of death.
I have come across such sentences in magazines several times.
Since they are said by highly esteemed and intelligent people called critics, it is
probably true.
I don't really understand it myself,
and I don't really want to understand it either.
But there is something even I can understand.
The scenery that is present in this moment.
Underneath this forest where cherry blossoms bloom, there is no such complex aspect
to his lifeless body being carried away.
It is too obvious of a contrast.
Beautiful cherry blossoms and ugly corpses.
Only the strong scent of blooming and corpses soaked in preservatives that kill the
smell of decay.
Under the cherry blossom forest.
I now remembered that painting.
And I thought about it for a moment.
The scenery from here and that person's painting,
But not because they are the same.
It was recalled precisely because they are fundamentally different.
That's the conclusion I reached.
The death of the man who depicted the extraordinary figure of the cherry blossom
ended with an ordinary funeral.
Perhaps, thinking that way was just a childish delusion of achieving the most
humiliating revenge against Kenichiro Kusanagi...
Actually, I don't really understand that either.
I don't really understand, but...
Either way, it was the day when the only person connected by blood to me
disappeared from the world.
That was the only thing that was certain.
"It's over, Naoya..."
"Yeah, it's over..."
"It was tough..."
"No, not really..."
"This is the second time for a family funeral, but nothing difficult happened..."
With a sad expression, a face that looks like that of a young girl peers at me.
Moist eyes... translucent skin.
If a man who knows nothing is stared at with such an appearance and expression, he
might not be able to remain calm just from that.
However, knowing the gender of the owner of this beautiful face, if it is the same
gender, it is thought that a different emotion would fill them.
Of course, this person is not a young girl or anything.
His name is Kei Natsume. He is a man.
"Kei, please don't look at me with that face..."
"Naoya... what's wrong?"
"I feel a little... uncomfortable..."
"What's wrong? Are you feeling sick, Naoya?"
"Yeah... maybe..."
I looked up at the sky... and gazed at the falling cherry blossoms.
"It was different, actually..."
"Different? How so?"
"I couldn't tell Kei the truth..."
"W-What do you mean by 'truth,' Naoya?"
"Because... I couldn't say that your face is creepy, no matter what..."
"W-What did you say?!"
"If you stare at me with such a creepy face, of course I'll feel bad... I can't say
that out loud..."
"What?! My face isn't creepy! That's so mean, out of nowhere!"
"W-Why are you saying what I was thinking?!"
"Ah! Damn it! I was trying to say it in my monologue to not hurt Kei... Oh, I see!
Kei was so creepy that my inner thoughts leaked out (monotone)."
"What's that?! It's mean to say I'm creepy! Correct it! Correct it! If you don't
correct it, I'll... waaah, I'll kill you!"
"Ahahaha, don't hug me! I'll kill this creepy creature!"
"What?! It's you who's going to be killed! Waaah! You're so annoying, always saying
irritating things!! I'm not hugging you! I'm attacking you! Take this!"
"Ouch... You're a dangerous one..."
"It's because Naoya makes fun of me... Saying I'm creepy, how dare he?!"
"But... well..."
Our eyes meet.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Oh no! What is that! I can't stand it anymore!"
I couldn't control my own emotions and ended up laughing.
"Ahahahahahaha! W-wait! There's a reason for this! Ahahahahaha!"
"What kind of reason is that! Laughing at someone's face!"
"Ah, I see, they say laughter and fear are two sides of the same coin, right?"
"W-What do you mean by that?"
"Ah, well, you attacked me, and I got scared, you know."
"I attacked you? Scared?"
"Yeah, I laughed out of sheer fear...
You were just too terrifying."
"I-I see? I-I was that scary? That terrifying? I-I see? Sorry..."
For some reason, Kei Natsume laughs happily.
He seemed delighted by the fact that he had "feared."
"That's right. When a man like me, overflowing with chivalry, shows his strength,
of course, it's scary."
"A man overflowing with chivalry..."
Kei Natsume emphasizes his own "manliness" by making repetitive statements.
I felt a little sorry for him.
The creature known as Kei Natsume only appears as a woman.
However, he refuses to accept this fact at all.
Kei is a man who cannot see reality...
Watching him like that...
It's too sad, so...
"Don't laugh like that... Naoya, I'm not that scary. I'm kind to Naoya, right?
"Certainly, I do seem a little strong, and in reality, I am strong..."
"Hey, something about you... Are you not lying?"
"Based on what?"
"Excessive anything is as bad as not enough."
"I must not go too far."
"I will return to my usual calm self."
"There's no way I would lie...haha"
"What are you laughing at! You're definitely making fun of me, Naoya!"
Damn it.
Somehow, I made him laugh with my eyes.
"Uwaa! I'll kill you! Kill you! I'll seriously kill you! Deeper than the sea!
Higher than the mountains! Wider than the sky, I'll kill you!"
"Ahahaha! It tickles! It tickles! Ahahaha!"
