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Bera ŞENER 020210157

Berkan Çivicioğlu 020210155

ITU ING 112A Paragraph Writing Assignment

Drying Lakes

A playa or dry lake bed refers to a low-lying area or basin that once had a standing body

of water, but the water disappears when the rate of evaporation becomes higher than the

rate of water replenishment. The reduction in the quantity of saline lakes, which

comprise a substantial portion of the overall lake population, presents a significant peril

to society. Specifically, in light of the recent insufficiency of the Urmia and Aral lakes,

human health is at risk, and drought-related concerns have started to impact our


To start with, based on the statistics in Figure 1 prepared by NASA observed the Great

Salt Lake, Utah demonstrates that with a peak of 4203.5ft the lake kept drying day by

day and climate scientists around the world predicts such lake levels will continue to

shrink with the results effecting in industry, tourism, and agriculture as considered.

(NASA, 2022)

Second of all, it is also noteworthy that the world’s pond loss is not only influencing and

risking next generations, it is also risking next human health and the continuity of the

generation. For instance, salts in a drought lake spreading all around the air with the

help of a strong wind can cause major lung diseases, various infections, and asthma

attacks in addition.(Kamshat T., 2020).

To conclude, the lakes tend to dry due to various reasons like unconscious use,

insufficient rain; and the fade of resources affecting different aspects of daily life. We

have to inform people about the usage of water, raise awareness on the topic of savings ,

and brief them about the harms of the drought places.

Referances / Sources

Figure 1.

Source : NASA / Earth Observatory 2022

Figure 2. Geographical representation of prominent saline lakes around the world

Source : Drying Lakes: A Review on the Applied Restoration Strategies and Health

Conditions in Contiguous Areas

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