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Organization Practice

The boss factor

How you get along with your manager can shape your
health, happiness, and productivity.

© Tom Werner/Getty Images

April 2021
In this episode of The McKinsey Podcast, Diane The greater good of being good
Brady speaks with McKinsey’s Tera Allas about the
Diane Brady: I’m surprised at how high the number
impact that your relationship with your boss has on
is in terms of the dissatisfaction.
satisfaction on the job and in life. An edited version
of their conversation follows.
Tera Allas: There are a lot of very good bosses, and
then there are a lot of very bad bosses. And even the
Diane Brady: Hello, and welcome to The McKinsey
very good bosses don’t necessarily realize that their
Podcast. I’m Diane Brady. Every business wants to do
impact on the people who work with them goes well
well, both in society and, of course, in its bottom line.
beyond the business. The impact [bosses have]
And one of the most important factors, it turns out, is
inside the workplace actually bleeds into a person’s
the boss factor. What is it? Tera Allas, the director of
overall life satisfaction. And there are organizations
research and economics in McKinsey’s UK and
in which you tend to see some concentrations of
Ireland office, is here to tell us. Welcome, Tera.
good and bad bosses.

Tera Allas: Hi, Diane.

For example, if you have good bosses, then
you’re more likely to be a good boss yourself.
Diane Brady: So what is the boss factor?
That’s because you see that as the role model
and recognize that that’s what is expected and
Tera Allas: The boss factor is the fact that bosses
appreciated in your firm. You also personally
have an enormous influence on workers’ well-being
feel the effects of having a nice boss, a boss
through their relationships. And it turns out that
who empathizes with you and cares about you
people’s job satisfaction has an enormous influence
as a person.
on their overall life satisfaction. Things like health
and mental health are obviously important for
Diane Brady: Do you think that the pandemic
whether somebody’s happy in their lives. After that,
has exacerbated the tensions that we have with
the second most important thing is whether they’re
our boss?
happy in their job. And there, the most important
factor is their relationship with their boss. Bosses
Tera Allas: That’s a really interesting question. The
have a huge influence—not just on the financial
evidence to date is mixed. In some ways it depends
performance of businesses but also on the
both on the employee and the boss, and the boss’s
well-being of the workers, and hence, the
style. Before I even get into that, we should
business’s societal impact.
remember that around 60 percent of all people—
in the US and also in most developed economies—
Diane Brady: What prompted you to look at this
can’t actually work remotely.
right now?
So it’s really only the 40 percent who could even,
Tera Allas: We started looking at measures beyond
in theory, work from home—office workers and
shareholder value and GDP [gross domestic product,
knowledge workers. The 60 percent who can’t work
a measure of the economic output of a country] a
from home are people like dentists, or bus drivers,
while back. When you look at those factors, you come
or beauticians, or similar.
across measurements of life satisfaction. And when
you look at the data, you quickly realize that bosses
We shouldn’t leave anyone out of the equation, but
are very important.
just among office workers, there seem to be a lot of
different segments. Certain individuals seem to take
There’s this paradox. On one hand, your relationship
to remote working really well; it improves their well-
with your boss is by far the most important thing
being and their productivity. Others find it a struggle,
in terms of your job satisfaction. But more than
whether for personal reasons or because their
70 percent of people say that spending time with their
environment is not ideal.
boss is the most stressful time of the entire working
week. There is clearly room for improvement here.