"What's so ticklish! I'm hitting you!"
"Ahahahaha! Stop it! Please stop!"
"Huff, huff, I thought I was going to die laughing..."
"Naoya... it hurts. My head is throbbing..."
"Ah... yeah. It's because I hit you."
"Why did you hit me? It hurts..."
"Well, you attacked me first."
"M-my attacks are filled with love! They don't hurt!"
"Ahahaha, it's because you're weak. You bastard."
"Uwaa! That's mean! Calling me a bastard and making fun of me just because I don't
have leg hair!"
"I-I didn't say that..."
"Haa, haa, haa, phew..."
"Haa, haa, haa..."
The slight chill of the wind still lingers. It's midday in April.
Under the falling cherry blossoms, Kei and I were lying down.
I could see the sky.
And I could see the cherry blossoms.
The wind blows.
The cherry blossoms scatter.
The field of vision is filled with petals...
And then,
Clouds are drifting.
Clouds are drifting in the vast sky...
"It's nothing... It's nothing..."
"That's right... It's nothing important..."
Kei silently gazes at me.
"So, please stop doing that..."
"I'm not good with gloominess. You should know that much..."
"I understand. I mean, I think I understand..."
"If you understand, then stop making that gloomy face..."
"A gloomy face has nothing to do with the economy..."
"Maybe so, but your face doesn't become funny or strange because of economic
"Hey! Before that, my face is not funny or strange!"
"Is that so?"
"Why do you make such a mysterious face?!"
"Because it's mysterious, isn't it?"
"It's not mysterious at all!"
"Then why does your face change in such a funny way?"
"My face doesn't change in a funny or strange way!"
"Is that so?"
"Why are you repeating the conversation?"
"Because it's strange, isn't it?"
"It's not strange! This conversation is over! You can't say things like that,
Kei turned away, looking displeased.
I chuckled and then looked up at the sky.
The spring sky...
The spring sky enveloped by cherry blossoms.
"But still... Kei."
"What's wrong?"
"The cherry blossoms are beautiful..."
"Cherry blossoms?"
"Ah, that's right... cherry blossoms..."
I mutter quietly while gazing at the pale pink petals blooming in the piercing blue
Kei also follows my gaze.
Cherry blossom petals dance in the wind, swirling high up in the sky.
"Ah, this year's cherry blossoms are incredibly beautiful..."
"This year's cherry blossoms are... the best."
The cherry blossoms that seemed to bloom the same way every year.
Certainly, as Kei said, this year's cherry blossoms seemed incredibly beautiful to
me too.
Even to Kei, these cherry blossoms appear beautiful.
In that case, did the image of our father packed in a wooden box also appear ugly
to Kei?
Or perhaps...
"Art imitates nature..."
"Nature imitates art..."
"What's that? It's completely the opposite, isn't it?"
"Ah, yes."
"What does that mean?"
"Well, it doesn't really matter."
The man who painted "Lying Sakura".
My father was a "world-renowned artist".
A world-renowned artist.
In this day and age, is there any other dubious-sounding title like this?
It's impossible.
That's why he was also known as a dubious artist.
Entrepreneur, swindler, scam artist, and artist.
There were multiple names for Kenichiro Kusanagi.
He was also a globally famous person, but...
It was also a symbol of suspiciousness.
Only felt different when they saw that painting.
Every person who saw that painting thought this way.
"This beauty is real."
"This emotion is real."
The painting "Lying Sakura."
Many people speak ill of him, but there are not many who speak ill of that
"Yokotawaru Sakura" was such a work.
Kenichiro Kusanagi was such an artist.
The relationship with my old man was decisively severed by his death.
The last connection with him was a passbook with a large amount of money deposited,
enough to live comfortably for a lifetime.
A few months before he died.
I was shown that passbook.
At that moment, I thought.
Ah... I see...
With this, I can play and live for the rest of my life.
That man is rich, after all.
So, if I inherit the inheritance, I will become rich.
It's a dream life that everyone longs for.
Even after graduating from school, I don't have to struggle with job hunting.
In society,
The era of job scarcity is everyday life!
If you fail the interview, it's the end!
It is said that it is difficult to find employment.
Even if you enter society, it's tough, but they won't let you in.
In such a world, I don't have to work.
I have been liberated from labor.
This is what they call the winning group.
To put it coolly, it's like being a high-class vagabond!
Truly, every day is like Sunday.
Wonderful days.
Hello, world.
Yay. Yay.
I thought so.
Certainly, at that time... I thought so.
But now, I don't even feel that way anymore.
Every landscape appears flat to me.
"I wonder why..."
"Why am I so flat..."
Seeing me like that, Kei peeks in with a worried expression.
I smile wryly and assure Kei that there's nothing to worry about.
The reason for my flat emotions.
The reason everything feels distant.
Probably, it's because...
That is likely the cause.
I felt that way...
It was when I was shown the passbook for the last time.
In front of the estate administrator, I said this.
