2122 DetailSheet 3437

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2021-22 ESSA Accountability Details Report

Public Version - October 20, 2022

District: Beaverton SD 48J

School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School
The Accountability Details Report displays the data for indicators used by the accountability system to identify schools
for comprehensive or targeted supports as required by Oregon's State Plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act
(ESSA). The accountability system uses six indicators for elementary and middle schools. For more information about the
included indicators and their definitions and calculations, please refer to the
Accountability Details Policy and Technical Manual. For more information on the transition of school identification from
year-to-year please see the School Improvement webpage.
Indicator Ra ngs Table
ELA Math Regular On Track
Student Group ESSA Supports ELA Change Math Change
Achievement Achievement Attenders to ELP

All Students Not Identified Level 5 Level 2 Level 5 Level 2 Level 4 Level 5

Economically Disadvantaged Not Identified Level 5 Not Rated Level 4 Not Rated Level 3

English Learners Not Identified Level 4 Level 2 Level 4 Level 1 Level 3 Level 5

Students with Disabilities Not Identified Level 2 Not Rated Level 3 Not Rated Level 2

Underserved Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

American Indian/
Not Identified Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated
Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian/
Not Identified Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated
Pacific Islander

Black/African American Not Identified Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated

Hispanic/Latino Not Identified Level 4 Not Rated Level 4 Not Rated Level 3

Asian Not Identified Level 5 Level 3 Level 5 Level 2 Level 5

White Not Identified Level 5 Level 2 Level 4 Level 1 Level 3

Multi-racial Not Identified Level 5 Not Rated Level 4 Not Rated Level 2

Suggested Level of Support for 2021-2022: Not Identified 2018-2019: Not Identified 2017-2018: Not Identified
Met ELA and Math Participation target (95%) for all student groups: No (details on pages 4 and 7)
Received Title I Funds in 2018-19: No
Please note the following:
● Indicator ra ngs that display ‘Not Rated’ refer to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng.
● The expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the Economically
Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.
● The English learner student group has different inclusion rules for par cular indicators.
● The Underserved Race/Ethnicity student group consists of the following racial/ethnic groups: American Indian/Alaska
Na ve, Black/African American, Hispanic/La no, and Na ve Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
● The Underserved Race/Ethnicity group is eligible to be iden fied for targeted improvement only when none of the four
student groups that comprise it have sufficient data to be considered for iden fica on.

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English Language Arts Academic Achievement Details English Language Arts
Achievement Level
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 80
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 67
The English Language Arts (ELA) Achievement indicator displays the percentage of students Level 3 54
mee ng the ELA achievement standard, the adjusted denominator, and the corresponding Level 2 25
ra ng for each student group. The data table shows two years of data, a two-year average, Level 1 <25
and the applied rate (i.e., the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20). ‘*’ means data was hidden to protect
student confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note
that the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the
Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.
State Long Term Goal: 80%
2-year Rated
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
Average on
All Students - Percent 92.3 80.4 87.1 Level 5
All Students - Adjusted Denominator 376 296 672
Economically Disadvantaged - Percent 85.7 80.4 80.6 Level 5
Economically Disadvantaged - Adjusted Denominator 14 296 310
English Learners - Percent 85.3 66.7 76.1 Level 4
English Learners - Adjusted Denominator 68 66 134
Students with Disabilities - Percent 70.6 33.3 52.9 Level 2
Students with Disabilities - Adjusted Denominator 17 18 34
American Indian/Alaska Native - Percent * * * Not Rated
American Indian/Alaska Native - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Black/African American - Percent * * * Not Rated
Black/African American - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Hispanic/Latino - Percent 80.0 76.9 78.3 Level 4
Hispanic/Latino - Adjusted Denominator 10 13 23
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Percent * * * Not Rated
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Average Not
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Percent 81.3 70.6 75.8
Rate Applicable
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Adjusted Denominator 16 17 33
Asian - Percent 93.2 86.3 90.2 Level 5
Asian - Adjusted Denominator 236 182 418
White - Percent 91.7 70.7 83.1 Level 5
White - Adjusted Denominator 108 82 189
Multi-racial - Percent 93.8 68.8 81.3 Level 5
Multi-racial - Adjusted Denominator 16 16 32

