Multi Attribute Models of Jeniper

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Multi attribute Models of Jeniper

We spread questionnaires and conduct a focus group discussion among our potential costumers to identify the evaluative criteria that consumers use when making a syrup/beverages purchase decision. We found 5 most important criteria as a result: Attribute Price Availability Packaging Healthy Taste Weight 18 25 15 27 15 Jeniper 25 12 17 25 21 Nutrisari 19 28 22 12 19 LemonTea 18 29 23 12 18 Sunkist 19 26 24 12 19

Jeniper has the best value on price and healthy attribute. On the consumers perception, healthy and availability is the most important attributes. As a part of the open-ended questions, we noted that the Jeniper is on the other side couldnt last for a long time. So it has the benefit of healthy (doesnt contain preservatives & other benefit of lime), also it has the weakness of short time storage.

Fishbein Extended Model

We spread the questionnaires to 30 people and calculate the Fishbein Extended Model: B1 = w1 [A(act)] + w2 [SN(act)], With w1 = 0.4, and w2 = 0.6 since the weight for availability is important for consumers. And the result is:

Consumer's preference

Jeniper Nutrisari LemonTea Sunkist

Majority of consumers tends to buy Sunkist rather than Jeniper. Related to multi attribute model, Sunkist has the better rank on availability and packaging. Note: The result will be different if we set w1 = w2 = 0.5 ; the tendency to buy Jeniper is the highest among others.

Perceptual Map
Based on the multi attribute model, we chose 2 most important aspect for costumers: healthy and availability.

Sensation & Perception

Below is the process of how sensation and perception are created:

We will use this flow process of sensation and perception as a basis of evaluating Jenipers current brand name & logo, advertising and packaging design.

Evaluating Brand Name & Logo

Evaluating Current Advertising

Measure of Exposure Measure of Attention Measure of Interpretation

Evaluating Packaging Design



3. EGO

The Attitude Forming Of Jenipers Product

An attitude is an overall evaluation that expresses how much we like or dislike an object, issue, person or action. Attitudes are important because: 1. Guide our thoughts (Cognitive function) 2. Influence or feelings (Affective function) 3. Affect our behavior (Conative function) Attitude has 3 components : Affect, Behavior and Cognition (ABC MODELS OF ATTITUDES) emphasizes the interrelationship among Knowing, feeling and doing! AFFECT : refers to the way a consumer feels about an attitude object BEHAVIOR : involves the persons intentions to do something with regard to an attitude object COGNITION : refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object all three are important but depend on a consumers level of motivation with regard to the attitude object

The relative impact of the three components, is developed the concept of a hierarchy of effect Low Involvement Hierarchy:




The low involvement hierarchy is consumer decision making in which very little cognitive activity is involved. It includes those situations in which the consumer simply does not care and is not concerned about brands or choices and makes the decision in the most cognitively miserly manner possible. Most likely, low involvement is situation-based and the degree of importance and involvement may vary with the individual and with the situation.1 The Jeniper Products attitude forming is Low Involvement, because some people has already known about the jeruk nipis or limes advantages. And then they interested to try, then finally they liked Jeniper. The strategy for Low Involvement Hierarchys Product is to make some promotion on Jeniper products. For example, give some discount for frequent buyers or bundling Jeniper with tumbler. It will increase the consumers interest on Jeniper product. accessed in November 11th 2010, 8:41 PM


Attitude Change Multi attribute

From Fishbein Analysis that we had done before it concludes that there are 5 most important criteria that influenced syrup or beverages purchase decision. Those criteria are (sorted in order of importance): 1. Healthy (weigthed with 27) 2. Availability (25) 3. Price (18) 4. Packaging and Taste (both 15) As also resulted from Fishbein Analysis, many consumer strongly associate Jeniper with attribute Healthy and Price. So, in order to gain more sales and bigger pie of beverages market share then Jeniper should make some strategies which able to change consumers attitudes toward Jeniper. The aim of changing consumers attitudes toward Jeniper could be reached by changing the importance or desirability of the attributes. In other words, Jeniper should also underline the Price attribute as an important attribute that consumers should listed when making purchase decision of syrup or beverages. Attitude change strategies can be in three ways, which are: Change the affective component classical conditioning affect towards the ad mere exposure operant conditioning change beliefs shift importance add beliefs change ideal

