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1. When will be my daughter marriage happened? Sri Ramalingeswara Prasad 3

2. Will I be able to clear the interview Smt. Akanksha Taparia 6

3. Progeny prospects as per Natal chart by EPS Sri. S. Sekar 8

4. Heart attack and Astrology Dr. G. Gopinath 12

5. May I have a chance of admission in my desired…. Sri. Ramalingeswara Prasad 18

6. Who will win in World cup match of India Vs…. Sri. Eswar Raj 21

7. What an amazing feeling to parents when…. Sri. Ramalingeswara Prasad 23

8. Brain Cancer Sri. K. Subba Rao 26

9. Special article on Naina Jaiswal Dr. G. Gopinath 30

10. When the twins are identical… Sri. Ramalingeswara Prasad 34

11. Will I travel to Germany…? Sri. Eswar Raj 38

12. Sometimes twin birth is going to be… Sri. Ramalingeswara Prasad 40


When will be my daughter’s marriage happened...?

M. Ramalingeswara Prasad,
KP Astrologer,Cell: 08309234634,


One of my clients asked me,” sir, from 5years I am trying to do my daughter’s marriage
but will failing. We tensed about her marriage and predict me when will it happened.”
Immediately I said to him to choose the random number from 1 to 249. But he is so
much tensed to select the number also. But no problem The KP astrology system gives
the clue of Time chart. I erected the time chart immediately, the details given below.

DOJ:- 16.05.202 (Monday), TOJ:- 010.09.13 am, POJ:- Kurnool.

General KP Rule:

If the sublord of 7th CSL be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner)
of 2,7,11 marriage is promised. During the joint period of significator of 2,7,11
marriage is promised.

This is the rotated chart from Lagna to 5th house, the querent asking for her first
daughter. Ok
Let us check the Moon (10-7,8) is in the star of Jupiter (3-4,12) and in the sub of Rahu
(4). Rahu have no planets in its stars and CSL of 7-11. Rahu is posited in Aries sign
and aspects of 3rd by Saturn acts as Mars (3-11) and Saturn (2-1,2,3). So, Moon
signifies 1-2(family)-3-4-7(Marriage Partner)-8 (Fear and Tension)-10-11( Fulfilment
of desires)-12 (Failures of the event). So, his desire about his daughter was genuine.

Let us check the 7th CSL Rahu (4) is in the star of Sun (4-9) and in the sub of Moon
(10-7,8). Rahu had no stars in its planets signifying the sub of (7-11). Rahu is posited
in Aries sign and aspects of 3rd by Saturn acts as Mars (3-11) and Saturn (2-1,2,3). So,
the Rahu signifies 1-2-3-4-7-8-9-11-12. Thus,Rahu promised the event of marriage with
the great difficulty of 1-8-12 houses.

Next, let us observe the 11th CSL Rahu, we already discussed it above. OK


Very Important Note: Whenever Saturn has got any connection what -so-
ever with Moon, there will be some obstacle or impediment, not only
during negotiation but also at the time of fixation and even at the time
of celebration of the marriage. This connection between Moon and Saturn
causes delay, though ultimately both of them do much more good with a
better partner. This is called as a PUNARPHOO-DOSHA.
(Ref: Reader-4, page no.74 & 75. Written by Great professor
Sri. KSK Guruji)

In this case study Moon aspects of 10th by the Saturn and Saturn is in the
star of Moon.
Let us check the Ruling Planets:

Lagna sub lord: Jupiter

Lagna star lord: Mercury ®
Lagna sign lord: Venus
Moon sub & star lord: Saturn
Moon sign lord: Mars
Day lord: Moon
Note: Ketu is posited in Libra sign and represents Venus, so we including Ketu in
Ruling Planets. And we removed Retrograde Mercury in Ruling Planets.
So, the final Ruling Planets are: Mo/Ma/Ju/Ve/Sa/Ra/Ke.

At the time of judgement Jupiter Dasa is running from 04.08.2008 to 04.08.2024 and
coming as a RP.

Next, Bhukti lord Rahu is running from 11.03.2022 to 04.08.2024 and is our RP.

Next, Antara lord Jupiter is running from 21.07.2022 to 14.11.2022 and already we
used Jupiter as a Dasa lord and that too Jupiter came once in RP’s.
Next, Antara lord Saturn running from 14.11.2022 to 02.04.2023, due to Punarpoo
Dosha we omitted Saturn Bhukti.
Next, Antara lord Mercury is not in direct motion, we are not including in RP’s.
Next, Antara lord Ketu is running from 04.08.2023 24.09.2023 and appeared as a RP.

My Astrological Prediction: During the joint period of Ju-Ra-Ke, the native’s daughter
marriage will be done.
My ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTION Comes True: The querent informed me that his marriage
celebration will be done on 19.09.2023.


Will I be able to clear the Interview?

Mastering the college admission interview is a multidimensional process that

requires meticulous preparation, self-assurance, and effective communication. The
interview is an opportunity for both the college and the student to determine the best
fit, and approach it as a chance to showcase your unique qualities and aspirations.
A client is going to attend an interview for admission MPhil Course and is doubtful
about the outcome, hence he sought my astrological help.
Date: 23rd June2023
Time: 11:16 Am
Place: Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Horary No : 7(Aries Ascendant)

Rule: To get admission an educational institution there must be a connection

between 4th house and 11th house. And to get succeed in the interview they must be
good between 3rd house and 11th house.
Jupiter is the Cuspal Sublord of Lagna.
Venus is the Cuspal Sublord of 4th House
Venus is the Cuspal Sublord of 3rd House
Rahu is the Cuspal Sublord of 11th House
Mars and Venus are in close conjunction
Venus – Mercury – Venus- Mercury
Rahu – Ketu – Rahu – Ketu

Ketu /Sun Up to 19/7/23
Ketu / Moon up to 19/2/24

Sun – Rahu – Rahu – Ketu


Moon – Ketu – Sun – Rahu


Conclusion: He went to appear the interview on 28th June 2023. But his selection is
doubtful. May be the candidate’s name appear in Waiting list.

Result : He was not selected.

Herewith I lay this article at the lotus feet of Lord Ganapathi and Sh.KSK ji.



