Book 1

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Day 1

Back Workout
# Workout Sets Reps Weight
1 Deadlifts single 1 10% - 100%
2 Deadlifts 5 5 90%
3 Deadlifts 8 8 80%
4 Deadlifts 10 12 70%
5 Bent-Over Barbell Row (inside and 10 50%
outside drip)
6 T Barbell Row with Handel (inside and 10 10% - 100%
outside drip)

7 Lat Pull-Downs Machine (inside 10 50%

outside and wide grip)
8 One Arm Dumbbell Row 10 5 10% - 100%
9 Cable Reverse Pull 10 5 10% -30%
10 Stright Arm Push Dwon 10 10 10% - 100%
11 Back Pull dwon machine 30 10 10% - 100%
12 Pull-ups 10 5 Body
Total Sets 123 1059

Day 2
Legs Workout
# Workout Sets Reps Weight
1 Squats single 1 10% - 100%
2 Squats 5 5 90%
3 Squats 8 8 80%
4 Squats 10 12 70%
5 Outer & Lnner Thighs 10 10 10% - 70%
6 Leg Press 10 10 10% - 70%
7 Dumbbell Lunges 10 10 50%
8 Legs Extension 10 5 10% - 100%
9 Standing Calf Raises 10 5 10% - 100%
10 Seated Calf Raises 10 10 10% - 100%
11 Hack Squats 30 10 10% - 100%
12 Lying Leg Curls 10 5 body
Total Sets 123 1059

Day 3
Shoulder Workout
# Workout Sets Reps Weight
1 Barbell Push Press single 1 10% - 100%
2 Barbell Push Press 5 5 90%
3 Barbell Push Press 8 8 80%
4 Barbell Push Press 10 12 70%
5 Seated Dumbbell Press 10 10 10% - 70%
6 Standing Dumbbell Press 10 10 10% - 70%
7 Reverse Pec Deck 10 10 10% - 70%
8 Face Pulls 10 5 10% - 100%
9 Arnold Press 10 5 10% - 100%
10 Standing Lateral Raise 10 10 10% - 100%
11 Seated Delt Fly 30 10 10% - 100%
12 Single Dumbbell Front Raise 10 5 body
Total Sets 123 1059

Day 4
Chest Workout
# Workout Sets Reps Weight
1 Flat Barbell Bench Press single 1 10% - 100%
2 Flat Barbell Bench Press 5 5 90%
3 Flat Barbell Bench Press 8 8 80%
4 Flat Barbell Bench Press 10 12 70%
5 Inclain Barbell Bench Press 10 10 10% - 70%
6 Declain Barbell Bench Press 10 10 10% - 70%
7 Flat Dumbbell Press 10 10 10% - 70%
8 Inclain Dumbbell Press 10 5 10% - 100%
9 Declain Dumbbell Press 10 5 10% - 100%
10 Cable Fly 30 10 10% - 100%
11 Dumbbell Pull-Over 10 10 10% - 100%
12 Dips For Chest 10 5 body
Total Sets 123 1059

Day 4
Arms Workout
# Workout Sets Reps Weight
1 Barbell Curl 10 1 10% - 100%
2 Cross Body Hammer Curl 10 5 90%
3 Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown 10 8 80%
4 Machine Preacher Curls 10 12 10% - 70%
5 EZ Bar Triceps Extension 10 10 10% - 70%
6 Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 10 10 10% - 70%
7 Standing Biceps Cable Curl 10 10 10% - 70%
8 Concentration Curls 10 5 10% - 100%
9 Cable Rope Overhead Triceps 5 10% - 100%
10 Triceps Pushdown 30 10 10% - 100%
11 Standing Biceps Cable Curl 10 10 10% - 100%
12 Wrist Curl Over A Bench 10 5 10% - 100%
Total Sets 130 1100

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