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The Way, The Truth, & The Life:

A Reflection Paper on the Christian Life & Journey of Pastor Henry Dalda

An Interview Reflection Paper In Fulfilment of the Requirement for

THEO-500: Christian Vocation & Fulfillment for
Medical Laboratory Science

Submitted by:
Group 3

Derozo, Renee Angelie C.
Hermoso, Marianne Joy Nichole
Herrera, Charles Joel C
Mondragon, Jorgina Patricia A.
Nadong, Justin Enrique P.
Sousa, Charles Caezar B.
Tee, Keevin Roy A.
Vigilla, Rav Evan S.

July 17, 2023



Cover page…………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Introduction ……………………….………………………………………………………….. 3

Logo & Symbolism …………………………………………………………………………... 4

Summary of the Interview ………………………………………………………………….. 6

Takeaway & Reflection ………………………………………………………….................. 7

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

Photo Documentation ………………………………………………………………………. 11

References…………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life
I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
- Galatians 2:20

Christianity – an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion that is based on the life, death, and
teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Many historians consider the expansion and acceptance
of Christianity around the world to be one of the most fruitful spiritual missions in human history,
despite the fact that it initially only had a tiny number of members (History, 2017). Among the 85%
of the human population who identified with a religion, Christianity is by far, the most popular,
followed by an estimated 2.38 billion people worldwide (World Population Review, 2023).
Christianity is a “religion” of grace and Jesus Christ, the perfect manifestation of God’s love &
grace to humanity, serves as its foundation. Thus, those who believed in Jesus who accepted
God’s grace through, Jesus Christ, believed in Him as the only Lord & savior, and dedicated their
lives to follow his teachings are called “Christians.” God’s sufficient grace & love for humanity
through the gospel of Jesus Christ transcends time, continuing to change the lives of countless
people across human history, from the likes of Apostle Paul who was once a persecutor of early
Christians to Martin Luther, who started a reformation in the Christian church.

Being Christian is more than just a “following” or a transcript in a person’s civil record, it is
a lifestyle of constant change, discipline, and dedication. It is a life-long voluntary crucifixion with
Jesus Christ which involves suffering with Him. Believing in Jesus as the Lord & savior and
following his ways comes with a cost, as stated in Luke 9:23 where he stated that “Whoever wants
to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Because of
this conviction, Christians are expected to deny the “self.” Every Christian is commanded to leave
behind the comfort & the familiarity and “suffer” with Jesus – even at a heavy cost every Christian
is expected to live their lives by faith, and that faith should be manifested through their
actions Even though there is a cost in being a Christian, there is also fulfillment & purpose. With
Jesus, there is joy & thanksgiving in times of sorrow; peace in times of strife; hope in times of
affliction; purpose in times of uncertainty.

The logo shown above is a reflective illustration of Pastor Henry Delda’s interview, which
reflects a Christian’s life & journey, along with the challenges that it carries. The logo is comprised
of 2 elements – the maze & the cross. The first element, the maze, symbolizes the life of a
Christian, full of twists & turns, & the need for guidance & purpose while “navigating” thru it. The
Christian life is not for the faint of heart, because following him comes with a price, and deliverance
from pain & suffering Is not a guarantee; however, Jesus Christ assured that the sufferings
endured by those who believed and followed him for his name’s sake “will receive many times,
and will inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:29).” The second element, the cross, symbolizes Jesus
Christ. Christians across every generation are guided by Jesus, the light of this world, and through
him, there is strength, deliverance, hope, & salvation. Navigating through the “maze” requires
Jesus Christ, which is the “way, truth, and life, ” thus the production of the logo above was inspired
by the Word of God taken from John 14:6, stating that Jesus Christ, the foundation of the Christian
faith, is the only way, truth, and life and no person, regardless of the religious pursuit or the good
works he/she has done, can present himself/herself to God the Father except thru him. Believing
in Jesus as the only means of attaining salvation & deliverance from sin is the first step in being
a Christian & consequently, the first step towards attaining eternal life. Christians throughout
millennia are guided by this conviction, striving to be more like Jesus Christ every day

