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Immunologic Research 2006;36/1–3:27–32

From B Cell to Plasma Cell

Regulation of V(D)J Recombination
and Antibody Secretion

B cell development culminates in the formation of plasma cells,
potent secretors of the immunoglobulins (Ig), proteins crucial for
the health of the organism. Two distinctive and crucial steps are
required during B cell differentiation. First, variable gene segments
encoding the antigen-binding region of Ig undergo directed
rearrangement through a process known as V(D)J recombination.
Second, alternative processing of the Ig heavy chain mRNA tran-
script enables plasma cells to secrete high levels of Ig protein. This
review focuses on the molecular mechanisms that control V(D)J
recombination in B cell progenitors and alternative RNA process-
ing in plasma cells.

Lisa Borghesi
Key Words Christine Milcarek
V(D)J recombination
Department of Immunology
University of Pittsburgh School of
Hematopoiesis Medicine
Plasma cell

V(D)J Recombinase Activity Is

signals that initiate this process during
First Upregulated in Uncommitted
hematopoiesis is of great interest. V(D)J
Lymphoid Precursors
recombination occurs in an ordered sequence
Because V(D)J recombination of immuno- in which the immunoglobulin heavy chain
globulin genes is a required step in lympho- (IgH) rearranges before the Ig light chain, and
cyte development, understanding the molecular within IgH loci, D–JH joining precedes V–DJH

Lisa Borghesi or Christine Milcarek © 2006 27

Department of Immunology, Humana Press Inc.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 0257–277X/
200 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (Online)1559-0755/06/
E-mail: or 36/1–3:27–32/$30.00
joining. Our work is focused on the very first activity at the CLP stage of development (5).
step in this process—initiation of D–JH In combination with experiments demonstrat-
recombination—during progression of ing that rag expression is first detectable in a
uncommitted hematopoietic progenitors to rare subset of upstream LSK (lin–scahikithi)
the B lymphocyte lineage. progenitors (6), this work defines a key devel-
The rag1 and rag2 genes are the compo- opmental point at which V(D)J recombinase
nents of the V(D)J recombinase enzyme com- activity is strongly upregulated in vivo.
plex that catalyzes double-strand DNA breaks.
Within the early B cell compartment, rag tran- Transcriptional Regulation of V(D)J
scripts were shown to be readily detectable in Recombination Initiation
pro-B cells, a stage of development in which Multiple cis-acting elements that regulate
approx 60% of cells possess D–JH joins (1,2). both rag1 and rag2 have been identified
However, it was initially unclear whether rag (7–9). The Erag enhancer of rag expression
expression and, hence, V(D)J recombination, was of particular interest because it has been
occurred at earlier stages of hematopoietic shown to regulate rag expression in pro-B but
development. For example, rag2 transcription not pro-T cells (10). To characterize a role for
in upstream pre-pro-B cells was detectable Erag activity at the CLP stage of develop-
using a rag2–GFP construct (3) but not by PCR ment, we crossed Erag-deficient mice to the
analysis of endogenous rag transcripts (2). To H2-SVEX background. We found that mice
address this issue, we began to characterize rag lacking Erag had a fivefold reduction in VEX
expression and V(D)J recombinase activity in expression in both CLPs and pre-pro-B cells
early hematopoietic precursors in vivo. (5,11). By contrast, VEX expression was
To study regulation of V(D)J recombinase unaffected in pro-T cells from Erag null mice.
activity in rare hematopoietic progenitors, we The decrease in recombinase activity in CLPs
exploited H2-SVEX transgenic mice that and B cells but not T cells from Erag-deficient
express a fluorescent V(D)J recombination animals suggests that B cell–specific regula-
reporter substrate. Consequent to V(D)J tion already exists at this early stage of pre-
recombination, cells express VEX, a modified cursor development.
green fluorescent protein that is readily The transcription factor E47, a splice prod-
detectable by flow cytometry. We found that uct of the E2A gene, is a strong candidate for
not only is VEX expression present in 90% of regulating rag expression and recombinase
pro-B cells, a population actively undergoing activity in CLPs. E2A is known to bind to a
recombination, but 20% of pre-pro-B cells are rag2 enhancer (12), upregulate rag1 tran-
also VEX+ (4). Moreover, VEX is expressed in scripts (13), and trans-activate Erag in a B
30–50% of common lymphoid progenitors cell line (10). However, it has been difficult to
(CLPs), precursors that have not yet commit- determine whether E2A directly affects rag
ted to a specific lymphoid lineage fate. These transcription in hematopoietic progenitors in
data suggest that rather than being restricted to vivo. E47 deficiency leads to an early block in
committed B (or T) cells, V(D)J recombinase B cell development (14,15) rendering it
activity is first upregulated in multipotent unclear whether the absence of detectable rag
hematopoietic progenitors (5). Examination of transcripts in total bone marrow cells (16) is
double transgenic rag2–GFP × H2-SVEX due to the specific absence of rag expression
mice confirmed the simultaneous expression or is due to the absence of the progenitor cells
of rag transcription and V(D)J recombinase that are capable of expressing rag (i.e., CLPs

