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Examples 2 Kinematics - II

Unless otherwise stated the units of length and time are metre and second, respectively.

Q1. The x-y coordinates of a particle with respect to the X-Y Cartesian reference frame, where t is
the elapsed time, are (5 + 10t, 16.8t - 4.9t2), where t ≥ 0.

(a) Write down the position vector r

(b) Find the velocities, speeds and accelerations at: t = 0 & t = 2.
(c) Sketch the path of motion (trajectory) in the XY plane (consider t = 0, 1, 2, & 3).
(d) At what times t is the Y coordinate zero. What are the corresponding X values?
Hence, determine the horizontal distance travelled between these times.
(e) Does this trajectory correspond to any physical situation that you are familiar with?
What angle to the X-axis does the trajectory make at time t = 0?

Q2. A ball is thrown vertically upwards at a speed of 15m/s at the edge of a 20m deep well.
The ball is released at a height of 2m above ground level. How high does the ball rise above
ground level? If the ball on its downward path falls down the well, how many seconds elapse
between releasing the ball and it striking the bottom of the well? Assume that the downward
acceleration is 9.81 m/s2.

Q3. The acceleration of an arrow from a bow falls from 6000 m/s2 (when the bowstring is fully
drawn back) to zero when it leaves the bow after travelling a distance x = 0.75m. Assuming
that this acceleration can be expressed by the linear equation: a = 6000[1 - (4x/3)] m/s2
determine the speed of the arrow when it leaves the bow.
Hint: use the differential equation which relates acceleration, velocity and position (which
applies regardless of whether the acceleration is constant or not) and integrate it.

Q4. From the data given in Q3, how long does it take for the arrow to leave the bow?
Hint: from Q3, obtain v= f(x) and then integrate the differential equation: v = dx/dt.
𝑑𝑢 𝑢
You will need the substitution: u = x0.5 and the standard form: ∫ 2 2 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( )
√𝑎 −𝑢 𝑎

Q4 is a good challenge of your integration skills ! Don’t worry too much about the maths: setting up the
equations (which requires understanding of “dynamics”) is the important step.

Q5. The resistance to motion of an object in a fluid (liquid or gas) may be assumed to be
proportional to the square of its speed. In other words, a = - kv2, where k is a positive
constant. Tests show that the constant k is 0.000 32 m-1 for a fully-laden oil tanker under
calm sea-going conditions. If the ship loses all power when it is travelling at a speed of
12m/s, determine how far it will travel before its speed drops to 2m/s. How much time will
have passed by then?
Hint: Part one: Integrate the differential equation of motion which links a, v, x.
Part two: Integrate the corresponding equation which links a, v, t

Q1. (a) r = (5 + 10t)i + (16.8t - 4.9t2)j, (b) t = 0: v = 10i + 16.8j, v = 19.6 m/s, a= -9.8j m/s2
t = 2: v= 10i - 2.8j, v = 10.4 m/s, a = -9.8j m/s2, (c) sketch not shown (parabola)
(d) t = 0 , 3.43s; x = 5m, 39.3m, 34.3m, (e) ?? θ = 59.2˚

Q2. x = 13.47m, t = 4.14s Q3. v = 67.1 m/s

Q4. t = 0.0176 s Q5. x = 5600 m, t = 1302 s (nearly 22 minutes)

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