Change the behavioral component Change the cognitive component

Based on that three ways, then Jeniper could take this alternative strategy of changing consumers attitude by changing the current important attribute, which noted like below: Change consumers hierarchies effect to high involvement Strengthen consumers knowledge for Jeniper after-purchase:

Affective component : mere exposure Cognitive component: change ideal & beliefs

Consumer Loyalty
Consumer Loyalty Strategy Consumer Loyalty Strategy is feeling of commitment to a product, brand, marketer, or outlet that results in high levels of repeat purchases or visits It is so important to keep our customers satisfied because: (1) if they are happy with our product or service, theyre likely to buy it again, select other products offered by us, influence their friends to buy it, too; (2) Cost to keep shopper coming back for additional purchase is lower than to attract new shopper; (3) Key to the long-term relationships that provide benefits to both side (shopper-marketer) Type of Consumer Loyalty 1. Contractual Loyalty: purchase through formal agreement. 2. Transactional Loyalty: loyalty based on price, perception, comfort, etc 3. Functional Loyalty: loyalty based on function of products 4. Emotional Loyalty: loyalty based on emotional experience, individual value, sensitivity, etc Implemented Type of Consumer Loyalty in Jeniper Syrup Transactional Loyalty loyalty based on harga sirup Jeniper yang murah, positive perception about Jeniper Syrup, dan kenikmatan saat mengonsumsi Functional Loyalty loyalty based on Jeniper Syrup function and benefit that can makes consumer get healthy. Emotional Loyalty loyalty based on Jeniper Syrup that confirm with consumer value and experience about lime syrup. Level of Shopper Loyalty

Based on our qualitative survey, customer of Jeniper Syrup are in the stage of Loyalists because they get a different product than the others and in accordance with their expectations so they trust the quality they get from Jeniper product.

Loyalty Program We proposed that Jeniper Syrup focused on maintaining its current loyalty programs because Jeniper Syrup is in growing phase. In that phase, the most crucial thing is Jeniper Syrup should stabilize its own brand. Diversifying more programs will cause Jeniper Syrup losing its focus.

Forms of influence
There are number of ways in which reference persons and groups may influence buying habits of a a consumer. These forms of influence are typically classified into three types: 1. Normative/Utilitarian (related to Reward and Coercive forms of social power) This type of influence derives from the reference person of groups ability to reward or punish the customer. These rewards and punishments may be social in nature, as in the dispensing of social approval and disapproval

2. Value-Expressive/Identification (related to Referent form of social power) This type of influence derives from the customers wish to identify with, or feel similar to, the reference person or group. The customer experiences enhanced self esteem through the acceptance of reference groups values and behaviors. 3. Informational (related to Expert form of social power) This type of influence derives from the reference person or groups possession of special knowledge or information that the customer views as valuable. The customer is influenced because he/she perceives the reference groups opinions and choices as being based on superior knowledge. For Jeniper product we can conclude that form of influence that can be used are Value-Expressive because the experience from of the customer buying Jeniper products should enhanced self esteem through the acceptance of reference groups values and behaviors. Jeniper lovers usually formed a community where they can share their interest of Jeniper syrup and exchange information about benefit and usage of its product.

SWOT Analysis
STRENGTHS Jeniper syrup has high nutritional value and are an excellent source of energy Lime fruit holds significance in every religion, culture and have several myths related to its nutritional, intoxicating and healing abilities. About 10 varieties of limes are cultivated and various forms of syrups can be extracted. Once properly treated and processed Jeniper syrup can be stored and used for a very long period of time, their processed shelf life is very long. Cultivation and growth of lime trees is rather easier and require less care and monitoring, thus standardized syrup can be produced. WEAKNESSES The harvesting season of the lime syrup raw material is very long, within more than 90 days, in heavy rain forecast season. Almost 30% lime in West Java are spoiled due to lack of resources, labor and processing facilities, which can be an excellent input for date syrup.

