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Song "Don't you worry"

So don't you worry

Don't you worry about a thing
Everything's gonna be alright
Cause everything's gonna be alright
Don't you worry about a thing
Don't you worry
Everything's gonna be alright
Cause everything's gonna be alright

What's wrong? What's the matter?

Are you Ok? Do you have a problem?
How are you? Are you worried?
Is there something wrong? What's up with you?
What's wrong with you? Is everything ok?
Are you alright? What's up

Susi: Hello, Tom. How are you?

Tom: Hi, Susi. I'm worried.
Susi: Why are you worried?
Tom: I'm _________ because I have english exam next week.
Susi: ___________ worry. I can ________ you.
Tom: Really?
Susi: Sure. We can study _________________
Tom: Thanks Susi.
Susi: You're welcome. See you later.

Luis: Hi! Lucia. You look tired.

What's the _______________?
Lucia: Hello! Luis. Yes I am tired
because I didn't sleep well last night.
Luis: Why?
Lucia: Because I feel nervous about the porject.
Luis: Don't _______! Count on me!
We can work _____________
Lucia: ___________ Luis.

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