2 The boss factor

Certain bosses are very good at maintaining and Perhaps more bosses have realized that, in this
building relationships even when that relationship is pandemic, the only way they’re going to have an
remote, when you can only communicate by phone effective team that still continues to deliver, despite
or by videoconferencing. Other bosses are really enormous pressures from inside and outside of the
bad at maintaining relationships in general, which is business, is by building trust and by putting extra
probably made worse by trying to manage remotely. effort into spending time with people to really
So I don’t think there’s a universal, single experience connect with them. Otherwise, there would be real
that people are having. concerns about burnout and people not being able
to draw boundaries between work and home when
Some recent research that is quite intriguing they’re working from home.
indicates that many people who’ve started to work
from home are finding it somewhat liberating. They Really good bosses listen to all that information
feel that they have a little bit more autonomy. We and change the way they behave, perhaps enabling
know from previous research that autonomy is an a much more independent way of working. You
incredibly important part of feeling satisfied with can’t just tell people to work independently; you
your own job—feeling that you have some say over also have to change processes, such as how you’re
how things get done, when they get done, and that meeting, how you’re communicating, to make that
you’re trusted and empowered to get it done. So I possible. For the boss, that can mean quite a bit of
suspect there will be people who are actually feeling effort. But many bosses who have made those
quite good about their current situation. changes find that it’s worth the investment because
the team is not only happier with how they’re
working but also more effective. And it’s less work
A foundation of trust for the boss if they’re not micromanaging.
Diane Brady: So if your boss is not quite as powerful
Diane Brady: When I hear the term “servant leader,”
in your life as before, that would make you happier?
it strikes me that the qualities that propel one to be a
leader are not necessarily the qualities that make for
Tera Allas: I think it’s not necessarily about how
a good boss.
powerful they are but also what their attitude is.
Obviously, for a remote-working relationship to work
Tera Allas: That’s exactly right. The research that we
well, there needs to be trust. The employee needs to
looked at suggests that the characteristics that tend
do the work.

‘There’s a lot of research suggesting that

celebrating really small steps is critical
to people reaching big goals. I think it is
an important way of buoying and
enhancing well-being.’

The boss factor 3

to get you promoted are not necessarily the kind of Why not thank them? First of all, I am thankful.
characteristics that might go with being a good Second of all, it costs me absolutely nothing. Third, it
servant leader. Now, of course, there’s a middle way. makes that person feel better. There’s a lot of
And there are people who have both. But generally research suggesting that celebrating really small
speaking, people who tend to get promoted are steps is critical to people reaching big goals. I think it
quite self-centered and very focused on their is an important way of buoying and enhancing well-
individual performance. They are also very good at being, satisfaction, and happiness in the team.
articulating their own point of view and, therefore,
perhaps not what servant leaders really do. Servant To do these things well, to do them from the heart
leaders provide a platform for their employees to rather than from just the head, requires that the
provide their best work—really praising them and leader have some self-knowledge as well. They
supporting them, rather than elevating themselves. recognize the importance of that emotional
Now, there are organizations which are starting to connection with their workers.
really look at those promotion and cultural issues
to make sure that it is the servant leaders that get That’s not easy for everyone. I think managers and
promoted. But those organizations are still few and leaders can do a lot of things just in terms of building
far between. their self-awareness, whether it’s signing up with a
coach, taking some time for reflection, or asking for
feedback. All those things will help them in their role
How to be a better boss as a leader. It might make them a bit more humble,
and therefore allow them to better observe what
Diane Brady: What can one do to be a better boss?
impact they have on the people around them.
Tera Allas: The first thing is just caring—caring
about your employees, asking them how they’re
doing, and actually wanting to know what they say.
The influence of bosses cuts
Then engaging with them on that level. And if they’re
across borders
feeling terrible, trying to understand why. Diane Brady: Did you notice any particular
differences in terms of demographics or
It’s a bit like being a parent. There isn’t the right geographic differences?
or wrong way to respond. But you do want to be
nonjudgmental and empathetic to understand Tera Allas: Once you correct for basic features like
what’s going on with that person, and how you might income levels and so on, there are surprisingly few
be able to help or how, together, you might be able differences—whether it is between different ages,
to solve that problem. different geographies, or different genders. To me,
this speaks to the universality of the boss factor.
That is enormously important for building trust and
building this concept of psychological safety— In some ways, it doesn’t surprise me. The world is
where people feel safe to be innovative, to raise ultimately made up of people, and people ultimately
issues when the business is not going great, to come thrive on relationships. That’s really important for
up with new ideas, to be change-ready. Empathy is how they feel about themselves and how well they’re
really critical. The other thing that I’ve practiced then able to perform. And so, in some ways, you
myself is just thanking people for everything all the would expect this to be the case across all kinds
time. Even if it’s something quite small that they did, of businesses.
they deserve thanks for it—even if it’s something
that’s part of their job.