Note: An * next to Level 2 indicates that, although the student group did not meet the Level 2 cut for this indicator, this student
group is not in the lowest ten percent of schools in Oregon.
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English Language Arts Average Gap Score Change Details ELA Average Gap Score
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 5
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 -7
The English Language Arts (ELA) Average Score Change indicator uses the difference Level 3 -19
between a student’s score and the cut score for the assessment, called a gap score. The Level 2 -42
table displays the average gap score by school year, the change in the average gap score, Level 1 <-42
the count of students tested, and the corresponding ra ng for each student group. ‘*’ means data was hidden to protect
student confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note
that the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the
Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.

Change in
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
All Students 100 75 -25 Level 2

All Students - Denominator 375 295

Economically Disadvantaged 59 75 16 Not Rated

Economically Disadvantaged - Denominator 14 295

English Learners 73 34 -39 Level 2

English Learners - Denominator 68 66

Students with Disabilities 39 -34 -73 Not Rated

Students with Disabilities - Denominator 16 17

American Indian/Alaska Native * * * Not Rated

American Indian/Alaska Native - Denominator * *

Black/African American * * * Not Rated

Black/African American - Denominator * *

Hispanic/Latino 80 61 -19 Not Rated

Hispanic/Latino - Denominator 10 13

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander * * * Not Rated

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Denominator * *

Underserved Race/Ethnicity 78 65 -13
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Denominator 16 17

Asian 107 91 -16 Level 3

Asian - Denominator 235 182

White 86 46 -40 Level 2

White - Denominator 108 80

Multi-racial 110 48 -62 Not Rated

Multi-racial - Denominator 16 16

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English Language Arts Participation Details
District: Beaverton SD 48J
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School

All students in tested grades and enrolled on the first school day in May must take a statewide assessment. The data table
displays the percentage of students who took a statewide assessment by school year and student group. The applied rate for
the par cipa on status is the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20. ‘Not Rated’ means the student group
did not meet minimum size requirements in order to receive a ra ng. Note that the expansion of the federal free/reduced
price meal program increased the number students included in the Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.

Par cipa on Target: 94.5%

Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 based Status
All Students - Percent 98.5 97.9 98.2 Met
All Students - Denominator 394 327 721
Economically Disadvantaged - Percent 100.0 97.9 98.0 Met
Economically Disadvantaged - Denominator 15 327 342
English Learners - Percent 98.6 100.0 99.3 Met
English Learners - Denominator 73 72 145
Students with Disabilities - Percent 94.4 100.0 97.2 Met
Students with Disabilities - Denominator 18 18 36
American Indian/Alaska Native - Percent -- 100.0 100.0 Not Rated
American Indian/Alaska Native - Denominator 0 2 2
Black/African American - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Not Rated
Black/African American - Denominator 5 3 8
Hispanic/Latino - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Hispanic/Latino - Denominator 11 14 25
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Percent 100.0 -- 100.0 Not Rated
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Denominator 1 0 1
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Denominator 17 19 36
Asian - Percent 99.2 99.0 99.1 Met
Asian - Denominator 244 204 448
White - Percent 96.6 94.3 95.6 Met
White - Denominator 116 88 204
Multi-racial - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Multi-racial - Denominator 17 16 33

