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Name __________________________

Seventh Grade Math, First Semester

Assignment Three
(Work to be submitted) 31


COMPARE, ORDER AND ROUND. (1 point each)

1. Order 5.505, 5.55, 0.555, 5.005 from greatest to least.

5.55, 5.505,5.005, 0.555

2. Fill in the blanks to make this sentence true.

The greater than symbols looks like this ____________, and the less than symbol looks
like this ____________.

3. Round 9.17302 to the nearest thousandths, tenths, and nearest unit.

Thousandths ____________ 9.2
tenths ___________ 9
unit ____________

4. Give two different decimals that round to 5.24 when rounding to the nearest hundredths.
________________ 5.244
ESTIMATE problems 5-8 by choosing a method that works best. You must show your work.
(2 points each)

5. 90.1 + 91.2 + 89.8 6. 32.4907 – 4.02

90+90+90= i estimates to around 32-4907=i estimate to around 28

7. 90.97 ÷ 8.6 8. 87.4 x 26.67

90÷9=i estimate to around 10 87×27=i estimate around 2349
MULTIPLY. Watch your decimal placement. (1 point each)
9. 16 x 0.2 10. 0.03 x 0.263
3.2 0,00789


DRAG RACING. The table below has a list of drag racing cars’ times. Look over the table and
answer the following questions. (1 point each)

Name of Car Time in seconds

Silver Streak 6.002
Blue Lightning 6.023
Blink 6.302
Fast and Furious 6.020

Silver streak
11. Which car had the fastest time? __________________________________
There was no tie
12. Did any cars tie? ________________________
13. Which car had the slowest time? _______________________________
14. Why do you think they have to time these cars to 3 decimal places?
to avoid thinking that they all finished at the same time

CURRENCY EXCHANGE. The following table lists the currency available for every one US Dollar.
Look over the table and answer the following questions.

Name of Currency Amount per $1 US

Australian Dollar 1.8399
British Pound 0.6399
German Mark 2.2594
Japanese Yen 120.11

15. Round each currency to the nearest tenth. (1 point each)

Australian Dollar ___________ 2.3
British Pound ____________
German Mark _____________ 120.1
Japanese Yen ____________
16. If you had $20 US, estimate how many Yen and Pounds you would have. Show your work.
(1 point each)

Yen ________________ Pounds _____________________

17. Julie figures that she will need at least 540 Marks to get the items she wants when visiting Germany.
Give an estimating example of how Julie could guarantee herself of having at least 540 Marks. Show
and explain your example below. (3 points)

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