4 The boss factor

‘It’s a bit like being a parent. There
isn’t the right or wrong way to respond.
But you do want to be nonjudgmental
and empathetic to understand what’s
going on.’

Where we did see some differences was by sector. Diane Brady: I’m intrigued by how this ties back
I talked earlier on about this idea that the more to success.
autonomous people feel and the more trusted they
feel to get on with their work, the more empowered Tera Allas: There’s now a lot of research showing
and happier they are not only in their jobs but also in that happier employees are more productive, more
their lives. engaged, and more loyal. They generate better
customer loyalty and are less likely to leave. All of
There are many sectors—particularly professional these positive feedback loops mean that it’s a win–
services and creative industries—where people can win. And then looking at the data, it was just so stark,
have those kinds of roles. But there are also quite a this impact that the bosses have: that the vast
few sectors where people do not feel that they can majority of somebody’s job satisfaction is really
do their jobs autonomously, where the culture is a about how they perceive their relationship with their
little bit more top-down command and control. I boss. You would think that it could be things like pay
suspect that if we were able to dig deeper into that, or how exciting or interesting or important their job
we would find that, even in those sectors, there’s is. But actually, the biggest impact is from their
some businesses that are able to bring much more relationship with their boss, even if what they’re
of that kind of autonomy to bear. doing is a pretty mundane job.

It doesn’t really take much. Even if you’re, say, in a So that got us thinking that there’s something
manufacturing setting, one of the things you can do missing in the ESG [environmental, social, and
is have a five-minute meeting at the beginning of governance] debate. People are looking outside.
every shift to say, “How is everybody? Do you have They’re looking to how you can help the community,
any ideas about how we could improve what we’re or how you can help your supply chains, or how you
doing today?” can reduce your environmental footprint. But the
truth is that by looking inside, and looking at the
Obviously, you can always start doing that once often thousands of people that large companies
you’ve already built some trust with your workers, employ, you could actually make a huge contribution
but if you create that culture and environment of to society by just making sure that those people are
soliciting ideas bottom-up, and giving people a better off from a well-being perspective, that they’re
sense that they own a lot of what happens in the more satisfied with their lives because they’re more
team and in the factory or in the workplace that satisfied with their jobs.
you’re talking about, then you can do it in pretty
much any sector.

The boss factor 5

Promote people on values— I would say there are two different approaches, and
and performance you may want to do both in parallel. The first one, of
course, is that there are many training courses and
Diane Brady: Should this alter how we think about
coaches that can help you with that kind of
promoting people?
unfreezing of how you think about yourself in the
workplace, and how you think about your success,
Tera Allas: Definitely. Promotion and other kinds of
and how you think about the value you create. An
recognition send a powerful signal to everybody
enormous amount of value that you can create is by
who works at an organization. It’s a powerful way of
just being really nice to the people you work with
essentially changing behaviors. If you don’t change
because that makes their lives better. And what is
who you promote, then you might be saying with your
more important than making people’s lives better?
words that you would like your organization to be an
And as a bottom-line impact, as a bonus, you’ll also
inclusive one that looks after the well-being of
get better performance from the team. So there’s
employees. But if that’s not backed up by actual
that kind of unfreezing, opening up, maybe by using
actions when it comes to other promoting people—if
coaching or training or, in some cases, even things
you promote people who are superstars in terms of
like meditation or self-exploration.
delivering, say, customer accounts and sales but
who actually treat their people badly—then you’re
sending a very conflicting signal.
Fake it until you feel it
Actions speak louder than words. You have But the other thing I have found is that, in some
to change how you praise and promote people, cases, just fake it till you make it. So, with something
how you appraise them. When everybody has like thanking everybody, I would basically challenge
their performance reviews, what gets looked at everyone to ask, “Do you really not want to thank
and emphasized? them?” I think everybody could find one or two
things to thank everybody on their team about every
You also need the bosses at the very top—the day in a way that is sincere. The beauty of the fake-
executive cadre—in their day-to-day experience it-till-you-make-it approach is that, when you start
with the people who they work with, to be showing seeing the positive effects that it has on people and
and exhibiting these traits. Then the people who are their energy levels and their joy at work, you want to
looking up to the role models at the top of the do more of it. Then suddenly it’s not faking anymore.
organization can recognize that this is important, You’re actually just doing it because you want to do it,
that they mean it when they say it. because you can see and feel the benefits yourself.
So I think every leader and every boss will perhaps
Diane Brady: What is the advice you have for want to take their own approach to this.
leaders to get to a place where they can even start
to be better bosses? Think about what makes you feel safe, or in a place of
psychological safety, so you feel able to take those
Tera Allas: That’s an incredibly important question, steps. And then think also about what are some of
and even though it sounds easy, it’s not necessarily the really small things you could start doing today
easy. And part of that is because an awful lot of us that can build up to a workplace where people feel
haven’t gotten used to, or haven’t been taught to, appreciated, and they feel trusted, and they feel that
bring our emotions and our whole self to work. And their boss is in their corner.
if you’ve done something that’s made you fairly
successful, that has excluded that [emotional] Diane Brady: Do you see a different kind of role for
dimension of you, then relearning and reopening the boss going forward?
up to that dimension takes a bit of time.