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Mathematics Academic Achievement Details Mathematics
Achievement Level
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 80
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 62
The Mathema cs Achievement indicator displays the percentage of students mee ng the Level 3 43
Mathema cs achievement standard, the adjusted denominator, and the corresponding Level 2 13
ra ng for each student group. The data table shows two years of data, a two-year average, Level 1 <13
and the applied rate (i.e., the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20). ‘*’ means data was hidden to protect
student confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note
that the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the
Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.
State Long Term Goal: 80%
2-year Rated
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
Average on
All Students - Percent 91.2 76.7 84.8 Level 5
All Students - Adjusted Denominator 376 296 672
Economically Disadvantaged - Percent 71.4 76.7 76.5 Level 4
Economically Disadvantaged - Adjusted Denominator 14 296 310
English Learners - Percent 92.6 66.7 79.9 Level 4
English Learners - Adjusted Denominator 68 66 134
Students with Disabilities - Percent 70.6 33.3 52.9 Level 3
Students with Disabilities - Adjusted Denominator 17 18 34
American Indian/Alaska Native - Percent * * * Not Rated
American Indian/Alaska Native - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Black/African American - Percent * * * Not Rated
Black/African American - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Hispanic/Latino - Percent 60.0 69.2 65.2 Level 4
Hispanic/Latino - Adjusted Denominator 10 13 23
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Percent * * * Not Rated
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Adjusted Denominator * * *
Average Not
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Percent 68.8 64.7 66.7
Rate Applicable
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Adjusted Denominator 16 17 33
Asian - Percent >95 85.8 91.4 Level 5
Asian - Adjusted Denominator * 183 *
White - Percent 85.2 59.8 75.0 Level 4
White - Adjusted Denominator 108 82 188
Multi-racial - Percent 87.5 62.5 75.0 Level 4
Multi-racial - Adjusted Denominator 16 16 32

Note: An * next to Level 2 indicates that, although the student group did not meet the Level 2 cut for this indicator, this student
group is not in the lowest ten percent of schools in Oregon.
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Mathematics Average Gap Score Change Details Math Average Gap
Score Change
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 4
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 -11
The Mathema cs Average Score Change indicator uses the difference between a student’s Level 3 -24
score and the cut score for the assessment, called a gap score. The table displays the Level 2 -49
average gap score by school year, the change in the average gap score, the count of Level 1 <-49
students tested, and the corresponding ra ng for each student group. ‘*’ means data was hidden to protect student
confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note that
the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the Economically
Disadvantaged student group 2021-22.

Change in
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
All Students 99 59 -40 Level 2

All Students - Denominator 376 295

Economically Disadvantaged 31 59 28 Not Rated

Economically Disadvantaged - Denominator 14 295

English Learners 105 28 -77 Level 1

English Learners - Denominator 68 66

Students with Disabilities 32 -73 -105 Not Rated

Students with Disabilities - Denominator 16 16

American Indian/Alaska Native * * * Not Rated

American Indian/Alaska Native - Denominator * *

Black/African American * * * Not Rated

Black/African American - Denominator * *

Hispanic/Latino 35 5 -30 Not Rated

Hispanic/Latino - Denominator 10 13

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander * * * Not Rated

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Denominator * *

Underserved Race/Ethnicity 45 17 -28
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Denominator 16 17

Asian 116 84 -32 Level 2

Asian - Denominator 236 183

White 71 14 -57 Level 1

White - Denominator 108 79

Multi-racial 89 30 -59 Not Rated

Multi-racial - Denominator 16 16

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Mathematics Participation Details
District: Beaverton SD 48J
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School

All students in tested grades and enrolled on the first school day in May must take a statewide assessment. The data table
displays the percentage of students who took a statewide assessment by school year and student group. The applied rate for
the par cipa on the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20. ‘Not Rated’ means the student group did not
meet minimum size requirements in order to receive a ra ng. Note that the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal
program increased the number students included in the Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.