The Father of the lady has approached for progeny prospects of her daughter..It is 4 years
since marriage and there is no child for the lady..The Analysis for Progeny is given below..
Name Female
Date of Birth 01.10.1989
Time of Birth 10.10 AM
Place of Birth Tiruchirapalli
State TamilNadu

Date of Marriage..01.09.2019
Saturn,Kethu are Free planets having no planets in its stars..So theses planets are strong..
5 th rulers for Child birth are Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter..
At present Jupiter dasa Moon bhukthi is running..upto 08.10.2024..
5 th sublord is Jupiter and this is the destiny planet for Progeny....Jupiter is 5 th lord and also
karaga planet for progeny..Jupiter has got more weightage in deciding the child prospects..
Jupiter is lord of 2,5 in 8 sublord of 5,11..Jupiter is good and Favourable connections are
Jupiter starlord is Rahu ..Mercury placed in 3 starlord of 4,8,12 and sublord of 7..Its second
planet is Saturn..Rahu is lord of 3,4 in 2 ,starlord of 1,5,9 and sublord of 8..


Rahu star lord isMars...Mars is lord of 1,6 placed in 10 close to 11..and sublord of 1,3..
Effect level has Mixed connection favourable little more..
Jupiter sublord is Venus . Venus is lord of 7,12 in 12 star lord of 6 sublord of 6,12..Starlord of
Venus is Jupiter.. Jupiter is lord of 2,5 in 8 sublord of 5,11..Jupiter is good and Favourable
connections are more..
Result level has Mixed connections Un Favourable more..
Destiny shows some hurdles and troubles in the child birth as the Faourable in Source and
Effect is not supported by Result level..
The prospect for child birth can be got by going in for medical treatment in the favourable
periods ruled by good planets and avoiding un favourable planets in destiny..
It is reported that there are 3 miscarriages in Venus bhukthi period..Venus has Jupiter good
Key planet in Level 2 and Level 4 and bad planet Venus in Level 1 and Level3..Jupiter has
helped in conception and Venus has caused abortion..
The Favourable Key Planets are Moon,Jupiter,Saturn, ,Kethu,mars . The PILT table is checked
for these key planets..The Planets having selection in important levels are only 4..The planets
having Moon ,Jupiter good KeyPlanet in Level3 is stronger ..They are Sun and Mars..The
other 2 comes next and they are Moon,Rahu..
Venus is most unfavourable detrimental planet in this chart..Its connections are
Dasa lord Jupiter has good Key Planet Jupiter in Level1,Level4..Venus unfavourable Key
planet rules Level 3..So The period planet which has good Key planet Jupiter and not having
bad Key planet Venus is to be selected for medical treatment..Sun and Mars are good period
planets..Moon and Rahu are supporting..
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that gives sperm a better chance at
fertilizing an egg. This treatment can improve pregnancy chances for some couples and
During intercourse, only a few hundred sperm reach the egg under ideal conditions. But with
IUI, your doctor places millions of healthy sperm directly in the uterus, much closer to the


IUI can benefit couples and individual females who wish to have a biological child.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or
prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child.
During IVF, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a
lab. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to a uterus. One full
cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. Sometimes these steps are split into different parts and
the process can take longer.
IVF is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be
done using a couple's own eggs and sperm. Your chances of having a healthy baby
using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility. In
addition, IVF can be time-consuming, expensive and invasive..
Two phases of Event Conception and Delivery are having fixed gestation period of
approximately 9 months..We can not expect both the events to take place in best Favorable
period because within the time interval many sub periods would cross and new bhukthi or
even dasa would run at the time of delivery..At the time of conception if the periods are
signifying unfavorable houses there will be troubles and problems in conception..When the
conception happens in unfavorable period to 5 th house,the growth of the child will not be
good..When the delivery happens in the unfavorable period to 5 th house ,the child will face
problem in delivery and also in health condition..
The Father told that they are thinking of going in for IVF..Jupiter dasa Moon bhukthi is
running at present..Mars bhukthi period is good for medical treatment for progeny..
The Anthara periods favourable are as follows..
Jupiter/Mars/Mars..08.10.2024 to 28.10.2024
Jupiter/Mars/Rahu.17.08.2024 to 29.10.2024.
Jupiter/Mars/Sun..31.07.2025 to 17.08.2025
Jupiter/Mars/Moon..17.08.2025 to 14.09.2025
Mars and Rahu anthara can be utilized for IVF treatment and after gestation period the
delivery may fall in Sun,Moon anthara period..Husband chart study is also carried out to
confirm the support for conception..


Timing for IVF period is suggested during Jupiter/Mars/Mars and Rahu ..08.10.2024 to


Heart attack and Astrology
Dr. N. Gopinath
Mob: 98867 98194

Heart attack is now a common disease and Astrology is only able to predicts who will
suffer from heart attack or not in future. Heart attack take out lives too, frequently it
happens if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes
blocked and the heart can’t get oxygen. Most heart attacks occur as a result of coronary
heart disease.
A less common cause of heart attack is a severe spasm (tightening) of a coronary
artery. The spasm cuts off blood flow through the artery. Spasms can occur in coronary
arteries that aren’t affected by atherosclerosis.
There are many Astrological factors become present in the horoscope.Astrologer find
out this yoga and after that he predicts who will suffer from heart attack in future or not
but my efforts is that everyone know about heart disease through this articlewithout the
help of any Astrologer. So that please takes your horoscope in hands and find out yoga
according to this article. I want to awareness about heart disease by this article.
Heart Attack

You may experience a heart attack, clinically called a myocardial infarction, when the
flow of blood to your heart is completely or near-completely blocked.
Blockage typically occurs when you have a build-up of cholesterol, fat and other
substances in the arteries surrounding your heart.
These plaques can sometimes become unstable, suddenly blocking blood flow to the
heart muscle. Once the flow of blood is interrupted, you can be left with a damaged
heart or parts of the heart muscle destroyed. A heart attack can be fatal too.
According to the cardiovascular doctors at American Heart Foundation, someone in the
United States has a heart attack approximately every 34 seconds. And every 60
seconds, someone in the U.S. dies from a heart-related condition. Close to 720,000
people have a heart attack in the country every year. And of those, 515,000 happen for
the first time.