28 Borghesi and Milcarek

and pre-pro-B cells). To address this issue, we expression and V(D)J recombinase activity in
first characterized the precise stage at which ETPs and the T lineage remain unclear.
B lineage development is blocked in E47-
deficient mice. Within the intact, upstream Control of Ig Secretory mRNA Production
subsets, we then examined each rag1 tran-
B-cell development and differentiation cul-
scription, V(D)J recombinase activity, and
minate in the dual production of plasma cells
D–JH joining.
producing secreted Ig that is crucial for the
We found that CLPs and pre-pro-B cells
were present in E47-null mice albeit at health of the organism and in memory cells
reduced frequency but that pro-B/pre-B cells that continue to survive and provide the
were undetectable (11). Thus, these mice have anamnestic response. Blimp-1 is normally
a complete block at the pro-B stage of devel- repressed by BCL-6 in mature B cells; when
opment. Within the intact CLP population, we BCL-6 expression is turned down by lym-
found severe recombination defects. rag1 phokine stimulation, blimp increases, thereby
transcripts were below the level of detection further shutting BCL-6 off (19). Blimp
as assessed by quantitative RT-PCR, and VEX induces Ig secretion (20). Studies to date
expression was reduced from 36% in E47-het- indicate that this is an indirect effect, through
erozygous animals to 0% in E47-null mice. the induction of other proteins, because blimp
Consistent with the absence of recombination does not interact directly with the Ig promoter
machinery, the frequency of D–JH+ CLPs was or the polyadenylation machinery.
reduced from 6 out of 26 cells (23%) in E47 RNA processing events play the major role
heterozygous mice to only 1 out of 52 (1.9%) in determining the ratios of the two forms of
in E47-null mice. In contrast to the require- Ig heavy chain mRNA. The crucial role for
ment of E47 for V(D)J recombinase activity polyadenylation was substantiated by our lab
during B lineage development, loss of E47 has and by others, as reviewed in ref. 21.
no discernable effect on recombinase activity Polyadenylation at the weak secretory-specific
in T lineage precursors. Together these data poly(A) site and splicing to the membrane-
indicate that E47 is absolutely required for specific exons at the suboptimal splice site, in
initiation of V(D)J recombination at the CLP the last secretory-specific exon, are mutually
stage of development. exclusive events. The changes in the cleavage
One of the unexpected implications of this and polyadenylation of the precursor RNA tip
work is that CLPs may have a B lineage bias. the balance in plasma cells to the use of the
This idea is supported by the observations that first, weak poly(A) site. The CH4 (µ) or CH3
both Erag and E47 are required for recombi- (γ) terminal-secretory Ig heavy chain exons
nase activity in CLPs and pre-pro-B cells, but are composites of splicing and polyadenyla-
are dispensable for recombinase activity in T tion signals. This type of composite exon is
lineage progenitors. Consistent with this seen in numerous other genes, many of which
interpretation, T cells have been shown to show differential poly(A) site utilization, so
arise efficiently from early thymic progenitors understanding Ig heavy chain gene regulation
(ETPs) rather than CLPs (17). This concept has much wider implications for the control of
gains further credence by the observation that gene expression in a number of systems (21).
ikaros-null mice generate near normal num- Previously, we found that there was an
bers of T cells despite the absence of the CLP increase in the binding activity of CstF-64 and
population (18). The factors that control rag the 100 kDa subunit of CPSF to poly(A) sites

