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Fluid Mechanics I HW#1 N.


1- The pressure difference, Δp, across a partial blockage in an artery (called a stenosis) is
approximated by the equation:

where V is the blood velocity, μ the blood viscosity, ρ the blood density, D the artery
diameter, A0 the area of the unobstructed artery, and A1 the area of the stenosis.
Determine the dimensions of the constants Kυ and Ku. Would this equation be valid in
any system of units?
2- An important dimensionless parameter in certain types of fluid flow problems is the
Froude number defined as V/√𝑔ℓ, where V is a velocity, g the acceleration of gravity,
and ℓ a length. Determine the value of the Froude number for V=10 ft/s, g=32.2 ft/s2,
and ℓ=2 ft. Recalculate the Froude number using SI units for V, g, and ℓ. Explain the
significance of the results of these calculations.
3- A thin layer of glycerin flows down an inclined, wide plate with the velocity distribution
shown in Fig. For h=0.3 in. and α=20°,
determine the surface velocity, U. Note
that for equilibrium, the component of
weight acting parallel to the plate surface
must be balanced by the shearing force
developed along the plate surface. In your
analysis assume a unit plate width.
4- For air at standard atmospheric pressure the values of the constants that appear in the
Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10) are C=1.458 × 10-6 kg/(m.s.K1/2) and S=110.4 K. Use
these values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and 90 °C and compare with values
given in Table B.4 in Appendix B.
5- The viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of
a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig.
In this device the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner
cylinder is rotated with an angular velocity, ω. The torque 𝒯
required to develop ω is measured and the viscosity is
calculated from these two measurements. (a) Develop an
equation relating μ, ω, 𝒯, ℓ, Ro, and Ri. Neglect end effects
and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. (b)
The following torque-angular velocity data were obtained
with a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type discussed in
part (a). For this viscometer Ro=2.50 in., Ri=2.45 in., and
Fluid Mechanics I HW#1 N. Najafpour

ℓ=5.00 in. Make use of these data and a

standard curve-fitting program to
determine the viscosity of the liquid
contained in the viscometer.
6- Surface tension forces can be strong enough to allow a double-edge steel razor blade to
“float” on water, but a single-edge blade will sink. Assume that the surface tension forces
act at an angle θ relative to the water surface as shown in Fig. (a) The mass of the double-
edge blade is 0.64 × 10-3 kg, and the total length of its sides is 206 mm. Determine the
value of θ required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight and the resultant
surface tension force. (b) The mass of the
single-edge blade is 2.61 × 10-3 kg, and the
total length of its sides is 154 mm. Explain
why this blade sinks. Support your answer
with the necessary calculations.
7- Natural gas at 70 °F and standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi (abs) is compressed
isentropically to a new absolute pressure of 70 psi. Determine the final density and
temperature of the gas.
8- A block of mass M slides on a thin film of oil. The film thickness is h and the area of the
block is A. When released, mass m exerts tension on the cord, causing the block to
accelerate. Neglect friction in the pulley and air resistance. Develop an algebraic
expression for the viscous force that acts on the block
when it moves at speed V. Derive a differential
equation for the block speed as a function of time.
Obtain an expression for the block speed as a
function of time. The mass M=5.5 kg, m=1 kg, A=25
cm2, and h=0.5 mm. If it takes 1 s for the speed to
reach 1 m/s, find the oil viscosity μ. Plot the curve for
9) Make an analysis of the shape η(x) of the water–air
interface near a plane wall, as in Fig., assuming that the
slope is small, R-1≈d2η/dx2. Also assume that the
pressure difference across the interface is balanced by the
specific weight and the interface height, Δp ≈ ρgη. The
boundary conditions are a wetting contact angle θ at x=0
and a horizontal surface η=0 as x∞. What is the
maximum height h at the wall?
10- Oil of viscosity μ and density ρ drains steadily down the side of a tall, wide vertical
plate, as shown in Fig. In the region shown, fully developed conditions exist; that is, the
Fluid Mechanics I HW#1 N. Najafpour

velocity profile shape and the film thickness δ are independent of

distance z along the plate. The vertical velocity w becomes a function
only of x, and the shear resistance from the atmosphere is negligible. (a)
Sketch the approximate shape of the velocity profile w(x), considering
the boundary conditions at the wall and at the film surface. (b) Suppose
film thickness δ, and the slope of the velocity profile at the wall,
(dw/dx)wall, are measured by a laser Doppler anemometer. Find an
expression for the viscosity of the oil as a function of ρ, δ, (dw/dx)wall,
and the gravitational acceleration g. Note that, for the coordinate system
given, both w and (dw/dx)wall are negative.

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