Signs of a heart attack can include:
• Breaking out in a cold sweat
• Pain and tightness in your chest that feels like something is squeezing you hard
• Chest pain that radiates down your arm or in your neck
• Sudden dizziness or feeling lightheaded
• Unexplained onset of fatigue
• Abdominal discomfort in the form of nausea, heartburn or indigestion
Risk Factors Vary Too
Just as not all heart attacks look alike, so the risk factors that lead to heart attacks vary
in origin as well.
The blocked arteries are the cause of the event, but it’s the various conditions left
untreated that lead to the eventuality of an emergency heart attack.
Heart attack risk factors:
• Smoking, a very high risk factor. Inhaling second-hand smoke counts just as much.
• Age, especially women over the age of 55 and men older than 45. If you fall into these
categories, you’re more likely to have a heart attack than younger people.
• Diabetes, which is so highly associated with coronary artery disease most diabetics
are assumed to also have CAD
• High blood pressure. The damage of a constant force pumping through your blood
vessels leads to atherosclerosis. When combined with obesity, high blood pressure
puts your risk factors higher.
• High cholesterol, which damages your arteries by clogging up the walls and
hampering the easy flow of blood to your heart.
• Stress – for many, this is one risk factor that is difficult to control
• Inactivity, because when your heart isn’t accustomed to pumping hard, it becomes
• Family history. If your siblings, grandparents or parents have had an early heart
attack, it makes you susceptible to the same.
Heart Attack Prevention as Cure
Treatment options offered by your local NYC cardiologist or cardiovascular specialist
have improved greatly over the past decade, and many people live long, healthy lives
following a heart attack. But part of a healthy cardiac treatment plan includes
medication and lifestyle changes to reduce the plaque buildup and strengthen your
entire cardiovascular system.
In fact, studies show that anywhere from a half to 80 percent of all heart-related events
like heart attacks can be avoided through lifestyle changes. The drill doesn’t change
much when it comes to your overall health and reducing your risk of cardiovascular
disease and heart attack.


The most prevalent and desirable changes that greatly lower your risk of having
a heart attack include:
• Stopping cigarette smoking
• Losing weight
• Making healthier nutritional choices that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole
grains and fewer saturated fats
• Exercising regularly
• Maintaining a healthy blood pressure
• Lowering your cholesterol levels
• Managing stress
Know the warning signs, as well as your risk levels, for a heart attack so that you can
take precautions.
For example, if your father, several aunts and uncles and one or more grandparent
died of a heart attack, your risk factors are greatly increased. Healthy lifestyle choices
and regular checkups are vital for you. Additionally, your local heart doctor or
cardiologist New York Dr. Ghalchi may prescribe some medications used to prevent
heart attacks. Follow the directions and continue with regular cardio follow-ups, and
your prognosis will be excellent.

House responsible for Heart attack

In astrology the 4th and 5th house from the Ascendant rules over the Heart Cancer and
Leocontrols over our heart In the Zodiac Signs. The planets Sun and Moon in the
Zodiac Signs are the main significator for heart while Mercury controls the all nerve
system. The right portions of the heart are signified by the above mentioned houses
and signs while the corresponding left portions are signified by the eleventh and tenth
houses respectively. The corresponding signs in the Zodiac are Aquarius and
Which planets responsible for Heart attack
The Malefic planets Saturn, Mars, Rah and Ketu are the significator of the above factor.
Mars causes excessive flow of blood through heart due to high pressure while Saturn
causes interruptions in the function of heart causing pains. Rahu causes irregular heart
activities while Ketu causes sudden heart block. Saturn and Rahu are well known
enemies for Moon and Sun.

1. If Malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rah and Ketu placed in 4th house, any
debilitatedplanets in 4th house or in cancer sign or 6th, 8th and 12th house Lord in 4th
house can cause frequent chest pain.


2. If 4th or 5th lord is occupying 6th, 8th &12th house and aspect or conjunct with
malefic planets or combust by being conjunct with sun, person will have suffer from
heart disease.
3. Malefic (Saturn, Mars, Rah and Ketu) placed in both 4th and 5th houses of a
horoscope or placed in cancer and leo signs.
4. If Sun and Moon are debiliated, placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house or aspect by malefic
planets or occupies Saturn’s houses (Capricorn, Aquarius) in both Rasi and Navamsa
charts, will also cause heart problem. This person will collapse on hearing bad or any
shocking news.
5. Saturn and Sun conjunction in 4th or 5th house or aspect them, will cause low blood
pressure and weak heart. These persons panic easily under crisis and few of them will
faint easily.
6. If Rahu &Moon together in 1st or 7th house and if Saturn occupies either of 1, 4,7,10
houses, person’s can suffer from heart disease.
7. Jupiter and Sun placed in 4th or 5th house or aspect them, will cause high blood
pressure and heart attacks.
8. If any PARIVARTAN YOGA in planet Sun and Saturn like Sun placed in Aquarius
sign and Saturn in Leo Sign in the same chart then the native has more chances to die
from heart attack.
9. If Sun or Moon is being 6th house Lord (house of disease)placed in 4th house and
aspect or conjunction with any malefic planets, then more chance of heart attack.
10. If Lagan lord is weak and conjunct with Rah or any malefic planets in 4th house or
in cancer sign, will give fear of death through heart attacks

Planets how connect Heart Attack. Vedic analyses

1. Lagan fall in Gemini Sign lord 1st and 5th house Mercury in 5th bava gives problem
from Blood circulation. Mercury in the Libra sign Karaka for Kidney . so they way of
blood circulation connect Heart to Kidney.
2. Saturn in the 4th house Leo sign, sun is Karaka for Heart and Leo also Karaka for
Heart , Here Saturn is in the Leo gives Low blood pleasure and weak heart. Saturn is
karaka for nerve Tissues and nerves dis order. So native suffer Chances for Heart
3. Venus in the 5th house lord of 5th and 12th house, 5th house karaka for heart and
Venus Karaka for kidney. Mercury blood circulation Karaka and Ketu karaka for low
blood plusure and diseases related to central nervous conform heart to
kidney path will give trouble. Mercury and Ketu connection is suffer from neurological


4. Mars and Sun in the 6th bava disease, sun is Karaka for Heart and Mars is Karaka
for Muscular system and operation also karaka for blood.
5. 7th house lord Jupiter in the 8th house gives more trouble for growth muscles.
6. 11th bava fall in Aries Rahu and Moon sit there , Rahu is karaka for Blood pleasure,
nerves system and Heart Disease. Another Planet Moon is karaka for Brest , lungs,
and Chest. And also Blood pressure problem. These are keep in the mind here we can
find out valvular disease Holes are narrowed gives blood pressure and breathing

