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First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Punam Chakraborty Mam and S. M.

Mamud Sir, Assistant Professor, Law Discipline, Khulna University, for me such wonderful
assignment on my tour experience.

I, the student of 3rd year students of Law Discipline, Khulna University have our course LJ 3212-
Alternative Dispute Resolution and Legal Aid, where we can explore the practical views of the
procedures followed in ADR and our teacher introduce us about Legal aid.

We are also grateful to our honorable teacher Professor Dr. Md. Waliul Hasanat (Head of Law
Discipline and Dean of Law School, Khulna University), Punam Chakrabarty (Assistant Professor,
Law Discipline, Khulna University), Kazi Murad Hossain (Assistant Professor, Law Discipline,
Khulna University) and Ehshan Mazid Mustafa (Assistant Professor, Law Discipline, Khulna
University) .They traveled with us and provided us with helpful advise the entire time because
they cared so much about our safety. Additionally, we would like to thank all of the law discipline
students that came on the tour. The trip was enjoyable and successful because of everyone's
companionship and support.

Sarada Biswas

Purpose of the Tour

To provide knowledge about ADR mechanism and Legal Aid to the tea worker , informing
the tea worker about legal aid and making known to all that Govt provide legal aid to the
litigant who are incapable of seeking justice due to financial insolvency, destitution ,
helpless and for socio economic condition
To talk with the tea worker and know their legal process how they resolve their dispute.
To practically know about ADR procedure of the aboriginal people of those area .
Making known to all such persons provision of legal aid schemes available from
Government by NALSO.
To know how the tea worker resolve their dispute which arise with their owner of tea
To practically known about the role of village court to the hill man .
To know whether the District legal aid committee can reach to the tea worker and hill man
and local people
Inform them that district legal aid office and NGO gill them legal aid for any need.
To inform them that for resolve any dispute they choice ADR mechanism for low costly
way, win win situation and by this way they easily get access to justice.

Teachers whom we got with us

(1) Professor Dr. Md. Waliul Hasanat

Head, Law Discipline

Khulna University

(2) Punam Chakrabarty

Assistant Professor, Law Discipline, Khulna University

(3) Kazi Murad Hossain

Assistant Professor, Law Discipline, Khulna University

(4) Ehshan Mazid Mustafa

Assistant Professor, Law Discipline, Khulna University

Duration of the trip

Starting time : 27.09.2022 (about 9.30 pm.)

Ending time : 01.10.2022 (about 10.30 am.)

Places we visited

Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI) [Sreemangal, Moulvibazar];

Madhabpur Lake [Kamalganj, Moulvibazar];
Lalakhal Shari River [Jaintiapur, Sylhet];
Sangrampunji Waterfall, Jaflong [Gowainghat, Sylhet];
Hazrat Shah Paran R. Mazar [Sylhet];
Sada Pathor [Bholaganj, Sylhet];
Ratargul Swamp Forest [Gowain River, Gowainghat, Sylhet].


The present report is a compilation of the events, places visited and activities of a 3 days
educational trip to Slhyet, Moulvibazar District organized by the Law Discipline , Khulna
University from 27 th September 2022 to 30 September 2022. We the group of 43 students of 19
and 20 batch visited Sylhet, Sreemongal,Jaflong ,Bholagonj and Ratargul. A sessional tour was
arranged by our law discipline as part of our sessional course titled “Alternative Dispute
Resolutions and Legal Aid”. Sessional tour is always enjoyable. Sessional tour helps us to develop
practical knowledge. It increases the horizon of our mind and broadens our outlook.This tour is
mainly arranged to gain practical knowledge over the core course by proving knowledge about
ADR mechanism and Legal Aid to the tea worker , informing the tea worker about legal aid and
making known to all that govt provide legal aid to the litigant who are incable of seeking justice
due to financial insolvency, destitution , helpless and for socio economic condition.In this tour, we
travelled to Sylhet to explore the natural beauty of tea state, Jaflong, Mayabi falls.

Description of the Tour

The students of second year and third year and our respected teachers(total 48 number) gathered
at Hadi Chatwar of our university campus on September 27th at about 8 pm. Our teachers gave us
some guidelines necessary for the trip. From there, our bus left for our destination nearly at 9:30
pm. One of our teachers with his wife joined us from the Khan Jahan Ali bridge area on the way.