John 14:6 inspired the proponents to choose red and white as the colors used to illuminate
the logo. The color red symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ that was spilled on the cross. Sin
has plagued humanity ever since Adam & Eve disobeyed God and as stated in Romans 3:23, the
wages of sin require death & the blood of Jesus Christ, which was spilled during his crucifixion,
serves as atonement for the sins of humanity, in which no one can repay. Jesus came to this
world, to die for humanity’s sins and because of his sacrifice, every person who believes in him,
will be made clean in the eyes of God, which is symbolized by the second color – white. The love
of God manifested through Jesus Christ, was crucified on the cross to “redeem humanity from
every lawless deed and to purify for himself a people for his possession, zealous for good deeds
(Titus 2:14).” The logo is an illustrated summary of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which has endured
countless persecutions & rejections, changed and transformed the lives of countless people
throughout human history, and will continue to change the lives of future generations.
The proponents chose Pastor Henry Delda as the interviewee for the interview which
aimed to gain a better understanding of what it truly means to be a Christian and a servant of
Jesus Christ. The interview was conducted on July 9, 2023, via Zoom and it started with a
heartwarming welcome and introduction of interviewers. Questions were asked regarding the
journey of Pastor Henry as a faithful follower of God. The proponents formulated 8 questions,
specifically made to gain information on the life & journey of Pastor Henry, as a devout Christian
believer, follower, & servant, along with his worldviews & the challenges that he experienced in
his personal life & his ministry. The questions used to interview Pastor Henry is stated below, to
1. Can you briefly share the story of your personal spiritual development, including how you
came to personal faith in Christ?
2. How did you come to embrace your faith? Was there a particular experience or event that
influenced you?
3. How do you live out your faith in a way that exemplifies God's love toward us and would
encourage others to seek God?
4. How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?
5. How does God help you persevere in times of tribulation or when temptations try to make
you stumble?
6. In your perspective as a married man and a servant of the Lord, What are your views on
marriage and divorce/annulment?
7. In your perspective, what are the most significant challenges faced by the Christian
Church and what are your responses for said challenges?
8. What advice/s you can give to us as medical technology students and future frontliners?

Each member of Group 3 was tasked to ask the formulated questions and reflect on Pastor
Henry’s responses to each question. The interviewers were able to gather his personal
experience, dilemmas, and trials, as well as his journey toward serving God.

Pastor Henry was first asked to share the story of his personal spiritual development and
how he came to personal faith in Christ. From his response, the pastor's inspiring journey to
embracing a personal faith in Christ was sparked by a significant moment of introspection
prompted by his friend's experience. Despite holding important positions within the chapel, the
pastor found himself questioning the true significance of Christ in his life. It was through his friend's
testimony of God's transformative power during rehab and his constant invitation to join him to
worship that the pastor's spiritual development took flight. This touching account became the
catalyst for the pastor's spiritual growth and deepening faith in Christ. Through his friend's
example and the power of God's love, the pastor's heart was opened, leading him to a more
profound understanding and personal connection with Jesus. This newfound faith ultimately
transformed his life and set him on a path of sharing Christ's message of love, redemption, and
grace with others.

From the point of view of the pastor's friend who had previously struggled with addiction,
the pastor's experience further exemplifies the concept that "God is close to the brokenhearted."
As someone who had experienced the depths of brokenness during the period of addiction and
rehabilitation, the friend's transformation and newfound faith in God became a testament to God's
presence and compassion. Through God's grace and intervention, the friend found healing and
redemption, which touched the pastor's heart and kindled a curiosity about his relationship with
Christ. The friend's invitation to the pastor to join him in worship and the subsequent sharing of
how God changed his life during rehab exemplify the idea that God draws near to those who are
brokenhearted, including those grappling with addiction. God's love and intervention, as
demonstrated in the friend's life, encouraged the pastor to seek God amidst his own uncertainty
and emotional struggles, ultimately leading to his spiritual growth and personal faith in Christ. The
pastor's friend serves as a living testimony of God's closeness to the brokenhearted and a beacon
of hope for those facing similar challenges.

In the second question, the pastor was asked how he embraced his faith in Christ and
whether was there a particular experience or event that influenced him. In the pastor's heartfelt
response about embracing his faith in Christ, he humbly acknowledged that his friend's
experience played a profound role in shaping his spiritual journey. Despite being an active
member of the church, it was his friend's transformative experience during rehab that opened the
pastor's eyes to a deeper understanding of knowing who God truly was. Witnessing his friend's
remarkable change and witnessing God's work in his life touched the pastor's heart, inspiring him
to explore his relationship with Christ. Through his friend's example, the pastor found the path to
a more meaningful connection with Jesus, leading to a strengthened and enduring faith that now
guides his life and ministry. It was the power of God's love, demonstrated through his friend's
experience, that kindled a profound and lasting transformation in the pastor's heart, solidifying his
faith in Christ. His response highlighted the importance of remaining open to learning and growth,
regardless of one's previous involvement in religious activities. The pastor's story also exemplifies
how God's transformative power can be witnessed through the experiences of others, offering
hope and inspiration to those facing challenges or uncertainty. Moreover, it emphasizes the
significance of genuine friendship and support in leading others closer to Christ. Lastly, the
pastor's journey underscores the idea that God's love and grace are accessible to all, and He is
especially close to those who are brokenhearted, offering healing and redemption to those who
seek Him with sincerity and humility.