1. In this chart the Lagan falls in Gemini Mercury as sign lord, Mars as star lord and
Venus as sub lord. The sign lord Mercury also lord of 5th (Heart) and afflicted by Kethu.
Mercury is in star of Rahu in Aries, and representing 6th house.
2. The star lord Mars is in Scorpio, the 6th cusp representing blood and blood
circulation. Mars also aspects 12th and lagna bhava from the 6th house (disease).
3. The sublord of the lagna is Venus, as lord of 12th (defect) is posited in the 4th bhava
(heart) and is in the star of Mars in 6th (disease) house
4. The 6th house is conjointly ruled by Mars as sign lord, Jupiter as star lord and Rahu
as sob lord. The sign lord Mars in 6th (disease) house itself. Mars also lord of Scorpio
(watery sign) representing blood and blood circulation etc. Mars is in the star of Mercury
lord of lagna. Mars is in the sub of Saturn, an occupant of Leo (Heart).
5. Rahu is also In tht sub of Saturn an occupant of the sign Leo, representing the heart.
The Saturn In Leo aspects Kumba as its lord. The sign Leo represents, Regurgitation
of blood, Palpitation, feeling giddy, heart ache etc.
6. The sign Kumba represents Varicose vein, irregularity of the functioning of the heart
and heart attack. hence alt the significator of 1 and 6 clearly indicating the nature of
7. 8th house fall in Saggittarlus Jupiter sign, Jupiter is in his own house he is lord of
7th, 8th, and 11th bava lord. Sun star and Mars sub lord, Jupiter star lord sun and sub
lord Mars in the disease house 6th. Sun is Karaka for Heart and Mars are Karaka for
blood circulation.
8. 12th fall in Taurus Venus sign, sun star and Jupiter sub lord, Venus in the 5th house
Karaka for Heart Disease, Sun is Karaka for Heart is in the disease house, Jupiter is
the 7th lord in the 8th house sub lord . Jupiter is karaka for growth and fat, here muscles
growth narrow Vains block the blood circulation


May I have a chance of Admission in my Desired ...?

M. Ramalingeswara Prasad,
KP Astrologer,Cell: 08309234634,


One of my clients asked me,” sir, I am very much interested to admit my desired
engineering college (in India) in hostel. But my parents want day scholar only and iam
not concentrate on studies while in home. Which one I get admission? The result
announced to be on 17.08.2023. Immediately I asked her to choose one random
number from 1 to 249, she selected 88 (out of 249). The details of chart given below.

Horary Number: 88, DOJ:- 19.07.2023 (Wednesday), TOJ:- 09.37.00 am, POJ:-

If the cuspal sub lord of the significator of 4th be the significator of 6th
(Competitions) 4 (education, preparations for examinations, academic
qualifications, regular attendance in school or college)-9 (deep study or higher
education)-11 (success), the native will get academic qualifications during the
joint period of the significators of 4-9-11.

Let us examine the for her genuineness of the query. Moon (12-12) is in the star of
Mercury (12-2,11). Moon has no planets in her stars and CSL of 9-11. So, the Moon
signifies 2-9(Higher Education)-11(Fulfilment of desire)-12 (Away from home). Thus,
the querent is genuine of her desire.

Let us check 4th CSL Mercury (12-2,11) is in the star of its own and in the sub of Venus
(12-3,10). Mercury is deemed to relate to the cusps of 4-6-10. Venus is aspects of 5th
by Jupiter (9-5,8) and 7th by Saturn (7-6,7). Rahu (9) is conjoined with Jupiter and acts
as a Mars (1-4,9) due to position of sitting in Aries sign. Saturn have no planets in its
stars and CSL of 2-8-12. So, the 4th CSL Mercury signifying 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-
12. Thus, Mercury promising the admission with great difficulty of 3-8-10-12 houses.


Let us verify the dream fulfil 11th CSL Moon, we already discussed it above.

Let us check the Ruling Planets follows:-

Lagna sub lord: Sun

Lagna star lord: Saturn®
Lagna sign lord: Mars
Moon sub lord: Venus
Moon star lord: Mercury
Moon sign lord: Moon
Day lord: Mercury
Note: Rahu and Ketu are including as a Ruling Planet due to posited in Aries and Libra
sign. And omitted Saturn due to Retrogression.

So, final Ruling Planets are Mercury/Sun/Mars/Venus/Moon/Rahu and Ketu.

At the time of result announcement on 17.08.2023, Mercury Dasa-Mercury Bhukti-

Ketu Antra-Mercury Sookshma-Saturn Prana is running.

Dasa, Bhukti and Sookshma lord Mercury is 4th CSL and we already discussed it
Next, Antra lord Ketu (3) is in the star of Mars (1-4,9) and in the sub of Moon (12-9-
11). So, Ketu promising the admission due to 4-9-11, but not hostel campus.

Astrological Prediction: I boldly say to the querent that she gets admission into the
college, but in day scholar not in hostel campus.

My Astrological Prediction: She called me on 17.08.2023 evening with tears that

she got the college admission and not in hostel. I said that girl don’t worry
about hostel or day scholar, she had a bright future of higher education due to
4-6-9-11 and abroad chances will be there in future.

I humble Request to parents, now a days girl child creating wonders in

education and research side, pls encourage them.


India Vs Pakistan inWorld Cup
Eshwar Raj
Joshiwadi Goshamahal road, Begumbazar,
Hyderabad 500012, Mobile 8790967930

One of my friend asked who will win and given number on watsapp 142.

India vs Pakistan
Date 13-10-2023
Time 12:05PM
Place Rajkot
Kp 142

India team A

VI csl Ketu
Ketu (12) rasi [Venus (10) lord 8-12 CST 3-7 CSL -- ]CST 6 CSL 3-6-9.
Star Mars (12), lord of 6-7-2 CST 4-8-12 CSL 5
2A Rahu (6), [rasi Mars (12), lord of 6-7-2 CST 4-8-12 CSL 5] rahu CST -- CSL 2-
Csl Mercury (11) lord of 9-11 CST 2-10 CSL1-7-12 conjuct Moon (11) lord of 10
Csl-st Moon (11) lord of 10 CST conjuct Mercury (11) lord of 9-11 CST 2-10 CSL1-

Ketu in source and level by level having FV along with UFN grouping presence but
the strength of FV is bit high.