The channel of Jeniper syrup distribution is weak and quality is deteriorated due to poor handling, sorting and storage facilities. The producer has very poor capital resources to properly process, pack and promote Jeniper syrup in the national and global market. Brand kurang dikenal heueuh

OPPORTUNITIES There is a huge potential of demand for lime syrup. There a numerous unexplored markets where people are unaware of the taste, uses and nutritional value of lime syrup. They can be a potential target market. The national trends are changing towards natural and organic materials rather than synthetic and harmful and toxic added items. Lime syrup has excessive chances of being accepted. Jeniper syrup can be targeted to commercial as well as domestic consumers. It can be packaged and promoted as a highly valuable commodity and as a delicacy. The use of Jeniper syrup can be promoted in the industrial market, where it is cheaper and more cost effective as compared to artificial sweeteners like, Direct consumption Jeniper syrup can be used instead of honey on bread or toast, instead of maple syrup on pancakes, as an ice cream topping, or for sweetening of coffe and tea. Dairy products Yogurt forget frays, daily rice, milk shakes and ice cream can all be sweetend and flavored with Jeniper syrup to give attractive an refreshing products. Jams and marmalades Lime syrup can rep sugar, in part or completly, in jams and marmalades. Baking As a sweetener and flavoring for biscuits, fruit loaves, tart filling and similar products. Sauces and relishes Jeniper syrup blends well with a range of ingredients to give rise to a variety of sauces for snaks and main meals. Soft drinks Excellent sweetening and flavoring effects can be achieved when making drinks with apple, melon, apricot and any other compatible fruit flavors. Confectionary

The syrup can be used as a binder and a sweetener for cereal and fruit bars and as an ingredient instead of invert syrup or treacle for filled chocolate bars and related products. It could replace part of the sugar in toffee and fudge. Energy substitute It can just be packed and stored as it is. Along with warm milk, and Jeniper Syrup in the morning and evening. There is no other energy substitute than the lime syrup in the world. THREATS The Nutrisari lime juice sachet and ice lemon tea sachet are the major threat to the production and quality of lime and thus Jeniper syrup. Lack of technical staff and labor force reduce availability of products derived from Jeniper syrup. There is poor government intervention, and subsidization of capital and technology Due to high political instability there is poor policy framework and laws related to lime processing and export. Lack of knowledge, among growers, processors and seller of the main trends in the national market Low income and low added value in the industry. Low level of added value processing for lack of efficient modern plants and working capital. There is little focus of national competition: prices, installed capacity, subsidies, tariffs, positioning, competitive advantage, logistic costs. No knowledge of specifications and requirements of the export market. There is need for new packaging adoption, new product development, new market focus, insight on equipment for processing

Refocus on investment strategy in terms of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Priorities Areas of intervention Support to the industry Commercial intelligence Matchmaking events Participation to exhibitions

Recommendation Cluster of Emotions

There are 4 clusters of emotion: 1. Destroying Cluster 2. Attention Cluster 3. Recommendation Cluster 4. Advocacy Cluster

1. Destroying Cluster

Stressed Irritated


Destroying Cluster




The consumer that felt some feelings above include to Destroying Cluster. The Destroying Cluster is bad for the company or the product because it will cause unloyal consumers. In addition on Jeniper Product, the consumer could feel Unsatisfied, Disappointed, and Unhappy emotions while they knowing that the availability of Jeniper Product was limited. To clear the gap between consumer feeling and the product quality, the company can give some treatment for the consumers that include in this cluster. For example: free tester, etc.

2. Attention Cluster




Attention Cluster



The consumer that felt some feelings above include to Attention Cluster. The Attention Cluster is good for the company or the product because it is the first step to make a loyal consumer. In addition on Jeniper Product, the consumer could feel interested emotions when they tasting that Jeniper Product is tasty and they interest to buy it. In this situation, the company can give some bonus for the consumers that include in this cluster to make the consumer more interest. For example: free bonus, etc. 3. Recommendation Cluster



Recommend ation

Cared for



The consumer that felt some feelings above include to Recommendation Cluster. The Recommendation Cluster is good for the company or the product because the consumer has already aware and knew more information of the product. In addition

on Jeniper Product, the consumer could feel Safe and Valued emotions when they knew that Jeniper Product was no preservatives and safe for the body. In this situation, the company could give their reward or MUI label and many more attributes to make the consumer trust with the product. 4. Advocacy Cluster The consumer that felt some feelings beside include to Advocacy Cluster. The Advocacy Cluster is great for the company or the product because the consumer has already met their needs in the product, this is that make the consumer loyal to the product. In addition on Jeniper Product, the consumer could feel Happy and Pleased emotions when they knew that Jeniper Product fill their needs. In this situation, the company could give their reward to their loyal consumer. For Example: lottery coupon, etc. Pleased


Advocacy Cluster

CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION: Marcomm: AISAS ATL, BTL design kemasan lebih menarik (sekali minum:karton) REFERENCES

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