"I cannot accept this money..."
"There is no connection between me and Kenichiro Kusanagi to the extent that I can
accept this money..."
"No connection..."
"Isn't it true that Naoya and Mr. Kusanagi are indeed father and son... so why?"
Everyone present was looking at me with surprised faces.
Of course.
I, the only blood relative, said that I would not accept the entire inheritance of
a world-renowned artist...
The only man in front of me was staring at me with sharp eyes.
The man introduced himself as the administrator of Kenichiro Kusanagi.
Of course, I had no acquaintance with this man.
In fact, I didn't even understand what kind of relationship I had with Kenichiro.
"What do you mean by 'no relationship'?"
"Kenichiro Kusanagi and I... we are complete strangers..."
"Complete strangers?"
"Yeah, that's why I can't accept this money."
The scene became restless.
I could tell that everyone there was shaken.
I looked at it and bowed my head...
And smirked.
That's right...
I won't accept billions of inheritance.
"Because my father and I don't have that kind of relationship..."
For that reason... I won't accept it.
The son of a great artist.
Naoya Kusanagi.
In other words, me.
It looks cool...
I look cool now...
Anyone would admire someone like this.
"A pure spirit untouched by money"
"Happiness cannot be bought with money"
My appearance, as if declaring it to them,
is like the climax of a story.
Maybe my spirit was a little uplifted.
Let me say it as an excuse.
It was just a momentary impulse.
I wonder if it would look cool if I tried it...
Maybe it was just a casual idea.
Besides, it's like a Japanese beauty thing, so at first, it might be better to
decline for now.
After all, it's a fortune of several billion.
And it's my father's money, whom I'm not really close with.
The people here are all strangers too,
so it might be a good idea to decline for now.
If I had to say yes or no, it would probably be yes.
(What are you saying? Seriously!)
(No, no, don't say that, I really have to!)
(Please receive this!)
(The legacy left by the world-renowned artist Kenichiro Kusanagi includes many
(This is something that only the sole blood relative, Naoya-sama, should receive.)
(Hmm, is that so?)
(I wonder... Maybe that's true.)
(If you put it that way, well, I guess there's no helping it.)
(Certainly, I am connected to him by blood...)
(If everyone insists, shall I accept it then?)
Here it is!
Isn't this just common Japanese etiquette?
I decline once.
However, the other party does not back down.
They continue to insist, "Please accept it."
At a suitable timing,
I gratefully accept it, saying "Well then."
Isn't that the essence of Japanese aesthetic sense?
The trustee nodded with sparkling blue eyes.
That person was a foreigner.
My name is Marty Friedman.
I didn't understand the beautiful manners of Japan from those barbarians.
Even if I were to teach them!
This white pig bastard.
Friedman is thin and cool, but...
As soon as he heard my words, he promptly prepared the documents for renouncing the
And then...
"Now, sign it, Soujiro Naganuma."
Everyone present is paying attention.
I must not overlook any of my actions...
I was feeling an unprecedented sense of tension.
What is this?
What is going on?
I sensed it.
I understood everything.
"<r was> set up!"
I screamed in my mind.
It's too late,
How lovely.
It's not funny!
There's no charm!
The smile disappeared from me, and instead, a rush of sweat flowed.
"Definitely strange."
It's strange in terms of planning.
This wasn't the scenario!
Wasn't it a scenario that should have been confirmed at least three times?
That would have been the correct progression!
I thought about it, but I asserted too confidently.
"That was a lie!"
"Forget what I just said!"
"I want money!"
"I'll even get naked here if I can get money!"
"Actually, please let me get naked!"
Unable to say such things...
This me...
"With this, Kenichiro Kusanagi and I have no relationship..."
"Please don't have anything to do with me from now on..."
With those words, he left the room.
Since that day...
I completely cut off all ties with Kenichiro Kusanagi.
Is it because of that...
That my heart has become so flat...
That all the scenery has become flat...
"Hey, Naoya, Naoya!"
"W-What's wrong all of a sudden!"
"Ah, ah, sorry. I was remembering various things..."
"I, I shed a lot of tears... I guess my father's death is really sad."
"Tears? Did they flow?"
"No, it was a nosebleed..."
"I see..."
"Even though my heart is so flat... my body ends up bleeding."
"Yeah... maybe the body is more honest than the heart..."
No matter how flat my heart is... my body remembers that moment honestly.
(I should have begged on my knees naked and taken the money after all!)
Yes, my body is screaming and bleeding.
"However, there are times when a man cannot do that."
"There are times when you have to endure..."
"N-Naoya... you look kind of cool... Yeah, men should shed blood, not tears!"
"Hey, how long are you guys going to keep up with that comedy routine?"
"Ah, Ai?"
"Big sis, you still haven't come back?"
"They're calling you Natsume-sensei outside. My brother has no memory at all."
"Anyway, Kusanagi... it was tough this time, huh?"