Pakistan team B
In this rotating chart VII will be lagna for team B
VI csl Mercury
Mercury (5), lord of 3-5 CST 4-8 CSL1-6-7 conjct Moon (5) lord of 4
Star Moon (5) lord of 4 conjct Mercury (5), lord of 3-5 CST 4-8 CSL1-6-7.
2A Moon (5) lord of 4 conjct Mercury (5), lord of 3-5 CST 4-8 CSL1-6-7
Csl Venus (4), lord of 2-6-7 CST 1-9 CSL --
Csl St Ketu (6), rasi venus (4), lord of 2-6-7 CST 1-9 CSL --

Mercury due to presence of 5 unf in each level makes UNF even the FV effort.

team A XI csl Rahu

Rahu (6), [rasi Mars (12), lord of 6-7-2 CST 4-8-12 CSL 5] rahu CST -- CSL 2-8-
Star Ketu (12) rasi Venus (10) lord 8-12 CST 6 CSL 3-6-9.
2A Mars (12), lord of 6-7-2 CST 4-8-12 CSL 5
Csl rasi Venus (10) lord 8-12 CST 3-7 CSL --
csl st Ketu (12) rasi Venus (10) lord 8-12 CST 6 CSL 3-6-9.

Rahu is mixed strength of FV & UNF grouping.

Team B XI csl Mars

Mars (6), lord of 1-8-12 CST 2-6-10 CSL 11.
Star Rahu (12) rasi Mars (6), lord of 1-8-12 CST 2-6-10 CSL 11.
2A Ketu (6), rasi venus (4), lord of 2-6-7 CST 1-9 CSL --
Csl Rahu (12) rasi Mars (6), lord of 1-8-12 CST 2-6-10 CSL 11.
Csl st Ketu (6), rasi venus (4), lord of 2-6-7 CST 1-9 CSL --

Mars source is very good grouping and presence of UNF grouping might not higher
than FV.

The overall study along with the DBA india got more strength than Pakistan team
hence i feel india have good day to win.

India won by 7 wickets.


What an amazing feeling to parents, when Twins...?

M. Ramalingeswara Prasad,
KP Astrologer,Cell: 08309234634,



If the cuspal sublord of 5th cusp (female) or the 11th cusp (male) be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of 2 (increase in family), 5 (conception, child) or 11 (5 th from 7) or
connected with 2, 5or 11, child birth is promised.
If 5th Cuspal Sub lord connected with dual natured planets Jupiter or Mercury twins is
If 5th Cuspal Sub lord connected or posited in dual signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces
also promised for twins or more than one child in a single delivery.
Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are male planets and Moon, Venus & Rahu are female planets.
Mercury and Ketu are neuter gender. Odd number sign indicates male and even number sign
indicates female. However, it is most difficult to predict child gender.

Let us examine the chart of the parent (Father) who have male twins.


Here, the native was male and the twins are his 3rd progeny. So, we must analyze the 3rd cuspal sub
lord for progeny (11th cusp is first child for male, 11th to 3rd is 1st is second child and 1st to 3rd is 3rd
third child for Male). In this natal chart Dual planet Jupiter was the 3rd cuspal sub lord.

Let us check the 3rd cuspal sub lord Jupiter (5-1,4) is in the star of Sun (12-9) and in the sub of Mars
(12-5,12). Jupiter had no stars in its planets and CSL of 3 and 9. Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu (4)
and Ketu represents Mars (12-5,12) due to posited in Aries sign. Jupiter is aspects of 9th to Sun and
Dual planet Mercury (1-7,10). Jupiter is also aspects of 10th by Saturn (8-2,3). Saturn’s 7th
aspects to Venus (2-6,11) are shown in this birth chart.

Important Note: If the sub lord of the two cusps (more than one) are the same
then they are deemed to be connected. (Ref: KP YEAR BOOK-2007-Page
No.18). Here, Saturn is deemed to relate to the cusps of 5-11 and Venus 7-12 cusps. So, 3rd CSL
Jupiter signifies 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. So, Jupiter promised the 3rd progeny to the native.

Twin birth Probability:

1). In this birth chart, the native’s 3rd cuspal sub lord was Jupiter and the Jupiter was Dual planet.
2). Jupiter signifies 2-5-11 signification.
3). Jupiter’s sub lord Mars is posited in Fruitful sign Sagittarius.
4). Jupiter is Male planet; its star lord Sun is Male planet and its sub lord Mars is also Male planet.
So, maximum planets are in Male compatibility, so the twins are male.

The twins are born on 22.06.2006 Mercury Dasa-Saturn (Bhukti/Antra/Sookshma)-Venus Praana.

Note: At the time of birth also Dual Planet Mercury is inter connecting with Dasa directly and B/A/S
indirectly (Saturn’s star lord also Mercury) …….to be continued


Brain cancer

Kuchibhatla. Subbarao,
Siddhi Ruddhi Ganeshaalayam,
KP., Nadi, Vedic Jyotishyam
Cell: +91 9110772304

The following combinations have potential to produce cancer:

1 Rahu is regarded as poison. If Rahu is related to any bhava or its lord
and if that is related to lagna or lagna lord or disease bhava, then quantity
of poison increases in body.
2 If 6th house lord is placed in lagna, eighth house or tenth house and
Rahu aspects on it, the possibility of cancer increases.
3 If there is a combination of Saturn-Rahu, Saturn-Ketu or Saturn-Mars in
twelfth house, it may produce cancer.
4 If Rahu has aspect on trik houses or its lord, there might be symptoms
of cancer.
5 If sixth house or lord of sixth house is afflicted or fall in the constellation
of inauspicious planets, chances increase.
6 Mercury represents skin, so if Mercury is afflicted with inauspicious
planets and Rahu aspects on it, there might be cancer.
7 Also if Mercury is placed in constellation of afflicted planets, chances are
8 If Saturn and Rahu are present in sixth house, there might be some
incurable diseases.
9 Out of all lagna, probability of inflicting cancer is high to the persons of
Cancer lagna.
10 In Cancer lagna, Jupiter is the main factor for cancer. If Jupiter is
conjunct with Mars and Saturn in sixth, eighth, twelfth or second bhava or
associated with its lord, chances are high.
11 In any horoscope, if Saturn or Mars is placed in sixth, eighth or twelfth
houses with Rahu or Ketu, then probability of cancer increases.
12 If lord of sixth house is posited in lagna, sixth or tenth houses and
aspected by inauspicious planets, chances are enhanced.