Regulation of Antibody Production 29

in plasma cell/myeloma nuclear extracts as The U1A protein can be found both in a
compared with memory B cell/lymphomas small-ribonucleoprotein-particle (snRNP) that
(22). In that study and subsequent studies we contains U1 RNA, or in a distinctive fraction,
could find no difference in the amount or form free of the snRNP, the SF-A complex. Both
of either protein. Subsequent microarray stud- components have been shown to influence post-
ies have detected no changes in the mRNAs or co-transcriptional RNA processing reactions
for these factors in a variety of B cell to in HeLa cells. Because U1A may influence the
plasma cell comparisons. We hypothesized processing of the immunoglobulin heavy chain
that the change in the binding activity of pre-mRNA in B cells, we wanted to see if the
CstF-64 and CPSF-100 between B cell stages levels of U1A in either of its two forms changed
might be brought about through the action of following IL-6 stimulation to IgM secretion.
“auxiliary polyadenylation factors” that could Using antibodies that specifically recognize
augment the binding of the basal/constitutive the two forms of U1A, snRNP-associated and
factors. CstF-64 activity, as judged by its snRNP-free, we found that approx 16% of
ability to bind to an RNA substrate, has also U1A is in the SF-A form in B-cells. We mea-
been shown to vary following adenovirus (23) sured the levels of U1A protein in its two states
and herpesvirus infection (24) with no change in human B cell lines by both flow cytometry
in the level of the protein. and exhaustive immunoprecipitations. We
found a significant decrease in the amount of
Auxiliary RNA Processing snRNP-associated U1A following cytokine
Factors in Plasma Cells stimulation that correlates with the changeover
While searching for factors that are differ- to the secretory-specific poly(A) site use in the
entially expressed in plasma versus B cells, SKW 6.4 cell line. Meanwhile, the number of
we demonstrated that a change in the level of U1A molecules in the SF-A fraction of the pool
hnRNP F is an important determinant in the remains nearly constant following induction to
regulated use of alternative polyadenylation secretion. Our results (28) suggest that the
sites (25). Those results and recent studies changing level of U1A in the snRNP fraction
(26) demonstrate that mammalian hnRNP F may be important for influencing Ig heavy
can act as a negative regulator of CstF-64 in chain mRNA processing.
the pre-mRNA cleavage reaction and that the
Role of RNA Polymerase II
increased expression of hnRNP F in memory
Association in mRNA Processing
B cells contributes to the suppression of the Ig
heavy chain secretory poly(A) site. The The linkage between RNA processing
hnRNP F protein is one member of a family events and transcription has become increas-
of closely related regulators including hnRNP ingly evident over the last several years (29).
H, H′, H29, and F that will bind to poly(G). Different promoters can direct either the
There is significant variation in the ratio of inclusion or exclusion of alternatively spliced
hnRNP H to F in different tissues suggesting exons (30). The recruitment of different fac-
this ratio may serve a regulatory function tors to control splice site selection occurs on
(27). Therefore, the relative amount of each the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA pol II
member of the pair may have many important (CTD) at the start of transcription. Purified
implications for RNA processing, much like CTD stimulates both polyadenylation and
hnRNP A versus ASF/SF2 levels are impor- splicing in vitro (31). The polyadenylation
tant for tissue-specific splicing patterns. factor CPSF loads onto the CTD of RNA

30 Borghesi and Milcarek

polymerase II in a directed fashion after first and the fate of the splice site chosen. We
interacting with the proteins at the promoter, believe that RNA polymerase elongation may
specifically certain TFIID-associated TAFII also influence the loading of 3′ end process-
proteins (32). Stimulation of 3′ processing in ing factors onto the CTD at the Ig heavy chain
vivo by CTD requires contact with the 50-kDa in plasma cells and thereby influence the
subunit of the cleavage stimulation factor, change in polyadenylation patterns seen.
CstF. Different regions of the CTD with their
potential for unique patterns of phosphoryla- Summary
tion may serve distinct functions in pre- We continue to attempt to uncover the mol-
mRNA processing (33). Elongation by the ecular events that determine how mature
polymerase is also controlled by a number of and/or memory cells may be activated to dif-
factors, including ELL2 (34). The expression ferentiate into plasma cells. Understanding
of ELL2 mRNA has been shown to be regu- how Ig is generated is important for vaccine
lated in plasma cell differentiation in several development to eradicate infectious diseases,
studies including our own (unpublished) stud- in controlling allergic responses, in amelio-
ies. The kinetics of polymerase elongation can rating autoimmune diseases, and in limiting
also influence the loading of splicing factors tumor growth by antibodies.

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