The First Day (28th September, 2022, Wednesday)

We stopped for a short time at the Sampan Highway restaurant in the Kashiani area of Gopalganj
at about 12 o’clock in the night. All of us freshened up and had some snacks. We started our
journey again. Unfortunately, around 1.30 am. for mechanical fault developed in our bus when we
were near the Padma Bridge toll plaza area. The driver and his helpers repaired the vehicle and we
left again for our destination. Disappointing us again, after a while, we reached at Dholaipar,
Shampur, Dhaka, after a long wait, we decided to hire another bus and accordingly we started our
journey at 5 am. As our bus broke down on the way, we needed much more time to reach our

destination. On the way, our bus stopped at e restaurant called Jannat Restaurant and Resort at
about 7.30 am as we can get freshened and have some coffee or tea.

Then we started journey again.We had our breakfast the Sabuj Bangla Highway Restaurant in the
Brahmanbaria area nearly at 9 am. on September 28th.

Then we started for Sreemangal.We entered our first destination, Sreemangal around 11.40 am.
There we stayed at Hotel Cha Luxuries for about 2 hours to freshen up.

We went to a hotel called " Shatkora Restaurant" for lunch with rice, chicken, smashed pulse and
smashed brinjal.

Bangladesh Tea Resource Institute (BTRI) visit:

Bangladesh Tea Research Institute, located in Sreemangal. We reached there within 30

minutes.We visited there and divided into groups and learned about the life and livelihood of the
tea garden workers through various questions to the tea garden workers working there relating to
ADR, knowledge about legal aid and formal court proceeding . One of the them was Nimai. We

had a conversation with him.had a conversation with him.

Fig : Picture at BTRI Fig: Conversation

with teaworker
Observation relating to ADR and Legal Aid at BRTI

Dispute resulation mechanism of the tea worker : Shalish

According to Nimai ,They have a committee name Shalishi committee and this committee solve
this type of problems.They make this committee for the period of 5years.After the expiration of
the time we make another new committee.

No knowledge about free legal aid

We ask Nimai and then Ratan whether they have any knowledge about free legal aid provide by
Govt. They repalied that they have no knowledge. So, we inform them that Govt provide legal
aid for helpless person who are incapable for seeking justice.

Madhavpur Lake

We departed from Srimangal, Bangladesh Tea Research Institute in pursuit of Madhavpur Lake.
In the late afternoon, after taking in the grandeur of Sylhet's numerous rivers and tea plantations,
we arrived in Madhavpur. Through the bus window, we were able to see some of the Lauachhara
reserve forest on the route.

With Punam Mam and Murad Sir Madavpur Lake

Madhabpur Union in Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar District is home to Madhabpur Lake.

Madhavpur Lake is located 5 kilometers from Kamalganj Upazila's administrative center. Tea
Garden Hills were dammed in 1965 to create this lake. Madhavpur Lake, which covers around 50
acres, is 3 km long and, in certain areas, 50 to 300 m wide. Madhavpur Lake is surrounded by
small hills. And there is a beautiful tea garden on the hill. White and blue lotus flowers adorn the
Madhavpur Lake located in Section 11 of the Madhavpur Tea Estate owned by the National Tea
Company. Tourists are allowed to stay at Madhavpur Lake from 8 am to 6 pm keeping in mind the
safety of the tourists and the management of the tea garden. We stayed here until the evening
before departing for Sylhet. At the end of the day, Madhavpur Lake also had the delightful sound
of a flute player, in addition to its wonderful beauty. The first day of our adventure came to an end
at that point. and carry that tune to Sylhet. Road to Amberkhana, destination.

We got to Sylhet just before midnight. For a two-day stay, we reserved 9 rooms at Hotel Jiarat.
We went to Hotel Jolpai for supper, where the menu included vat, alu vorta, dal, and fish curry.
After a long, exhausting day, the quantity was just right.

The Second Day (29th September, 2022, Thursday)

A new day started in a new city. We all woke up early in the morning and got ready for going out.
Carrying the necessary accessories with us, we gathered in front of the hotel at about 7.00 am and
left the hotel for the day.


