Activity 1

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ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS. ACTIVITY1 ICE-BREAKING - getting to know your friends and adjusting to life as a college/university student. EXAMPLE ONE ‘ACTIVITY TITLE: BALLOONS Time - 30 mins + Suggested max. participants - multiples of groups of 8, (depends on group size) | needs at least 20, will work with very large groups Equipment required - 1balloon per person, paper & pens, fipchart paper & pens ‘Activity level ~ Participants will inflate balloons, throw them around the room, catch them and then work in small groups EXPLANATION Give each participant a post card sized piece of paper, and ask them to write down one| anxiety that they have about startingat University. On the other side ask them to write one| thing that they are looking forward to. Hand out the balloons. Ask the students to put their paper into the balloons then inflate and| tie them. Now get everyone together in the middle of the room, throw the balloons into the| air, waft them about for a few moments and then have the participants catch the balloons. Split the participants into teams of 4. They then burst the balloons and read the comments people have made about what they are looking forward to, Then working in groups, they| explore ways of dealing with the anxieties that students have written down, Feedback solutions at the end, perhaps offering additional reassurance and support as you do so. PAGE n,

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