13 In any horoscope, if Sun is placed with inauspicious planets in sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses, then cancer of stomach or colon is possible.
14 In any horoscope, if Sun is associated with malefic planets in any house
and also lagna is influenced by malefic planets, the probability increases.
15 If weak Moon is posited in sixth, eighth or twelfth houses owned by
malefic planets and Lagna or Moon is aspected by Saturn and Mars,
chances of cancer are very high.
16 If Moon and Saturn are conjunct in sixth house, then chances of
inflicting blood cancer after the age of 55.
17 If Ashlesha constellation is related to lagna or sixth house and afflicted
by Mars, probability of cancer is high.
18 If afflicted Saturn is present in sixth house in the constellation of Rahu,
then cancer might appear.
19 If Saturn and Mars are conjunct in sixth house in the constellation of
Ardra or Swati, probability is higher.
20 If Mars and Rahu are afflicting sixth or eighth house, skin cancer is
21 If Aries falls in sixth house in Swati or Shatbhisha constellation and
Saturn is afflicting sixth house, skin cancer might be there.
22 In a horoscope, if Rahu or Ketu is posited with sixth lord in lagna,
stomach cancer is possible.
23 If sixth house is afflicted and Rahu or Ketu is present in eighth or tenth
house, probability of stomach cancer is high.
24 In a horoscope, if, lagna lord is posited in sixth, eighth or twelfth,
malefic planets are posited in lagna and fourth lord is afflicted and sixth
lord is related to fourth lord, then possibility of breast cancer is very high.
25 Saturn of Cancer or Capricorn, if falls in sixth house, chances of breast
cancer is high.
26 If Mars is present in sixth house in Cancer or Capricorn zodiac sign,
probability of breast cancer is high.
27 if sixth house lord is a malefic planet and lagna lord is posited in eighth
house or tenth house, then chances of cancer is high.
Among these Ra is connected with I then its indication of brain cancer and
Su is afflicted in I then also cancer indication.

Birth details:June 12, 1980 at 8:55 PM in Delhi.

After a Reduction of 8m the chart is as follows.
Here Mo sub = Asc. sub =Ra. Hence modified birth time is treated as correct birth
Brain cancer photo is appended.


I,VI,VIII,XII houses must connect in any manner.
I: Sag 19°46’16” : Ju- Ve- Ra- Su
VI: Ta 26°06’31: Ve- Ma- Ra- Ma
VIII:Can 26°07’30”: Mo- Me- Ju- Ju
XII: Sco 26°06’31”: Ma- Me- Ra-Ma
All houses have connection with each other as
I sub = Ra = VI sub = XII sub,
Ra: Can 29°44’21”: Mo- Me- Sa- Me,
Ra is related to VIII through its star lord Me and also related to XII also. So all the
houses are related with each other.
Asc lord is hemmed between Ra and Ma + Sa, these are not good for health. Hence
the native have this brain cancer in 2018.
Timing of this can be estimated through RP’s and significaters of the houses with
Dasa-bhukti- anatara ec.


Gandhi Jayanthi Special Article Naina Jaiswal

Dr. N. Gopinath
Mob: 98867 98194

*Wonderful Hyderabad Hindu girl Naina Jaiswal is the youngest Phd Holder in
Asia. Proud of all. She is Indian.*

*Awasome Memory ,Brilent, power of Intelegence*

Sri Gurubhyonamaha.

Sothida Mannan , Jyothish Marthand Prof K.S. Krishnamurthy.

N.Gopinath Bangalore ,02/10/2019.Wednsday.

Born in [Hyderabad]( to Ashwani Kumar

Jaiswal and Bhagya Laxmi Jaiswal, Naina had completed her graduation at the age
of 13 from [St. Mary's College,
At the age of 15 she has completed her PG degree and at the age of 17 she began a

Naina Jaiswal completed her

[10th]( grade (Secondary school
Certificate) at the age of 8, completed her
e) (PUC) (Journalism) at the age of 10, completed her [Graduate
degree]( from [St. Mary's
College](,_Hyderabad) at the


age of 13, completed her [Post
graduation]( (Political
Science) from [Osmania
University]( at the age of 15 and
she is pursuing her Honor
[PhD]( at the age of 17.. She
is the youngest Phd from Asia.

Being a proud of all Naina can write in both hands, can play piano and have
excellent speed in type writing.

She is very good Table Tennis player Interest in Music Hindi and Telugu songs.

· First girl from India who selected for ITTF World Hopes Team – 2011

· Secured 6th position in the world (Austria) – 2011 (under-12)

· Cadet girls' team gold medalist in Indian open – 2011

· Cadet girls' singles bronze medalist in Indian open – 2011

· Cadet girls' team bronze medalist in Indian open – 2013

· Cadet girls' double bronze medalist in Indian open – 2013

· Cadet girls' team gold medalist in Fajr cup (Iran) 2013

· Cadet girls' doubles gold medalist in Fajr cup (Iran) 2013

· Cadet girls' singles bronze medalist in Fajr cup (Iran) 2013

· Participated in Hong Kong junior and cadet open 2011

· Participated in Asian junior championship (2011)


We can Try What is a beneficial yoga’s in her chart.

Vedic Astrology Planets position.

1. Lagan fall in Aries. Lagan lord and 8th bava lord fall in his own house, also
combined 9thand 12th lord Jupiter, 10th and 11th lord Saturn in this house.

2. Rahu fall in Cancer 4th bava, Bava lord connect 6th house., Rahu Representative
Mars, Saturn and Moon.

3. Intelligence 5thbava Leo lord Sun fall in the Pisca and aspect 6th house Virgo

4. successful competitive examination 6th house fall in Virgo, 4th house education
Moon is in the 6th house.

5. 9th house lord Jupiter is karaka for Higher knowledge and ability is fall in Aries
withSaturn and agan Lord

6. 10thhouse fall in Sagitterious, Lord Saturn in the Lagan with Lagan Lord. Ketu
is in the house . Ketu Is a representative Sun and Saturn.