On the second day of our sessional tour, Lalakhal was the first spot. We were all up early inthe
morning and made preparations for our journey. Almost 2 hours later, we took a break to take
breakfast at Sonar Bangla Restaurant, located on the river side of Saree. Our breakfast menu
included Porata, vegetables, an egg mamlet and tea.. After taking breakfast, we hired four boats
carrying 12 each and started towards Lalakhal on the Saree River. A few minutes later, we saw
many hill tracks and forest besides the river, and some other tourist boats crossed our board. But
the most beautiful thing was the water of Saree River which is neat and clean.Without this, the
natural beauty of the area around the river attracted us, and we enjoyed the moment. By enjoying
the natural view of the Saree river, we reached Lalakhal within one hour.We all spent some
precious moments here and captured some natural beauty in our minds.

Group photo at Lalakhal Group photo at Lalakhal

We returned from Lalakhal to Boat Ghat by boat within 30 minutes and reached the Ghat at 11.30
am and started towards Lalakhal on the Saree River. A few minutes later, we saw many hill tracks
and forest besides the river, and some other tourist boats crossed our board. But the most beautiful
thing was the water of Saree River which is neat and clean.Without this, the natural beauty of the
area around the river attracted us, and we enjoyed the moment. By enjoying the natural view of
the Saree river, we reached Lalakhal within one hour. We all spent some precious moments here
and captured some natural beauty in our minds. We returned from Lalakhal to Boat Ghat by boat
within 30 minutes and reached the Ghat at 11.45 am.After having a little rest we again started for
the second destination of that day.


Second Day’s Second Spot of the seasonal tour was Jaflong. We were all in fresh minds and excited
to start our journey towards Jaflong. Approximately at 12.00 pm, our bus moved forward with
ourselves. When our bus reached near the Jaflong, we started to see some hill tracks beside the
country border. One of them was Jointia Hill water falls, which is the highest water fall.

Jaflong Dawki Border

A few moments later, we reached Jaflong at approximately 1.40 pm and enjoyed the moment
between ourselves. From Jaflong, we saw the Dawki town of Meghalaya in India, which is also
known as Dowki Border. I captured the beauty of Dowki town from afar and tested some local
food in Jaflong. Because most of us were hungry, we went to a restaurant named Porzatak
Restaurant for lunch. We tried some delicious food items in our lunch, such as dry fish mashed,
chicken curry, and beef, including white rice and vegetables.

Sangrampunji Waterfall:

At about 3:30 PM, we started our journey towards Sangrampunji. We had to walk by foot and one
of our junior Faijya got injured while walking on the rocks.We went there by boat and it took 6
boats to take us to our most expected place, we were 8 members on every boat. And finally, we
reached our most wanted spot and that was Sangrampunji, nearly at about 4:15 PM.A football
match took place between two teams made up of ourselves

Photo of Honorable Dean Sir, Ahsan Majid sir with my batchmate and junior

The main draw of Jaflong is the Sangrampunji Waterfall. The Sangrampunji Waterfalls are close
to the Indian border. The trip to Sangrampunji Waterfall from Jaflong Zero Point just takes 20
minutes. The Mayabi Waterfall is another name for Sangrampunji Waterfall. The waterfall is
overflowing with water during the wet season. This makes visiting Mayabi Waterfall during the
rainy season ideal.We travel to see the top of Sangramgpunji Waterfall with the help of BSF
because it is located in India. The waterfall consists of three steps, the third of which contains a
tunnel whose finish is still a mystery.Here, the combination of mountains, waterfalls, and rivers
makes the place attractive to tourists. . And finally, we reached our most wanted spot and that was
Sangrampunji, nearly at about 4:15 PM.A football match took place between two teams made up
of ourselves. We spent almost an hour and a half there.

Hazarat Shah ParanMazar:

In the city of Sylhet, there is a sacred Mazar dedicated to Shah Paran. It was almost 9:30 PM when
we were in front of Shah ParanMazar. We returned to Hotel Ziarat around 10 PM and got freshened
up.We took our dinner at Jolpai Restaurant. And the food was amazing. We had there Vaat,
Aluvorta, Daal, Little Fish,Chicken, and so on

Then we chose to have a little more fun and visited Hazarat Shahjalal Mazar. It was
almost 11:50 PM.

The Third Day (30th September, 2022, Friday)

Slept well that night and woke up around 7 AM and then we all had our breakfast at a Branch of
that Jolpai Restaurant. We had Khichuri, Chicken, Parata, DaalBhaji and of course the tea of
Sylhet. It was the third day of our trip and we started for Bholaganj from Sylhet, around 10:30
AM. From Bholaganj we decided to go to the famous place SadaPathor. There is no direct bus
service available from Sylhet city to Bholaganj. For that reason, we stop our bus journey in Tukur
Bazar hired a few number of boats with the permission from BDR post.