Par cipa on Target: 94.5%

Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 based Status
All Students - Percent 99.0 97.9 98.5 Met
All Students - Denominator 394 327 721
Economically Disadvantaged - Percent 100.0 97.9 98.0 Met
Economically Disadvantaged - Denominator 15 327 342
English Learners - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
English Learners - Denominator 73 72 145
Students with Disabilities - Percent 94.4 94.4 94.4 Not Met
Students with Disabilities - Denominator 18 18 36
American Indian/Alaska Native - Percent -- 100.0 100.0 Not Rated
American Indian/Alaska Native - Denominator 0 2 2
Black/African American - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Not Rated
Black/African American - Denominator 5 3 8
Hispanic/Latino - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Hispanic/Latino - Denominator 11 14 25
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Percent 100.0 -- 100.0 Not Rated
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Denominator 1 0 1
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Denominator 17 19 36
Asian - Percent 100.0 99.5 99.8 Met
Asian - Denominator 244 204 448
White - Percent 96.6 93.2 95.1 Met
White - Denominator 116 88 204
Multi-racial - Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Met
Multi-racial - Denominator 17 16 33

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Regular Attenders Details Regular Attenders
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 93
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 89
The Regular A enders indicator displays the percentage of students a ending for more Level 3 85
than 90 percent of their enrolled school days, the denominator, and the corresponding Level 2 65
ra ng for each student group. The data table shows two years of data, a two-year average, Level 1 <65
and the applied rate (i.e., the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20). ‘*’ means data was hidden to protect
student confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note
that the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the
Economically Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.
State Long Term Goal: 93%
Grade 2-year Rated
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
Range Average on
All Students - Percent K-5 91.8 88.2 90.2 Level 4
All Students - Denominator 706 559 1265
Economically Disadvantaged - Percent K-5 86.8 88.2 88.1 Level 3
Economically Disadvantaged - Denominator 38 559 597
English Learners - Percent K-5 90.5 82.9 86.0 Level 3
English Learners - Denominator 74 105 179
Students with Disabilities - Percent K-5 82.2 75.0 79.2 Level 2
Students with Disabilities - Denominator 45 32 77
American Indian/Alaska Native - Percent K-5 * * * Not Rated
American Indian/Alaska Native - Denominator * * *
Black/African American - Percent K-5 * * >95 Not Rated
Black/African American - Denominator * * *
Hispanic/Latino - Percent K-5 81.0 90.0 86.9 Level 3
Hispanic/Latino - Denominator 21 40 61
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Percent K-5 * * * Not Rated
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander - Denominator * * *
Average Not
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Percent K-5 87.5 91.7 90.0
Rate Applicable
Underserved Race/Ethnicity - Denominator 32 48 80
Asian - Percent K-5 94.2 91.5 93.1 Level 5
Asian - Denominator 434 330 764
White - Percent K-5 89.3 79.6 85.2 Level 3
White - Denominator 205 152 357
Multi-racial - Percent K-5 80.0 89.7 84.4 Level 2
Multi-racial - Denominator 35 29 64
Note: An * next to Level 2 indicates that, although the student group did not meet the Level 2 cut for this indicator, this
student group is not in the lowest ten percent of schools in Oregon.
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On Track to English Language Proficiency (ELP) Details On Track to ELP Level Cut
District: Beaverton SD 48J
Level 5 80
School: Jacob Wismer Elementary School Level 4 68
The On Track to English Language Proficiency (ELP) indicator displays the percentage of Level 3 56
students who are on track to a ain ELP, the denominator, and the corresponding ra ng for Level 2 26
each student group. The data table shows two years of data, a two-year average, and the Level 1 <26
applied rate (i.e., the two-year average a er mee ng the minimum n-size of 20).‘*’ means data was hidden to protect student
confiden ality and ‘Not Rated’ refers to student groups that do not meet the minimum n-size to receive a ra ng. Note that
the expansion of the federal free/reduced price meal program increased the number students included in the Economically
Disadvantaged student group in 2021-22.
State Long Term Goal: 80%
2-year Rated
Student Group 2018-19 2021-22 Level
Average on
Current English Learners - Percent 91.8 87.5 89.6 Level 5
Current English Learners - Denominator 61 64 125

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