The woman who appeared beside Kei, her jet-black beautiful hair swaying, lightly
bowed her head towards me.
"No... I'm the one who has been taken care of by Ran in various ways."
"Ah, no, it's not about the funeral, it's about renouncing the inheritance."
"What's that?"
How does Ran know about it?
It should be something that only a few people know...
"I was surprised when I first heard it, but when I thought about it, I thought it
was just like you."
"Oh, is it like me... maybe..."
Is it like me...
Even from Ran's perspective, I must appear that way as a person...
A noble spirit that is unwavering in the face of money.
Without being swayed by worldly matters, they adhere to their own sense of beauty.
I suppose that's how I appear as a person.
"Because it's you, I thought to myself, 'You're kind of cool,' and said it. Then I
ended up in a situation where I couldn't back down, right?"
"What are you basing that on?"
"I-I-I don't understand the meaning."
"You're clearly shaken..."
"I-I-I'm not shaken!"
"It doesn't matter, but why do you have to use that kind of language...?"
"Ah, it's because Aoi says crazy things..."
"Phew... What a mess. You're the one who's a mess. Normally, you wouldn't do
something like that..."
"Even though I've been watching you all this time."
"I pretty much understand why you did that..."
"Why did you do such a ridiculous thing..."
"Even someone as dull as me can understand..."
"S-So, what are you talking about?"
"About renouncing the inheritance. Are you pretending not to know now?"
"P-Pretending? I have no idea what you're talking about..."
"Oh, I see... So you're just pretending."
"I was going to tell you how to invalidate the document for renouncing the
inheritance, but oh well."
"Huh? Seriously? Are you serious? No way, tell me! I'll even get naked and kneel
"I'm really disgusted..."
"N-No, that was... What was that? Do you like being naked or something..."
"Are you an exhibitionist!"
"That's right!"
"Don't say random things out of desperation! You idiot! You're only cornering
yourself even more!"
"But if I don't do that... damn it, damn it..."
"You wanted money after all, huh..."
"Yeah, that's right. I really wanted money. I wanted money so badly it was driving
me crazy..."
"What's money? What's this talk about abandoning an inheritance?"
"Kusanagi, well, Kusanagi Kenichiro completely abandoned his inheritance."
"Is that so...? So, how much is this inheritance?"
"About 1.5 billion yen."
"It was just a moment of impulse..."
"Why did you do something so reckless?"
"So I'm saying it was just a whim... or rather, it shook my sense of Japanese
aesthetic or ethics, or artistic judgment... those noble things, you know..."
"Noble things shook my judgment. Hey..."
"Ah, I see. But now I understand. How important money is..."
"Money is heavier than the soul, heavier than life. Without money, it's like losing
your head. The world moves with money. The world is a collective of money..."
"I can't believe such a statement came from someone with a noble sense of
"I don't care about that! Money is important!"
"Don't make such a reckless statement. It makes me sad... Besides, isn't your
sister going to do something about it?"
"Ah, yes. Thank you, Ai. With this, I am rich... With money, I can buy everything.
With money, I can control everything. I'm glad, really glad."
"I'm glad, Naoya."
"I'm glad. I'm really glad."
"It's a lie."
"A lie?"
"That was a lie."
"Was that a lie?"
"I don't know how to invalidate the renunciation of inheritance."
"Is there a way for me to become a son-in-law of the I family?"
"Stop escaping from reality... Money won't come back. And if you were just showing
off, it's one thing, but even signing it politely, there's no way money will come
"There's no way money will come back."
"There's no way."
"Um, um... Hey, Naoya... Let's face reality. There's no point in escaping from
reality, right?"
"Wha...t... the... heck?"
"That's right. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't get my hands on the
"What did you say?! You're telling me no matter what I do, I can't get the
"Too late..."
"In other words, Aoi! You deceived me, didn't you?!"
"Are you an idiot...? There's no way a teacher like me would know such a method."
"Grr... You played with my heart..."
"It's because you act so unreasonable all the time."
"Ugh, my money, my inheritance, a windfall like that... and I put in so much effort
to add to it."
"You brought it upon yourself..."
"What an idiot."
"I don't want to hear that from you!"
"Well, it's fine. It's very Kasuga-like."
"Grr, you still going to say it? Are you still planning to call me an idiot?"
"I've told you many times. I've been watching you all along..."
"So you think you can see through my idiocy, huh!"
"Well... I've seen enough to know that you're an idiot."
"You guys are really stubborn..."
"What do you mean by 'you guys' since earlier?"
"Oh, well, I might have been a little stubborn..."
"A little? Both of you are incredibly stubborn and full of pride..."
"I should thank or maybe apologize to you two stubborn people. No, it might be an
"What's that supposed to mean..."
"I couldn't do anything this time either..."
"I'm powerless. What have I been doing all this time..."
"...Are you stupid? You shouldn't know about that..."
"There shouldn't be any more problems, right?"
"If that's the case, there's no need to say anything. Everything has become new."
