Teza Engleza 2

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1-Stil de viata sanatos

A healthy lifestyle is an effective way to maintain our health and reduce the risk of illness through: a
healthy diet rich in nutrients, regular exercise, smoking cessation, alcohol, and all these related to
moments of sleep. and rest.

Healthy eating means, first of all, a balance between the foods consumed at each meal, but also their
diversity. Thus, our body benefits from all the nutrients necessary to function in optimal conditions, for a
long period of time.

What we put on the plate is the personal choice of each of us, some aspects that can help us maintain
a healthy lifestyle:observance of the three main meals of the day, without excluding breakfast;reducing
the consumption of fats: dairy products, sausages, puff pastry, but also the consumption of sweets,
juices, foods with a high sugar content;avoid fried foods, in favor of those cooked in the oven, boiled or
stewed;moderate consumption of salt and spicy spices;inclusion in the daily diet of seasonal fruits and

Remember that a healthy lifestyle can be guided by a healthy mind and focused on balance in everything
you do.

2-Education is the key to success. Each of us is a personality that we have the opportunity we
become someone in life. Education is our own life and for each of us life is a school from legagan pine to
death. It is nothing but the acquisition of knowledge incessant, but also the transmission of others.
An educated man is a man of culture, with an increased level of aspirations individual, feelings of dignity
personal, self-confidence.
An educated man proves that he is 7 years old at home, he knows good manners, he owns a set of
theoretical notions, is educated through training professional and through a general culture impressive.

3-Well, if I sit and think, a perfect life is not at all a life as many imagine. For me, a perfect life is a life
lived among good friends, good books, quality people, good music, a clear conscience and always a good
idea and a thought for the next day. A life in which you can wake up in the morning, watch the sun shine
and be thankful that you are healthy and have another chance to achieve your dreams. The perfect life
for me does not necessarily mean an easy life. Without trials, without challenges, without difficulties,
what charm would everything have? All this gives beauty and intensity to life. They make you really live.
Of course if you know how to take them. Because no one in this life gets more than they deserve and
more than they can afford. And all these trials are only for you to become even stronger and wiser. The
hardest battles will always be for the bravest soldiers. Do not forget that.
Aaa, but wait, there's something else I forgot. There is something else that must exist for a perfect life. A
drop of love, that person who understands you, supports you and loves you
Cooking is indeed an extraordinarily relaxing hobby. When we enter the kitchen with the desire to
prepare something tasty and focus all our attention on the culinary art, the stress in our body
"evaporates" gradually. Likewise, cooking sets our imagination in motion and forces us to make the most
of our creativity, freeing our minds from worries.
Cooking is a relaxing hobby that can help you disconnect from problems. And the satisfaction will be
even greater when you notice that those around you will appreciate the culinary creations in which you
have put so much soul.
With this passion you can't get bored because every day or whenever you want to cook you can
prepare Cooking as a hobby for two completely new and completely new, without having to repeat a
recipe. Maybe only if it has become your "specialty" and those around you adore it.

5-I have a childhood friend. This is a Yasha plush teddy bear. My grandfather gave it to me on my
birthday. It has a beautiful, bright, gray and beige color. A bow around his neck makes him a cheerful
and good bear cub. Together with Yasha, I learned to walk, to read books, to play. Above all, I like to
sleep with my soft and warm friend.
When I'm sad, I share my feelings with the bear. He hugs me with soft paws and becomes calm. If it
rains outside, we sit next to Yasha by the window. The drops flow on the damp glass, the sky becomes
gray and gloomy, and we are warm and comfortable. Before going to bed, I read a fairy tale to my soft
friend, listen carefully, then fall asleep.
It is especially convenient to rest on the Bear. At the end of the day, when the training is over, I hurry
home to sit on Yasha and watch my favorite cartoons. Despite the fact that the bear for many years, it
looks neat. If they are torn or dirty, try to put them in order immediately. I have many beautiful toys, but
this bear is my favorite.

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