There are white stones throughout the place. It appears as though nature has laid out a white bed.
The center is a clear blue pool. a few tiny and large hills surround it. He looked to be covered with
clouds. Additionally, there is greenery around. Overall, nature is like an amazing paradise. Visitors
from all over the world swarm here to experience this lovely location.

Group photo at Sada Pathor

After having a beautiful time at Sada Pathorwe returned to the Bholaganj around 1 pm. And our
next spot was Ratargul.


Approximately at 3.30 pm, we reached at Ratargul. After that, the honorable Dean sir bought jilapi
for all of us. We took a little lunch with singara and jilapi. Then we went into the forest and waited
for upcoming boat to ride over it and enjoy the Ratargul Swamp forest. We had to manage 10 boats
for all of us. As it was tough to get those boats at the same time, so some of us had to go first then

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the others. But, it was pre- decided that all boats had to wait in a large space and then we all
together by boat would wander inside the forest. And we hired those for 2 hours.

Dispute relating to ADR on the 29th september

A dispute arise at Ratargul

Fact: The boatmen of two boats decided to return to the bank of the Swamp after about ten
minutes. But we already had a two-hour agreement. When we informed them about the agreement,
they flatly rejected it. Ehsan Majid Mustafa Sir, observed this and informed they were instructed
to stay and wait until the other boats arrived. Even they began to argue with the teacher after
refusing to follow his instructions. The others were led to stand by a boatman by the name of
Kaiyum as they argued. After seeing that condition, every student became so angry and one of us
went to made them(boatmen) understood and the Kaiyum, the main protagonist went to hit him by
paddle. After this incident, the situation got worse. At one point, the teacher called to the 999;
which is the number of National Emergency Service. After that, the local police contacted with the
teacher and ensured us not to worry about this apologized for this type of incident in a renowned
tourist spot. Then the police informed that incident to the local forest office. And in the meantime,
a television news channel 71 TV also contacted with the teacher for knowing the incident. Further
that the police informed about that to the local forest office.

Dispute resolve by Negociation

The local forest office along with local authority of the Ratargul trialed those boatmen. Then both
parties with a view to to reaching a face to face discussion for an amicable settlement .First, they
wanted to prohibit them to ride over the swamp for permanent.The petition of our Dean and
teachers , the prohibition was granted for one month. Our teachers told them not to repeat this type
of misconduct. By this, the reputation of any tourist spot becomes spoiled. Then it was decided
that the boatman who are accused they restricted from their job for one month.

Then we departed from Ratargul to Sylhet at 9 pm. Then we took our dinner with beef

biriyani and egg. We arrived our hotel Ziyarat at 10 pm.

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Indoor Recreation: The ultimate tour experience

On the last day of the tour, some indoor recreation was arranged at night. On that day, raffle draw
was arranged among the members And prizes were distributed among the winners of the raffle
draw. We played some game as raffle drawn etc till 11.30 pm. In this time, our another teacher
Md. Mosharaf Hosen along with his wife were present there An interesting game was organized
in the night. The game is primarily a girl's game but boys participate in it with great enthusiasm.
Due to which the entire organization became more lively. The name of the game is "tip on
forehead". After that prizes were also distributed among the winners participating in the game.

That day was the last day of the tour. Then , at 1 am, we departed from Sylhet to Khulna. At 10
am , we arrived our campus after a refreshing sessional tour. However, we carry all the excitement
of the tour with us as memories. Most importantly, our tour learnings were-

1. Mutual respect
2. A spirit of mutual cooperation
3. Had the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful travel destinations in
4. Management skills have increased and so many


This Sylhet was really a enjoyable and refreshing tour for all of us. In the amidst of academic
pressure and many other complexities, we really needed this tour. It gave us the opportunity to
explore the beauty of nature. Besides, we learnt a lot of amazing facts about tea worker, stone
worker and watch their lifestyle. As this tour is part of our ADR and lehal aid course, we witnessed
that, tea worker and the other aboriginals are not aware of their legal aidrights and any legal matter
concerning ADR mechanism, court proceeding, civil proceeding and other legal rights and they
are reluctant to take legal help. The reason behind this may be there are not adequate laws to deal
with their matters specifically.

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