"Besides, we shouldn't expose the true face of someone playing the clown.
I don't know what kind of sweat they've shed, but they probably never want to show
what's behind the stage."
"A clown... Is that what we call it?"
"Ah, a clown is the trump card.
"No matter what adversity, it's the clown's role to turn the tables in one shot."
"If the game is different, it can even be a matter of life or death."
"But well, that game is already over. The result of the match is now."
"I don't know. That's why I can't say thank you or apologize...
Even though it's a debt that I can never repay in my lifetime..."
"It's been the same since that time..."
"Oh no, it's a disaster!"
"Wow, that surprised me. W-What's wrong, Kei?"
"Oh, it's nothing important."
"So, what's the matter?"
"A mysterious young ○ suddenly appeared and acted older than their age, so I
couldn't help but raise my voice."
"Oh... Kei."
"Is this the influence of Kusanagi's sharp tongue?"
"If you do something that doesn't suit you, you'll die..."
"But, but, it's because my sister interrupted! We were having an important
conversation, me and Naoya!"
"An important conversation?"
"That's right! It was my sister who told us to talk about it..."
"That conversation... what was it? Weren't you finished yet?"
"Don't say we weren't finished yet! There are subtleties in things, you know!"
"It's not something simple."
"So, what's the story?"
"Well, you know, I'm not sure where to start... Hey, Naoya. I don't know how to
explain it, you know... um..."
"Is it such a complicated story?"
"Hmm. It's not complicated, but, you know, it's difficult to explain in words..."
"Come live with me."
The world freezes for about three seconds.
"When you say 'me,' who exactly are you referring to?"
"This is the Natsume residence."
"The Natsume residence? What is that?"
"It's my place."
"Your place...?"
"It's the Natsume mansion in Koonoha. You know that, don't you?"
"I know, but... the Natsume mansion in Koonoha..."
"Hey, Aoi..."
"See! Big sis doesn't understand subtlety! You're being too direct! Naoya is
getting confused!"
"Kei, don't butt in."
"Ah, wait, wait, let's stop fighting."
"Um, what is that? So, 'Won't you come to my place' means that you want to trouble
the Natsume family, Aoi and Kei's family, right?"
"That's right..."
"Does that mean today?"
"I don't mind starting from today."
"Starting from today... until when?"
"Until you become independent."
"From now on, until we graduate from school, we're saying let's all live together
at my place."
"Aoi, listen..."
"You know the Natsume mansion well, don't you?"
"That's obvious... but, Aoi."
"It might be urgent, and you might feel that way... but I'm saying this after
thinking it through."
"After thinking it through..."
"Besides, you don't have any money, right?"
"Yeah, I don't have any money! It's laughable!"
"You don't have to emphasize it like that..."
"Then why don't we live together?"
"That's not the issue..."
"Even just that would be reason enough to live together."
"That might be true, but..."
"I'm not saying it's impossible, but..."
"Definitely live together!"
That's all I can say."
"Are you saying it's impossible?"
"Kusanagi, I've always thought of you as my real younger brother, just like Kei.
That's why I wanted to live together..."
"Live together..."
"Ah, yes. I wanted to live together again, like back then."
"That was a long time ago..."
"Ah, yes... but I don't have such memories."
"It's not like that..."
Aoi smiles a little happily at my words.
With that smile, I feel a little lighter.
"Well, it's a happy story in various ways.
I have my own home."
"That house is important to me."
"I understand. I understand... I know what that house means to you... but..."
"You know, Natsume's mansion is huge! There are even vacant rooms, and there's a
warehouse that can be used as an atelier! You can easily live there!"
"Well, I admit that even if one more person lives in that mansion, it won't be
"Then let's live together!"
"No, that's a different story..."
"But with Kenichiro Kusanagi dead, you're all alone, aren't you?"
"It's true that I have no family, but being alone is nothing new for me."
"I've been alone ever since my mother died..."
"Naoya... that's not what I mean. I'm talking about something simpler."
"No, I understand. I understand. I know what Kei wants to say... but it's
"I'm sorry... it was a tempting invitation..."
Aoi grabs my head and embraces me.
I couldn't even resist her sudden action.
"Hey, Aoi?"
"Yeah, maybe I was a bit selfish..."
"Kusanagi still hasn't forgiven that person..."
"...That person?"
"I guess that can't be helped..."
"...S-so, it's not like I have any feelings towards that person..."
"If possible, please don't hold too much resentment towards Kenichiro-san..."
"This is just a request, but I hope you don't hold too much resentment towards your
"...Everyone, always defending him, huh..."
"Defending him?"
"Even my mother... she said the same thing until the end."
"Heh... ahahaha... I see, I guess you could say that..."
"You could say that. It's usually women who defend him..."
"I see, you're frustrated because he took your mother away?"
"No way, that's ridiculous."
"And I don't know what you're misunderstanding, but if you don't truly resent him,
there's nothing to forgive..."