6 The boss factor

Tera Allas: I think COVID-19, and automation, and better? Since we seem to be unhappy according to
the future of work, all of these are pressures that are the research that you’ve done, how can we basically
piling up on top of existing pressures. And in that make this situation more palatable?
sense, I see the importance of the role of the boss
growing. So, yes, there’s going to be more change Tera Allas: Not everybody’s unhappy, but there’s
in the workplace. definitely room for improvement in most cases, in
most organizations, and in most teams. It’s kind of
That change is going to need to be handled by the same thing in some ways but in reverse. It’s all
bosses who are sensitive to how they can support about relationships. And how you build a good
their workers to move into a different set of tasks or relationship with your employees is pretty much the
learn a new set of skills. Also, more and more of the same as how you would build a good relationship
jobs that we’re going to see humans do in the future, with your boss: accepting that they’re human.
as opposed to machines—that can do lots of Understanding that they will occasionally be
calculations and lots of automated tasks really well— stressed out. Recognizing and empathizing with the
are going to increasingly involve working with other pressures they’re under. And building that kind of
humans, for example, in the customer interface or in trust-based communication that allows you to
the healthcare sector or public sector. The boss of understand what’s going on with them, and perhaps
the future will need to have excellent emotional invites them to ask what’s going on with you.
intelligence to be able to not just command and
control a team but actually support them to do what If you want to be empowered and you want to be
they, as the frontline workers, know is the best thing given a role that’s autonomous, then you do need to
to do for any particular customer or any particular show that you can be trusted. You need to be
patient, say, in a hospital. reliable. You need to do what you promised you
would do and create a mutual recognition—and that,
I think that’s going to be a bit of a revelation for I think, would be a win–win, both for the boss and
certain types of leaders or managers, who’ve maybe the employee.
grown up in a slightly more command-and-control
environment. Once they move into a situation where Diane Brady: Very good advice. Thank you very
they’re managing large groups of people—and not much for joining us, Tera.
just people in a technocratic way but people in a
people occupation—there will be many aspects that Tera Allas: Thank you, Diane. My pleasure.
will come through, which will reinforce the things
that we suggest around psychological safety, trust, Diane Brady: And thank you, all of you, who have
and building those relationships, and really just tuned in. To read more about the boss factor, please
helping people to have meaningful jobs that they see, “The boss factor: Making the world a better
look forward to coming to. place through workplace relationships,” by Tera
Allas and Bill Schaninger, on That
Diane Brady: We’ve talked a lot about the boss was Tera Allas, who is the director of research and
and what they can do to be better. How can we, as economics in McKinsey’s UK and Ireland office. I’m
individual team members, help our bosses be Diane Brady. Thanks for listening.

Tera Allas is director of research and economics in McKinsey’s London office. Diane Brady is a senior editor based in the
New York office.

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The boss factor 7

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