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/bmove <X> <Y> you move to the choosen X coordinate and the choosen Y

coordinate/bmove <X> <Y> <M> you move to the choosen X coordinate, the choosen Y
coordinate and the choosen map(M) value/ID/cmove <MapID> country move/set zone
<MapID> you move to the selected map/getitem <ItemType> <ItemTypeID> <ItemCount>
get the item with the shown value/ID/mmake <MobID> <X> spawn a mob with the shown
value/ID next to you and the choosen number of mobs/nmake <NPCID> <X> creates the
choosen NPC value/ID and the choosen number/mera t deletes all mobs next to
you/char on "OR" /char off switches your character visible/invisible/attack on "OR"
/attack off switches the godmode on/off/notice "<Some Message> creates a GM-
announcement in the chatAll GM-Codes including their function
Here are the must important GM-codes short and direct!I took some from the 2 guides
on e*pvp, from other sites and from my experience.Everything in those signs <>
should be replaced and the <> deletedOpen the chat and insert one of the
following:MovingSpoiler: /bmove <X> <Y> you move to the choosen X coordinate and
the choosen Y coordinate/bmove <X> <Y> <M> you move to the choosen X coordinate,
the choosen Y coordinate and the choosen map(M) value/ID/cmove <MapID> country
move/set zone <MapID> you move to the selected mapMap-List:Spoiler: 0= Raigo1=
Light map12= Dark map13= D1 light portal4= D1 Boss raum5= Cornwell6= Light Asmo
room7= Agrilla8= Knight room9= D211= Kimu room12= Cloron15= FL18= Proelium19= Light
map220= dark map221= Maitreyan22= Maitreyan boss raum23= AidionNekria24=
AidionNekria floor225= Elemental Cave26= RuberChaos28= Light map329= dark map330=
CANTA31= 20-30 dungeon light32= 20-30 dungeon dark33= Fedion Temple34= Kalamus
House35= Apulune36= Iris37= Stigma38= AZ39= SECRET battle arena40= Arena41= SECRET
Prison42= Blackmarket43= Pando44= Lanhaar45=DD246= DD247= Jungle48= CT50= GRB
Map51= Light Guildhouse52= Dark Guildhouse53= Light Managment Office54= Dark
Managment Office56= SkyCity59= Fedion Temple61= Stigma62= KH63= AZ64= Oblivian
Island!!!!!MAP LOAD ERROR UP TO MAP 99!!!!don't use the /cmove command!!!!!!!!!100=
SECRET light managment office with mobs101= SECRET dark managment office with
mobs102= PVP map 1-15 AZ no relics103= Canta AZ mobs no relic104= DWATER AZ mobs no
relics105= GODDESS BATTLE map 1-15 shiny stuff106= no land only some AZ mobs107= no
land only some AZ mobs108= GODDESS BATTLE map 1-15 shiny stuffCreating
Mobs/ItemsSpoiler: /getitem <ItemType> <ItemTypeID> <ItemCount> get the item with
the shown value/IDItem-List:Download it here!/mmake <MobID> <X> spawn a mob with
the shown value/ID next to you and the choosen number of mobsMob-List:Downlaod it
here!/nmake <NPCID> <X> creates the choosen NPC value/ID and the choosen
number/mera t deletes all mobs next to youSomething elseSpoiler: /char on "OR"
/char off switches your character visible/invisible/attack on "OR" /attack off
switches the godmode on/off/notice "<Some Message> creates a GM-announcement in the
chatPlayer specified codesSpoiler: /asummon <PlayerName> summon player/amove
<PlayerName> move to player/stopon "OR" /stopoff you stun the selected player(can't
walk)/silence on <playername> "OR" /silence off <playername> gives the selected
player a chatban/quiry <playername> you can see the selected player's
equipment/akick <playername> you kick the player/aban <playername> you ban the
player/watch <playersname> you see the players location/set <playername> level
<level> sets the choosen player to the choosen level/set <playername> money <money>
gives the choosen player the choosen amount of money/set <playername> point
<points> gives the choosen player the choosen amount of status-points/set
<playername> skillpoint <spoints> gives the choosen player the choosen amount of
skillpoints/set <playername> str <X> gives the choosen player the choosen amount of
STR points/set <playername> rec <X> gives REC points/set <playername> wis <X> gives
WIS points/set <playername> int <X> gives INT points/set <playername> dex <X>gives
DEX points/set <playername> luc <X> gives LUC points(if you want to get 99999 HP,MP
and SP use the following: )HP=RECMP=WISSP=DEXMy own boss 2 3158My own boss 1:
31541850 Old Willow1850 Eiphilos1850 Pantera1850 Silvanus1854 Kailion1855
Sirvana/amove [Player]/iclear [Player]/mera t [Monster target]xdeathsaintx

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