"Geez... despite that, everyone keeps defending that man..."
"It's rare to see Kusanagi, who is always expressionless, become so visibly
"That's not true..."
"Well, that person was popular, so it can't be helped."
"In that sense, it might be better to be resented a little. That person..."
"What do you mean? I don't understand."
"Hahaha, is that so?"
"It's been a long time since I've been embraced like this by Aoi."
When we were kids, Aoi often embraced my head like this.
I found it annoying to be treated like a kid by Aoi, but honestly, it made me happy
The only one who would do something like that for me was my deceased mother...
Aoi is now a teacher at the school I attend. But Aoi was like an older sister to me
when I was young.
When I was little, I was cheeky and thought I knew everything about the world, even
though I was just a child...
Only she would forgive me for being like that.
Since that day...
Aoi was the only one who truly forgave me from the bottom of her heart.
"Alright, stop patting people's heads..."
"Don't be embarrassed."
"You're annoying..."
"And what's with living together..."
"It means that Kei, Ai, and I live under the same roof, right?"
"Oh, yeah, that's not all. My younger sister has come back."
"Younger sister?"
"Yeah, she came back last month.
"Now we live together in Natsume's mansion."
"Ah, I see, your younger sister. So you had a younger sister."
"Well, around here it's the Natsume family... ahaha."
Ai laughs awkwardly.
"So what's your sister's name?"
"Her name is Shizuku."
"Shizuku... a droplet, huh..."
"Huh? What's wrong? Naoya, you've never met Shizuku before, right?"
"No, I haven't."
"I see. It's just that when I heard the name Shizuku, I felt like I understood..."
"No, it's nothing like that. I just thought it was an interesting name, that's
"So, what's the deal? You're not just going to let some stranger into your house,
right? Someone you've never met?"
"If that's the case, then there's no problem. Of course, I've also received
Shizuku's consent."
"Ah, that idiot. Don't just easily agree to let someone you don't even know live
under the same roof..."
"Huh? So, you do know Shizuku?"
"I don't know. That's why I said we've never met."
"He's giving off a strange reaction, huh."
"Well, for now, it seems like the Natsume family is fully prepared."
"Phew, I see."
"Seems like it, yeah..."
"Well, even if you suddenly say something like that, I think it's natural to be
confused... Please think it through carefully."
"Ah, I got it. I got it..."
"But for now, today is over..."
"So I want to rest..."
"Yeah, that would be nice..."
"Anyway, it's just ended, after all..."
"Well... it's over. Even that person's funeral..."
Saying that, Aoi looked up at the sky.
Above, there was a chimney sticking out over the cherry blossom forest.
Smoke was still rising from it.
"Since it just ended, it's okay to start something new a little later..."
"That's right, Kenichiro..."
"Alright, I'm waiting for a good answer!"
"What kind of answer would be good for you..."
"That's obvious. It's an answer to live with us."
"Don't say that. If you say that..."
"It's honestly disgusting..."
"What did you say?!"
"By the way, Kei, it's almost five o'clock."
"Whaaat?! Oh no, I-I have to go get my bike!"
"What are you panicking about?"
"This funeral hall seems to be run by the city, so the parking lot closes at five."
"Then you should hurry... it'll close in five minutes."
"Aaah, this is bad!"
Saying that, Kei disappeared towards the parking lot next to the funeral hall.
"Well then, I should also head home soon..."
"Um, hey... Aoi."
"Hm? What is it, Kusanagi?"
"Ah, well... it's nothing..."
"What is it? If you have something to say, say it quickly..."
"Thank you for coming to his funeral..."
"Haha... what's that supposed to mean?"
"W-What do you mean? It's obvious, I was just thanking you."
"Heh, heh... you're not being honest, are you..."
"Why does it have to turn out like this!"
"Then why do you look away and say it in a sulky manner..."
"Kusanagi... no, Naoya..."
"What is it..."
"You haven't changed at all..."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"The cherry blossom forest here feels like it's in full bloom..."
"Don't change the subject..."
"Cherry blossoms bloom and scatter the same way no matter how many times you see
"Even though they are not the same... the cherry blossoms from 10 years ago and the
cherry blossoms from yesterday are blooming in the same way..."
"I can't help but think that maybe they are the same..."
"But probably not."
"Cherry blossoms have probably been blooming the same way for hundreds, thousands,
even tens of thousands of years..."
"Even if no one sees them, they still bloom just like last night..."
"Since a long time ago..."
"That's why I think cherry blossoms are terrifying..."
"When you and I first met... cherry blossoms were blooming."
"It was like a forest of fully bloomed cherry blossoms..."
"Ah... because I was born in April."
"I was really happy at that time..."
"Even though I should have been regretful,
I was truly, truly happy..."
I was actually regretful.
I don't understand the meaning of that.
But somehow, I could sense the meaning from her expression.
Why did she feel both regret and happiness...?
