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Reading List Stream

Episode 16 (Am I DR?)

YouthInASIA Neo Reactionary both asked for a reading list in the live chat


Thorstein Veblen (1904) Theory of Business Enterprise (partly read); Machine Process

E. M. Forester (1909) The Machine Stops (read)

Aldous Huxley (1932) Brave New World (read)

C. S. Lewis (1943) Abolition of Man (read)

Jacques Ellul (1954) On Technique (not read) familiar with key ideas

Ivan Illich:

(1971) Deschooling society (read)

(1973) Tools for Conviviality (not read)

(2005) Rivers North of the Future (only read snippets)

Jean Baudrillard (1981) Simulacra and Simulation (read)

Joseph Tainter (1988): The Collapse of Complex Societies (not read)

James Howard Kunstler: The Long Emergency (2005); Too Much Magic (2012); Living in the Long
Emergency (2020)

Life before the Simulation

Selections from the Western Canon

The Bible (read)

Great Epic Poems of the West (read)

Homer: Iliad and Odyssey (read)

Virgil: Aeneid (read)

Dante: The Divine Comedy (read)

Milton: Paradise Lost (read)

Great 19th century Novelists

Herman Melville: Moby Dick, Bartlbey the Scrivener; Billy Budd (all read)

Poe: Collected poems


Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment; The Idiot; Demons; Brothers Karamazov (all read)

Tolstoy: War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Resurrection (all read); short stories

Turgenev: Fathers and Sons (read)

Dickens: Oliver Twist; Christmas Carol (read)


Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colona and Antigone; the Oedipus Cycle. (all read)

Shakespeare: history plays; tragedies; comedies. (read all of the history and tragedies; only read The
Comedy of Errors, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing);
Romances (Two Noble Kinsmen; The Tempest, Pericles, Prince of Tyre.)


Plato: The Republic and The Laws. (only read parts of the Republic)

Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics and The Politics (read all). The former is an preface for the latter.

Machiavelli: The Prince, Discourses on Livy, Art of War, Florentine Histories (read all)

English Literature

Beowulf (read)

Mallory Death of Arthur (read)

Shakespeare (see above)

Milton (see above)

Dicken's (see above)

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