11th house hopes, wishes, desire, and gain of authority is fall in Aquaries. Lord
Saturn Is in the Lagan with Mars and Jupiter. In this house Mercury lord of
3rdhouse( courage and hard labor. The role of this house is very important because
every success depends upon the complete dedication and hard work) and 6th house
lord (service and Compitation).and Venus Lord of 2nd and 7th conjoined.

7. 12th fall in Pisco, lord Jupiter is sit in the Lagan with Mars and Saturn. 5thhouse
Intelligent and entertainment lord sun in this house. Jupiter is also 9thhouse lord
Higher knowledge and ability.

KP System


1. 1st cusp fall in Aries , Venus Star lord 3,11,2,and 7, Jupiter Sub Lord 9,12, Moon
is the ss 6,and 4th signification.

2. 4th bava fall in Cancer, Saturn Star lord 11,12,7 and 2. , Moon Sub lord Jupiter
is ss.

3. 6th house competitive Star lord Moon, Sub lord Jupiter, and ss is Sun 12,11 10,5.

4. 9th house Star lord, Sub lord Venus and ss is Mercury signify 3,11,6

5. 10th house Fall in Capricorn Star lord Moon, Sub lord Mars and ss is Jupiter.

6. 11th house fulfillment Star lord Rahu 12, 3, 10, 11 ,Sub lord Saturn, Ss is
Mercury. 10th11th and 12 is improvement.


When the Twins are Identical...?

M. Ramalingeswara Prasad,
KP Astrologer,Cell: 08309234634,


Let us analysis of the native’s twin child charts. (Name: A)

Let us analysis of the native’s twin child charts. (Name: B)


This case belongs to identical twin brothers, born with 3 minutes of birth-time difference
on 22.06.2006 at 07.56 pm and 07:59 pm in Dhone, Kurnool Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Both the twins are same in white colored, soft in behavior and good at education. At the
time of analysis (10.12.2022).

Let us check the Ascendant sub lord is “Saturn” of both. Now, in modern Researchers of
KP Astrology are invented a new technique i.e., If the sub lords are same, then we should
forward with the sub-sub lord of the cusps. Because both the sub-sub lords are not
coming same.

Let us check the Ascendant sub-sub lord of the chart A is Mars. Mars (1-5,10) is in the star
and sub of Mercury (12-3,12). Mars is untenanted and the CSL of 9. Mars is aspects of 4th
to Jupiter (4-6,9) is appeared in this Natal chart. Jupiter’s 9th aspects to Sun (12-2) are
visible in this birth chart. So, 1st CSL Mars signifies 1-2-3-4-5-6-9-10-12.
Ascendant sub-sub lord of the chart B is Jupiter. Jupiter (4-6,9) is in the star of Rahu (9) and
in the sub of Venus (10-4,11). Jupiter’s 9th aspects to Sun (12-2) are visible in this birth
chart. Mars (1-5,10) is aspects of 4th to Jupiter is there in this chart. So, 1st CSL Jupiter
signifies 1-2-4-5-6-9-10-11-12.

Comparatively the two persons are slim and handsome due to signification of 1-5 with
Moon connection. The duo is good health of 1-5-9 with low resistance, sick and thin of 4-6-
12 as their mother and good height 1-9 of their father. Good natured persons with soft
natured with the connection of Jupiter and signification of 1-5-9. The two people are liked
each other with affectionate and friendly with the signification of A’s 3-1(3 is brother and
3rd to 11 is 1st) B’s 11-9 (11 is younger brother and 11th to 11 is 9th). This two-guy liked and
respected their parents and higher education indicates due to signification of 4-6-9.

Let us observe of their higher education of chart A. 9th Cuspal Sub Lord of chart A is Mars,
already we discussed it above @ ASC Sub Lord of chart A. So, Mars signifies good in
Education with competition exams also because of 4-6-9 and chart A boy taken MPC in
intermediate due to Mercury, Mars combination. Mars and Mercury give
Engineering/Building and Construction field/Administrative Dept in Engineering/ etc.,



Let us observe of their education of chart B. 9th Cuspal Sub Lord Rahu (9) is in the star of
Saturn (1-7,8) and in the sub of Mercury (12-3,12). Rahu is posited in Pisces sign and
represents Jupiter (4-6,9). Jupiter is aspects of 9th to Sun (12-2) and aspected of 4th by Mars
(1-5,10). Mars has no stars in his planets and the CSL of 9. Saturn aspects of 10th to Moon
(10-1) is visible in this chart. Moon is untenanted and CSL of 12. So, Rahu signifying 1-2-3-4-
5-6-7-8-9-10-12. So, Mars signifies good in Education with competition exams also because
of 4-6-9 and chart B boy taken MPC in intermediate due to Mercury, Mars combination.
Mars and Mercury give Engineering/Building and Construction field/Administrative Dept
Head in Engineering/ etc., But here Rahu is additional advantage for B chart fellow to went
abroad for the job and branch change is also indicated. Both are eligible for job in abroad
of signification 3-9-12 and 6-10.

At the time of analysis these two were studying IIT based Intermediate MPC. Moon Dasa
and Jupiter Bhukti is running from 27.12.2021 to 28.04.2023.
To be continued…..


Eshwar Raj
Joshiwadi Goshamahal road, Begumbazar,
Hyderabad 500012, Mobile 8790967930

"Will i travel to Germany" My Research proposal submitted to my professor if he

approve i will fly for Germany for presentation of my work. Here two aspects
needed to verify one of professor approval and travel to Germany.

1 Approval from Professor

2 Travel to Germany

Date 29-08-2023
Time 21:52:22
Place Turku Finland
Horary Number 27.

Moon represent our mind

Here Moon (11), lord of 5
Moon in Saturn sign (12) lord of 11-12
Moon in Mars Star (6), lord of 7-8, Mars Saturn close Aspect 11-12 lord clearly
indicate about travel and its fulfill lets study respective cusp sublord
9th CSL Saturn

#Saturn (12), owner of 11-12 CST 5-7, CSL 4-9-10, Aspects Mars (6), lord of 7-8
CST 2.
#Star Rahu (12), sign Mars (6), lord of 7-8 CST 2.Rahu CST 3-12 CSL --.
#2A ketu (6) sign Venus (5) lord of 1-2 CST 9 CSL 11.
#SL Jupiter (12), lord of 9-10 CST 4 CSL 2-3-6-8-12.


#ST-SL Venus (5) lord of 1-2 CST 9 CSL 11.