"The spring-colored sky of a hypothetical world
A blind, causal exchange of electric lights"
"Brightly, brightly, brightly, it lights up"
"Watermelon's electric stone"
"Intersection of sound and language"
"In an increasingly colorful world"
"The seven cherry blossoms overtook"
"They overtook me"
"Before the landscape, I am not"
"Before me, the landscape is not"
"Chasing, catching up, disappearing"
"The world is enveloped in a soft, fluffy way and disappears"
"The world rang in the fluffy cherry blossom forest."
"The world rang with beautiful melodies."
"And if it is nothing – nothing itself is as it is –
And so to an extent is shared by everyone –
All is within me – everyone
So everyone within each one – all"
"That poem ends with a quote from Kenji Miyazawa's 'Spring and Carnage -
"It is said to have made his work, commonly known as 'Sakura no Uta,' even more
difficult to understand."
"How does it sound to Naoya? This poem?"
"It's not like... I have any reason to think about the meaning of the words left by
that man..."
"However, when I hear that poem, it reminds me of his catchphrase."
What is mind? No matter.
What is matter? Never mind.
"What is mind? ...What is the heart? No matter. It is not material. What is matter?
What is material? Never mind. It is definitely not the heart. Is that about right?"
"No, that's not it. The correct version is..."
"What is mind? What is the heart?"
"No matter. It doesn't matter."
"What is matter? What is material?"
"Never mind. Don't worry about it."
"That's what it means."
"And why the poem from earlier?"
"I don't know... I just thought so..."
"I see, very much like Kusanagi..."
"We both get manipulated by that person..."
Being manipulated.
Even if denied... it's still the truth.
Is that the only way to put it...?
"Certainly, I was continuously manipulated by that idiot bastard..."
"What's this, suddenly being honest?"
"I didn't spend that much time with Kenichiro Kusanagi..."
"There was something I wanted to do when I next saw him..."
"Something you wanted to do?"
"Yeah, but I can't do that anymore..."
"What did you want to do to Kenichiro? What about Naoya?"
"I wanted to punch him. At least in the face with a fist."
"Ahahaha, I see. But knowing him, if he gets punched, he'll immediately
"Then I'll just punch him back as much."
"In the end, if I could just hit him a few more times..."
He clenches his fist.
Very tightly.
"That would have been enough for me."
Aoi smiles softly.
"I wanted to see that.
A one-on-one fight between Kenichiro-san and Naoya..."
"No, that's where I have to draw the line. As a teacher."
"Ahahaha, yeah, you're right. If it were to happen, I would have to stop it..."
"If such a situation were to arise... but it won't."
"It will never happen."
"S-Sorry. Did I get a little sentimental at the end?"
"No, not really."
"There's nothing else left unfinished between me and that man..."
"I've sorted things out in my own way... our relationship..."
"Besides, sentimentality was the thing he hated the most."
"I couldn't fully enjoy it, but I think I was able to see him off without getting
Upon hearing my words, Aoi nods quietly.
"I see..."
"Naoya had various things happen to him..."
"Ah, yeah..."
"Ahaha, well, I guess it's time for me to go home soon..."
"That's right. Please think carefully about what we talked about earlier."
"Ah... it's about causing trouble at Natsume's mansion, right?"
"I'm waiting for a good answer."
Aoi's figure disappeared,
and the wind rustled.
In the distance, the wind is blowing.
A low, rumbling sound similar to ringing in the ears.
There is no beautiful melody playing under the cherry blossom forest.
The fluffy white petals are mercilessly scattered by the low, rumbling wind.
A typical scenery.
"Phew... I guess I'll head home too..."
Muttering to oneself without anyone to hear.
The filthy roar of sound, cherry blossom petals dancing as they please.
On the day the cherry blossoms bloomed, I bid my deceased father a final farewell.
Though I intended to go straight home, my feet remained fixed in this spot.
Without realizing it, I find myself climbing the stone-paved slope every day,
slightly out of breath.
This slope, leading to the school I attend, is also covered in cherry blossoms,
just like my father's funeral hall.
"<r>Yumenoukisaka</r>" (Dream Floating Slope).
The name of this slope seems to have a very fitting origin, but I don't know the
I've heard that it is a name created by mixing various legends.
Alongside this slope, there is a small shrine, similar to one found within the
precincts of a shrine.
It's what they call a "<r>sessha</r>" (sub-shrine).
A picture scroll depicting a treasure ship is dedicated there.
Those who understand its meaning might be able to imagine a little about the origin
of the name "Yumenoukisaka"...
As I climb up Yumenoukisaka, the pointed hat of the chapel within the campus
gradually comes into view.
A unique silhouette created by intersecting pointed arches.
This school, built on the hill of abundant cherry blossoms, is called Yumihari
Passing by people at the top of the stairs.
The shadow standing on the hill illuminated by the scarce evening sun was
"The girl's uniform now is not from Yumihari Academy..."
"Is it a visit or something?"
