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LIMITATIONS Compassionate

Low Self-esteem

Stage Fright



Good Grades



2. What are your realizations after
completing the roots and branches?
How will you share these unique
strengths/characteristics to inspire
other people?
- After completing the roots and
branches which consists of my strengths
and limitations, I realized that despite
of me having limitations there are still
strengths that I can use to achieve
things my own way. Because we all
know that each one of us has different
Awards won for specific Subjects strengths and weaknesses, and it is up
to us and our own ways to be successful
people someday. I can share my unique
strengths/characteristics through
sharing it using different social media
platforms. As we all know that people
tend to always surf the net and conquer
different social media platforms to
share and inspire other people, and for
me, that is will be my way to share my
characteristics hoping that it would
inspire other people too.
3. How can your strengths and limitations
help you deal with others better?
1. How are you going to use the “Me” tree - I can use my strengths and limitations
in this time of COVID-19 Pandemic? by first letting people know the things
- Since amidst this pandemic, we that I cannot excel from and let them
experienced lots of negative situations help me or guide me if they want to and
in which we are incapable to do the when they use it against me, then I
things we normally do. Despite having know that they are the kind of person in
restrictions and protocols that are which they will abuse the weakness of
needed to be observed all the time. I other people and I will walk away from
realized that whenever I am inside the them. But if they are kind enough to
comfort of my home, I need to reflect help me work on those things, then I
on myself often than usual by using the know that they will be my good friends.
“Me” tree. By doing this, I can work on I will then let them know my strengths
improving my strengths and overcome and by that I can help them and share
my weaknesses. I can also engage on thoughts and ideas that could possibly
activities that may contribute in helping help us be the kind of person we want
me achieving the growth that can help ourselves to be.
me in the near future.

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