Saturn is Having Both FV & UNF Groupings in his levels but the strength of FV
is on upper side but still UNF created Delay in Approval but finally he Got it.

11th CSL Venus

#Venus (5) lord of 1-2 CST 9 CSL 11.
#Star Mercury (6), lord of 3-4 CST 8 CSL 7
#2A Venus (5) lord of 1-2 CST 9 CSL 11.
#SL ketu (6) sign Venus (5) lord of 1-2 CST 9 CSL 11.
#STSL Mars (6), lord of 7-8 CST 2.

Venus Good FV grouping source level to 2nd level 3rd level ketu support FV
strength of venus shows fulfill of his question.

For short period of event fructified next day native informed he got Approval and
traveling on 4th Sept 2023.
I just confirm with the Ruling planet of Horary chart with the date of travel 4th
sept as followed.

Ruling planet
Day Tue.

One 4th Sept

Moon was traveling in Mesha rasi bharni nakshtra which is confirmed by my
ruling planet Mars star lord of moon and venus sign lord of Lagna


Some times Twin birth is ...?

M. Ramalingeswara Prasad,
KP Astrologer,Cell: 08309234634,


We took another example of female twins.

Chart A:


Let us verify the Ascendant sub lord of chart A is Venus. Venus (12-4,11) is in the star of
Saturn (12-7,8) and in the sub of Moon (10-1). Venus has no stars in her planets and CSL of
1-5-8-11. Saturn’s 3rd aspects to Jupiter (2-6,9) and Ketu (3). Ketu is posited in Virgo sign
and represents Mercury (12-3,12). Jupiter is untenanted and CSL of 6-12. Jupiter and Ketu
are also aspects of 7th by Mars (9-5,10). Mars is conjoined with the Node Rahu (9). So, 1st
CSL Venus signifies
Her, longevity was medium (about 66yrs) due to signification of 1-5-9 and 6-8-12 with 2-7-
11 houses. The native’s resistance is low and ill health due to 6-8-12 houses.

Let us check 6th CSL Jupiter (2-6,9) is in the star of Moon (10-1) and in the sub of Saturn (12-
7,8). Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu (3). Ketu is posited in Virgo sign and represents Mercury
(12-3,12). Jupiter and Ketu are aspects of 7th by Mars (9-5,10). Rahu (9) is conjoined with
Mars. Mars is aspects of 4th to Sun (11-2). So, Jupiter signifies 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12.
Thus, Jupiter indicates very danger of health to the native due to 6-8-12 houses. Jupiter is
interconnected with Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars planets related to mental problem
and it is going on life long. If the 6th cuspal sub lord significator of 6 and 12 goes to be
incurable ailment but temporarily relief comes of 1-5-9 signification planet DASA’s. Jupiter
has no stars in its planets and CSL of 6 and 12. 3rd house denotes mental house and 9th
house indicates higher level mind. Let us examine the 9th CSL Mercury (12-3,12) is in the
star of Saturn (12-7,8) and in the sub of Mars (9-5,10). Rahu is conjoined with Mars (9-
5,10). Mars aspects of 7th to Jupiter (2-6,9) and Ketu (3). Jupiter has no stars in its planets
and CSL of 6 and 12. Ketu is posited in Virgo sign and represents Mercury (12-3,12).
Saturn’s (12-7,8) 3rd aspects to Jupiter and Ketu is there in this natal chart. Mars is aspects
of 4th to Sun (11-2). So, Rahu indicates 2-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-12.


Let us check of chart B.


Ascendant sub lord is Venus, which is same as chart A. So, we take sub-sub lord Saturn.
Saturn (12-7,8) is in the star and sub of its own. Saturn’s 3rd aspects to Ketu (3) and Jupiter
(2-6,9). Ketu is posited in Virgo sign and represents Mercury (12-3,12). Mars (9-5,10) is
aspects of 7th to Jupiter and Ketu. Mars is conjoined with Rahu (9). Mars is aspects of 4th to
Sun (11-2). Jupiter has no stars in its planets and CSL of 4-6-10-12. So, 1st SSL Saturn
signifies 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Here, 1st SSL Saturn is not connected with the Moon, so
she is not struggling of mental illness like her twin sister.

Let us examine 6th CSL is Jupiter, which is the same as chart B. So, we take sub-sub lord
Rahu (9) is in the star of Mercury (12-3,12) and in the sub of its own. Rahu is conjoined with
Mars (9-5,10). Rahu is posited in Jupiter’s (2-6,9) sign Pisces. Mars is aspects of 4th to Sun
(11-2) is there in this birth chart. Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu (3). Ketu is posited in Virgo
sign and represents Mercury. Saturn’s (12-7,8) aspects of 3rd to Jupiter and Ketu is
appeared in this natal chart. Jupiter has no stars in its planets and CSL of 4-6-10-12. So,
Rahu signifies 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Whenever Rahu came as 6th CSL or SSL, the
native’s health resistance is good and Mars conjunction is also good of 5-9 signification.

Let us examine the 9th sub-sub lord Saturn (12-7,8) is in the star and sub of its own. Saturn’s
3rd aspects to Ketu (3) and Jupiter (2-6,9). Ketu is posited in Virgo sign and represents
Mercury (12-3,12). Mars (9-5,10) is aspects of 7th to Jupiter and Ketu. Mars is conjoined
with Rahu (9). Mars is aspects of 4th to Sun (11-2). Jupiter has no stars in its planets and CSL
of 4-6-10-12. So, 1st SSL Saturn signifies 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. The native has a higher
study indicated due to 4-6-9-11 houses and Jupiter, Mercury connection.

At the time of analysis Rahu Dasa is running from 07.10.2022 to 06.10.2040.

Rahu (9) is in the star of Mercury (12-3,12) and in the sub of its own. Rahu is conjoined with
Mars (9-5,10). Rahu is posited in Jupiter’s (2-6,9) sign Pisces. Mars is aspects of 4th to Sun
(11-2) is there in this birth chart. Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu (3). Ketu is posited in Virgo
sign and represents Mercury. Saturn’s (12-7,8) aspects of 3rd to Jupiter and Ketu is
appeared in this natal chart. Jupiter has no stars in its planets and CSL of 4-6-10-12. So,
Rahu signifies 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Now, native of chart A has a temporary relief of
psychological problem and studying Mental disabled school. The native B is studying inter
second year.


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