Due to spring break, there is hardly any sign of people near Yumihari. Most of the
clubs and activities have probably finished in the morning.
I hurried to the intended place, taking slightly larger steps through the main
Yumihari Academy, which was Catholic for a while after the war, was originally a
theological school with only a theology department.
It was said to be a school where devout children of a pious father and mother
received the protection of God.
However, nowadays the theology department has been abolished and it has become a
very ordinary school.
Before that.
The history of the land where this academy stands is incredibly ancient, far beyond
the pre-war era.
The academy itself seems to have originated from an English school established by
foreigners who came over during the Meiji period, but its lineage can be traced
back even further.
Of course, since it was before the Meiji period, it was not a modern academic
Nevertheless, it is said that there was already some kind of academic building in
this area during the Edo period.
Although it was called an academic building, it seems to have had a very strong
Shinto religious influence, more so than the commonly found Shushinansho in Edo.
Furthermore, in ancient times... it is said that during the early Kamakura period,
many ascetics gathered here.
Because it is such an ancient land, it has many legends like those seen in
According to one theory, the name Yumihari seems to be based on an ancient legend.
However, that legend has been forgotten.
It is not a legend that many people know.
"In a dream-like land, on a slope where dreams float..."
Surrounded by cherry blossoms, the old-fashioned building seemed to retain the
sound of footsteps.
I opened the slightly stubborn door and entered the room.
The room was filled with the unique scent of the atelier, burned by the slanting
The atelier on the top floor takes in natural light and is dyed the same color as
the sky.
I walked through the cluttered rows of desks and chairs, heading towards the back
of the art room.
There, various tools used by the art club members were placed, and what I was
looking for was buried among them.
When I moved Kei Natsume's dedicated easel and marker, a worn-out easel stained
with numerous layers of paint was revealed underneath.
This easel...
"We are planning to hold a retrospective exhibition for Kenichiro Kusanagi starting
from spring. Could you lend us his artworks and, if possible, the art supplies he
This request came from the director of the art museum that my father was acquainted
with, on the day of the funeral. In other words, today.
They also requested that, if possible, they would like to keep Kusanagi's personal
belongings in a corner of the museum even after the retrospective exhibition ends.
The kind-hearted old director straightened his hunched back and proposed this idea
to me.
I wasn't particularly rushed.
Maybe I could send them in a few weeks or so...
"Is this okay...?"
It's something I received from my father when I was a kid.
It was a considerably large and sturdy easel, not suitable for children to use, but
I still used it by stretching myself when I was a child.
Along with that mysterious cast...
"Ah... just remembering it makes me angry..."
Most of my memories related to Kenichiro are just infuriating things.
"Looking at it now, it's not that big after all..."
It's just the right size even when I use it.
As I pull out the easel and put it on my shoulder, the other easels I had stacked
up collapse all at once.
The sunlight shining through the window makes the floating dust particles visible.
"Ahahaha... I messed up... I should have done it when there were members of the art
club present on another day..."
"That being said..."
After a few days, I tend to forget about favors and such.
When asked to do something, I can't be satisfied until I finish it quickly.
"Spilt water does not return to the tray..."
The collapsed easel cannot be restored to its original state...
"That's impossible!"
Since there is no one to interject, I quickly make my retreat.
Every time the wind brushes against my skin.
The cherry trees in the avenue rustle quietly, scattering fragments of white peach.
"It's heavy after all..."
This easel, despite being sturdy, is incredibly heavy.
My feet naturally come to a stop.
It's as if the falling petals are blocking my path.
And then――.
A gust of wind, as if passing through my body, rushes up the Yumemizaka slope.
Born in this town, I have climbed this Yumemizaka slope hundreds, no, thousands of
It felt different from any other time.
The melody of cherry blossoms.
As if resonating with something, it seemed like all the cherry blossoms were
Strange overlapping sounds.
As if avoiding the swirling cherry blossoms, I covered my field of vision with one
The wind stops.
The rustling of the trees disappears, and in an instant, silence fills the world.
However, I quickly realize that it was an illusion.
The dignified rustling of the trees erases everything, even the noise of the
distant city...
It seemed as if only the swirling colors in my field of vision were standing out.
Amidst the sound, there was silence.
As if being invited, I lifted my face.
The view, encased in concrete, expanded.
Slowly, very slowly.
A girl...?
Who... are you?
Have we met somewhere before...?
A porcelain-like complexion that hardly shows any pigmentation. Eyes and nose with
a well-defined shape, even from a distance.
And lips tightly sealed as if suppressing emotions.
The downcast expression gives off a somewhat indifferent impression...
The girl's gaze is directed straight at me.
The moment I looked into those eyes.
I almost uttered her name.
The sound of the wind.
The balance of sound is disrupted, and my field of vision is dyed white with cherry
I lose sight in the swirling wind.
And then――.
"It disappeared..."
Just like that.
In the dream of the cherry blossoms――
As if being abducted――.
Once again, the hill of dreams regains its tranquility.

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