In the third question, the pastor was asked how he live out his faith in a way that
exemplifies God’s love towards us and would encourage others to seek God. His response stated
that faith begins within relationships. According to the pastor, exemplifying God’s love revolves
around how you treat your wife, children, neighbors, workers, and just people you meet on the
street. He expressed that the way we treat others is where our Christian calling comes in as this
is also a commandment from God. He also stated that Christians cannot encourage others to
seek God when they do not even practice what they preach. In the fourth question, pastor Henry
was asked about his views on his work as a vocation and he emphasized that calling refers to
responding to God’s plan and purpose for you. Conversely, duty is about the predilection of every
believer to act on his/her faith in God. Furthermore, vocation pertains to honoring a portion of
oneself in service to God. His work became a calling due to his faith and becoming a minister
served as a duty when he acknowledged God’s calling. The pastor’s responses highlighted that
Jesus, the foundation of Christian faith is the perfect manifestation of God’s love for humanity and
thus, every Christian is called to love others in the same way that He loves humanity. This
encompasses caring unconditionally, sacrificially, and forgivingly. Particularly, our actions, not just
our words, demonstrate our love. Additionally, responding to the call and acting on duty can
provide meaning and purpose to someone’s occupation and when a person sees his/her work as
a means of serving God and others, it becomes more fulfilling and satisfying.
In the fifth question, pastor Henry was asked how God helped and continues to help him in
persevering through tribulation and temptations According to his response, his daily devotions to
God play a crucial role in this aspect. He emphasized that engaging in daily devotions helps him
withstand life's temptations. One of the primary ways he mentioned was through prayer, which he
regarded as a powerful tool. Through prayer, individuals can establish a personal connection with
God, express their challenges, seek guidance, and find the strength to persevere. Thus, daily
devotions, particularly prayer, provide a means to connect with God and receive the necessary
support to overcome difficulties. In the sixth question, he was asked about his views on marriage
and divorce/annulment. His response stated that marriage is seen as a covenant between the
couple and God. When discussing perspectives on divorce or annulment, the pastor emphasized
that individuals should enter a relationship without contemplating its potential end. Instead, they
should commit to growing together, recognizing that marriage entails significant responsibility.
When both partners share a belief in God, it establishes a solid spiritual foundation for their
marriage. This shared faith cultivates unity, shared values, and a moral compass, ultimately
strengthening their bond and providing support during difficult times. Thus, prioritizing the
establishment of a strong spiritual connection is essential for couples before entering into

In the seventh question, pastor Henry was asked about the challenges faced by the Christian
Church and the responses to the said challenges, and what the pastor said was true. The most
challenging aspect when it comes to Christians is the current generation, Generation Z. Reaching
out to the next generation is hard due to generation gaps, and with the introduction of new things
and new technologies, the need for maintaining the relationship with God is increasing. For the
salt and light to be preserved for the next generation, the current generation must be accountable
and bear the responsibility of continuing the legacy of sharing what Jesus did on that cross and
spreading the message to the next generations to come, until the 2nd coming of the Lord. In the
last part of the interview, Pastor Henry gave his encouragement and advice to the interviewers,
which are medical laboratory science students and future frontliners. He encouraged the
interviewers to be grateful in every circumstance and reminded them that God has purposely
placed them in the course that they are currently studying and reminded them to be truthful in
their faith and actions and serve others with compassion.
The interview highlighted the profound impact of personal testimonies in transforming
lives, the importance of authentic relationships, and the significance of actively demonstrating
one's faith through actions as a means of living the Christian life. The key takeaways emphasize
that witnessing the experiences of others can ignite one's faith journey, with God's love being
accessible to those who are brokenhearted. The pastor's story serves as a reminder to embrace
personal growth and share the messages of love, redemption, and grace with others. It
underscores the role of shared faith in fostering strong relationships, the need for genuine
authenticity in living out one's beliefs, and the fulfillment derived from perceiving work as a calling
to serve God. Furthermore, the challenges faced by the Christian Church, particularly in engaging
younger generations, call for ongoing commitment and the passing on of Christ's message as a
legacy. Overall, these insights shed light on the transformative power of faith, the enduring nature
of God's love, and the individual's vital role in upholding and sharing their beliefs within an ever-
changing world.
History (2017). Christianity. A&E Television Networks, LLC.

World Population Review (2023). Religion by Country 2023.

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